Thursday 16 November 2023

Saint Edmund Of Abingdon. Whose Feast Day Is, Today, 16 November.

Saint Edmund Of Abingdon. 
   Feast Day 16 November.

S. Edmunde Abendoniæ. 
Also known as Saint Edmund of Canterbury.

Text and Illustrations from

From the “Miniature Lives Of The Saints For Every Day In The Year”, Henry Sebastian Bowden, 1836-1919. 

“It was said of S. Edmund that ‘in his mouth was never aught save peace, purity, and piety, and that in his heart was naught save Christ alone.’ 

These graces were due to the training of his pious mother, Mabel Rich, who instilled into his young Soul a marvellous love of purity and of The Blessed Mother of God. 

He left his home at Abingdon, a boy of twelve years old, to study at Oxford, and there protected himself against many grievous temptations by a vow of chastity, and by espousing himself to Mary for life. 

Wholly given to the contemplation of Divine Things, he was yet soon called to active public life, and as treasurer of the Diocese of Salisbury showed such charity to the poor that the Dean said he was rather the treasure than the treasurer of their Church.

In 1234, he was raised to the See of Canterbury, where, notwithstanding his gentle and retiring disposition, he fearlessly defended the rights of Church and State against the avarice and greed of King Henry III. 

Finding himself, after a fierce contest, unable to force that Monarch to relinquish the livings which he kept vacant for the benefit of the Royal Coffers, Saint Edmund retired into exile, sooner than appear to connive at so foul a wrong. 

After two years spent in solitude and Prayer, he went to his reward, and the Miracles wrought at his tomb at Pontigny, France, were so numerous that he was Canonised in 1246, within four years of his death.”

Saint Edmund has Propers for use in England, for the Mass they are found here, Proper chants for S Edmund.

For the Divine Office, we have a proper Magnificat / Benedictus Antiphon, Versicle, Response, and Prayer. 

All the Rest is from the Common of Confessor Bishops.

From The Day Hours Of The Church, Stanbrook Abbey, Burnes and Oates 1935 ed.

℣. Nobis in hoc exsílio, sancte Pater Edmúnde.

℟. Cæléstis pátriæ amórem, quæsumus, infúnde.

Ant. Diléxit justítiam et odívit iniquitátem, proptérea móritur in exsílio.


Deus, qui largifluæ bonitátis consílio Ecclésiam tuam beáti Edmúndi, Confessóris tui atque Pontíficis, præcláræ vitæ méritis decorásti, et gloriósis lætificásti miráculis: concéde propítius nobis fámulis tuis; ut et ipsíus in mélius reformémur exémplis, et ab ómnibus ejus patrocínio protegámur advérsis. 

Per Dóminum.

℣. Holy Father Edmund, in this exile of ours.

℟. Pour into us we beseech thee, the love of our heavenly home.

Ant. He loved justice and hated iniquity, wherefore he dies in exile.


O God, Who by the counsel of Thine abundant goodness hast adorned The Church with the merits of the excellent life of Blessed Edmund, Thy Confessor and Bishop, and hast gladdened it with his glorious Miracles; grant in mercy to us Thy servants, that we may both be turned to better ways by his example and protected from all adversity by his patronage. 

Through our Lord.

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