Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal, unless otherwise stated. Third Day within The Octave of The Feast of The Immaculate Conception. 10 December. Semi-Double. White Vestments.
English: Work belonging to the Madrid Prado Museum photographed during the exhibition « Rubens et son Temps » (Rubens and His Times) at the Museum of Louvre-Lens.
Français: Œuvre appartenant au musée du Prado de Madrid photographiée lors de l’exposition temporaire « Rubens et son Temps » au musée duLouvre-Lens.
Deutsch: Arbeiten gehören in der " Rubens et son Temps " (Ausstellung Rubens und seine Zeit) im Museum von Louvre-Lens fotografiert.
Español: Trabaja perteneciente a fotografiado durante la exposición de " Rubens et son Temps " (Rubens y su época) en el Museo de Louvre-Lens.
English: Lower part of the front façade of the Notre-Dame Cathedral, in Paris, at night. On the upper part, the twenty-eight Kings of Judea and Israel. On the lower part, from Left to Right, The Portal of The Virgin, The Portal of The Last Judgement, and The Portal of Saint-Anne. This picture is a mosaic of twelve photos.
Français: Partie basse de la façade ouest de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris. La rangée du haut représente les 28 rois d'Israël et Judée ayant précédé le Christ. En dessous, et de gauche à droite, le portail de la Vierge, le portail du Jugement Dernier et le portail Saint-Anne. Cette image est constituée de douze photos.
May Fr. Willie Doyle watch over his beloved Ireland
and Pray that it grows ever stronger in The Faith.
May he intercede to return Ireland to providing the World
with many Priests and Religious.
May the Irish nation return to its deep love for
The Immaculate Heart of Mary
and Devotion to The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
God Bless Ireland.
Until fairly recently, Ireland didn't even show up on the "Country Hit Register" for Zephyrinus' Blog.
The previously-Number-One-Powerhouse-in-the-World, for generating Priests and Religious to Serve God, was conspicuous by its total absence in the Blog's "Country Hit Register".
On the contrary, even China, the World's new Super-Power, was climbing rapidly in the Register of Countries viewing this Blog.
Then . . .
Zephyrinus put up a Post on . . .
. . . The Church of The Sacred Heart, Limerick, Ireland, being saved from destruction by The Institute of Christ The King, Sovereign Priest. Plus, a Link was given to an Article, covering the same subject, on RORATE CAELI
The imminent loss of such a beautiful and much-loved Church in Limerick, Ireland, and the subsequent last-minute saving of such a totemic building, obviously aroused the Irish people's awareness of how low their Catholic Tradition had become in today's secular and liberal lifestyle.
Zephyrinus became aware of an immediate interest from Irish Readers of Articles appearing on this Blog. With Articles generally carrying a heavy affection and devotion to The Traditional Latin Mass (Usus Antiquior), it became obvious that there is a deep-rooted and much-loved devotion in Ireland for The Traditional Mass.
The only question was would the new interest from Irish Readers remain and grow ?
Now, Readers in Ireland will be delighted to know that, within the next two weeks, Ireland will overtake China in the "Country Hit Register" for this Blog.
Ireland is on the move !!!
Ireland awakes !!!
Let us Pray that Irish Seminaries will soon, again, pour forth devoted Priests and Religious.
If Fr Willie Doyle has anything to do with it, Zephyrinus is very hopeful.
English: Work belonging to the Madrid Prado Museum photographed during the exhibition « Rubens et son Temps » (Rubens and His Times) at the Museum of Louvre-Lens.
Français: Œuvre appartenant au musée du Prado de Madrid photographiée lors de l’exposition temporaire « Rubens et son Temps » au musée duLouvre-Lens.
Deutsch: Arbeiten gehören in der " Rubens et son Temps " (Ausstellung Rubens und seine Zeit) im Museum von Louvre-Lens fotografiert.
Español: Trabaja perteneciente a fotografiado durante la exposición de " Rubens et son Temps " (Rubens y su época) en el Museo de Louvre-Lens.
The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.
During the Reign of Pope Gregory XVI, 1831-1846, the Bishops in various countries began to press for a definition as Dogma of the Teaching of Mary's Immaculate Conception.
In 1839, Mariano Spada (1796 - 1872), Professor of Theology at The Roman College of Saint Thomas, published Esame Critico sulla dottrina dell’ Angelico Dottore S. Tommaso di Aquino circa il Peccato originale, relativamente alla Beatissima Vergine Maria [A critical examination of the Doctrine of Saint Thomas Aquinas, The Angelic Doctor, regarding Original Sin, with respect to The Most Blessed Virgin Mary], in which Aquinas is interpreted, not as treating the question of The Immaculate Conception, later formulated in The Papal BullIneffabilis Deus, but, rather, The Sanctification of The Foetus within Mary's womb. Spada furnished an interpretation, whereby Pope Pius IX was relieved of the problem of seeming to foster a Doctrine not in agreement with the Aquinas' Teaching. Pope Pius IX would later appoint Spada as Master of The Sacred Palace in 1867.
Pope Pius IX, at the beginning of his Pontificate, and again after 1851, appointed Commissions to investigate the whole subject, and he was advised that the Doctrine was one which could be Defined and that the time for a Definition was opportune.
English: Detail of Stained-Glass Window, showing Mary Immaculate,
Church of Saint Thomas, Excideuil, Dordogne, France.
Français: Détail d'un vitrail représentant sainte Marie,
It was not until 1854 that Pope Pius IX, with the support of the overwhelming majority of Roman Catholic Bishops, whom he had consulted between 1851–1853, promulgated The Papal BullIneffabilis Deus ("Ineffable God"), which defined, ex cathedra, The Dogma of The Immaculate Conception:
We declare, pronounce and define that The Doctrine which holds that The Blessed Virgin Mary, at the first instant of her conception, by a singular privilege and Grace of The Omnipotent God, in virtue of The Merits of Jesus Christ, The Saviour of Mankind, was preserved Immaculate from all stain of Original Sin, has been revealed by God, and therefore should firmly and constantly be believed by all The Faithful.
The Papal Definition of The Dogma declares, with absolute certainty and authority, that Mary possessed Sanctifying Grace from the first instant of her existence, and was free from the lack of Grace, caused by the Original Sin, at the beginning of human history. Mary's Salvation was won by her Son, Jesus Christ, through His Passion, Death, and Resurrection, and was not due to her own merits.
Having decided, from all Eternity, to make Mary Mother of The Incarnate Word (Epistle), God willed that she should crush the head of the serpent from the moment of her Conception.
He covered her "with a Mantle of Holiness" (Introit) and, "preserving her Soul from all stain, He made her a worthy dwelling place for His Son" (Collect).
The Feast of The "Conception" of The Virgin was; from the 8th-Century A.D., Celebrated in The East on 9 December; from the 9th-Century A.D., in Ireland on 3 May; and, in the 11th-Century, in England, on 8 December.
The Benedictines, with Saint Anselm, and The Franciscans, with Duns Scotus (1308), favoured The Feast of The "Immaculate Conception," which, in 1128, was kept in Anglo-Saxon Monasteries.
In the 15th-Century, Pope Sixtus IV, a Franciscan, erected, at The Vatican, The Sixtine (Sistine) Chapel in honour of The Conception of The Virgin. And, on 8 December 1854, Pope Pius IX officially proclaimed this great Dogma, making himself the mouthpiece of all the Christian Tradition summed up in the words of the Angel: "Hail Mary, full of Grace, The Lord is with thee, Blessed art thou among women" (Gospel). "Thou art all beautiful, O Mary, and the original stain is not in thee" says in truth the Alleluia Verse.
Like the Dawn, which announces the day, Mary precedes The Sun of Justice, which will soon illumine The World of Souls. Bringing to us her Son, it is she who first appears in The Liturgical Cycle.
Let us ask God "to heal us and to deliver us from all our sins" (Secret, Postcommunion) in order that, by the Graces which specially belong to The Feast of The "Immaculate", we may become more worthy of receiving Jesus in our hearts when He comes into them on 25 December.
Every Parish Priest celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.
Archbishop Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for New Evangelization.
"Papal critics threatened with excommunication
as Year of Mercy begins", says Life Site News.
Update: Respected Canonist, Ed Peters, has responded to Archbishop Fisichella's remarks. Read about that here.
December 7, 2015 (Voice of the Family) – Archbishop Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for New Evangelization, has stirred controversy by suggesting that some criticisms of Pope Francis might result in automatic excommunication.
Archbishop Fisichella made his remarks at a Vatican press briefing while explaining how Pope Francis’s new “Missionaries of Mercy” will operate. The 800 “missionaries” will have the power to absolve from penalties previously reserved to the Holy See.
I would say that we need to understand well ‘physical violence,’ because sometimes words, too, are rocks and stones, and therefore I believe some of these sins, too, are far more widespread than we might think.
Archbishop Fisichella’s comments will be interpreted by many as an attempt to silence faithful Catholics who are deeply concerned by the direction currently being taken by those who hold offices at the highest levels of the Church.
Zephyrinus says: It will be most interesting to get to the bottom of this story and find out if the alleged threats are, in fact, real.
Or, will there now be the usual "misunderstood" quotes, allied with "obfuscation", with a heavy dose of "I can't actually recall saying that", etc, etc.
Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal, unless otherwise stated. The Vigil of The Immaculate Conception of The Blessed Virgin Mary. 7 December. Violet Vestments.
In 1858, The Immaculate Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadette Soubirous, near Lourdes, in France, in the cavern called “de Massabielle.” When asked to describe the Lady of The Vision, Bernadette said:
"She has the appearance of a young girl of sixteen or seventeen. She is dressed in a White Robe, girdled at the waist with a Blue Ribbon, which flows down all along Her Robe. She wears upon Her head a Veil, which is also White; this Veil gives just a glimpse of Her hair and then falls down at the back below Her waist. Her feet are bare, but covered by the last folds of Her Robe, except at the point where a Yellow Rose shines upon each of them. She holds on Her right arm a Rosary of White Beads with a Chain of Gold, shining like the two Roses on Her feet."
This Stained-Glass Window of Our Lady of Lourdes is in Llandudno Catholic Church, Wales.
The following Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.
This Vigil was, in 1879, extended by Pope Leo XIII to the whole Church.
Let us, on this day, ask The Immaculate Virgin to purify our hearts still more for tomorrow's Solemnity (Collect).
Mass: Veníte audíte.
The Gloria in excélsis is not said.
The Second Collect is of The Feria. The Third Collect is of The Holy Ghost.
Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal, unless otherwise stated. Saint Ambrose. Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of The Church. Feast Day 7 December. Double. White Vestments.
Saint Ambrose, born at Treves (Trier, Germany) towards 335 A.D., was one of the four Great Doctors of The Latin Church. When he was still in his cradle, some bees settled in his mouth, as if to make honey there, presaging his future great eloquence.
While he was Governor of Milan, Ambrose was providently chosen as Bishop by the voice of a child, and he became thee indefatigable Preacher mentioned in the Epistle and Gospel.
He opposed the heretics, humbled the Emperor Theodosius, and brought into The Church Saint Augustine, whose Conversion was worth that of entire Kingdoms. He enriched The Divine Office with Sacred Hymns, to be Chanted by the whole Congregation. The Milanese Liturgy is still known as The Ambrosian Rite.
This great Bishop died in 397 A.D., during the night of Saturday in Holy Week, after having received The Adorable Body of Jesus, Who received him into Eternal Beatitude.
Like Ambrose, let us always, with gentle firmness, maintain God's rights.
Mass: In médio.
Commemoration: Of The Feria and Commemoration: Of The Vigil.
What he did was incredible. Saint Maximilian Kolbe was a Polish Conventual Franciscan Friar. Born 8 January 1894 as Rajmund Kolbe, he was Canonised as a Saint by The Catholic Church, in 1982, for taking a stranger’s place in the Auschwitz Concentration Camp. To Catholic readers, this may not be a surprise, as he is the Patron Saint of drug addicts, political prisoners, families.
The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.
Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe, O.F.M. Conv. (Polish: Maksymilian Maria Kolbe, 8 January 1894 – 14 August 1941) was a Polish Conventual FranciscanFriar, who volunteered to die in place of a stranger in the German death camp of Auschwitz, located in German-occupied Poland during World War II. He was active in promoting the Veneration of The ImmaculateVirgin Mary, Founding and supervising the Monastery of Niepokalanów, nearWarsaw, Poland, operating a radio station, and founding or running several other organisations and publications.