Thursday 10 August 2023

Saint Laurence. Martyr. Feast Day 10 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Laurence.
   Feast Day 10 August.

Double of The Second-Class
   with a Simple Octave.

Red Vestments.

[Editor: Please note: There are two accepted spellings of the Saint’s name: Lawrence and Laurence.]

Saint Laurence before Emperor Valerianus.
Artist: Fra Angelico.
Date: Circa 1447.
Source/Photographer: The Yorck Project:
10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei.
DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202.
Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Basilica of Saint Laurence-without-the-Walls, Rome, where the remains of the glorious Deacon are preserved, is the fifth Patriarchal Church in Rome.

With Saint John Lateran, Saint Peter’s, Saint Mary Major, and Saint Paul-without-the-Walls, it is one of the five Major Basilicas where the Pope, alone, says Mass at The High Altar in order to show that his jurisdiction extends over all the Churches in the World which are under the Patriarchates of Rome, Jerusalem, Alexandria, Antioch, and Constantinople.

The following Text on “The Papal Basilicas” is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

The four Major Basilicas, and The Minor Basilica of Saint Laurence-outside-the-Walls, all of which are in Rome, were formerly known as “Patriarchal Basilicas”, along with a few other Churches outside of Rome.

Upon relinquishing the Title of “Patriarch of The West”, in 2006, Pope Benedict XVI officially re-named the “Patriarchal Basilicas” as “Papal Basilicas”.

The five Basilicas in Rome, formerly styled “Patriarchal Basilicas”, were previously assigned to, and associated with, the five ancient Patriarchates of The Latin Church, or The Pentarchy:

Saint John Lateran was associated with Rome (Patriarch of The West);

Saint Peter’s was associated with Constantinople (Latin Patriarch of Constantinople);

Saint Paul’s-without-the-Walls was associated with Alexandria (Latin Patriarch of Alexandria);

Saint Mary Major was associated with Antioch (Latin Patriarch of Antioch);

Saint Laurence-without-the-Walls was associated with Jerusalem (Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem).

Saint Laurence.

Here is held:

The Station on Septuagesima Sunday;

The Station on The Third Sunday in Lent;

The Station on The Wednesday after Easter;

The Station on The Thursday after Pentecost.

Rome possesses seven other Churches Dedicated to Saint Laurence:

Among which:

Saint Laurence-in-Paneperna, where the Saint was Martyred and where they hold The Station on The Thursday of The First Week in Lent;

Saint Laurence-in-Lucina, where part of his grid-iron is kept, and where is held The Station on The Friday of The Third Week in Lent;

Saint Laurence-in-Damaso, where is held The Station on The Tuesday of The Fourth Week in Lent.

The Church invites us, today, to Celebrate in this Sanctuary, The Praises of God (Introit, Offertory) to Whom this Saint bore glorious witness by his Martyrdom.

Saint Laurence was the first of The Seven Deacons attached to the Service of The Roman Church. His duty was to assist the Roman Pontiff when Celebrating The Holy Mysteries, to distribute The Eucharist to The Faithful, and to administer the revenues of The Church, which he distributed among The Poor (Introit, Gradual).

Arrested by The Prefect of Rome, in 258 A.D., and called upon to deliver his riches to him, he showed him a crowd of poor people, saying: “These are the real treasures of The Church, by the inestimable gift of their Faith, and because they convert our alms into imperishable treasures for us.”

He was laid on a grid-iron, under which were placed half-lighted coals, so as to prolong his tortures and make his death more painful.

“Flames were not able to conquer The Charity of Christ: And the fire, that burned without, was weaker than that which, within, kindled in the heart of the Martyr.” [Saint Leo. Sixth Lesson at Matins on 10 August].

Indeed, he said to his tormentors: “You may now turn my body over; it is roasted enough on that side.” And, later on: “My flesh is now roasted, you can eat of it.” [Antiphon of The Magnificat of Second Vespers].

He died in 258 A.D. His name is mentioned in The Canon of The Mass, among The Roman Martyrs (First List).

Let us always recite, as a Thanksgiving, The Collect of this day, placed by The Church after The Canticle of The Three Youths in The Furnace.

She makes us beseech God to extinguish in us the ardour of our passions, as He granted to Saint Laurence, who was tested by fire and found pure (Gradual), to triumph over the flames of his cruel Martyrdom (Collect).

Every Parish Priest Celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.

Mass: Conféssio et pulchritúdo.

Saint Laurence.
Available on YouTube at

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