Friday 9 February 2024

Lent Is On Its Way. Let Us Make It A Meaningful Time This Year. Pray And Go To Confession. Pray And Go To . . .

Illustration and Text: RORATE CAELI

Lent starts pretty soon. We're running out of time to prepare.

In the past, you could find a Traditional Lenten Mission at many Parishes. Now, unless you are near a Traditional Parish, they are nearly extinct -- or worthless.

Fortunately, we are not meant to live in the past, we are meant to live in the now. And, now, we have the Internet. And there is an abundance of good on the Internet, along with the bad.

As we do every year, we bring to your attention this wonderful, Traditional, Five-Part Lenten Mission by the holy and learned Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea. While it is not short, it does go by very quickly, and is easy to follow and understand. It's clear, concise and bold.

As the Season nears, you would do well to listen to this, to Pray on it, and to use it to prepare for a fruitful Lent -- and be ready for it to change you for the better.

Click on each of the five themes of the Mission: 

On Hell * 


  1. Indeed, Lent starts very soon: And I like the "cartoon" illustration, especially the lady in the background flipping an egg omelette! Indeed, the "go-to" breakfast (or lunch; or dinner) during fast days! "Spot on." - Note by Dante Peregrinus

    1. Most grateful, Dante P, for your welcome Comment.

      The illustration, above, certainly concentrates the mind, when contemplating the forthcoming Lenten Season.

      Such a Blessing from Mother Church; Such an opportunity to “put things in order”; Such a time to understand what it is all about.

      And, for those folks who think the Lenten Season is “too arduous” . . . you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs !!!
