Sunday 7 January 2024

Zephyrinus Mansion Has New Servants’ Quarters. Perkins (Chauffeur) And Jeeves (Butler) Are Pleased.

Illustration: PINTEREST


  1. But will their new diggings have enough space for their cricket equipment collection? —Note by Dante P

    1. A most interesting use of the word “diggings”, Dante P. Zephyrinus has only ever previously come across that useage in the Sherlock Holmes novels (is that where you came across it ?). Doctor John Watson uses this term more than once, for example.

      One believes that it was a normal Victorian useage and has, subsequently, been moderated to become the modern-day useage of “digs”, e.g., to have found some very good “digs” to be accommodated in.

      Reference Perkins' and Jeeves' cricket equipment, there is ample space for all their gear. Plus, of course, sundry accumulations of spirits, wine, beer, etc. This ample space was designed to pre-empt any objections to their new “diggings”. This has proved successful. However, Zephyrinus has now had to instal further security devices on the Brandy Cupboard, the Wine Cellar, and the Beer Storage area.

  2. Zephyrinus is correct as always, “diggings“ is a reference back to the beloved Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and the words of the equally beloved allegedly fictional Dr. Watson.

    And Zephyrinus is quite wise to add additional Security to the “spirits cabinet”—No doubt, regularly being accessed by poor suffering Jeeves & Perkins, seeking a “medicinals” to ward off the chill of winter. — Note by Dante P
