Saturday 15 June 2024

Saint Vitus. Saint Modestus. Saint Crescentia. Martyrs. Feast Day 15 June.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Vitus. Saint Modestus. Saint Crescentia.
   Feast Day 15 June.


Red Vestments.

Martyrdom of Saint Vitus, Saint Modestus, and 
Saint Crescentia, from a 14th-Century Manuscript.
Author: Richard de Montbaston.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Vitus, also called Guy, belonged to an illustrious Sicilian family. His father, learning that he had been Baptised, delivered him to the Judge, Valerian, to be scourged, but he was struck blind.

The Prayers of the Saint obtained his recovery, but did not convert him. Saint Vitus was then saved from his father's cruelty by Saint Modestus, his tutor, and by Saint Crescentia, his nurse, who took him to another part of the country.

There, his Holiness became so famous that Emperor Diocletian had recourse to him to deliver his son, who was tormented by the devil. Guy healed him (Gospel). But, the ungrateful Diocletian, having failed to induce the Saint to Worship the false gods, caused him to be arrested with Saint Modestus and Saint Crescentia.

They were plunged into a cauldron of molten lead and flaming resin and were then quartered. After having tested them like Gold in the furnace (Epistle), God delivered the from all these sufferings (Introit) and rejoiced them by giving them a place at The Heavenly Banquet (Gradual). They died in 303 A.D.

Saint Vitus is one of The Fourteen Auxiliary Saints.

Let us have recourse to Saint Guy (Vitus), to be preserved from the bite of the mad dogs and from the sad disease which bears his name [Editor: Saint Vitus' Dance]. He will obtain for us great docility towards The Holy Ghost, in order that we do good in all Liberty, Humility, and Charity (Collect).

Mass (In Paschaltide): Sancti tui.
Mass (Out of Paschaltide): Multæ tribulationes.

English: Church of Saint Vitus, Libědice, Czech Republic.
Čeština: Kostel sv. Víta (Libědice), Libědice.
Photo: 8 September 2013.
Source: Own work.
Author: Pavel Kinšt
(Wikimedia Commons)

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