Saturday 25 May 2024

The Magnificent New Antependium Made By The Sisters Of Carmel.

Magnificent New Antependium Made By 
The Sisters Of Carmel.

The Web-Site of The Sisters of Carmel 
can be found HERE


  1. Indeed: A beautiful focus of worship. “The supper of the Lamb.” (Rev. 19:9). Also, as a very erudite Dominican sister once advised me, it dovetails nicely with the symbol of the Roman Missal, which is placed closed on the altar in the traditional Latin liturgy, because it can only be opened by “The Lamb”, the Alter Christus.

    Does Zephyrinus know who are the two female saints are on the left and the right on the antependium? Thank you, Dante Peregrinus.

    1. Thank you, Dante Peregrinus, for your most interesting Comment.

      The Dominicans, God Bless them, are a wonderful gift of The Holy Ghost. Such attention to Liturgy and The Truth; a great Blessing to The Church.

      Reference your most interesting question about the two female Saints on the Antependium, I am assured by Perkins that he knows a bloke down the Pub who, almost certainly, will know the answer: I await his return with trepidation.

      Meanwhile, Zephyrinus has sent a missive off to 221b, Baker Street, where a very good friend of Zephyrinus resides. Upon the return from such an eminent address in London, Dante Peregrinus will be advised.
