Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Sunday 10 November 2019

Saint Tryphon, Saint Respicius, And Saint Nympha. Martyrs And Virgin. Feast Day, Today, 10 November.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Tryphon, Saint Respicius,
And Saint Nympha.
   Martyrs And Virgin.
   Feast Day 10 November.


Red Vestments.

This File: 22 March 2008.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

In the reign of Emperor Decius, Saint Tryphon suffered Martyrdom at Nicea in Bithynia. The Tribune, Respicius, touched by his fortitude, was converted and both were condemned to death by scourging (250 A.D.).

Two Centuries later, Saint Nympha, a Sicilian Virgin from Palermo, Sicily, fled to Italy before the invading Goths, adn died in Tuscany. Her Feast Day is kept on this day, because her body, taken to Rome, was laid in the Church of Saints Tryphon and Respicius.

The Lenten Station on The Saturday after Ash Wednesday was formerly held in this Church.

Mass: Clamavérunt.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia,
unless stated otherwise

Saint Tryphon (also spelled Trypho, Trifon, or Triphon, and known as Tryphon of Campsada) is a 3rd-Century A.D. Christian Saint. He is Venerated by The Roman Catholic Church and The Eastern Orthodox Church as a Great Martyr and Holy Unmercenary.

Saint Tryphon was formerly Celebrated jointly with Saints Respicius and Nympha on 10 November in The Liturgical Calendar of The Latin Church (Editor: Catholic Church) from the 11th-Century until the 20th-Century. Saint Tryphon continues to be Celebrated (separately) on 1 February 
[O.S. 14 February] on both The Orthodox Liturgical Calendar and The Roman Catholic Calendar of Saints.

“Bravo Zulu”.

“Bravo. Zulu”.

“Bravo Zulu” is a Naval Signal, typically conveyed
by Flag Hoist, or Voice Radio, meaning “Well Done”;
in addition to U.S. Naval Forces, it has also been used
as part of vernacular slang within NATO
and other Allied Naval Forces.

“Bravo Zulu”,
to each and every one of you who continue to
“Fight The Good Fight”.

“Rejoice And Celebrate,
Because Great Is Your Reward In Heaven;
For, In The Same Way, They Persecuted
The Prophets Before You”.

Saint Andrew Avellino. Confessor. Feast Day, Today, 10 November.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Andrew Avellino.
   Feast Day 10 November.


White Vestments.

English: Statue of Saint Andrew Avellino, by sculptor Pedro Alonso de los Ríos (1641–1702), at the façade of St. Emilian and St. Cajetan's Church, Madrid, Spain
Español: Estatua de San Andrés Avelino, obra del escultor Pedro Alonso de los Ríos (1641–1702), en la fachada de la Iglesia de San Millán y San Cayetano de Madrid (España).
Photo: 4 July 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Photograph: Luis García (Zaqarbal).
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Andrew Avellino was born at Castro-Nuovo, Sicily, at the time in the Kingdom of Naples, in 1521. He had to resist violent temptations: "He might have done wrong," says the Epistle, "and did not." He studied Law, but, afterwards, became a Priest, and, from that time, he pleaded only in The Ecclesiastical Court.

One day, a slight untruth escaped him at the Ecclesiastical Bar, and, a short time after, he read the following passage of Holy Scripture: "The mouth that utters untruth kills the Soul". He was so struck by it that he gave up his career at The Ecclesiastical Bar and joined The Theatines, or Clerks Regular of Saint Paul, at Naples. On account of his great love for The Cross, he was given the name of Andrew.

Having become Superior of The Institute (Communion), he devoted his time to Prayer and the care of Souls. He died at Naples in 1608, at a very advanced age, at the foot of the Altar where he was to Celebrate Mass.

Mass: Os justi.
Commemoration: SS. Tryphon, Respicius and Nympha.

English: The body of Saint Andrew Avellino
Português: San Paolo Maggiore, Nápoles.
Photo: 5 February 2015.
Source: Own work.
Author: José Luiz.
Attribution: © José Luiz Bernardes Ribeiro / CC-BY-SA-4.0
(Wikimedia Commons)

NET TV - City of Churches.
"Saint Andrew Avellino Church,
Flushing, Queens, New York.
Available on YouTube at

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Saint Andrew (Andrea) Avellino (1521 – November 10, 1608) was an Italian Saint. Born at Castronuovo, (today, Castronuovo di Sant'Andrea), a small town in Sicily, his Baptismal name was Lancelotto, which, out of love for The Cross, he changed into Andrew when he entered The Order of Theatines.

From his early youth, he was a great lover of Chastity. After receiving his elementary training in the school of Castronuovo, he was sent to Venice to pursue a course in the Humanities and in Philosophy. Being a handsome youth, his Chastity was often exposed to danger from female admirers, and, to escape their importunities, he took Ecclesiastical Tonsure.

Hereupon, he went to Naples to study Canon Law and Civil Law, obtained the Degree of Doctor of Laws and was Ordained Priest at the age of twenty-six. For some time, he held the Office of Lawyer at the Ecclesiastical Court of Naples. One day, while pleading the cause of a friend, a lie escaped his lips in the heat of argument. When, soon afterwards, his eyes fell upon the passage in The Bible, "The mouth that belieth, killeth the Soul."

English: Fresco of Saint Andrew Avellino, Church of Sant'Antonio Abate, Milan, Italy.
Italiano: Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate a Milano, seconda cappella a destra (di S. Andrea
Avellino). Ercole Procaccini il Vecchio (attribuito a), Apoteosi di Sant'Andrea Avellino
Photo: 20 May 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: G.dallorto
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Archbishop of Naples now commissioned him to reform a Convent at Naples, which, by the laxity of its discipline, had become a source of great scandal. By his own example and his untiring zeal, he restored the religious discipline of the Convent, but not without many and great difficulties.

Certain wicked men became exasperated at the Saint's interference and, one night, he was assaulted and severely wounded. He was brought to the Monastery of The Theatines to recuperate. Here, however, he resolved to devote himself entirely to God and he entered The Order of Theatines, which had but recently been founded by Saint Cajetan. On The Vigil of The Assumption, he was Invested, being then thirty-five years of age.

After completing his Novitiate, he obtained permission to visit the tombs of The Apostles and The Martyrs at Rome, and, upon his return, was made Master of Novices. After holding this Office for ten years, he was elected Superior. His holy zeal for strict religious discipline, and for the purity of The Clergy, as well as his deep humility and sincere piety, induced The General of his Order to entrust him with the Foundation of two new Theatine Houses, one at Milan, the other at Piacenza.

English: Side Altar of The Theatine Saint, Andrew Avellino,
Church of Saint Cajetan, Salzburg, Austria.
Deutsch: Kajetanerkirche am Kajetanerplatz, Salzburg, Linke Nebenkapelle,
Altar mit Bild des Theatinerheiligen Andreas Avellino (von Jacob Zanussy, 1712)
und Kopie des Gnadenbilds der Mutter vom Guten Rat zu Genazzano.
Photo: May 2008.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

By his efforts, many more Theatine Houses rose up in various Diocese of Italy. As Superior of some of these new Foundations, he was so successful in converting sinners and heretics by his prudence in the direction of Souls, and by his eloquent Preaching, that numerous Disciples thronged around him, eager to be under his spiritual guidance.

One of the most noteworthy of his Disciples was Lorenzo Scupoli, the author of that still popular book "The Spiritual Combat". Saint Charles Borromeo was an intimate friend of Avellino and sought his advice in the most important affairs of The Church. He also requested Avellino to establish a new Theatine House in Milan.

On 10 November 1608, when beginning The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass, he was stricken with apoplexy, and, after devoutly receiving The Holy Viaticum, died the death of a Saint at the age of eighty-eight. In 1624, only sixteen years after his death, he was Beatified by Pope Urban VIII, and, in 1712, was Canonised by Pope Clement XI.

He is Venerated as Patron Saint of Naples and Sicily, and invoked especially against a sudden death. His remains lie buried in the Church of Saint Paul, at Naples.

Saturday 9 November 2019

Saint Theodore. Martyr. Whose Feast Day Is Today, 9 November.

Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Theodore.
   Feast Day 9 November.


Red Vestments.

Saint Theodore of Amasea (Pontus),
also known as St. Theodore Tyro (Orthodox icon).
This File: 22 March 2008.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Theodore, a Soldier in The Roman Legion at Amasea (Pontus), was arrested on account of his Christian Faith.

He was cast into prison, and torn with iron hooks until his ribs were laid bare.

The Martyr, filled with joy, never ceased singing the Verse of The Psalm: "I will Bless The Lord at all times."

He was burned alive and gave up his Soul to God in 306 A.D.

Mass: Lætábitur.

Saint Theodore.
Available on YouTube at

Remembrance Day: Silhouettes Stand Guard On The Village Green To Remember The Forty-One Villagers Who Fell In The Wars.

The figures will help raise money for The Royal British Legion.
Picture Credit: Kieron Palmer.
Illustration: BBC

Silhouettes representing Forty-One Villagers who lost their lives in World War One and World War Two have been erected on a Village Green.

Made from metal and painted black, the figures stand on the Village Green in Haughley, Suffolk.

They were designed by Kieron Palmer, owner of Palmer's Bakery, in Haughley Village, to remember the Soldiers and raise money for The Royal British Legion.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, BBC

The Dedication Of The Basilica Of Saint Saviour, Rome. Celebrated On 9 November.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

The Dedication of The Basilica of Saint Saviour.
   9 November.

Double of The Second-Class.

White Vestments.

The Basilica of Saint Saviour, Rome.
(The Basilica of Saint John Lateran, Rome).
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

"Terribilis est locus iste".
The Introit for The Mass of The Dedication of a Church.
Available on YouTube at

Among the rich and splendid Roman Basilicas where the Ceremonies of Christian Worship were Celebrated in great pomp, after the Era of Persecution, there is one of First Rank whose Dedication is Solemnised on this Anniversary.

The Palace of The Lateran, on The Coelian Hill, belonged to Fausta, the wife of Emperor Constantine. The Emperor, after his conversion, gave it to the Pope as his private residence, and founded there The Church of The Lateran, which became the Mother and Mistress of all The Churches of Rome and of the World.

On 9 November 324 A.D., Pope Saint Sylvester Consecrated it under the name of the Basilica of Saint Saviour. This was the first public Consecration of a Church. A long time after, under Pope Lucius II, in the 12th-Century, it was Dedicated to Saint John the Baptist, whose name had been given to the adjoining Baptistry, Wherefore, it has been given nowadays the Title of Saint John Lateran.

In this Basilica and the adjoining Palace were held, from the 4th-Century A.D. to the 16th-Century, more than twenty-five Councils, five of which were Ecumenical. On the most Solemn Days, The Station was held there. Holy Orders were Conferred there, Penitents were reconciled, Catechumens were Baptised on Easter Day, and, as Neophytes, they came there in Procession during the whole Easter Octave.

At Saint John Lateran is inaugurated, on The First Sunday in Lent, the great Liturgical Season Consecrated to Penance; there is held the Assembly on Palm Sunday, and that on Rogation Tuesday; there are carried out the Ceremonies of Maundy Thursday and Easter Eve; and Mass is Celebrated on Saturday in Albis and on the Eve of Pentecost.

The Church, which had been destroyed, was rebuilt and Consecrated anew by His Holiness Pope Benedict XIII, in 1726, and The Commemoration of this Consecration was fixed, as that of the first Church, on 9 November.

Mass: Terribilis.
In Low Masses: Commemoration of Saint Theodore.
First and Second Vespers: As in The Common.

Friday 8 November 2019

Experience The Beauty And Tranquillity, And The Profundity And Sanctity, Of The Missa Cantata. Every Second Sunday Of Every Month. At Saint Simon Stock Church, Ashford, Kent. No Guitars. No Waving At Everybody.

The Victoria Consort.
“In Dedicatione Templi”.
Composed by: Orlande de Lassus.
Available on YouTube at

English: “Ite Missa Est”.
High Tridentine Mass.
Italiano: “Ite Missa Est”.
Messa tridentina solenne.
Photo: June 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Lumen roma
(Wikimedia Commons)

Monthly Missa Cantata.
1230 hrs.
The Second Sunday Of Every Month.
Saint Simon Stock Church,
Brookfield Road,
Ashford, Kent TN23 4EU.

The Victoria Consort.
“Locus Iste”.
Composed by: Anton Bruckner.
Available on YouTube at

Come and experience the beauty of
The Traditional Latin Mass.
Music by: The Victoria Consort.
Director: Ben Bevan.


Church of Saint Simon Stock,
Ashford, Kent.

Traditional Latin Masses are Celebrated at
The Church of Saint Simon Stock,
Brookfield Road,
Kent TN23 4EU,
at 1230 hrs,


If you would like to contribute
towards the cost of the music,
please give your donation to Mrs. Marygold Turner.

A Solemn High Requiem Mass At Saints Cyril And Methodius Oratory, 79, Bridgeport, Connecticut CT 06608. Celebrant: Reverend Canon Andrew Todd. Saturday, 16 November 2019 At 1015 a.m.

The Holy Four Crowned Martyrs. Feast Day, Today, 8 November.

Text and Illustrations from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Holy Four Crowned Martyrs.
   Feast Day 8 November.


Red Vestments.

English: The Four Crowned Saints. Statue commissioned by the
Arte dei Maestri di Pietra e Legname (Guild of Wood and Stone Cutters),
Orsanmichele, Florence, Italy. Sculptor: Nanni di Banco.
Français: Les Quatre saints couronnés. Statue commandée par l'arte dei Maestri
di Pietra e Legname (guilde des tailleurs de bois et de pierre). Orsanmichele, Florence.
Italiano: Tabernacolo dell'arte dei Maestri di Pietra e Legname,
con Quattro Santi Coronati di Nanni di Banco. Orsanmichele, Firenze.
Date: 1408.
Source: it:Utente:MM, own picture (April 2005).
Author: Nanni di Banco (Italian, 1375–1421).
(Wikimedia Commons)

These Saints were four brothers, whose names remained long unknown. They were called "The Four Crowned" because they received The Palm of Martyrdom and were Crowned in Heaven, 304 A.D.

Mass: Intret.

The Basilica of The Holy Four Crowned Martyrs, Rome.
Available on YouTube at

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

The designation "Four Crowned Martyrs" or "Four Holy Crowned Ones" (in Latin, Sancti Quatuor Coronati), actually refers to nine separate Martyrs, divided into two groups:

First Group: Severus (or Secundius); Severian(us); Carpophorus (Carpoforus); Victorinus (Victorius, Vittorinus).

Second Group: Claudius; Castorius; Symphorian (Simpronian); Nicostratus; and Simplicius.

According to the Golden Legend, the names of the members of the First Group were not known at the time of their death “but were learned through the Lord’s revelation after many years had passed." They were called the "Four Crowned Martyrs", because their names were unknown ("Crown" referring to The Crown of Martyrdom).

The Martyrdom of The Four Crowned Martyrs.
Painting by Mario Minniti, in San Pietro dal Carmine, Siracusa, Sicily, Italy.
Date: Circa 1620.
Author: Minitti, Mario.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Severus (or Secundius), Severian(us), Carpophorus, Victorinus were Martyred at Rome, or Castra Albana, according to Christian Tradition.

According to the Passion of Saint Sebastian, the four Saints were soldiers (specifically "Cornicularii", or Clerks, in charge of all the Regiment's records and paperwork), who refused to sacrifice to Aesculapius, and therefore were killed by order of Emperor Diocletian (284 A.D. - 305 A.D.), two years after the death of the five sculptors. The bodies of the Martyrs were buried in the Cemetery of Santi Marcellino e Pietro, on the fourth mile of via Labicana, by Pope Miltiades and Saint Sebastian (whose skull is preserved in the Church).

The Second Group, according to Christian Tradition, were sculptors from Sirmium, who were killed in Pannonia. They refused to fashion a pagan statue for the Emperor Diocletian or to offer sacrifice to the Roman gods. The Emperor ordered them to be placed alive in lead coffins and thrown into the sea, about 287 A.D. Simplicius was killed with them.

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, "the Acts of these Martyrs, written by a Revenue Officer, named "Porphyrius", probably in the 4th-Century, relates to the five sculptors that, although they raised no objections to executing such profane images as Victoria, Cupid, and the Chariot of the Sun, they refused to make a statue of Æsculapius for a heathen temple. For this they were condemned to death as Christians. They were put into leaden caskets and drowned in the River Save. This happened towards the end of 305 A.D."

English: Stained-Glass Window of the "Four Crowned Martyrs"
in the Assumption Church of Samoëns (Haute-Savoie, France).
Français: Vitrail (1982) dit des "Quatre Couronnés"
dans l'église de l'Assomption à Samoëns (Haute-Savoie).
Les fr:Quatre Saints couronnés sont les patrons
de la confrérie des maçons de Samoëns.
Photo: 29 August 2013.
Source: Own work.
Author: Tangopaso
(Wikimedia Commons)

When the names of the First Group were learned, it was decreed that they should be Commemorated with the Second Group. The bodies of the First Group were interred by Saint Sebastian and Pope Melchiades (Miltiades) at the third milestone on the Via Labicana, in a sandpit where rested the remains of other executed Christians. According to tradition, since the names of the Four Martyred Soldiers could not be authentically established, Pope Melchiades commanded that, since the date of their deaths (8 November) was the same as that of the Second Group, their anniversary should be celebrated on that day.

It is unclear where the names of the Second Group actually come from. The tradition states that Pope Melchiades asked that the Saints be Commemorated as Claudius, Nicostratus, Simpronian, and Castorius. These same names actually are identical to names shared by converts of Polycarp the Priest, in the legend of Saint Sebastian.

Entrance of San Silvestro Chapel, at the Basilica dei SS. Quattro Coronati,
Rome, Italy, with painting of The Four Crowned Martyrs.
Date: Circa 1570.
Source: universita.html.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, "this report has no historic foundation. It is merely a tentative explanation of the name Quatuor Coronati, a name given to a group of really authenticated Martyrs, who were buried and venerated in the Catacomb of Saints Peter and Marcellinus, the real origin of which, however, is not known. They were classed with the Five Martyrs of Pannonia in a purely external relationship."

The bodies of the Martyrs are kept in four ancient sarcophagi, in the Crypt of Santi Marcellino e Pietro. According to a lapid, dated 1123, the head of one of the four Martyrs is buried in Santa-Maria-in-Cosmedin.

Basilica of Santi Quattro Coronati, Rome, Italy.
Photo: 10 November 2005.
Source: Own work.
Author: Lalupa.
(Wikimedia Commons)

In the 4th- and 5th-Centuries A.D., a Basilica (the Basilica of Santi Quattro Coronati) was erected and dedicated in honour of these Martyrs on the Caelian Hill, probably in the general area where Tradition located their execution. This became one of the Titular Churches of Rome and was restored several times.

The Four Crowned Martyrs were Venerated early on in England, with Saint Bede noting that there was a Church Dedicated to them in Canterbury. This Veneration can perhaps be accounted for by the fact that Augustine of Canterbury came from a Monastery near the Basilica of Santi Quattro Coronati, in Rome, or because their Relics were sent from Rome to England in 601 A.D.

Their connection with stone-masonry, in turn, connected them to the Freemasons. One of the scholarly journals of the English Freemasons was called Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, and the Stonemasons of Germany adopted them as Patron Saints of "Operative Masonry."

Octave Day Of All Saints' Day. 8 November. And Allhallowtide.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

The Octave Day Of All Saints' Day.
   8 November.


White Vestments.

The Church Triumphant.
The Church Militant.
The Church Suffering.
Illustration taken from UNA VOCE OF ORANGE COUNTY
who reproduce Text and Illustrations from Saint Andrew's Daily Missal, 1952 Edition,
with the kind permission of SAINT BONAVENTURE PUBLICATIONS
Artist: René de Cramer.
“Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium”.
Used with Permission.

Available on YouTube at

This Text is from the YouTube production of JMJHFPRODUCTIONS.

All Hallows' Eve (31 October), All Saints' Day (also known as All Hallow's Day) (1 November), and All Souls' Day (2 November) are referred to as Allhallowtide and are a time of honouring The Saints and Praying for all departed Souls.

The term "Hallow" means "Holy". It is recited in The Lord's Prayer: "Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name" (Mt 6:9).

Indulgences for The Holy Souls In Purgatory: The month of November is dedicated to The Holy Souls in Purgatory and is a privileged time to Pray for them. The Church Commemorates all her Faithful children, who have departed from this life, but have not yet attained the joys of Heaven.

Saint Paul warns us that we must not be ignorant concerning the dead, nor sorrowful, "even as others who have no hope . . . The Lord, Himself, shall come down from Heaven . . . and The Dead, who are in Christ, shall rise."

The Church has always taught us to Pray for those who have gone into Eternity. Even in The Old Testament, Prayers and Alms were offered for The Souls of The Dead by those who thought "well and Religiously concerning The Resurrection." It was believed that "they, who had fallen asleep with Godliness, had great Grace laid up for them", and that "it is, therefore, a Holy and wholesome thought to Pray for The Dead, that they may be loosed from sins."

We know that a defiled Soul cannot enter into Heaven. God, Lord of Mercies, grant to the Souls of Your servants and handmaids, the place of refreshment, the bliss of Eternal Rest, and the splendour of Your Light.

From 1 November through to 8 November, if we visit a Cemetery in a spirit of piety and devotion, and Pray, even just mentally, for The Dead, we may gain a Plenary Indulgence for one Holy Soul on each Day of The Octave (on the usual conditions). This special Indulgence is only applicable to The Dead. 

We can Pray any of The Raccolta Prayers: Numbered 582-600, [Editor: From Wikipedia: The Raccolta (literally, "collection" in Italian) is a book, published from 1807 to 1950, that listed Roman Catholic Prayers and other Acts of Piety, such as Novenas, for which specific Indulgences were granted by Popes. In 1968, it was replaced by the Enchiridion Indulgentiarum, listing fewer specific Prayers, but including new general grants that apply to a wide range of Prayerful actions. The Text was in Italian, with the Prayers given in Latin.] to accomplish this end, and especially The Dies Irae Sequence
(Raccolta: Number 587).

Using a Traditional Missal, one can Pray a number of the Prayers from the 2 November Mass or a Requiem Mass. In The Catholic Bible (Douay Rheims), it is ideal to Pray Psalm 129 "The De Profundis". Also, on 2 November, we can gain a Plenary Indulgence for The Holy Souls by visiting a Church and piously Praying for The Dead, (One "Our Father" and "Creed" suffice), and fulfilling all the usual conditions for a Plenary Indulgence.

The usual conditions for a Plenary Indulgence are: 1) Pray for the Pope (usually one Our Father one Hail Mary); 2) Worthily receive Holy Communion the day of the Indulgence; 3) Make a Sacramental Confession within a week (before or after); 4) Be free from all attachment to Sin, even Venial Sin. A sincere and devout act of the will to this end suffices. * If we fail in the usual conditions, there is still merit in our good Pious Act, but usually only amounts to a Partial Indulgence.

It should be noted that, according to Traditional Church Discipline and Practice, Fasting and Partial Abstinence are OBLIGATORY on The Vigil of Pentecost and ALL SAINTS DAY. To read more about what The Catholic Church Traditionally teaches on Fasting and Abstinence, visit this Web-Site:

NOVEMBER: DEVOTION TO THE HOLY SOULS. From Fr. Schouppe's book, entitled "Purgatory": "There is in Purgatory, as in Hell, a double pain - the pain of loss and the pain of sense. The pain of loss consists in being deprived from a time of the sight of God. It is a moral thirst which torments our Soul. The pain of sense, of sensible suffering, is the same as that which we experience in our flesh." (p.32).

"Speaking in general, The Doctors [of The Church] agree in saying that the pains are most excruciating. The same fire, says Saint Gregory, torments The Damned and purifies The Elect. 'Almost all Theologians', says Saint Robert Bellarmine, 'teach that The Reprobate and The Souls in Purgatory suffer the action of the same fire.' It must be held as certain, writes the same Bellarmine, that there is no proportion between the sufferings of this life and those of Purgatory.

Saint Augustine declares precisely the same. They will be saved, no doubt, after The Trial of Fire, but that Trial will be terrible, that torment will be more intolerable than all the most excruciating sufferings in this World. Behold what Saint Augustine says, and what Saint Gregory, Venerable Bede, Saint Anselm, and Saint Bernard, have said, after him. Saint Thomas Aquinas goes even further; he maintains that the least pain of Purgatory surpasses all the sufferings of this life, whatsoever they may be." (pp 33-34).

 Let us, therefore, offer fervent Prayers for The Holy Souls in Purgatory. Monthly Tridentine Masses are offered for all our Benefactors, who are also remembered in our Daily Prayers.
Deo grátias ! / Thank you !

Please visit our GoFundMe page;

The following Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.

The custom of celebrating, during eight days, The Feast of All Saints was established by Pope Sixtus IV in 1430 for The Universal Church.

Let us realise the part played by The Liturgy of The Church initiating us into The Liturgy of Heaven. "As daughter of those very Choirs that are continually singing before The Throne of God and The Lamb," said Pope Saint Pius X, as well as Pope Urban VIII, "it is proper that Divine Psalmody, by which The Spouse [Editor: The Church] consoles herself during her exile for the absence of her Divine Lord, should be without fault or stain."

Mass: As on The Feast Day.
Commemoration: The Holy Four Crowned Martyrs.

Thursday 7 November 2019

The Reform Of The Roman Breviary, By Pope Saint Pius X, With The Apostolic Constitution “Divino Afflatu” Of 1 November 1911.

Text and Illustrations from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia,
unless stated otherwise.

Pope Saint Pius X
from a page of “Catholic Missions for Germany and Austria-Hungary”,
in Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Germany.
Date: October 1903.
Source: File scanned from Zeitung Die katholischen Missionen, Illustrierte Monatsschrift.
Author: Einige Priester der Gesellschaft Jesu, Freiburg-im-Breisgau.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Reform of The Roman Breviary, by Pope Saint Pius X, was promulgated by that Pope with The Apostolic Constitution “Divino Afflatu” of 1 November 1911.

An Apostolic Constitution (Latin “Constitutio Apostolica”) is the highest level of Decree issued by The Pope. The use of the term “Constitution” comes from Latin “Constitutio”, which referred to any important Law issued by The Roman Emperor, and is retained in Church documents because of the inheritance that The Canon Law of The Roman Catholic Church received from Roman Law.

By their nature, “Apostolic Constitutions” are addressed to the public. Generic constitutions use the Title “Apostolic Constitution”, and treat on solemn matters of The Church, such as the Promulgation of Laws or Definitive Teachings. The forms “Dogmatic Constitution” and “Pastoral Constitution” are Titles sometimes used to be more descriptive as to the document's purpose.

Apostolic Constitutions are issued as Papal Bulls, due to their solemn, public form. The next highest category, after an Apostolic Constitution, is an Encyclical Letter.

A page from The Psalter of The Aberdeen Breviary of 1509.
From a Copy in The National Library of Scotland.
Photo: 26 February 2008.
Source: National Library of Scotland.
Author: Andrew Myllar, Walter Chepman.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Roman Breviary is the Title of The Book obligatorily used for Celebrating The Roman Rite Divine Office from The Revision of Pope Saint Pius V (Apostolic Constitution “Quod A Nobis”, 9 July 1568) to that by Pope Saint Paul VI (Apostolic Constitution “Canticum Laudis”, 1 November 1970).

A minor matter was the printing, in a separate section, called “The Ordinary”, of those parts of The Psalter that were to be recited frequently, perhaps several times in the same day, such as The Invitatory, Hymns for The Seasons, Blessings, Absolutions, Chapters, Suffrages, The Lord's Prayer, Benedictus, Magnificat, Te Deum, etc.

Much more radical was a completely new arrangement of The Psalms, distributing them, or, when too long, dividing them, so as to have approximately the same number of Verses in each day's Office. The length of The Offices of The Breviary were reduced (for example, Matins went from eighteen Psalms recited on Sundays and twelve on Ferial Days, to nine Psalms or parts of Psalms, never more, with the result of reaching a fairly equal number of Verses for each day - between 360 Verses and 497 Verses - whereas the former Office of Saturday contained 792 Verses, and, that of Sunday, 721 Verses).

This change, made with a view to restoring the original use of The Liturgy, which provided for the Chant or Recitation of the entire Psalter each week, and the accompanying changes in The Rubrics concerning the precedence between Saints’ Days and The Sunday and Ferial Offices, was meant to remedy the situation whereby the multiplication of Saints’ Days had made Celebration of Sundays and Ferias, and, consequently, of certain Psalms, very rare.

With “The Reform”, The Psalter was once again recited integrally each week without suppressing The Feasts of Saints; the proper Liturgy of Sundays and weekdays was restored; The Readings of Holy Scripture, “Proper” to The Seasons of the year, were “Privileged”.

“The Divine Office”.
Available on YouTube at

Français: Photo de Benoît XV prise vers 1915.
Date: Circa 1915.
Source: Library of Congress.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Pope Benedict XV modified the “Typical Edition” of The Roman Missal (“Missale Romanum”), in 1920, to accommodate the changes made by Pope Saint Pius X.

Each day, therefore, had its own Psalms, as arranged in the new Psalter, except certain Feast Days, about 125 in number, viz., all those of Christ, and their Octaves, The Sundays within The Octaves of The Nativity, Epiphany, Ascension, Corpus Christi, The Vigil of The Epiphany, and The Day After The Octave of The Ascension, when The Office is of these days; The Vigil of The Nativity from Lauds to None and The Vigil of Pentecost; all The Feasts of The Blessed Virgin Mary, of The Angels, Saint John the Baptist, Saint Joseph, and The Apostles, as well as Doubles of The First-Class and Second-Class and their entire Octaves.

The Office for The Last Three Days of Holy Week remained unchanged, except that The Psalms for Lauds were from the corresponding Days of The Week in The Psalter, and, for Compline, those of Sunday. For all other Feasts, and for Ferias in Eastertide, The Psalms were those of the new Psalter, while the rest of The Office was from “The Proper” or “Common”.

When a Feast has special Antiphons for any of The Major Hours, it retained them with its own Psalms. Except for certain Feasts, The Lessons of The First Nocturn were to be the current Lessons from Scripture, though The Responsories were to be taken from “The Common” or “Proper”. Any Feast that had its own “Proper Lessons” retained them; for Feasts with their own Responsories, those with The Common Lessons were to be read.

Pope Pius X ordered that these changes, proposed by a Committee of Liturgists appointed by him, and adopted by The Congregation of Rites, be put into effect, at latest, on 1 January 1913.

Portrait of a Pope, possibly Pope Pius V (Reigned 1566-1572).
Artist: Palma il Giovane (1550–1628).
Source/Photographer: BONHAMS
(Wikimedia Commons)

The ageing, enthroned, Pope turns toward the viewer, while making the sign of Blessing with his Right Hand. Pope Saint Pius V (1566-1572) belonged to the Ghislieri family, and on the top of the back of the Throne is his family's Coat-of-Arms, Crowned by The Papal Tiara and The Keys of Saint Peter, a symbol of The Papacy's descent from Christ's Apostle.

Through The Apostolic Constitution “Divino Afflatu”, by which Pope Saint Pius X promulgated his Revision of The Roman Breviary, he abolished The Psalter established by his predecessor, Pope Saint Pius V.

By the Motu Proprio “Ab Hinc Duos Annos”, of 23 October 1913, Pope Saint Pius X added to his Reform of 1 November 1911: No Feast was to be fixed to a Sunday, except The Holy Name of Jesus and The Blessed Trinity - later, The Feasts of The Holy Family and of Christ The King would be added. The Octaves were equally Simplified.

These changes made it necessary to modify The Roman Missal, also. This was effected in the 1920 “Typical Edition” of The Missal, promulgated by Pope Saint Pius X's successor, Pope Benedict XV.

Through The Apostolic Constitution “Divino Afflatu”, by which Pope Saint Pius X promulgated his Revision of The Roman Breviary, he abolished The Psalter established by his predecessor, Pope Saint Pius V, and forbade its use, declaring that those who were obliged to recite The Divine Office, every day, failed to fulfil this grave duty unless they used the new arrangement.

The wording of his Apostolic Constitution echoed closely that of his predecessor's “Quod A Nobis”, promulgating The Tridentine Roman Breviary, and also the same predecessor's “Quo Primum”, promulgating The Tridentine Roman Missal. It included the paragraph: “This we publish, declare, sanction, decreeing that these our Letters always are and shall be valid and effective, notwithstanding Apostolic Constitutions and Ordinances, general and special, and everything else whatsoever to the contrary. Wherefore, let nobody infringe or temerariously oppose this page of our abolition, revocation, permission, Ordinance, precept, statue, Indult, mandate and will. But, if anybody shall presume to attempt this, let him know that he will incur the indignation of Almighty God and of His Apostles The Blessed Peter and Paul.

“Quod A Nobis” concluded with: “Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam Nostrae ablationis, abolitionis, permissionis, praecepti, statuti, indulti, mandati, decreti, relaxationis, cohortationis, prohibitionis, innodationis, et voluntatis infringere, vel ei ausu temerario contraire. Si qui autem hoc attentare praesumpserit, indignationem omnipotentis Dei, ac beatorum Petri et Pauli Apostolorum eius se noverit incursurum”.

The complete Psalter Psalms.
Another point, controversial at the time of Pope Saint Pius X's Breviary Reforms,
was The Suppression of the immemorial and universally-held usage
of reciting Psalms 148, 149, and 150, at the end of Lauds, daily.
Available on YouTube at

An Article, published in the September 2003 issue of “The Angelus”, associated with The Society of Saint Pius X, remarks: “The distribution of The Psalms in Saint Pius X's Breviary was entirely new. It only partially took into account the ancient Tradition of The Church, for example, abandoning the number of twelve Psalms at Matins, a number Consecrated by a Tradition going back to The Desert Fathers and expressly Codified in The Rule of Saint Benedict. Another point, controversial at the time, was The Suppression of the immemorial and universally-held usage of reciting Psalms 148, 149, and 150, at the end of Lauds, daily. This amounts to saying that The Breviary of Pope Saint Pius X did not have so much in common with that of his predecessor and that Clerics were significantly unsettled in their habits ! ”

To correspond to the new Psalms, The Antiphonary of The Traditional Roman Office was also almost completely overhauled, as well. Pre-1911, there were 141 unique Antiphons in The Psalter. Post-1911, there were 220. Only sixty-two Antiphons were recognisably the same, and several of these added words or removed them. Many of the overlapping ones were those for the special Seasons (Advent, Lent, Passiontide), not for the per annum (Ordinary Time) Ferias. Thus, seventy-nine Antiphons of the Pre-1911 Breviary were removed, and 158 unique to the Post-1911 Breviary introduced.
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