Sunday, 2 February 2025

“Ave Regina Cælorum”. Composer: Cipriano De Rore: “Missa Præter Rerum Seriem”. Plus, Composer: Josquin: “Præter Rerum Seriem”.

“Ave Regina Cælorum”.
Composer: Cipriano De Rore.
“Missa Præter Rerum Seriem”.

“Præter Rerum Seriem”.
Composer: Josquin des Prez.

Sung by: The Tallis Scholars.
Director of Music: Peter Phillips.
Available on YouTube

“Ave Regina Cælorum”.
Composer: Cipriano de Rore.
Sung by: VOCES8 Foundation Choir.
Available on YouTube

From Compline on 2 February until Maundy Thursday, exclusive, the Marian Anthem is Ave Regina Cælorum. There is both a Solemn Tone version and a Simple Tone version.

Written by Hermann Contractus (Herman the Cripple) (☩ 1054), the insertion of this Hymn in The Office of The Church is attributed to Pope Clement VI (1342-1352).

One must continue to wonder why the modern Church
has thrown away such treasures.

English: Herman Contractus (Herman the Cripple).
Deutsch: Die Abbildung Hermann des Lahmen auf einer Kachel der Schatzkammer des Münsters in Reichenau-Mittelzell wird sehr häufig reproduziert. Der Ofen
ist 1745-1746 gesetzt worden, hat schon damals "Ehre eingelegt" und "wegen schönerer als vereinbarter Malerei", dem Hafner ein Trinkgeld eingebracht. Walter Berschin hat in "Hermann der Lahme, Gelehrter und Dichter", Heidelberg 2004 die Schrift in der Kartusche folgendermaßen gedeutet: "Beatus Hermannus Contractus Monachus Augiae a devotione Mariae celebris obiit 19. Julii 1054." (Der selige Hermann der Lahme, Mönch der Reichenau, berühmt ob seiner Marienverehrung, starb am 19. Juli 1054.)
Date: 29 May 2015.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Blessed Hermann of Reichenau, or, Herman the Cripple 
(18 July 1013 – 24 September 1054), also known by other names, was an 11th-Century Benedictine Monk and scholar.

He composed works on historymusic theorymathematics, and astronomy, as well as many Hymns.

He has traditionally been credited with the composition of “Salve Regina”, “Veni Sancte Spiritus”,[1] and “Alma Redemptoris Mater”,[2][3].

His cultus and Beatification were confirmed by The Roman Catholic Church in 1863.

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