Thursday 21 March 2024

Thursday In Passion Week. The Lenten Station Is At The Church Of Saint Apollinaris And At The Church Of Saint Mary-The-New.

Peterborough Cathedral.
© Chel @ Sweetbriar Dreams

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Thursday in Passion Week.

Station at Saint Apollinaris's and at Saint Mary-the-New (also called Saint Frances of Rome).

Indulgence of 10 Years and 10 Quarantines.

Violet Vestments.

English: The Church of Saint Apollinaris.
Italiano: Roma Chiesa di S Apollinare.
Photo: November 2012.
User: MGA73bot2
Source: Own work.
Author: Gobbler
(Wikimedia Commons)

The old Lenten Station was at the Church built towards 780 A.D., by Pope Adrian I, on the ruins of an ancient temple, in honour of the Holy Martyr, Apollinaris, the Disciple of Saint Peter and Archbishop of Ravenna. A second Lenten Station was added in 1934.

The second Lenten Station, added by Pope Pius XI in 1934, is at Saint Mary-the-New (Santa Maria Nuova), also known as Santa Francesca Romana. Santa Francesca Romana is situated next to the Roman Forum.

English: Church of Saint Mary-the-New
(Santa Francesca Romana), Rome.
Italiano: Chiesa di Santa Francesca Romana
nei pressi del Foro RomanoRoma.
Photo: February 2008.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

By Apostolic Letters, dated 5 March 1934, and published on
15 October 1935, the Churches of Santa Agatha and Saint Mary-the-New (Santa Maria Nuova) (also called Santa Francesca Romana) were raised to the Title of Lenten Stational Churches.

The same Ceremonies are performed, and the same Indulgences may be gained there, respectively, as Santa Pudentiana, on The Third Tuesday in Lent, and Sant'Apollinare, on Passion Thursday.

These two new Stational Churches (Santa Agatha and Saint Mary-the-New (Santa Maria Nuova)) (also called Santa Francesca Romana) are not on the published Map of Lenten Stational Churches in The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.

English: View from The Palatine Hill showing
the Basilica of Saint Mary-the-New (Santa Francesca Romana), the Arch of Titus and the Colosseum.
Česky: Pohled z vrchu Palatin směrem na Forum Romanumbaziliku Svaté Františky Římské,
Photo: April 2011.
Source: Own work.
Author: Karelj
(Wikimedia Commons)

In The Mass of The Day, Daniel recalls the humiliation of the people of Israel, who were delivered to their enemies “on account of their sins” (Introit and Epistle). The Church also mourns over the bad Christians and the heathen, slaves of Satan and of their passions.

With Azarias, she asks the Lord “that all those who ill-treat His servants may be confounded, for it is with a contrite and humble heart that they return to God” (Epistle). She hopes that, faithful to His ancient and solemn oath, He will multiply His people like the stars in the firmament and the sand on the shore (Epistle).

She already sees with joy the Paschal Night, when, in the Baptismal Font, numerous children are going to be born to her. She excites the Penitents to true repentance and hope by relating the conversion of Magdalen the sinner, who throws herself at the feet of Jesus, shedding tears of repentance, whilst the Jews, represented by Simon the Pharisee, remain unmoved.

English: Saint Apollinaris's Church, Rome.
Italiano: Roma, Sant'Apollinare.
Photo: February 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Lalupa
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Gospel relates to the second year of the Public Ministry of Jesus, Who was received in Naim, in the house of Simon the Pharisee. Several Fathers of The Latin Church think that the poor sinner was Mary of Magdala, called, for that reason, Magdalen, who was identified as the sister of Lazarus and Martha.

Forming part of the People of God through Baptism, we should humbly, like Magdalen, weep for our sins and generously expiate them. Let us therefore purify our bodies and Souls by mortification and Penance, for it is “by Abstinence that we must heal our wounds made by intemperance” (Collect).

Mass: Omnia, quæ fecisti.
Preface: Of The Holy Cross.

English: Pope Gregory XIII (1572 - 1585) granted 
the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare to The Jesuits in 1574.
He is best known for commissioning, and being the 
namesake for, the Gregorian Calendar, which remains
the internationally-accepted Civil Calendar.
Portrait by Lavinia Fontana (1552 - 1614).
Español: Gregorio XIII.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Sant'Apollinare alle Terme is a Titular Church in Rome, Dedicated to Saint Apollinaris of Ravenna, the first Bishop of Ravenna. It is the Station Church for The Thursday in Passion Week in Lent.

The Church was Founded in the Early-Middle Ages, probably in the 7th-Century A.D. It is first mentioned, in the Liber Pontificalis, under Pope Hadrian I, using spolia from the ruins of an Imperial Building. The first Priests, who served the Church, were probably Eastern Basilian Monks, who had fled from persecution during the iconoclast period.

The Church is Listed, in The Catalogue of Turin, as a Papal Chapel, with eight Clerics. In 1574, it was granted to the Jesuits by Pope Gregory XIII, and it was used as the Church of the next-door Collegium Germanicum in the Palazzo di Sant'Apollinare (now owned by the Roman Seminary), which was later united with the Hungarian College to form the Collegium Germanicum et Hungaricum.

This remained a Jesuit institution until the Suppression of the Jesuits in 1773, when this Church passed to the Lazarists.

Pope Pius XI (1922 - 1939).
Who, in 1934, raised Santa Francesca Romana
to the Title of Lenten Stational Church.
Photo: 1930.
Source: Pope Pius XI.
Author: Politisch Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin, 1932.
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: The Church of Saint Francesca Romana, Rome.
Italiano: Chiesa di Santa Francesca Romana, vista dall'area archeologica del Foro Romano, presso l'arco di Tito.
Photo: May 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: MM
(Wikimedia Commons)

In the Late-17th-Century, the Church of Saint Apollinaris was in a poor state of repair. Its rebuilding was considered over a long period, but wasn't carried out, probably due to lack of funds. Despite this, in 1702, a Chapel was re-decorated and Dedicated to Saint Francis Xavier, and a statue of the Saint commissioned from Pierre Le Gros, who carved the Marble with extraordinary virtuosity (the statue was preserved when the Church was eventually rebuilt, some forty years later, and is still in situ).

In 1742, Pope Benedict XIV commissioned Ferdinando Fuga to rebuild Saint Apollinaris's. Fuga added a new façade in the Late-16th-Century-Style, with Baroque elements. It has two Storeys, with Ionic Columns in the Lower Storey and Corinthian Columns in the Upper Storey.

The Lower Level has a Central Doorway, flanked by windows. Above the door, is a triangular Tympanum. On the Upper Level, is a large central window with a Balcony, and two smaller windows to the sides. The façade is crowned by a Double Tympanum. Fuga also reconstructed the Dome. The Church was re-Dedicated in 1748.

Francesco Antonio Zaccaria, writer and archæologist, who died in 1795, was buried in the Chapel of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. In 1990, the Church was granted to Opus Dei, and is now part of their Pontifical Institute of Saint Apollinaris.

In the same year, the notorious gangster Enrico De Pedis, boss of the so-called Banda della Magliana, was buried in the Church's Crypt, by authorisation of Cardinal Ugo Poletti. The unusual interment has been linked to the case of Emanuela Orlandi's kidnapping and the tomb was opened for investigation in 2012.

Pope Benedict XIV.
Artist: Pierre Subleyras (1699 - 1749).
Current location: Palace of Versailles, Paris.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Pope Benedict XIV (1740 - 1758) commissioned Ferdinando Fuga to rebuild the Church of Saint Apollinaris in 1742. When Elected Pope, in 1740, the Conclave that Elected him had lasted for six months, He is reported to have said to the Cardinals: “If you wish to Elect a Saint, choose Gotti; a Statesman, Aldrovandi; an honest man, me”.

The Church has a single Nave. Along the side are Pilasters with Corinthian Capitals holding the Arches to the Side Chapels. In the Barrel-Vaulted Ceiling, is a fresco of the Glory of Saint Apollinaris, by Stefano Pozzi.

The High Altar was made on the orders of Pope Benedict XIV, with stucco decorations by Bernardino Ludovisi and an Early-17th-Century Altarpiece depicting Saint Apollinaris’ Consecration as Bishop of Ravenna. The Crypt contains Relics.

The elliptical Chapel of Graces, which is outside the Church proper, is accessed through a doorway on the Left. It contains a 1494 fresco of The Virgin, Queen of Apostles, which survived the Sack of Rome, because the Priests covered it with lime. It was then rediscovered in 1645, when two boys and a Soldier took refuge in the Church during an earthquake. A Marble Frame with Golden Stucco Cherubs was added by Peter Anton von Verschaffelt.

1 comment:

  1. Herewith, a most welcome Comment from our Pilgrim currently visiting Rome.

    Perhaps this is the most curious Lenten Station—because it is actually two basilicas. First, Sant’Apollilnare (“alle Terme” – at the Neronian Baths, a site long gone, is an easily overlooked basilica 2 Roman blocks north, or 170 m from the Piazza Navona, and not far from the Tiber. The church is relatively recent in Roman Stational church terms: The present church really reflects the reconstruction of Fernando Fuga (1699-1782) between 1742 and 1748. The architectural historians tell us the façade is an inspired blend of Baroque and Neoclassical architectures. Fuga had just finished the impressive façade of Santa Maria Maggiore (1741-1743) and had designed much of the Quirinal Palace so this façade is one of his master works.

    The interior has “clean” lines compared to the highly ornamented Baroque interiors we see in Sant’ Apostoli or Quattro Coronati; however its barrel-vault ceiling has a beautiful oval fresco by Stefano Pozzi (1699-1768), “The Glory of St. Apollinaris.” Pozzi had worked on one of the chapels at Santa Maria Maggiore and also a painting in today’s twin second Stational church, Santa Francesca Romana (“Blessed Bernadino Tolomei among the Plague-Stricken”). The second church, Santa Francesca Romana, also known as Santa Maria Nuova, is literally in the renowned Roman Forum, partly on the ruins of the Temple of Venus and Roma and is only a hundred feet or so from the Arch of Titus. The site of Santa Francesca Romana according to tradition is where S. Peter fell on his knees and prayed to defeat the occult powers of the magician Simon Magus, a necromancer who was able to levitate publicly to demonstrate his preternatural powers. According to one legend, Simon Magus flew a Roman galley into the Coliseum before 50,000 awed spectators to demonstrate his magic capabilities.

    The first basilica-sized church on the site, named Santa Maria Nuova, was constructed about the 900s AD, and later enlarged with a monastery complex in the 1200s for the Benedictine “Olivetan” order. The trecento bell tower was added at this time. However, much like Sant’Apollinaire, major construction rebuilt the church in the Baroque era, when the limestone façade was added according to plans by Carlo Lombardi (1559-1620).

    When the Roman pilgrim enters the basilica of Santa Francesca Romana, immediately one notes the very ancient schola cantorum in the centre of the church, much like San Clemente, for the choir’s antiphonal singing of the Mass and Divine Office. A bit further beyond this, there is a majestic “confessio” below the high altar designed by the master sculptor and architect, Gian Lorenzo Bernini dating from 1638-1649. However, it may be a bit of a shock to those not familiar with Italian churches and saints’ relics, because in the darkened interior of the church, the skeleton of the mystic and visionary Santa Francesca Romana (“S. Frances of Rome”, 1384-1440) is displayed in a glass coffin, dressed in her oblate robe, under the altar with a bright light shining on it (when her body was first exhumed for the canonisation process, it was incorrupt; but subsequent exposure to the elements reduced it to the present skeletal state). This Roman visitor didn’t mind too much but other tourists gasp a bit when they descend the stairs and suddenly see the relics brightly illuminated.

    The message of the Mass for Thursday of Passion Week is appropriate to the life of S. Frances of Rome and to these final days before Holy Week: penitence and sorrow for sins. (Daniel 3:25, 33-40 & Luke 7:36-50). The Introit: (Dan. 3:31): Omnia, quæ fecísti nobis, Dómine, in vero iudício fecísti: quia peccávimus tibi, et mandátis tuis non obedívimus: sed da glóriam nómini tuo, et fac nobíscum secúndum multitúdinem misericórdiæ tuæ. “All that You have done to us, O Lord, You have done in true judgement: because we have sinned against You, and have not obeyed Your commandments: but give glory to Your Name, and deal with us according to the multitude of Your mercy.”
