Wednesday 20 September 2023

Saint Eustace And His Companions. Martyrs. Feast Day 20 September.

English: The Conversion of Saint Eustace.
German: Die Bekehrung des heiligen Eustachius .
Artist: Joseph Binder.
Date: 1849.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text from “The Liturgical Year”.
   By: Abbot Guéranger, O.S.B.
   Volume 14.
   Time After Pentecost.
   Book V.

The twentieth of September marks one of the saddest events in history.

At the height of her power, in the glorious days of Pepin and Charlemagne, the eldest daughter of The Church had crowned her mother; and The Church, in the person of her Head, reigned in reality, as well as by Right, until, a thousand years later, Satan took advantage of the fallen state of France to despoil Peter of the patrimony which ensured his independence. The Holy Cross is still shedding its rays upon us !!!

Today, a group of Martyrs, and this time a whole family; father, mother, and sons, take up their position around the standard of salvation. While the antiquity of their cultus in both East and West rests on the best authority, the details of their life are extremely vague. 

English: The Altar, in Saint Eustace Chapel, in Hunting Lodge Ohrada, near Hluboká nad Vltavou, Czech Republic.
Čeština: Oltář kaple sv. Eustacha na Loveckém zámku Ohrada nedaleko Hluboké nad Vltavou
Photo: 6 August 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Jitka Erbenová (cheva)
(Wikimedia Commons)

Could Placid the Tribune, whose exploits are recorded by Josephus in his “Wars of The Jews”, be the same as the Eustace we are celebrating, today ?

Does the genealogy of our Saint connect him with the “Octavia” family, from which Augustus Cæsar sprang ? Again, are we to recognise as his direct descendant the noble Tertullus, who confided to Saint Benedict his son, Placid, the favourite child of the holy Patriarch, and the Proto-Martyr of The Benedictine Order ?

Subiaco long possessed the mountain designated by ancient tradition as the site of the apparition of the mysterious Stag; Tertullus may have bequeathed it to the Monastery, as his son’s patrimony.

English: Church of Saint Eustace, La Mouille, France.
Français: Église Saint-Eustache de La Mouille, France.
Photo: 17 July 2014.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

But we have not space enough to do more than record the fact that these questions have been raised.

There could hardly be a more touching legend that that of our Martyrs:

Eustace, otherwise called Placid, was a Roman, illustrious for his birth, wealth, and military renown, so that, under the Emperor, Trajan, he became General of the Army.

Once, while hunting, he was chasing a Stag of remarkable size, which suddenly halted, and showed him between its horns a large and bright image of Christ Our Lord hanging upon The Cross, and inviting him to make everlasting life the object of his pursuit.

Thereupon, together with his wife, Theopista, and his two little sons, Agapitus and Theopistus, he entered the ranks of the Christian warfare.

Soon afterwards, he returned to the place of the vision, in obedience to the command of Our Lord, from Whom he there heard how much he was to suffer for God’s glory.

Church of Saint Andrew and Saint Eustachius (Eustace), Woodbridge, Suffolk, England.
Photo: 26 August 2014.
Author: Bikeboy
(Wikimedia Commons)

He underwent, with wonderful patience, such incredible losses that in a short time he was reduced to the utmost need, and was obliged to retire privately.

On the way, he had the unhappiness to see, first, his wife, and then his two sons, taken from him. Overwhelmed by all these misfortunes, he lived for a long time unknown in a distant Country, as a farm bailiff; until, at length, a voice from Heaven comforted him; and soon afterwards, a fresh occasion of War arising, Emperor Trajan had him sought out and again placed at the head of the Army.

During the expedition, he unexpectedly found his wife and children again. He returned to Rome in triumph amidst universal congratulations; but was soon commanded to offer sacrifice to the false gods in thanksgiving for his victory.

Church of Saint Eustace, Ibberton, Dorset, England.
Photo: 19 June 2019.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

On his firm refusal, every art was tried to make him renounce the Faith of Christ, but in vain. He was then, with his wife and sons, thrown to the Lions. But the beasts showed nothing but gentleness; whereupon, the Emperor, in a rage, commanded the Martyrs to be shut up in a brazen Bull, heated by a fire underneath it.

There, singing the praises of God, they consummated their sacrifice, and took their flight to eternal happiness on the twelfth of the kalends of October.

Their bodies were found intact, and reverently buried by The Faithful, but were afterwards translated with honour to a Church erected to their names.

Saint Eustachius (Eustace) Church, 
Tavistock, Devon, England.
Photo: 24 September 2019.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Our trials are light compared with yours, O Blessed Martyrs !!! Obtain for us the Grace not to betray the confidence of Our Lord, when He calls us to suffer for Him in this World.

It is thus we must win the glory of Heaven. How can we triumph with The God of Armies, unless we have marched under His Standard ? Now, that Standard is The Cross.

The Church knows it, and, therefore, she is not troubled even by the greatest calamities. She knows, too, that her Spouse is watching over her, even when He seems to sleep; and she looks to the protection of such of her sons as are already glorified.

English: Church of Saint Eustace, Quebec, Canada.
Français: Église de Saint-Eustache, Québec, Canada.
Photo: 4 September 2011.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

And yet, O Martyrs, for how many years has the sorrowful shadow of a sacrilegious invasion hung over the day of your triumph !!!

Rome honoured you with so much love !!!

Take vengeance on the audacity of Hell, and deliver The Holy City !!!

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