Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Thursday 19 September 2019

Ember Wednesday In September.

Yesterday, Wednesday, 18 September 2019, was Ember Wednesday in September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Ember Wednesday in September.

Station at Saint Mary-Major.

Violet Vestments.

Iona Abbey,

As on other Wednesdays in Ember Weeks, The Station is held at Saint Mary-Major.

The Prophet Amos had foretold in the 8th-Century B.C., the destruction of the Kingdom of Israel and its coming restoration (Lesson). Later on, indeed, Nehemias and Esdras brought back the captives from Babylon and rebuilt Jerusalem.

When this work was completed, they all assembled on the first day of the seventh month, when Esdras read to them The Law of Moses and said: "This is The Holy Day of The Lord, be not sad for The Joy of The Lord is our strength" (Epistle and Communion).

English: Basilica of Saint Mary-Major, Rome,
where The Mass is said on Ember Wednesday in September.
Photo: 23 May 2016.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Wednesday in September Ember Week, which month was formerly, as its name shows, the seventh month of the year in Roman times, recalls this joyous Anniversary, which was a figure of our redemption by Jesus; indeed, the Introit tells us to be thrilled with joy in God our protector.

This joy is accompanied by the Spirit of Penitence expressed in the Violet Vestments used, and The Church Prays that we, depriving ourselves of bodily nourishment, may also abstain from sins of the mind (Collect). The Gospel, indeed, speaks of the impure spirit, which can only be dispelled by Prayer and Fasting.

Having fallen into sin through our weakness, let us Pray and Fast, that God may give a remedy by His merciful help (Collect before The Lesson).

Mass: Exsultáte Deo.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

In The Liturgical Calendar of The Western Christian Churches, Ember Days are four separate sets of three days within the same week — specifically, the Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday — roughly equidistant in the circuit of the year, that are set aside for Fasting and Prayer.

These days, set apart for special Prayer and Fasting, were considered especially suitable for The Ordination of Clergy. The Ember Days are known, in Latin, as the “Quatuor Anni Tempora” (the “Four Seasons Of The Year”), or, formerly, as the “Jejunia Quatuor Temporum” (“Fasts Of The Four Seasons”).

The four Quarterly Periods, during which The Ember Days fall, are called The Embertides.

The term “Ember Days” refers to three days set apart for Fasting, Abstinence, and Prayer, during each of the four Seasons of the year. The purpose of their introduction was to thank God for the gifts of nature, to teach men to make use of them in moderation, and to assist the needy.

Possibly occasioned by the agricultural feasts of ancient Rome, they came to be observed by Christians for the Sanctification of the different Seasons of the year. James G. Sabak argues that The Embertide Vigils were “ . . . not based on imitating agrarian models of Pre-Christian Roman practices, but, rather, on an eschatological rendering of the year, punctuated by The Solstices and The Equinoxes, and, thus, underscores the eschatological significance of all Liturgical Vigils in the City of Rome.”



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Saint Januarius And His Companions. Martyrs. Feast Day 19 September.

English: The Martyrdom of Saint Januarius in the Amphitheatre at Pozzuoli.
Artist: Artemisia Gentileschi (1593–1653).
Date: Circa 1636.
Current location: Cathedral in Pozzuoli, Naples, Italy
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Januarius (San Gennaro) and his Companions.
   Feast Day 19 September.


Red Vestments.

"At Pozzuoli, in Campania, Italy," says The Roman Martyrology, "The Feast of The Holy Martyrs, Januarius (San Gennaro), Bishop of Beneventum, Festus (his Deacon), Desiderius (his Lector), Socius, a Deacon of The Church at Misenum, Proculus, a Deacon of Pozzuoli, Eutychius, and Acutius, who, after having been bound with chains, were cast into prison and beheaded, under Emperor Diocletian (305 A.D.).

"The body of Saint Januarius was taken to Naples and honourably buried in the Church where his blood is still preserved in a glass phial. When the phial is placed near the head of The Holy Martyr, the blood liquefies and bubbles as if it had just been shed."

This Miracle, known as The Miracle of Saint Januarius, still takes place. The blood, contained in two glass phials where it is coagulated into a dark-red mass, increases in volume and weight; on liquefying, it becomes bright-red, while the surface is covered with bubbles, wherefore it is said to boil.

The Miracle takes place three times a year: During the Feast of May, lasting nine days, from the First Sunday in the Month; in September, during eight days, from 19 September to 26 September; and on 16 December.

Mass: Salus autem.
Gospel: Sedénte Jesu.

Gloucester Cathedral (Cathedral Church Of Saint Peter And The Holy And Indivisible Trinity). Construction Began In 1089. (Part Three).

Text from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia,
unless stated otherwise.

Photos from Gloucester Cathedral Web-Site at
Unless otherwise stated, photos of Gloucester Cathedral are taken by Angelo Hornak, Richard Cann, Chris Smith, Esther Platten, Gloucester Cathedral and Gilmere Ltd.

Gloucester Cathedral's Great East Window.
From Gloucester Cathedral Web-Site at
Photo © John Jones of Skycell.

This has been a place of Christian worship continuously for over 1300 years, since Osric, an Anglo-Saxon Prince, founded a Religious House here in 678-679 A.D. Little is known for certain about the communities which worshipped here, or the buildings they used over the next 400 years, although it is believed that The Benedictine Rule was introduced here early in the 11th-Century.

Gloucester Cathedral's Lady Chapel looking towards the Choir.
From Wikimedia Commons.
Author: Mattana
Photo taken January 2008.

The interior of Gloucester Cathedral conveys an impression of a "cage" of stone and glass, typical of "Perpendicular" Architecture.

Elaborate Decorated-Style Tracery is no longer in evidence, and the lines on both walls and windows have become sharper and less flamboyant.

A record of the building fabric is made before and during Stonework Conservation, detailing the information that Repair Works uncover about building history and early building techniques. For a selection of Archaeological Reports concerning this, see

Gloucester Cathedral's Stained-Glass Window
showing the Coronation of Henry III in 1216.
From Gloucester Cathedral Web-Site


At the time of the Norman Conquest, in 1066, the Monastery was not thriving and in 1072 King William I appointed Serlo, a Monk from Mont Saint Michel, in Normandy, to be its Abbot. An energetic, charismatic and devout man, Serlo built up the wealth of the Monastery to the point where, in 1089, he was able to start building the magnificent Abbey Church which so impresses the visitor today.


A wealthy and powerful institution, with extensive landholdings in Gloucestershire and South Wales, the Abbey of Saint Peter (as it was known) had significant Royal Associations.

In 1216, King Henry III, who had succeeded to the Throne at the age of only nine, was Crowned here. Major building works in the 13th-Century included a first Lady Chapel and new Tower and Refectory.

Gloucester Cathedral's Lady Chapel. Built at the end of the 15th-Century.
From Gloucester Cathedral Web-Site at

Most importantly for the subsequent history of this place, in 1327, King Edward II, who had died in Berkeley Castle (in suspicious and, traditionally, gruesome circumstances) was buried here. A Shrine-like Monument was erected over the tomb of the dead King. Royal patronage and popular devotion led to funds flowing into the Abbey, and these enabled the magnificent remodelling of The East End to be carried out in the very latest “Perpendicular” Style.

In the 15th-Century, further building work included the remodelling of The West End, the building of The South Porch and of the present Tower and, finally, towards the end of the Century, the present Lady Chapel.


Wednesday 18 September 2019

Saint Joseph Of Cupertino. Confessor. Feast Day, Today, 18 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Joseph of Cupertino.
   Feast Day 18 September.


White Vestments.

English: Saint Joseph of Cupertino is lifted in flight at the sight of The Basilica of Loreto
Italiano: S. Giuseppe da Copertino si eleva in volo alla vista della Basilica di Loreto.
Artist: Ludovico Mazzanti (1686-1775).
Date: 18th-Century.
Current location: Church of Saint Joseph of Cupertino, Osimo, Italy.
(Wikimedia Commons)

A humble son of Saint Francis, whose Stigmata we Commemorated yesterday, Saint Joseph also glorifies The Cross of Jesus, which The Liturgy exalted, recently, on 14 September (The Exaltation of The Holy Cross).

Like the Seraphic Patriarch, he strove to remain attached to The Cross by absolute Poverty, heroic Obedience, and Virginal Purity.

Such was his spirit of sacrifice and Prayer, that he accepted with Holy Patience and great serenity to be misunderstood and calumniated (Offertory). Wherefore, God, Who exalts the humble, caused him to pass from the rank of Brother to that of Clerk and to be made a Priest.

He wrought such Miracles that he implored Heaven to withdraw from him the remarkable powers with which he was endowed. He died a Holy Death at Osimo, Italy, in 1663.

Mass: Diléctio Dei.
Gospel: Loquebátur Jesus.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Joseph of Cupertino, O.F.M. Conv. (Italian: Giuseppe da Copertino) (17 June 1603 – 18 September 1663) was an Italian Conventual Franciscan Friar who is honoured as a Christian Mystic and Saint. He was said to be prone to miraculous levitation and intense ecstatic visions that left him gaping.

English: The Nave of the Basilica Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice.
Altarpiece: The Miracle of Saint Joseph of Cupertino.
Français: La partie droite de la nef de la Basilique Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari. Tableau du retable: Le miracle de Joseph de Cupertinopar Giuseppe Nogari.
Italiano: Il lato destro della navata della Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari. Pala d'altare: Il miracolo di Giuseppe da Copertino daGiuseppe Nogari.
Photo: 30 May 2016.
Source: Own work.Author: Didier Descouens
(Wikimedia Commons)

Gloucester Cathedral (Cathedral Church Of Saint Peter And The Holy And Indivisible Trinity). Construction Began In 1089. (Part Two).

Gloucester Cathedral's Stained-Glass Windows.
Taken from Wikimedia Commons.
Author: andy dolman
Picture taken May 2007.

Text from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia,
unless stated otherwise.

Burials in the Cathedral include:

Robert Curthose, eldest son of William the Conqueror.
Edward II of England, seventh Plantagenet King of England (1307–1327).
John Wakeman, last Abbot of Tewkesbury and first Bishop of Gloucester (1541–1550).
James Brooks Bishop of Gloucester (1554–1558).
Richard Cheyney, Bishop of Gloucester (1562–1579).
John Bullingham, Bishop of Gloucester (1581–1598).
William Nicholson Bishop of Gloucester (1660–1672).
Martin Benson, Bishop of Gloucester (1734–1752).
Richard Pate, Landowner and Member of Parliament for Gloucester.
Thomas Machen, Mercer and Mayor of Gloucester three times. One time Member of Parliament for the City.
Dorothea Beale, Principal of Cheltenham Ladies' College, Educational Reformer and Suffragist.

Gloucester Cathedral Facade.
From Wikimedia Commons.
Author: andy dolman
Picture taken February 2008.

Gloucester Cathedral.
From Wikimedia Commons.
Author: Roger May
Picture taken December 2003.

Harry Potter Films.

The Cathedral has been used, since 2000, as a location for filming the first, second and sixth Harry Potter films, which has generated revenue and publicity, but caused some controversy amongst those who suggest that the theme of the films was unsuitable for a Church.

Doctor Who.

In 2008, the Cathedral was used by BBC Wales as a location for the Doctor Who Christmas Special.

Academic use.

Degree Ceremonies of The University of Gloucestershire take place at the Cathedral.

Degree Ceremonies for Students The University of The West of England, through Hartpury College, take place at the Cathedral every July and November.

The Cathedral is also used during School Term-Time as the venue for regular School Assemblies, known as Morning Chapel. by The King's School, Gloucester, which is deeply historically, and physically, connected to the Cathedral, and for events by The High School for Girls (Denmark Road, Gloucester), The Crypt Grammar School for Boys, and Ribston Hall High School.

Gloucester Cathedral Cloisters.
From Wikimedia Commons.
Author: Rob Coldwell
Picture taken July 2006.

Gloucester Cathedral Ceiling.
From Wikimedia Commons.
Author: andy dolman
Picture taken 2008.

Part Three Follows.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

The Impression Of The Stigmata of Saint Francis. Confessor. Feast Day 17 September.

English: Saint Francis of Assisi.
Polski: Św. Franciszek z Asyżu.
Artist: Cigoli (1559–1613).
Date: 1597-1599.
Current location: Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

The Impression of The Stigmata of Saint Francis.
   Feast Day 17 September.


White Vestments.

Two years before his death, Saint Francis retired to Mount Alverno, Italy, where he began a Fast of Forty Days in honour of Saint Michael The Archangel. And lo ! In the midst of his Meditations, he saw a figure, like a Seraphim, with six wings dazzling and burning, whose feet and hands were nailed to a Cross.

Aware that suffering is incompatible with the immortality of a Seraphic Spirit, he understood this to mean that he would become more like Jesus and bear his Cross after Him (Gospel), not by physical Martyrdom, but by a Mystical kindling of Divine Love.

English: Basilica of Saint Francis, Assisi, Italy.
Photo: 7 March 2009.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

And, in order that this Crucified Love might become an example to us all, five wounds, resembling those of Jesus on The Cross, appeared on his feet, hands, and side. From his side, blood flowed abundantly.

The facts were so fully authenticated, later, that Pope Benedict XI ordered them to be Commemorated every year, and Pope Paul V, to kindle in The Faithful The Love of Jesus Crucified, extended The Feast to the whole Church.

Mass: As on The Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi on 4 October, except Proper Collects and Gospel.
Gospel: Si quis vult.

Ice-Cutter. Rat-Catcher. Lamp-Lighter. Bowling-Alley-Pinsetter. Switch-Board-Operator. Knocker-Upper. Jobs From Yesteryear.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, SHARENATOR

Ice Cutters: These were men who cut the ice from frozen lakes. Once cut up, they
would transfer their product to the ice delivery men. These ice cutters worked in extreme conditions. Most of them were  happy when more started using the refrigerator
for keeping their food safe.

Rat-Catchers: Keeping the rat population under control was practised in Europe
to prevent the spread of diseases to man, most notoriously The Black Plague
and to prevent damage to food supplies.

Lamplighter: Was a person who would go around the City, at night, and light
all of the Lamps by hand. They usually held out a long Pole,
with a Wick on the end, to light the Street Lamps.

03368u1 - jobs that have gone extinct

Bowling Alley Pinsetter: Before Bowling Alleys had machines
to reset their Pins, there were people who did it, called “Pinsetters”.
It was typically a Teenagers job and paid very little.

photograph women working bell system telephone switchboard

Switchboard Operator: Up until three decades ago, Switchboard Operators were important players in the Telecommunications industry. They were needed to make
Long Distance Calls and to manage Busy Circuits. But with the advent of Digitised Telecommunications, Switchboard Operators had to find new jobs. These days,
making Long Distance Calls can be done on your Mobile Phone.

Knocker-Upper: A Knocker-Upper's job was to rouse sleeping people, so they could get to work on time. The Knocker-Upper used a Truncheon, or short, heavy Stick, to knock on the clients' doors, or a long, and light, Stick, often made of Bamboo, to reach windows on higher floors. At least one of them used a Pea-Shooter. In return, the Knocker-Upper would be paid a few Pence (Cents) a week. The Knocker-Upper would not leave a client's window until they were sure that the client was awake.

“Time to get up !!!”.

Making sure that the Client gets up in time for work.

Monday 16 September 2019

Saints Euphemia, Lucy, And Geminianus. Martyrs. Feast Day 16 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saints Euphemia, Lucy, And Geminianus.
   Feast Day 16 September.


Red Vestments.

"At Chalcedon," says The Roman Martyrology, "the birth in Heaven of Saint Euphemia, Virgin and Martyr, who was condemned to the wild beasts." This happened in 307 A.D.

"At Rome, The Holy Martyrs Lucy, a noble lady, and Geminianus, who were beheaded by order of Emperor Diocletian, about 300 A.D.

Mass: Intret. Of several Martyrs.
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