Monday 5 February 2024

New Series Of 16th-Century Music From France And Flanders.

Text and Illustration: LATIN MASS SOCIETY

New series of 16th-Century music from France and Flanders.

The Latin Mass Society (LMS) and its Southwell Consort are delighted to announce a new series of polyphonic Masses taking place at Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane. 

 These Monday evening Masses will feature music by Franco-Flemish composers from the 16th-Century. 

 From January 2024 to April 2024, the Southwell Consort, under the direction of Dominic Bevan and invited conductors, will perform a series of eight polyphonic Masses showcasing works by composers such as Lassus, Gombert, Rogier, 
Clemens non Papa, and others.

Highlights will include Lassus’ “Missa Bel Amfitrit” 
on Easter Monday and de la Rue’s “Missa Ave Maria” 
on the Feast of The Annunciation.

Live-Stream, today, at 1830 hrs.

The next Mass will be Celebrated 
for the Feast of Saint Agatha, 
Monday, 5 February 2024, 1830 hrs. 

A Live-Stream can be accessed HERE.

The Traditional Latin Mass provides the original
Liturgical context for which this music was composed.

The Southwell Consort was established in 2021 as a 
polyphonic Choir to accompany the Traditional Liturgy 
and includes professional and amateur singers.

You can download the programme here.

Please support the series by giving to the

Monday Evening Masses at Maiden Lane.

sing on alternate Monday evenings at Corpus Christi, 
Maiden Lane, London WC2E 2NB. 

 The Southwell Consort sings a wide range of 
polyphonic settings, whilst the Houghton Consort 
is dedicated to singing Gregorian Chant. 

 The Masses take place at 6.30 pm 
and can be seen on livesteam here 
(see, YouTube, below):

Live-Stream Masses from Corpus Christi, 
Maiden Lane, London.
Available on YouTube

Those interested in singing with either consort 
should E-Mail Dominic Bevan

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