Tuesday 23 January 2024

“In Festo Desponsationis Beatæ Mariæ Virginæ”. “The Espousal Of The Blessed Virgin Mary To Saint Joseph”. Feast Day 23 January.

“In Festo Desponsationis”.
“The Espousal Of The Blessed Virgin Mary To Saint Joseph”.
Feast Day 23 January.
Illustration: Zephyrinus's “Missale Romanum”, dated 1861.
Mass: “Salve, Sancta Parens”.
Commemoration: Saint Joseph.
Commemoration: Saint Emerentiana.
Credo: Is said.
Preface: Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
“et te in Desponsatione”.

English: The Virgin at Prayer.
Français : La Vierge en prière.
Description and location: Jungfrun i bön (1640-1650),
Source/Photographer: Web Gallery of Art
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Joseph,
husband of The Blessed Virgin Mary
and Foster-Father of The Infant.
Illustration: THE FEDERALIST

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia,
unless stated otherwise.

“The Espousal of The Blessed Virgin Mary”, or, “Marriage of The Virgin Mary”, is a Feast that is Celebrated in certain parts of The Roman Catholic Church among certain Congregations, such as The Oblates of Saint Joseph.

The Feast was removed from many Local Calendars by The Sacred Congregation of Rites. It was formerly generally observed on 23 January.

English: The Blessed Virgin Mary marries Saint Joseph.
Deutsch: Bleiglasfenster in der Stiftskirche Saint-Quiriace in Provins, einer Gemeinde im Département Seine-et-Marne
(Île-de-France), Darstellung: Geschichte des Joseph, untere Szene rechts: Heirat Josephs und Marias.
Photo: 4 June 2011.
Source: Own work.
Author: GFreihalter
(Wikimedia Commons)

The first definite knowledge of a Feast, “In Honour Of The Espousal of Mary”, dates from 29 August 1517, when, “with nine other Masses In Honour Of Mary”, it was granted by Pope Leo X to The Nuns of The Annunciation, Founded by Saint Jeanne de Valois.

In certain particular Churches, “The Espousals Of The Virgin Mary And Saint Joseph” are honoured with an Office on 23 January. The Oblates of Saint Joseph Celebrate 23 January as The Feast Day of “The Holy Spouses, Mary And Joseph”.

Gaspar Bertoni, Founder of The Stigmatines, chose Mary and Joseph, in the context of their “Espousals”, as Patrons of The Congregation of The Sacred Stigmata.

An Article on The Mass for The Espousal of The Blessed Virgin Mary with Saint Joseph can be found on the Web-Site at THE BRIGHTON ORATORY


  1. Thank you, Zephyrinus, for the fine background on the liturgical commemoration of the Espousal of Our Lady. The removal from the calendar certainly reflects the “Creeping Calvinism” that had long established itself in the traditional Catholic Church.

    I was reflecting on extraordinary comments of Mrs Von Hildebrand:

    “The problem that ushered in the present crisis was not The Traditional Mass. The problem was that Priests who offered it had already lost the sense of the supernatural and the transcendent.

    “They rushed through the Prayers, they mumbled and didn’t enunciate them. That is a sign that they had brought to The Mass their growing Secularism. The Ancient Mass does not abide irreverence, and that was why so many Priests were just as happy to see it go.”

    What preceded and precipitated the vast secularization of Vatican II and the subsequent years after clearly was a massive loss of Faith by the clergy starting in the 1950’s—and likely before. Perhaps it was a shock of the massive loss of life and World War II. Perhaps it was just the rapid developments in science and technology, which, along with atheist communism, seemed to “crowd out” Faith. But there is no doubt that that is preceded by a great “shaking out”— Many others have said that many priests and bishops in the 50’s were simply “going through the motions” and didn’t seem to believe in what they were doing.

    Now, a smaller and leaner traditional Catholic Church. Going back to basics, like your blog reminds us, teaches us what we have lost, and “where the wrong turns occurred.” —Note by Dante P

    1. Thank you, Dante P, for your in-depth, very relevant, and most interesting, Comment.

      “By their actions shall they be known”. This encapsulates, perfectly, what has happened in recent living-memory to The Church.

      Your accurate summation indicates clearly how the powers of darkness have infiltrated The Church. As has been said, before: “The smoke of Satan has entered the Sanctuary”.

      We, of course, carry on. We Pray without ceasing. We remember Christ’s words: “The Gates of Hell will not prevail against it [The Church]”.

      And: “I am with you until the end of the World”.
