Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Friday 5 January 2018

Saint John Cantius, Chicago. New Web-Site For Biretta Books. Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam.

Text and Illustration: BIRETTA BOOKS

Biretta Books publishes Religious Books, Musical Recordings,
and Video Productions, to help educate Catholic Clergy and Laity about Catholic subjects, including, but not limited to, Sacred Liturgy, Catechetics, Marian Spirituality, Eucharistic Theology and Piety, Devotions to The Passion of Christ, Gregorian Chant, Organ Music, Sacred Polyphony and Liturgical Music.

The Books and Media we offer help Catholic Clergy and Laity
by re-invigorating the Liturgical, Sacramental
and Devotional Life of The Church.

We are now happy to offer Sacred Vestments
and Sacred Vessels for Clergy. 

Profits from Biretta Books benefit The Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius,
as well as the AMDG Foundation.

Vigil Of The Epiphany. 5 January.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Vigil of The Epiphany.
   5 January.


Privileged Octave of The Second-Class.

White Vestments.

Artist: René de Cramer.
“Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium”.
Used with Permission.

For the third time, an Angel appeared to Joseph (Gospel). He told him to return to Palestine, for Herod had just died in dreadful torment, such as Heaven reserves for those who persecute. His son, Archelaus, on ascending the throne, put to death three thousand of his subjects.

["An Angel of The Lord appeared to him (Joseph) in his sleep, saying: "Joseph, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife" (Gospel of The Vigil of Christmas).

"An Angle of The Lord appeared in sleep to Joseph, saying: "Fly into Egypt, and be there until I shall tell thee." (Gospel of The Holy Innocents.)

"Joseph feared for Jesus, and it was under these circumstances that he was once more told in a dream to retire to Nazareth. ["Nazareth", in Hebrew, means "The Flower of Galilee", owing to the beauty of the site on which the town is built]].

VespersCommemoration of The VigilPuer Jesus. VersicleNotum fecit Dóminus, allelúia. ResponsorySalutáre suum, allelúia. And Commemoration of Saint Telesphorus: AntiphonIste sanctus. VersicleGlória.
Mass: For The Sunday within The Octave of Christmas.
GospelDefúncto Heróde.
Commemoration: Of Saint Telesphorus.
Third Collect: Of The Blessed Virgin Mary.
Preface: For Christmas.

Thursday 4 January 2018

Christmas Decorations At The Grand Ducal Court, Luxembourg. Noël À La Cour Grand-Ducale De Luxembourg.

Civil Ensign of Luxembourg.
This File: 17 December 2016.
User: Sodacan.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Flag of Luxembourg.svg

Flag of Luxembourg.
Date: 28 September 2005.
Source: Own work.
Author: Drawn by User:SKopp.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Henri, and The Grand Duchess, Maria Teresa,
and (on the Left) their son, Prince Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg.
Photo: 25 June 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Disquatufais.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Great coat of arms of Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg.svg

English: The Great Coat-of-Arms of Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg.
Français: Grandes armoiries de Son Altesse Royale le Grand-Duc.
Date: 5 October 2016.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Photographs of the Christmas decorations at The Grand Ducal Court, Luxembourg, are taken from TEA AT TRIANON

All Photographs of Christmas decorations at The Grand Ducal Court © Grand Ducal Court / Claude Piscitelli / All Rights Reserved.

Always Remember The Four Last Things.

The last photograph of The Titanic.
Illustration: PINTEREST

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

In Christian eschatology, "The Four Last Things", or, "The Four Last Things Of Man" (Latin: Quattuor Novissima) are Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell, the four last stages of the Soul in Life and the Afterlife.

They are often commended as a collective topic for Pious Meditation; Saint Philip Neri wrote: "Beginners in Religion ought to exercise themselves principally in Meditation on The Four Last Things". Traditionally, the Sermons Preached on The Four Sundays of Advent were on The Four Last Things.

The 1909 Catholic Encyclopedia states: "The eschatological summary which speaks of "The Four Last Things" (Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell) is popular rather than scientific. For systematic treatment, it is best to distinguish between (A) individual and (B) universal and cosmic eschatology". Pope John Paul II wrote in 1984 that the "Judgement" component encompasses both Particular Judgement and General Judgement.

Octave Of The Holy Innocents. 4 January.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Octave of The Holy Innocents.
   4 January.


Red Vestments.

Massacre of The Innocents.
Artist: Matteo di Giovanni (1435–1495).
Date: 1488.
Current location: National Museum of Capodimonte, Naples, Italy.
Source/Photographer: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei.
DVD-ROM, 2002. 
SBN 3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.
Permission: [1].
(Wikimedia Commons)

Vespers: Antiphon: Hi sunt. Versicle: Heródes.
Mass: Ex ore infántium.
   Gloria in excelsis: Is said.
   Alleluia and Versicle after The Gradual: Are said.
   Ite Missa est: Is said.
Creed: Is not said.
Preface: For Christmas.

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Musée De La Visitation, Moulins, France.


of 13 September 2012.

Our Post from yesterday, about the Liturgical treasury of the French Cathedral of Le Puy-en-Velay, resulted in the following being brought to our attention, which shows The Visitation Museum in Moulins, France, where "nearly ten thousand Chalices, Chasubles, and silk Liturgical items have been produced and preserved by The Sisters of The Visitation of Holy Mary."

Sacred Silk and other displays of
The Visitation Museum, France.
Available on YouTube at

Magnificent embroidery skills on display at

The  following Text from MUSÉE-VISITATION

The Museum of The Visitation is a private organisation run by the Association "Regard sur la Visitation", whose goals are: Safeguarding and promoting the artistic and Religious heritage of the Monasteries of The Order of The Visitation; create and maintain a Museum, in Moulins, France, dedicated to The Order of The Visitation and its heritage.

To achieve its objectives, the Museum relies on a Scientific Committee consisting of historians, researchers and professionals in the Museum World. Eighty-seven Monasteries of The Sainte Marie Visitation Order, settled in nineteen Countries of Europe, Middle East, North and South America, decided to save their artistic patrimony by deposing some masterpieces into The Museum of Moulins, France. Moulins is the City where Sainte Jeanne de Chantal Fremyot, the Co-Foundress of The Order, died.

Superb needlework on display at

Year after year, the number of pieces has increased considerably and now it exceeds 8,000. Encompassing a period that extends from the 15th- to the 21st-Century, these pieces relate the history and the patrimony of a Monastic Order which was present in France (160 Foundations) and which extends all over the World.

"All Heart" — Burning Love of The Sacred Heart. -- "Behold this Heart that has so greatly loved people." 
These words of Jesus Christ to the humble Sister Margaret Mary Alacoque, Centuries ago, are echoed in the beautiful Vestments, Liturgical objects, and other artifacts at a special exhibit displayed  in 2013 at The Musée de la Visitation, Moulins, France.
The Museum hosted "A tout coeur," (All Heart), an exhibition of works of art and love centered around The Devotion to The Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Order the book (in French) on The Museum's Sacred Heart exhibit at
Available on YouTube at

The Collection is as various as the furniture and objects necessary for life in a Community. Some pieces have prestigious origins; Relics of famous Saints, donations of illustrious or Royal people. Others are the fruits of the patient work of The Visitandines, women having left society for a life of Prayer, following The Rules defined by their Co-Founder, Saint Francis de Sales.

You can hear the interview of Gérard Picaud, administrator of the Museum, by Elodie Courtejoie from Canal Académie.

Chasubles on display.

British Aircraft Carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth To Urgently Sail To Arctic Circle, In Coming Days, To Support Air Transport Mission.

Text and Illustration: UKDJ

Zephyrinus has only just received this report of recent Royal Navy Operational Deployments, dated 22 December 2017.

British Aircraft Carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth is to sail to the Arctic Circle in the coming days to support a Multinational Air Transport Mission.

The new 70,600 tonne Carrier has not yet entered Operational Service, but it’s understood that she is being hurried into Service for this Mission, with an MOD spokesperson describing the efforts of the crew as those of "good girls and boys".

According to Foreign Office spokesman Nicholas Kringle:

“We’ve received an urgent Request For Assistance (RFA) to support a Multi-National Air Transport Mission being launched from a currently undisclosed location within the Arctic Circle.

As such, HMS Queen Elizabeth is being urgently deployed to provide emergency provisions and a "back up" option, should the cargo aircraft involved need to land and refuel.”

This comes not long after it was announced that the Royal Air Force will reportedly be on High Alert in the coming days, in order to track cargo flights from the Arctic region.

The move has been prompted by an incident around a year ago, in which RAF Typhoon aircraft escorted a Lapland-registered aircraft (flying from the Arctic region) over the UK’s major cities.

The pilot of the craft was said to be under the influence of alcohol and very “festive”; this is especially dangerous due to the sheer volume of cargo the aircraft was carrying. This is expected to happen again.

An MOD spokesman had this to say:

“Interception is part of what the Quick Reaction Force (QRA Force) do. We have to identify and confirm who or what is flying through our airspace, or approaching our airspace, and since the craft appears at the same time each year, we have a fairly good idea who will be flying, but we don’t take any chances.”

The Ministry of Defence used satellites with infra-red sensors to track the aircraft last time this happened. It is understood that the heat from an animal's very shiny red nose was clearly visible.

It was at this point that RAF aircraft began escorting the bit, bright red, craft, over every British City, Town and Village.

UPDATE: We understand that the provisions, that HMS Queen Elizabeth has been loaded with, include Brandy and small biscuits and carrots.

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