Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Tuesday 25 February 2020

Surely There Cannot Be Any Link Between The Judges Of The European Court Of Human Rights And Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) ??? Surely Not !!! There Must Be Some Mistake !!!


This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,

When we looked more closely at the background of the judges of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), we never imagined the troubling discoveries we would make. 

After a six-month investigation, we are releasing an IMPORTANT REPORT outlining the extent of the relationship between NGOs and ECHR judges, and the resulting problems and conflicts of interest.

We have identified seven NGOs that are both active at the Court, and have judges among their former staff. At least twenty-two of the 100 judges who have served since 2009 are former staff or leaders of these seven NGOs.

Among these, the Open Society Network stands out for the number of judges linked to it (twelve) and for the fact that it actually funds the other six organisations identified in this report.

The powerful presence of the Open Society and its affiliates is problematic in many ways. But even more serious is the fact that eighteen of the twenty-two judges were found to have served on cases initiated or supported by the organisation with which they were previously associated. 

We have identified eighty-eight problematic cases over the last ten years. In only twelve cases have judges abstained from sitting because of their connection with an NGO involved.

And this is a low assessment that does not even take into account the close financial links between NGOs. For example, we did not identify all cases involving other NGOs funded by the Open Society Foundation (OSF), nor did we identify all cases in which a judge from an NGO funded by OSF ruled in cases in which that Foundation acted.

This situation is serious, and calls into question the independence of the Court and the impartiality of the judges. These conflicts must be remedied immediately. 

Our report makes proposals to that end. In particular, greater attention should be paid to the choice of candidates for the post of judge by avoiding the appointment of activists and campaigners. The report also makes proposals to ensure transparency of interests and links between applicants, judges and NGOs, and to formalise withdrawal procedures.

(The appendices are AVAILABLE HERE).

Conscious of the value of the human rights protection system in Europe, the ECLJ hopes that this report will be received as a positive contribution to the better functioning of the Court.

As a follow-up to this report, the ECLJ has decided to formally refer the matter to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in accordance with Rule Sixty-Seven of its Rules of Procedure, which provides for an effective petitions procedure. We invite you to join OUR PETITION.

This Assembly is in charge of the election of judges, has a power of investigation and can make recommendations to the representatives of the forty-seven States Parties to the European Convention on Human Rights, to whom we have also addressed this report.

We need your support to protect the independence of the European Court and the impartiality of its judges.

Saint Matthias. Apostle. Feast Day 24 February. In Leap Year, 25 February.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Matthias.
   Feast Day 24 February.
      [NOTE: In a Leap Year, this Apostle's Feast Day is moved to 25 February.]

Double of The Second-Class.

Red Vestments.

Saint Matthias.
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

Saint Matthias.
Date: Circa 1317–1319.
Author: Workshop of Simone Martini.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Matthias.
Available on YouTube at

Saint Peter, in The Acts of The Apostles, (Epistle), says that the Prophet had Judas in view when he declares: "That his Episcopate would pass into other hands" [Psalm cviii 8]. It is The Lord, Himself, Who showed the one He had chosen to be associated with The Eleven Apostles (Epistle).

It is to Saint Matthias that He confided the secrets made known to Him in the bosom of His Father (Gospel). Wherefore, this Holy Apostle shares the glory "of the Princes whom God has established over Souls" (Offertory) and "He shall judge The Twelve Tribes of Israel" (Communion).

Since their infidelity, indeed, "their house has become deserted" (Epistle) and The Kingdom of Heaven is transferred to the Gentiles who do Penance. Saint Matthias' name figures in The Canon of The Mass (Second List).

Let us ask "God, Who has included Blessed Saint Matthias in The College of The Apostles, to grant us through his intercession" (Collect) that we may "atone for our sins" (Secret), so as to obtain "peace and pardon" (Postcommunion).

Every Parish Priest Celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.

Mass: Mihi autem.
Commemoration and Last Gospel: Of The Feria, in Lent.
Creed: Is said.
Preface: Of The Apostles.

English: Stained-Glass Window, depicting Saint Matthias (Left).
The Cathedral of Saint Marie d'Auch, France.
Français: Cathédrale Sainte-Marie d'Auch - Vitrail de la chapelle
de la Passion (Saint Mathias, Esdras, Habacuc, sibylle Tiburtine).
Date: July 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: MOSSOT
(Wikimedia Commons)

Monday 24 February 2020

The Re-Dedication Of England, As The Dowry Of Mary, On 29 March 2020.

Painting by Amanda de Pulford of Our Lady of Walsingham.
To be Blessed by Pope Francis.
Independent Catholic News.
8 February 2020.

The Re-Dedication of England as The Dowry of Mary,
on 29 March 2020, is both a personal promise of the people of our Country and a renewal of the Entrustment Vows made by King Richard II, per the Web-Site BEHOLD2020, The Official Companion of The Re-Dedication of England as Mary’s Dowry.

As the Web-Site further states:

This year, the Christians of England are called
to make a Personal Dedication to Mary,
taking up her example as Christ’s first disciple;

History shows us that, when the people Pray a surrender
to God’s Will for their lives, Society is transformed;

By taking up this Personal Dedication in 2020, you can be a part of the renewal of this Nation, drawing ourselves closer to
The Will of Our Loving God, through Mary;

King Richard II (Reigned 1377-1399) made a Prayer to Our Lady of Pew [Editor: Chapel of Our Lady of Pew is in Westminster Abbey], at the time of The Peasants’ Revolt in 1381, placing his Country under her Maternal Care and Consecrating England to her By Right, as The Bride of The Holy Spirit: England being a “Dowry,” as it were, the wealth a Bride brings to her Husband;

We talk about Catholic England in a Blog Post HERE;

The Independent Catholic News reported that Pope Francis will be Blessing a Painting of Our Lady of Walsingham on Wednesday, 12 February 2020, during his Weekly Audience;

The Painting will then return to The Shrine to Our Lady
of Walsingham for The Re-Dedication on 29 March 2020, and then embark on a journey to visit every Parish in the Country. LINK to full Article;

BEHOLD2020 has a Section on their Site listing activities
to participate in to prepare for The Re-Dedication,
that includes Prayer and Pilgrimage;

During our Mary’s Dowry Pilgrimage, in August 2020, we will visit The Shrine to Our Lady of Walsingham and pursue our own Re-Dedication to Mary. Join us ! For more information, follow this LINK;

If you live in The United States, consider visiting The National Shrine to Our Lady of Walsingham, located in Williamsburg, Virginia. LINK to Web-Site for more information and directions.

Our Lady of Walsingham,
Pray for us
and the Country of England.

Amen !

Vigil Of Saint Matthias. Apostle.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Vigil Of Saint Matthias.


23 February (in Leap Year 24 February).


Violet Vestments.

Note: The Vigil of Saint Matthias is kept on 24 February in Leap Years.

Saint Matthias.
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

Saint Matthias.
Date: Circa 1317–1319.
Author: Workshop of Simone Martini.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Matthias.
Available on YouTube at

The Church attaches great importance to The Feasts of The Apostles, which are always preceded by a Vigil (Collect).

Saint Matthias, elected by The Will of God (Gospel), received Judas' share in the inheritance of The Church, which was figured by The Promised Land divided into twelve Tribes (Epistle).

Called "to give his life" (Gospel), like Jesus, to crown his Apostolic career, he suffered Martyrdom and was "clothed by God in resplendent glory" (Communion).

Let us ask God to prepare us to Celebrate piously The Feast of His Apostle, Saint Matthias.

Mass: Ego autem.

Sunday 23 February 2020

Quinquagesima Sunday.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Quinquagesima Sunday.

Station at Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome.


Privileged Sunday of The Second Class.

Violet Vestments.

Jesus said to him:
“Receive thy sight, thy Faith hath made thee whole”.
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

In the same way that the first three Prophecies of Holy Saturday, with their accompanying Prayers, are concerned with Adam, Noah and Abraham, so, during The Septuagesima Season, our attention is called in Missal and Breviary to these same Patriarchs, known respectively by The Church as The Father of The Human Race, The Father of Future Generations and The Father of Those Who Believe.

Adam, Noah and Abraham were types of Christ in The Paschal Mystery, a fact which we have already shown to be true in the case of the first two, in our notes on Septuagesima Sunday and Sexagesima Sunday. That it is true of Abraham, also, we shall see today.

In The Ambrosian Liturgy, Passion Sunday was called "Abraham's Sunday" and the "Response of Abraham" was read in The Office for that day; in The Roman Liturgy, also, he is still the subject of the Gospel for Passion Sunday.

Traditional Latin Mass
for Quinquagesima Sunday.
Available on YouTube at

"Abraham, your father", says Our Lord, "rejoiced that he might see My Day, he saw it and was glad . . . Amen, Amen, I say to you, before Abraham was made, I AM". God had indeed promised Abraham that The Messias should descend from him, and he was overwhelmed with great joy, when, by Faith, he contemplated beforehand The Day of The Redeemer's Coming.

Again, when this was fulfilled, he still contemplated it with a fresh joy in Limbo, where he was waiting, with the Just Men of The Old Law, for Jesus to come and deliver them after His Passion. When The Three Weeks of The Septuagesima Season were added to Lent, Quinquagesima became the Sunday on which the Liturgy is devoted to Abraham, so that, in the Lessons and Responses for today, the whole history of the Patriarch is described.

Quinquagesima Sunday.
Available on YouTube at

With the desire of forming a people, who should be specially His own in the midst of the idolatrous Nations of the World (Gradual and Tract), Almighty God chose Abraham as its Head and gave him his name, which means Father of Many Nations. "And He took him from Ur, in Chaldee, and kept him from harm in all his wanderings" [Prayers taken from The Rituale Romanum for the Recommendation of a Soul, and before a journey].

The Communion for Quinquagesima Sunday.
Available on YouTube at

Psalm LXXVII. 29-30.
Manducaverunt, et saturati sunt nimis,
et desiderium eorum attulit eis Dominus:
non sunt fraudati a desidero suo.

A man is not saved by being a son of Abraham, according to the flesh, but by being Abraham's son by means of a Faith like his. So, Saint Paul writes: "In Christ Jesus, neither circumcision (to be a Jew) availeth anything, nor uncircumcision (to be a Gentile), but a new creature". "Walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath delivered Himself for us, an oblation and a sacrifice to God for an odour of sweetness".

If the custom of allowing ourselves a little relaxation of spirit, before undertaking The Lenten Penance which binds us all, is of Liturgical origin, let us not forget that The Church condemns all excess. To atone, therefore, for those sins that are committed, let us make a Solemn Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament, besides saying this Prayer of Reconciliation, known as The Forty Hours' Prayer, which was instituted, either, by Saint Anthony-Mary Zaccaria (†1539), or by the Capuchin Father, Joseph Piantanida da Fermo (about 1636), a Prayer richly Indulgenced by Pope Clement XIII (1765).

The Forty Hours' Devotion originated from The Forty Hours that Jesus passed in the tomb. Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament was included, but at a later date, and regulated by Pope Clement XI, in 1705.

Every Parish Priest Celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.

Mass: Esto mihi.
Creed: Is said.
Preface: Of The Most Holy Trinity.
The Common Preface: On weekdays.

Saint Peter Damian. Bishop. Confessor. Doctor Of The Church. Feast Day 23 February.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Peter Damian.
   Bishop. Confessor.
   Doctor Of The Church.
   Feast Day 23 February.


White Vestments.

English: Saint Peter Damian (Right), depicted with
The Blessed Virgin Mary and Child,
and Saints Augustine, Anne, and Elizabeth.
Deutsch: Portuense-Altar, Szene: Thronende Madonna und Heilige:
Hl. Augustinus, Hl. Anna, Hl. Elisabeth, Hl. Petrus Damiani.
Date: 1481.
Current location: Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy.
Source/Photographer: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei.
DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202.
Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Peter Damian showed remarkable piety from his childhood. Having, by chance, picked up a coin, he gave it to a Priest, requesting him to offer up The Divine Sacrifice for the Soul of his father. He added to his father's name, that of Damian, his brother, out of gratitude, because it was by his brother's generosity that he was able to pursue his studies.

"Despising Earthly riches" (Collect), he entered a Monastery of Camaldolese of The Benedictine Observance and soon became its Abbot (Communion).

"As a light of Souls, he was to be placed on the candlestick" (Gospel), and became Bishop of Ostia and Cardinal. He rendered immense services to The Sovereign Pontiffs by his learning, his commissions as Legate and many other works.

Taking his share in the Apostolic life of Jesus, he combatted the heresy of The Simonists and died at Fænza in 1072. Pope Leo XII gave him the Title of Doctor of The Church.

Let us imitate in his ardour for Penance, Saint Peter Damian, who contributed so much, by his example and counsel, to spread the penitential practice of the discipline as an atonement for sin.

Mass: In médio.
Commemoration and Last Gospel of The Feria in Lent.
Commemoration: Of The Vigil of Saint Matthias the Apostle, if it be not Leap Year, when The Vigil is on the 24th.

Saturday 22 February 2020

“Dies Iræ”. The Sequence In A Requiem Mass (Mass For The Dead).

“Dies Iræ”.
The Sequence In A Requiem Mass
(Mass For The Dead).
Available on YouTube at

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia,
unless stated otherwise.

“Dies Irae” (“The Day of Wrath”) is a Latin Sequence, attributed to either Thomas of Celano of The Franciscans (1200 – circa 1265) or to Latino Malabranca Orsini (+ 1294), Lector at The Dominican Studium, at Santa Sabina, Rome, the forerunner of The Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum, in Rome.

The Sequence dates from at least the 13th-Century, though it is possible that it is much older, with some sources ascribing its origin to Saint Gregory the Great (+ 604), Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (1090–1153), or, Saint Bonaventure (1221–1274).

The Last Judgement.
Artist: Hans Memling (circa 1433 –1494).
Source/Photographer: Web Gallery of Art
(Wikimedia Commons)

It is a Mediæval Latin Poem, characterised by its accentual stress and rhymed lines. The metre is trochaic. The Poem describes The Last Judgment, a trumpet summoning Souls before The Throne of God, where The Saved will be delivered, and The Unsaved cast into Eternal Flames.

It is best known from its use in The Requiem (Mass for The Dead, or, Funeral Mass). An English version is found in various Anglican Communion Service Books.

The first melody set to these words, a Gregorian Chant, is one of the most quoted in musical literature, appearing in the works of many composers. The final couplet “Pie Jesu” has been often re-used as an independent Hymn.

The Chair Of Saint Peter At Antioch. Feast Day, Today, 22 February.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Chair of Saint Peter at Antioch.
   Feast Day 22 February.


White Vestments.

English: Saint Peter as Pope — shown with The Pallium
Magyar: Szent Péter, portréfestménye a szentről, mint pápáról –
a festményen pápai köntösben a mennyország kulcsaival látható.
Français: Saint Pierre. Elle représente le saint en tant que Pape -
vu ici avec le pallium et les clés du Paradis.
Artist: Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640).
Date: 1610-1612.
Current location: Prado, Madrid, Spain.
Source/Photographer: Originally from en.wikipedia
description page is (was) HERE.
(Wikimedia Commons)

"Tu Es Petrus" [Thou Art Peter].
By Robert Pearsall (1795 - 1856).
Sung on The Feast Day of The Chair of Saint Peter at Antioch.
At The Church of Saint Peter, Steubenville, Ohio, United States of America.
Sung by Schola Cantorum Sanctorum Angelorum
and Students from The Franciscan University.
Conductor: Andrew Leung.
Available on YouTube at

"Asperges Me".
on The Feast Day of The Chair of Saint Peter at Antioch.
At The Church of Saint Peter, Steubenville, Ohio, United States of America.
Sung by Schola Cantorum Sanctorum Angelorum
and Students from The Franciscan University.
Conductor: Andrew Leung.
Cantor: John Brodeur.
Available on YouTube at

To honour the dignity of "The Prince" (Introit), to whom Jesus committed The Power of The Keys (Collect), The Church instituted The Feast of "The Chair of Saint Peter", which is found in The Roman Calendar on this date since 354 A.D.

[The Cathedra (Chair) is The Throne established where the Bishop resides, hence the name Cathedral, given to the Church where the Bishop's Seat is placed. Metaphorically, it represents the Episcopal authority itself. "The Chair of Saint Peter" means, therefore, a memory of Saint Peter's Episcopate, and his Primacy as Head of The Whole Church.]

As it often falls in Lent, certain Churches Celebrated it at an earlier date, in January. Hence, the two Feasts of "The Chair of Saint Peter", which The Church distinguished by connecting the more ancient Feast [Rome, until the 16th-Century, only Celebrated this Feast and not the other Feast] on 22 February, with "The Chair at Antioch", and the other Feast, on 18 January, with "The Chair of Rome". Saint Peter resided, indeed for some time, at Antioch about the years 51 A.D. - 52 A.D.

Saint Peter and Saint Paul.
A Commemoration of Saint Paul immediately follows The Collects of The Feast, today, for The Liturgy does not separate those who have so justly been called "The Two Pillars of The Church".
Artist: René de Cramer.
“Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium”.
Used with Permission.

It is to Saint Peter, who proclaimed that Jesus was "The Christ, Son of The Living God" (Gospel), when all Palestine rejected Him, that The Master commits The Power to Bind Satan by Closing The Gates of Hell, to Open for us The Gates of Heaven (Gospel). And The Head of The Church teaches us in his first Epistle that it is "by Faith, in the sprinkling of The Blood of Jesus Christ, that The Holy Ghost Sanctifies us and reconciles us to The Father."

The Commemoration of Saint Paul immediately follows The Collect of The Feast, for The Liturgy does not separate those who have so justly been called "The Two Pillars of The Church".

Let us today honour The Head of The Church, who continues here below the redeeming work of Jesus.

Mass: Státuit ei Dóminus.
Commemoration: Of Saint Paul.
Commemoration: Of The Feria (with Last Gospel), in Lent.
Creed: Is said.
Preface: Of The Apostles.

Friday 21 February 2020

“Dixit Dominus” (Psalm 109). Composed by: Diego Ortiz. Sung by: Cantar Lontano. Director of Music: Marco Mencoboni.

“Dixit Dominus”
(Psalm 109).
Composed by: Diego Ortiz.
Sung by: Cantar Lontano.
Director of Music: Marco Mencoboni.
Available on YouTube at

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Diego Ortiz (circa 1510 – circa 1576) was a Spanish composer and music theorist in service to The Viceroy of Naples ruled by the Spanish monarchs Charles V and Philip II.

Ortiz published the first manual on ornamentation for bowed string instruments, and a large collection of Sacred vocal compositions (Stevenson 2001).

“Beata Es Virgo”. Composer: Diego Ortiz. Sung by: Cantar Lontano. Director of Music: Marco Mencoboni.

“Beata Es Virgo”.
Composer: Diego Ortiz.
Sung by: Cantar Lontano.
Director of Music: Marco Mencoboni.
Available on YouTube at

The following Text is from Wikipedia -the free encyclopædia.

Diego Ortiz (circa 1510 – circa 1576) was a Spanish composer and music theorist in service to The Viceroy of Naples, ruled by the Spanish Monarchs Charles V and Philip II.

Ortiz published the first manual on ornamentation for bowed string instruments, and a large collection of Sacred vocal compositions (Stevenson 2001).

Thursday 20 February 2020

Melk Abbey, Austria.

Text from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia,
unless otherwise stated.

English: Melk Abbey, Austria.
Български: Двореца във Вахау, Австрия.
Date: 2005-04-07 (original upload date).
Source: Transferred from en.wikipedia.
Author: Original uploader was HochauerW at en.wikipedia
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: Melk Abbey above Melk Old Town.
Deutsch: Stift Melk über der Melker Altstadt.
Date: February 2005.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Melk Abbey, Austria.
UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Available on YouTube at

Melk Abbey (German: Stift Melk) is a Benedictine Abbey in Austria, and among the world's most famous Monastic sites. It is located above the town of Melk, on a rocky outcrop overlooking The Danube River, in Lower Austria, adjoining The Wachau Valley. The Abbey contains the tomb of Saint Coloman of Stockerau and the remains of several members of The House of Babenberg, Austria's first ruling dynasty.

Melk Abbey Library, Austria.
This File: 12 March 2008.
User: Emgonzalez
Source: Own work.
Author: Emgonzalez
(Wikimedia Commons)

Melk Abbey.
Available on YouTube at

The Abbey was founded in 1089, when Leopold II, Margrave of Austria, gave one of his Castles to Benedictine Monks from Lambach Abbey. A Monastic School, the Stiftsgymnasium Melk, was founded in the 12th-Century, and the Monastic Library soon became renowned for its extensive Manuscript collection. The Monastery's Scriptorium was also a major site for the production of Manuscripts. In the 15th-Century, the Abbey became the centre of the Melk Reform Movement, which re-invigorated the Monastic life of Austria and Southern Germany.

English: Benedictine Abbey of Melk, Lower Austria: Church.
Deutsch: Stift Melk, Niederösterreich: Kirche.
Français: Abbaye bénédictine de Melk, Basse-Autriche: église.
This File: 2 May 2005.
Copyright © 2005 David Monniaux
(Wikimedia Commons)

Today's impressive Baroque Abbey was built between 1702 and 1736 to designs by Jakob Prandtauer. Particularly noteworthy, is the Abbey Church, with frescoes by Johann Michael Rottmayr, and the impressive Library with countless Mediæval Manuscripts, including a famed collection of Musical Manuscripts and frescoes by Paul Troger.

Photo: 25 May 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Aconcagua
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: Melk Abbey, Austria.
Deutsch: Stift Melk, Melk.
Photo: 13 September 2011.
Source: Own work.
Author: Zairon
(Wikimedia Commons)

Due to its fame and academic stature, Melk Abbey managed to escape Dissolution, under Emperor Joseph II , when many other Austrian Abbeys were seized and Dissolved between 1780 and 1790. The Abbey managed to survive other threats to its existence, during The Napoleonic Wars, and also in the period following the Nazi Anschluss that took control of Austria in 1938, when the School and a large part of the Abbey were confiscated by the State.

The school was returned to the Abbey after The Second World War and now caters for nearly 900 pupils of both sexes.

English: High Altar of Melk Abbey, Austria.
Deutsch: Hochaltar der Stiftskirche Melk.
Photo: 15 July 2013.
Source: Own work.
Author: Uoaei1
(Wikimedia Commons)

Since 1625, the Abbey has been a member of The Austrian Congregation, now within The Benedictine Confederation.

In his well-known novel "The Name of the Rose", Umberto Eco named one of the protagonists "Adson von Melk" as a tribute to the Abbey and its famous Library.

Melk Abbey, Austria.
Photo: 11 November 2010.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: Choir Stalls in the Abbey Church of Melk Abbey, Austria.
Deutsch: Das Chorgestühl in der Kirche des Stifts Melk.
Photo: 7 April 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Effi Schweizer.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Melk Abbey was selected as the main motif of a very high value Collectors' Coin: The Austrian Melk Abbey Commemorative Coin, minted on 18 April 2007. The obverse shows a view up to the façade of the Abbey Church and its two side wings from a low level. The twin Baroque Towers and the great Dome of the Church behind them can be seen. In the lower-right corner, the Coat-of-Arms of the Abbey of Melk (The Crossed Keys of Saint Peter) can be seen.

Painting on the Ceiling of the Marble Hall, Melk Abbey, Austria. The painting shows Pallas Athena on a chariot, drawn by lions, as a symbol of wisdom and moderation. Hercules is to her Left, symbolising the force necessary to conquer the three-headed Hound of Hell, night, and sin. Both Pallas Athena and Hercules are disguised references to Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI.
Author: Paul Troger (1698–1762) (Ceiling painting)
and Creator:Gaetano Fanti (architectural painting).
Date: 1731.
Source/Photographer: Alberto Fernandez Fernandez
(Wikimedia Commons)

Photo: 25 July 2014.
Source: Own work.
Author: Uoaei1
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: The Pulpit in the Church of Melk Abbey, Austria.
Deutsch: Die Kanzel in der Kirche des Stifts Melk.
Photo: 17 May 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Lily
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: The Church of Melk Abbey, Austria.
Deutsch: Die Kirche des Stifts Melk.
Photo: 7 April 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Effi Schweizer.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Wednesday 19 February 2020

The Re-Dedication Of England, As The Dowry Of Mary, On 29 March 2020.

Painting by Amanda de Pulford of Our Lady of Walsingham.
To be Blessed by Pope Francis.
Independent Catholic News.
8 February 2020.

The Re-Dedication of England as The Dowry of Mary,
on 29 March 2020, is both a personal promise of the people of our Country and a renewal of the Entrustment Vows made by King Richard II, per the Web-Site BEHOLD2020, The Official Companion of The Re-Dedication of England as Mary’s Dowry.

As the Web-Site further states:

This year, the Christians of England are called
to make a Personal Dedication to Mary,
taking up her example as Christ’s first disciple;

History shows us that, when the people Pray a surrender
to God’s Will for their lives, Society is transformed;

By taking up this Personal Dedication in 2020, you can be a part of the renewal of this Nation, drawing ourselves closer to
The Will of Our Loving God, through Mary;

King Richard II (Reigned 1377-1399) made a Prayer to Our Lady of Pew [Editor: Chapel of Our Lady of Pew is in Westminster Abbey], at the time of The Peasants’ Revolt in 1381, placing his Country under her Maternal Care and Consecrating England to her By Right, as The Bride of The Holy Spirit: England being a “Dowry,” as it were, the wealth a Bride brings to her Husband;

We talk about Catholic England in a Blog Post HERE;

The Independent Catholic News reported that Pope Francis will be Blessing a Painting of Our Lady of Walsingham on Wednesday, 12 February 2020, during his Weekly Audience;

The Painting will then return to The Shrine to Our Lady
of Walsingham for The Re-Dedication on 29 March 2020, and then embark on a journey to visit every Parish in the Country. LINK to full Article;

BEHOLD2020 has a Section on their Site listing activities
to participate in to prepare for The Re-Dedication,
that includes Prayer and Pilgrimage;

During our Mary’s Dowry Pilgrimage, in August 2020, we will visit The Shrine to Our Lady of Walsingham and pursue our own Re-Dedication to Mary. Join us ! For more information, follow this LINK;

If you live in The United States, consider visiting The National Shrine to Our Lady of Walsingham, located in Williamsburg, Virginia. LINK to Web-Site for more information and directions.

Our Lady of Walsingham,
Pray for us
and the Country of England.

Amen !

“De Profúndis Clamávi Ad Te, Dómine”. “Out Of The Depths I Have Cried Unto Thee, Oh, Lord”. Psalm CXXIX. The Prayer For The Dead.

A Soul is released from Purgatory.
Illustration: PINTEREST

“De Profúndis Clamávi Ad Te, Dómine”.
“Out Of The Depths I Have Cried Unto Thee, Oh, Lord”.
Psalm CXXIX.
One of The Penitential Psalms.
The Prayer For The Dead.
Available on YouTube at

Out of the depths I have cried unto Thee, Oh, Lord.
Lord, hear my voice.
Let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.
If Thou, Oh, Lord, will mark iniquities,
Lord, who shall endureth ?
For with The Lord, there is merciful forgiveness,
And, by reason of Thy Law, I have waited upon Thee, Oh, Lord,
My Soul doth rely on His Word,
My Soul doth hope in The Lord,
From the Morning Watch even until Night,
Let Israel hope in The Lord,
For with The Lord there is Mercy,
And with Him plentiful Redemption,
And He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.

V.   Eternal Rest give unto them,  Oh, Lord.
R.   And let Perpetual Light shine upon them.
V.   May they rest in peace.
R.   Amen.

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Saint Simeon. Bishop And Martyr. Feast Day, Today, 18 February.

Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Simeon.
   Bishop And Martyr.
   Feast Day 18 February.


Red Vestments.

Saint Simeon of Jerusalem.
Bishop and Martyr.
Source:: The illustration originates from
the open catalogue ([1]).
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Simeon, son of Cleophas and Mary, who was so closely related to The Blessed Virgin as to be called her sister, "was anointed with Holy Oil" (Gradual) and became Bishop of Jerusalem, after Saint James the Less.

A Disciple of Christ, Whom he had known, he was for this reason arrested and crucified (Gospel). Although he was 120 years of age, the venerable old man "suffered this cruel punishment with constancy and received The Crown of Life which God prepares for those who love Him" (Epistle).

His Martyrdom took place in 106 A.D.

Like Saint Simeon, let us unite ourselves to Jesus by dying to sin at this Holy Season of Penance.

Mass: Státuit. (Of a Martyr Bishop.)

Saint Mary Bernard Soubirous (Saint Bernadette Of Lourdes). Virgin. Feast Day 18 February.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Mary Bernard Soubirous.


Feast Day 18 February.


White Vestments.

Bernadette Soubirous, when a child.
Date: Circa 1858.
Source: Weltwoche 8/08.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

“The Song of Bernadette” (1943).
Available on YouTube at

Bernadette Soubirous was born at Lourdes in 1844. Our Lady appeared eighteen times to her in The Grotto of Massabielle, at the beginning of 1858 (Collect).

On 25 March 1858, The Blessed Virgin said to her: “I am The Immaculate Conception”, thereby confirming The Dogma officially proclaimed by Blessed Pope Pius IX in 1854.

Leaving everything to purchase at such a price The Kingdom of Heaven (Gospel), she entered The Convent of The Sisters of Charity, at Nevers, France, in 1868. Here, she was given the name of Sister Mary Bernard, and died on 16 April 1879, after a hidden life of Prayer and Penance (Secret).

English: The Grotto at Lourdes, where Our Lady appeared to Saint Bernadette.
Português: Gruta de Lurdes.
Photo: 15 February 2014.
Source: Own work.
Author: José Luiz.
Attribution: © José Luiz Bernardes Ribeiro / CC BY-SA 3.0
(Wikimedia Commons)

She was Canonised by Pope Pius XI on 8 December 1933. In 1936, her Feast was ordered to be Celebrated, by The Universal Church, eight days after The Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on 11 February.

Mass: Vultum tuum.
Commemoration: In Lent, of The Feria.
Commemoration: Saint Simeon.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Saint Bernadette Soubirous (Occitan: Bernadeta Sobirós; 7 January 1844 – 16 April 1879), also known as Saint Bernadette of Lourdes, was the first-born daughter of a Miller, from Lourdes (Lorda, in Occitan), in The Department of Hautes-Pyrénées, in France, and came to be Venerated as a Saint in The Catholic Church.

Saint Mary Bernard Soubirous has become best known for The Marian Apparitions of a “Young Lady”, who asked for a Chapel to be built at the nearby Cave-Grotto, at Massabielle, where Apparitions are said to have occurred between 11 February 1858 and 16 July 1858. She would later receive recognition when “The Lady”, who appeared to her, identified herself as “The Immaculate Conception”.

Illustration: Copyright: Christine McDonald at AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM

Despite initial scepticism from some Church authorities, Saint Bernadette's claims were eventually declared “worthy of belief”, after a Canonical Investigation, and The Marian Apparition became known as Our Lady of Lourdes.

Since her death, Saint Bernadette's body has apparently remained internally incorrupt, but it is not without blemish; during her third exhumation in 1925, the firm of Pierre Imans made light wax coverings for her face and her hands, due to the discolouration that her skin had undergone after her body was cleansed. These masks were placed on her face and hands before she was moved to her crystal Reliquary in June 1925. The Marian Shrine at Lourdes (Midi-Pyrénées, from 2016 part of Occitanie) went on to become a major Pilgrimage site, attracting over five million Pilgrims of all denominations each year.

On 8 December 1933, Pope Pius XI declared Saint Bernadette a Saint of The Catholic Church. Her Feast Day, initially specified as 18 February — the day her “Lady” promised to make her happy, not in this life, but in the next — is now observed in most places on the date of her death, 16 April.
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