Sunday 17 March 2024

Zephyrinus Spends Time In The Highlands Of Scotland. Travels Overnight From King's Cross Railway Station On “The Night Scotsman”.

“The Night Scotsman”.
Artist: Robert Bartlett.
Illustration and Text: 

One of the most visually beautiful of the Railway Posters, this Poster from 1932 emphasises the speed and comfort by which one can board a Train in London and arrive in Scotland the following morning, after a good night’s sleep.

The Locomotive powers into the night landscape, while the bright lights in the footplate area illuminate the skill of the driver and fireman.


  1. Indeed, what elegant and imaginative artistry seen in this railway poster. It does exactly what it is intended to do---make one want to buy a ticket and hop aboard. - Note by Dante P

    1. Thank you, Dante P, for your welcome Comment.
