Friday 3 May 2024

Fr. John Hunwicke R.I.P.


Fr. John Hunwicke (R.I.P.).
Text and Illustration: NEW LITURGICAL MOVEMENT

By: Gregory Dipippo.

“I am very saddened to report (via the Facebook page of the Oxford Oratory) that the great Fr. John Hunwicke died on Tuesday, 20 April 2024, after a long battle with pancreatic cancer.

“As many readers know, he was a Priest of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham; his blog, Fr Hunwicke’s Mutual Enrichment, has long been an incomparably valuable repository of wisdom, wit and erudition, and we have very often highlighted his articles here on NLM over the years.

“Many of his Posts have been devoted to the defence of the authentic Liturgical Tradition of The Roman Rite, and the exposure of the scholarly impostures that underpinned its would-be replacement”.

Deus, qui inter apostolicos sacerdotes famulum tuum Joannem sacerdotali fecisti dignitate vigere: praesta quaesumus: ut eorum quoque perpetuo aggregetur consortio.

Per Christum, Dominum nostrum.


God, Who, among the apostolic Priests, made Thy servant John to flourish with Priestly dignity; grant, we beseech Thee: that he may also be joined unto their perpetual society.

Through Christ our Lord. 



  1. Thank you, Dom Zephyrinus, for this acknowledgment of the passing and our common loss of the earthly presence of the extraordinary Fr. Hunwicke. Like so many serious scholars and dedicated priests, Fr. Hunwicke contributed so much both on liturgical blog, and also through reposts of his contributions at Gregory DePippo’s “New Liturgical”

    A clear and steady light in a dark wood, like Zephyrinus’ blog and Mr DePippo’s and others, in the thick darkness. Requiem aeternam, dona eis, Domine. -Note by Dante P

    1. Thank you, Dante P, for your most charitable and effusively warm Comments about dear Fr. John Hunwicke (R.I.P.).

      Fr. Hunwicke remains a great encouragement to us all, in maintaining a steady course upon following the True Faith.

      Requiescat In Pace.
