Friday 22 September 2023

Ember Friday In September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Ember Friday in September.
In 2023, it is Celebrated on 22 September.

Station at The Twelve Apostles.

Violet Vestments.

Iona Abbey,

As on the other Ember Fridays during the year, The Station is held at the Church of The Holy Apostles, in Rome.

The Epistle reminds us of the words of the Prophet, Osee, to Israel: "Be Converted to The Lord thy God, since thy iniquity has caused thee to fall." And Osee announces that The Almighty, seeing the spirit of Prayer and Penance of the Israelites, will heal their bruises and turn away His anger from them.

Basilica of The Twelve Apostles,
Rome, Italy.
Photo: 20 July 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: SteO153.
(Wikimedia Commons)

A fine harvest of olives, wheat, and wine; that is to say, the riches of The Autumnal Season, consecrated to God by The September Ember Days; Blessings from on high are thus promised symbolically to The Chosen People.

What God did for repentant Israel, The Saviour did for Mary Magdalen, who, says the Gospel, "was pardoned many sins because she had loved much" (Gospel). And The Church Ordains her Priests during these days of Penance, so that they may repeat throughout the Centuries their Master's example, and pardon those who repent.

Mass: Laetétur cor.
Second Collect: A cunctis.
Third Collect: At the option of the Priest.
Common Preface.



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