Friday 4 October 2024

“We Cannot With Impunity Disobey The Mother Of God” — Fr. Hugh Thwaites SJ.

Our Lady of Ushaw,
Saint Cuthbert’s Chapel,
Ushaw Seminary,
Durham, England.
Photo: April 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Zephyrinus.

The sculptor of the statue of Our Lady of Ushaw in Durham, was Karl Hoffmann. He is known as the “Sculptor of Ushaw” and created many significant sculptures for Ushaw College.

The majority of Ushaw’s significant sculptures were 
produced by Karl Hoffmann (1816-1872), colloquially 
known as the Sculptor of Ushaw.

In common with the paintings by von Rohden, the works 
were executed in Rome before being transported to Ushaw. Works including Our Lady of Clemency and 
Saint Joseph with the Lily can be viewed in the Chapels.

A full illustrated list of the wonderful 
fine art and artefacts at Ushaw can be seen

“Ave Regina Cœlorum”.
Sung by: The Tallis Scholars.
Composed by: Cipriano de Rore.
Available on YouTube
The Tallis Scholars:
Tessa Bonner; Deborah Roberts - soprano; 
Robert Harre-Jones; Michael Lees; Adrian Hill; 
Caroline Trevor - alto; Paul Agnew; Charles Daniels; 
Simon Davies; Leigh Nixon - tenor; Donald Greig; 
Francis Steele; Julian Walker; Adrian Peacock - bass.
 Directed by: Peter Phillips.
Score: (Daniel Mahraun).

Ave regina cœlorum,
Mater Regis angelorum,
O Maria flos virginum,
velut rosa vel lilium: 
funda preces ad Dominum 
pro salute fidelium.

Hail, Queen of Heaven, 
Mother of the King of Angels, 
Mary, Flower of Virgins, 
Like the Rose or the Lily: 
Pour forth your Prayers to the Lord
For the salvation of the Faithful. 

Divine Holy Mass.
Saint Cuthbert’s Chapel,
Ushaw Seminary,
Durham, England.
Photo: April 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Zephyrinus.

Solemn Requiem Mass.
With a very young Richard Hawker as
Master of Ceremonies. Our Lady of Ushaw statue
can be seen behind the Deacon, who is sitting on the Sedilia.
Saint Cuthbert’s Chapel,
Ushaw Seminary,
Durham, England.
Photo: April 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Zephyrinus.

“How to Profit from the Rosary”.
By: Fr. Hugh Thwaites SJ.
Available on YouTube

Tribute to Rev. Fr. Hugh Thwaites SJ written on his 
95th Birthday 2012 (by Joseph Fromm,

One of England’s best-loved Priests will celebrate 
his 95th birthday on 21 July 2012. 

Known for his bright smile and infectious missionary spirit, Fr. Hugh Thwaites is a symbol of what one Priest’s unflagging commitment to evangelisation can achieve. 

Fr Hugh knows what it is to convert to Catholicism. He converted from Anglicanism when he was a passenger aboard a troop ship bound for Singapore during World War II. 

He spent three punishing years as a Japanese Prisoner-of-War, which gave him insight into human nature. “To see men in such extreme conditions is to see the very roots of their character,” he has said. 

In order to survive in the Prison Camp, Fr. Hugh sold his watch. After the War, he was ordained a Jesuit Priest. The zeal of the convert has never left Fr. Hugh, and he first asks new people he meets: “Are you a Catholic ?” If they reply “no”, then he asks: “But you would like to be, wouldn’t you ?”

Fr. Hugh is a champion of the Legion of Mary, an ardent supporter of the Extraordinary Form Mass, and renowned for his tenacity in spreading devotion to the Rosary. 

In his startling booklet, “Our Glorious Faith And How To Lose It”, Fr. Hugh links the abandonment of the Rosary with losing the Faith. 

He explains that Our Lady has asked us to say the Rosary. “If we want in any way to be like Jesus”, he says, “we must do what His Mother asks. If we do not, can we expect things to go right ? We cannot with impunity disobey the Mother of God.” 

Fr. Hugh may be advanced in years and describes himself as “living on the edge of eternity”. But his many talks are available online and Blogs are buzzing with lively discussions about how he brought new people into The Church. 

[Rev. Fr. Hugh Thwaites SJ died on 21 August 2012.
Requiescat in pace].

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