Wednesday 20 September 2023

The Vigil Of Saint Matthew. Apostle And Evangelist. 20 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

The Vigil Of Saint Matthew.
   Apostle And Evangelist.
   20 September.


Violet Vestments.

English: The Inspiration of Saint Matthew.
Français: L'Inspiration de saint Matthieu.
Date: 1602.
Current location: Contarelli Chapel,
Church of San Luigi dei Francesi, Rome.
(Wikimedia Commons)

In order to honour the high dignity of The Apostles (Secret), The Church prepares us for their Feasts by a Vigil. She therefore Commemorates on this day Saint Matthew by special Collects and by The Last Gospel of The Mass in which Saint Luke relates the call of this Apostle.

A Galilean by birth, his name before his conversion was Levi; he was a publican. This profession was that of a collector of The Roman Taxes and was very odious to the Jews, who were thus reminded of their dependence.

Generally harsh and greedy, the publican was considered by the Pharisees to be the type of the sinner. Wherefore, The Church shows us Jesus as the healer of Souls, whom He calls to Penance (Gospel).

Mass: Ego autem.

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