Thursday 17 August 2023

The Octave Day Of Saint Laurence. Taken From The Roman Breviary. First Vespers. 17 August.

Text from The Roman Breviary.
Translated out of Latin into English by
John, Marquess of Bute, K.T.
   Volume II.

Feast Days in August.

Octave Day of Saint Laurence.

17 August.


All as on the Festival, except the following, and that the Verse at Prime and the last Verse of every Hymn, except at Vespers and Mattins, is altered in honour of The Incarnation.

First Vespers.

These, as regards Saint Laurence, begin with The Chapter.

Prayer throughout The Office.

Stir up in Thy Church, O Lord, the spirit in which the Blessed Levite Laurence served Thee, that we being filled therewith, may be ever fain to love what he loved, and to do what he taught.

Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Same Holy Spirit, one God, World without end.


A Commemoration is made of Saint Hyacinth, and then of The Assumption.

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