Tuesday 1 October 2024

Liturgical Worship (Part Three).

All Illustrations previously published on Zephyrinus’ Blog.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

These Priests are the official intermediaries between Heaven and Earth. By means of the Liturgy, we unite ourselves with the sacerdotal Prayer of The Church, and, together with her, day by day, in the same Rites, the same formulas, even by the same Chant, render to Our Lord a Worship worthy of The Most High.

In the Missal do we mostly find these Prayers of The Church, hence it is an indispensable book for officially, infallibly, and collectively, rendering to The Most Holy Trinity, through Jesus and His Church, that plenitude of glory due to God.

Holy Mass is thus the chief act of Catholic Worship. It is also its central function, as the Altar is the central object in our Churches. All the grandest functions of the Liturgy, Ordinations, Consecrations, Benedictions, Professions, take place during the Celebration of The Mystery of The Altar.

According to Saint Thomas, all the Sacraments are like The Holy Eucharist, being either a participation in this sacrifice, or else means whereby the Soul is prepared for it. Exposition and Benediction of The Blessed Sacrament are, as it were, a continuance of it.

We should, therefore, be quite wrong were we to separate such acts of piety as our Communions and our Adoration, from The Act of Sacrifice; let us accustom ourselves to keep this connection practically in mind by Communicating with the Priest during Holy Mass, and by considering Our Lord present in the Tabernacle as The Saving Victim.

The Liturgy has also for its aim the sanctification of mankind. It is the most fruitful source of Divine Graces which, spreading from The Father through Christ into the Mystical Members of His Body, assure to them The Divine Life of Grace.

“The active participation in the Most Holy Mysteries and in the public and solemn Prayer of The Church”, said Pope Saint Pius X, “is the first and indispensable source of the true Christian Spirit”.

By the Holy Sacrifice of The Mass and the Sacraments, which constitute the very essence of the Liturgy, does The Church sanctify Souls.


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