Wednesday 6 December 2023

Live Transmission Of The Divine Sung Holy Mass For The Feast Of The Immaculate Conception. Sainte Messe De La Fête De L'Immaculée Conception. On Friday, 8 December 2023.

The Divine Sung Holy Mass
For The Feast Of The Immaculate Conception.
Sainte Messe De La Fête De L'Immaculée Conception.

Last year’s Mass was shown on YouTube

This year’s Mass will be shown on YouTube

A Live Transmission of the Divine Sung Holy Mass
for the Feast Of The Immaculate Conception
is available on Friday, 8 December 2023,
from The Church of Saint-Eugène - Sainte Cécile, Paris,
1900 hrs Paris (Central European Time) (CET)
1800 hrs London (Greenwich Mean Time) (GMT)
1300 hrs New York (Eastern Standard Time) (EST)
1200 hrs Chicago (Central Standard Time) (CST).


  1. Thank you, Zephyrinus, for the link. This will be a wonderful remedy, albeit “taped,” in place of the temporary, watered-down substitute liturgy to which we are generally subjected.

    The Great feast of the Immaculate Conception, wonderful! -Note by Dante P

    1. Most grateful, Dante P, for your welcome Comment.

      Indeed, what a magnificent Feast Day we all have, today: The Feast of The Immaculate Conception.

      Happy Feast to all Readers !!!
