Monday 6 May 2024

“The Church in Cornwall: A Rogation Day Procession”. Artist: William Holt Yates Titcomb (1858-1930).


“The Church in Cornwall: A Rogation Day Procession”.
A Rogation Day Procession through Saint Ives, Cornwall, 
led by Father Bernard Walke, then Curate of Saint Ives.
Artist: William Holt Yates Titcomb (1858-1930).
Date: 1906.
Illustration: PENLEE HOUSE

The Late-Fr. John Hunwicke (R.I.P.) referred to the above Artist and painting on his Blog FR. HUNWICKE’S MUTUAL ENRICHMENT

Please note: Fr. Hunwicke Posted this Article prior to his recent death.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Zephyrinus, and Requiem aeternam, Fr. Hunwicke, for this beautiful artistic rendering and reminder of the importance of these Rogation days of prayer and penance before Ascension Thursday. -note by Dante P.
