Wednesday 8 May 2024

Shower of Roses.


Shower of Roses.

St. Thérèse of Lisieux is one of the most beloved Saints of 
our age, on account of her approachable path to holiness.

As she was dying of tuberculosis, she is reported 
to have declared: “After my death, I will let fall a shower 
of Roses.” This image has come to epitomise the power of 
her heavenly intercession.

Many previous paintings of Thérèse in glory have depicted 
her selectively dropping her floral favours one by one.

In their fresh take on the subject, George and Polly wished instead to communicate the exuberant superabundance of grace available to those who follow Thérèse’s “Little Way” of heroic love, childlike devotion, and patient suffering.

Illustration: GORETTI FINE ART


  1. A wonderful and beautifully imaginative illustration of the spiritual intercession and graces granted through S. Therese of Lisieux: thank you Zephyrinus!

    It seems to this observer that now traditional Catholic art, what with the iconoclastic and caustic 1960’s receding into well-deserved oblivion, is at last unabashedly returning to our florid and warmly devotional inheritance. “Bring on the showers of roses, Little Therese.” our cold world needs them badly. Note by Dante P

  2. A most apposite and welcome Comment from Dante P.

    Thank you.

    Dear Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, send us more of your most beautiful Roses.

    The World needs them, urgently.

    Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, Pray for us.
