Friday 25 August 2023

Oh, What A Wonderful Thing Vatican II And The Novus Ordo Was !!!

This Article is a Re-Post from 2020.

In all of Ireland’s twenty-six Dioceses, there is to be just one Priestly Ordination of a Diocesan Priest, this year (2020).

Before Vatican II, there would have been ninety or more Ordinations of Diocesan Priests in a typical year.

The Church in Ireland is in a pretty poor state.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, Zephyrinus. At least, one hopes George Bernanos’ saying (also attributed to American poet Ralph Waldo Emerson; mis-attributed to Martin Luther) will come true: “When it gets really dark, one can see the stars.”

    (By the way, Zephyrinus, I noticed PayPal still has your old blueyonder email address. And also I don’t think you’re getting emails at your new email address. Well. Since it is getting much like Cromwellian times, I will get back to working on my “priest hole” and resort to old-fashioned snail mail.—Dante in The Colonies)
