Wednesday 10 January 2024

The Fifth Day Within The Octave Of The Epiphany. 10 January.

The Magi.
Stained-Glass Window.
Date: 1896.
Photo: 10 February 2019.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Fifth Day
Within The Octave Of The Epiphany.
10 January.

Text from “The Liturgical Year”.
   By: Abbot GuĂ©ranger, O.S.B.
      Volume 3.
      Book II.

The Magi have reached Bethlehem; the humble dwelling of the King of the Jews has been thrown open to them; there, says Saint Matthew, “they found The Child with His Mother”. Falling down, they adore the Divine King they have so fervently sought after, and for Whom the whole Earth has been longing.

Here we have the commencement of the Christian Church. In this humble stable, we have The Son of God Made Man, presiding as Head over His mystical body; Mary is present, as The Co-operatrix in the World’s Salvation, and as The Mother of Divine Grace; Juda is represented by this Holy Queen and Her Spouse, Saint Joseph.

The Gentiles are adoring, in the persons of the Magi, whose faith is perfect now that they have seen The Child. It is not a Prophet that they are honouring, nor is it to an Earthly King that they open their treasures; He, before Whom they prostrate in adoration is their God.

“See, I Pray you”, says Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, “and attentively consider how keen is the eye of faith. It recognises The Son of God, whether feeding at his Mother’s breast, or hanging on The Cross, or dying in the midst of suffering; for the Good Thief recognises Him on The Cross, and the Magi recognise Him in the stable; He, in spite of the nails which fasten Him, and they, in spite of the clouts [Editor: clothing] which swathe Him”.

So that all is consummated, Bethlehem [Editor: House of Bread] is not merely the birthplace of Our Redeemer; it is the cradle of The Church. Well did the Prophet say of it: “And thou, Bethlehem, art not the least among the Princes of Juda”.

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