Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Lenten Station At The Basilica Di Santa Maria-In-Trastevere (Saint Mary's-Beyond-The-Tiber). Thursday Of The Second Week In Lent.

Roman Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Italic Text from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

Thursday of The Second Week in Lent.
      Station at Saint Mary's-Beyond-The-Tiber.

Indulgence of 10 Years and 10 Quarantines.

Violet Vestments.

File:Santa Maria in Trastevere front.jpg

Basilica of Santa Maria-in-Trastevere, Rome.
Photo: July 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Jensens
(Wikimedia Commons)

Today's Station takes place in a Basilica erected shortly after The Peace of Constantine, by Pope Saint Julius I, and which is one of the first Churches in Rome Dedicated to The Mother of God. Mary is represented seated among The Wise Virgins, who hold their lamps. This is an allusion to the spring of oil, which gushed out at this spot shortly before The Birth of Him Whom she had the happiness of carrying in her arms, and Who is called Christ, or, The Anointed of The Lord. This was one of the twenty-five Parishes of 5th-Century A.D. Rome.

Jeremias speaks to us in the Epistle of two men, one of whom put his trust in himself and the other in God. The first dries up like the heather in the desert, and the second bears the abundant fruits of his good works.

In like manner, says the Parable of the Gospel, there were two men, one of whom enjoyed life instead of doing Penance and the other suffered. The first went to Hell, whilst the second was carried by The Angels into Abraham's bosom.

This is a symbol of Israel, who rejected Christ and was cast out, whilst the Gentiles, through Baptism and Penance, enter into The Kingdom of God.

Let us implore The Lord to grant us, by His Grace, perseverance in Prayer and Fasting, in order that we may be delivered from the enemies both of Soul and body (Collect).

Mass: Deus, in adjutórium.


The Apse,
Basilica of Santa Maria Trastevere, 
Rome, Italy.
Photo: April 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Goldmund100
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia.

The Basilica of Our Lady-in-Trastevere (Italian: Basilica di Santa Maria-in-Trastevere) is a Titular Minor Basilica, one of the oldest Churches of Rome, perhaps the first in which Mass was openly Celebrated. The basic Floor Plan and wall structure of the Church date back to 340 A.D. The first Sanctuary was built between 221 A.D. and 227 A.D. by Pope Calixtus I and Pope Julius I.

The Inscription on The Episcopal Throne states that it is the first Church Dedicated to Mary, Mother of Jesus, although some claim that privilege belongs to The Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore. In its Founding, it is certainly one of the oldest Churches in the City. 

A Christian House-Church was founded here, about 220 A.D., by Pope Saint Callixtus I (217 A.D. - 222 A.D.) on the site of the Taberna Meritoria, an asylum for retired soldiers. The area was given over to Christian use by Emperor Alexander Severus, when he settled a dispute between the Christians and tavern-keepers, saying, according to The Liber Pontificalis: "I prefer that it should belong to those who honour God, whatever be their form of worship." 

In 340 A.D., Pope Julius I (337 A.D. - 352 A.D.) rebuilt the Titulus Callixti on a larger scale, and it became the Titulus Iulii, commemorating his Patronage. It was one of the original twenty-five Parishes in Rome.


The Altemps Chapel, 
Basilica of Santa Maria-in-Trastevere, 
Rome, Italy.
Photo: October 2005.
Picture taken by User:Torvindus.
(Wikimedia Commons)

It underwent two Restorations in the 5th- and 8th-Centuries A.D.. In 1140-1143, the Church was re-erected on its old Foundations, under Pope Innocent II. He razed the Church to the ground, along with the recently-completed tomb of his former rival, Pope Anacletus II, and arranged for his own burial on the spot formerly occupied by that tomb.

The richly-carved Ionic Capitals, re-used along its Nave, were taken either from the ruins of The Baths of Caracalla or the nearby Temple of Isis on The Janiculum. When scholarship during the 19th-Century identified the faces in their carved decoration as Isis, Serapis and Harpocrates, a Restoration under Pope Pius IX, in 1870, hammered off the offending faces.

The predecessor of the present Church was probably built in the Early-4th-Century A.D., although that Church was the successor to one of the Tituli, those Early-Christian Basilicas that were ascribed to a Patron and perhaps literally inscribed with his name. The mortal remains of Pope Callixtus I (
+222 A.D.) are preserved under The High Altar.

File:Cappella Altemps.jpg

Pope Pius IV promulgating The Bull "Benedictus Deus".
Artist: Pasquale Cati.
Fresco (1588). 
The Altemps Chapel, 
Santa Maria-in-Trastevere
Rome, Italy.
Photo: June 2004.
Source: Own work.
Author: Torvindus
(Wikimedia Commons)

Inside the Church, are a number of Late-13th-Century mosaics by Pietro Cavallini, on the subject of The Life of The Virgin (1291), centreing on a "Coronation of The Virgin" in the Apse. Domenichino's Octagonal Ceiling Painting, "Assumption of The Virgin" (1617) fits in the Coffered Ceiling that he designed.

The fifth Chapel, to the Left, is the Avila Chapel, designed by Antonio Gherardi. This, and his Chapel of Santa Cecilia in San Carlo ai Catinari, are two of the most architecturally-inventive Chapels of the Late-17th-Century in Rome. The Lower Order of the Chapel is fairly dark and employs Borromini-like forms. In the Dome, there is an opening, or oculus, from which four Putti emerge to carry a Central Tempietto, all of which frames a light-filled Chamber above, illuminated by windows not visible from below.

File:Antonio Gherardi.jpg

The Avila Chapel (designed by Antonio Gherardi) 
in The Basilica di Santa Maria-in-Trastevere, Rome.
Photo: October 2005.
Picture taken by Torvindus.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Church keeps a Relic of Saint Apollonia (her head, as well as a portion of The Holy Sponge). Among those buried in the Church are the Relics of Pope Callixtus IPope Innocent IIAnti-Pope Anacletus II, Cardinal Philippe d'Alençon and Cardinal Lorenzo Campeggio.

The Romanesque Campanile is from the 12th-Century. Near the top, a Niche protects a mosaic of The Madonna and Child.

The mosaics on the façade are probably from the 12th-Century. They depict The Madonna enthroned and suckling The Child, flanked by ten women holding lamps. This image on the façade, showing Mary nursing Jesus, is an early example of a popular Late-Mediaeval and Renaissance type of image of The Virgin. The motif itself originated much earlier, with significant 7th-Century A.D. Coptic examples at Wadi Natrun, in Egypt.

The façade of the Church was restored by Carlo Fontana, in 1702, who replaced the ancient Porch with a sloping tiled Roof. The Octagonal Fountain, in the Piazza in front of the Church (Piazza di Santa Maria-in-Trastevere), which already appears in a map of 1472, was also restored by Carlo Fontana.

File:Maria Trastevere Roma fc08.jpg

English: The Ceiling of The Basilica of Our Lady's-in-Trastevere, Rome.
Italiano: Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere, Roma (soffitto, un particolare).
Polski: Bazylika Najświętszej Maryi Panny na Zatybrzu w Rzymie (fragment kasetonowego sufitu).
Photo: September 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Fczarnowski
(Wikimedia Commons)

Ancient sources maintain that the Titulus Santa Mariae was established by Pope Alexander I around 112 A.D. Later Traditions give the names of the early Patrons of the Tituli and have retrospectively assigned them the Title of Cardinal: thus, at that time, the Cardinal-Patron of this Basilica, these Traditions assert, would have been Saint CalepodiusPope Calixtus I confirmed the Titulus in 221 A.D. To honour him, it was changed into Ss. Callisti et Iuliani; it was re-named S. Mariae Trans Tiberim (Saint Mary's-Beyond-The-Tiber) by Pope Innocent II.

By the 12th-Century, Cardinal Deacons, as well as the Presbyters, had long been dispensed from personal service at the Tituli. Among the past Cardinal Priests holding the honorary Titulus of Santa Maria-in-Trastevere, have been the Cardinal Duke of York (whose Coat-of-Arms, topped by a Crown, rather than a Galero (Red Hat), is visible over the Screen to the Right of The Altar), James Gibbons and Pope Leo XIIJózef Glemp was the most recent Cardinal Priest of the Titulus S. Mariae Trans Tiberim, until his death in January 2013.



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Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Apocalypse Now.

Part of The Great East Window,
York Minster,
York, England.
The photo above is made available
by © Gordon Plumb.

The following Text is taken from MEDIEVAL HISTORIES

York Apocalypse Panel Back In York Minster After Restoration

York Minster takes pride in one of the great artistic achievements of The Middle Ages – The Great East Window. The size of a tennis court, it contains 311 glass panels, which, for some years, have been under restoration by The York Glaziers Trust.

In October 2015, part of it was restored to its original setting after having been studied, conserved and covered with a protective glazing. The painstaking restoration has taken eight years and the completion signals the ending of the first phase of the project, sponsored by The Heritage Lottery Fund.

The window is the masterpiece of Coventry glazier John Thornton and was commissioned in 1405, taking three years to complete. Its cost to York Minster’s Chapter in 1405 prices was £56 (approx $80), according to information gleaned from 17th-Century Copies of The Mediaeval Contract.

The window is a work of immense ambition, depicting the beginning and end of all things, from The Creation of The World, as described in The Book of Genesis, to the events that will presage The End of The World, and The Second Coming of Christ.

Thus, the window includes a remarkable sequence depicting that most inspiring and controversial Biblical Text, The Revelation of Saint John  –  also known as The Apocalypse. The Four Horsemen, The Archangel Michael and The Dragon, The Whore of Babylon, The Coming of The New Jerusalem – all of the famous phantasmagorical images of Saint John’s vision are here in searing colour and detail.

As part of The York Minster Revealed project, The Apocalypse scenes from this extraordinary window are being studied, conserved and returned with revolutionary protective glazing, that will secure its future for many generations to come.

For further details see The York Glaziers Trust Web-Site.

More details about the work to restore and conserve The Great East Window are available HERE.

The Director of The York Glaziers Trust, Sarah Brown, published the result of the research in 2014.

Apocalypse window york Cover

By Sarah Brown.
Third Millennium Publishing, London, 2014.
These photos are a real joy,
since The York Minster restricts publication of photos 
of the panels on the Internet.
The photo above is made available by © Gordon Plumb.

Lent In New York.

The Church of The Holy Innocents,
128 West 37th Street,
New York NY 10018.
Phone: (212) 279-5861.
Fax: (212) 714-9313.

Holy Innocents Church,
126 West 37th Street,.
New York City,
United States of America.
Photo: 3 June 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: Jim.henderson.
(Wikimedia Commons)

128 West 37th Street,
New York NY 10018.
Phone: (212) 279-5861.
Fax: (212) 714-9313.


MORNING LOW MASS – This is a reminder that Holy Innocents Church has a
Morning Low Mass at 8 A.M. from Monday through Friday during The Holy Season of Lent.
The goal is to make it easier for more Parishioners to attend The Traditional Mass daily during
The Holy Season of Lent, especially those who are not able to attend the 6 P.M. Mass. 

STATIONS OF THE CROSS – Every Friday in Lent, Holy Innocents has
The Stations of The Cross, immediately after The 6 P.M. Mass.
At the end, The Relic of The True Cross is offered for veneration. 

FEAST OF SAINT MATTHIAS – On Thursday, 25 February 2016, Holy Innocents Church will have a Sung Mass (Missa Cantata) at 6 P.M. for The Feast of Saint Matthias (Apostle). 

MOVIE "KNIGHT" – The Regina Coeli Council (#423) of The Knights of Columbus
will sponsor Movie "Knight" on Friday, 26 February 2016, after Stations of The Cross,
which will take place immediately after The 6 P.M. Mass.
The Movie will be "The Song of Bernadette", to mark the 158th Anniversary of
The Apparition of Our Lady to Saint Bernadette on 11 February 1858.

BOOKMARK THIS WEBSITE: because it has a great collection
of photographs of many of the events that have taken place at Holy Innocents.
Photographs available on this website:
And many more photographs still to come.
Eddy J. Toribio

Lenten Station At Santa Cecilia-In-Trastevere. Wednesday Of The Second Week In Lent.

Roman Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.

Italic Text from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

Wednesday of The Second Week in Lent.
      Station at Saint Cecilia's.

Indulgence of 10 Years and 10 Quarantines.

Violet Vestments.


Interior of Santa Cecilia-in-Trastevere, Rome.
Photo: 2007-05-19 (original upload date).
Source: Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here.
Author: Original uploader was Dreamword at en.wikipedia
(Wikimedia Commons)

File:St Cecilia's Martyrdom.jpg

The Martyrdom of Saint Cecilia,
by Stefano Maderno (1575 - 1636),
Church of Saint Cecilia, Rome.
One of the most famous examples of Baroque sculpture.
Photo: January 2005.
Source: Flickr
Reviewer: Andre Engels.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Lenten Station is at the Sanctuary where the body of the illustrious Roman Virgin, Saint Cecilia, rests. It was there she lived and died a Martyr. In the 5th-Century A.D., this Church was mentioned as one of the most celebrated Parochial or Titular Churches of Rome. It is situated in Trastevere. It was customary to read, in this Church, the Gospel in which Jesus tells a woman it is necessary to drink His Chalice, if one is to participate in His Glory.

We read, at the Epistle, The Prayer of Mardochai, in favour of the Jewish people, whom the impious Aman had determined to destroy. He implored The Lord to turn their sadness into joy. The Christian people, in the same way, are mourning in their Lenten Penance and are looking forward to The Holy Paschal Joys. But, to deserve them, as the Gospel tells us, we must first drink The Chalice of The One Who came to shed His Blood to Redeem us, and Who will make us sharers in His Resurrection, if we die to our sins.

Let us abstain from the food which sustains our bodies, and from the vices which poison our Souls (Collect).

Mass: Ne derelínquas me.


Basilica di Santa Cecilia-in-Trastevere.
Photo: January 2006.
Source: Own work.
Author: MarkusMark.
(Wikimedia Commons)

File:Ciborium of Santa Cecilia in Trastevere.JPG

The Ciborium,
Church of Santa Cecilia-in-Trastevere,
Rome, Italy.
Attributed to Arnolfo di Cambio.
Photo: June 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: Ktulu.
(Wikimedia Commons)

File:Santa Cecilia Crypt Chapel.JPG

The Crypt Chapel of Santa Cecilia.
Photo: December 2006.
Source: Porkister
Author: Claudiu Georgescu.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia.

The first Church on this site was founded probably in the 3rd-Century A.D., by Pope Urban I; it was devoted to the Roman Martyr, Cecilia, Martyred, it is said, under Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander.

By the Late-5th-Century A.D., at The Synod of 499 A.D. of Pope Symmachus, the Church is indicated with the Titulus Ceciliae. Tradition holds that the Church was built over the house of the Saint.

The Baptistry associated with this Church, together with the remains of a Roman house of The Early Empire, was found during excavations under the Chapel of The Relics. On 22 November, 545 A.D., Pope Vigilius was Celebrating the Saint in the Church, when the Emissary of Empress Theodora, Antemi Scribone, captured him.

Pope Paschal I rebuilt the Church in 822 A.D., and moved here the Relics of Saint Cecilia from the Catacombs of Saint Calixtus. More Restorations followed in the 18th-Century.

File:Roma-santa cecilia-cripta.jpg

The Crypt of Santa Cecilia-in-Trastevere.
Photo: 2005-06-01.
Photographer: tieseb
Original Source:
Original Photo: [1]
(Wikimedia Commons)

With the death of Carlo Maria Martini, in 2012, there is currently no Cardinal Priest assigned to the Titulus S. Caeciliae. Among the previous Titulars are Pope Stephen IIIAdam Easton, Thomas Wolsey and Giuseppe Maria Doria Pamphili.

Among the artefacts remaining, from the 13th-Century, are a mural painting, depicting The Final Judgement (1289-1293), by Pietro Cavallini, in The Choir of The Monks, and the Ciborium (1293) in the Presbytery, by Arnolfo di Cambio. The Gothic Ciborium is surrounded by four Marble Columns, White and Black, decorated with statuettes of Angels, Saints, Prophets, and Evangelists. The Apse has remains of 9th-Century A.D. mosaics, depicting The Redeemer with Saints Paul, Cecilia, Pope Paschal IPeter, Valerian, and Agatha.

File:Trastevere - s Cecilia - interno e coretti 1000568.JPG

Italiano: Roma, Santa Cecilia in Trastevere: 
Interno verso l'ingresso e coretti delle monache in luogo dell'organo.
English: Interior of Santa Cecilia in Trastevere. 
Looking towards the Organ Loft.
Photo: December 2006.
User: Lalupa
(Wikimedia Commons)

Among the most remarkable works, is the graphic Altar sculpture of Saint Cecilia (1600) by the Late-Renaissance sculptor, Stefano Maderno. The pavement in front of the statue encloses a marble slab, with Maderno's sworn statement that he has recorded the body as he saw it when the tomb was opened in 1599. 

The statue depicts the three axe strokes described in the 5th-Century A.D. account of her Martyrdom. It also is meant to underscore the incorruptibility of her body (an attribute of some Saints), which miraculously still had congealed blood, after Centuries. 

The Crypt is also noteworthy, decorated in the Cosmatesque Style, containing the Relics of Saint Cecilia and her husband, Saint Valerian.



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Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Anyone For A Round Of Golf ?


1930s Railway Poster Art.
From the archives of the
National Railway Museum in York.
Illustration: E-BAY

Lenten Station At The Basilica Of Santa Balbina. Tuesday Of The Second Week In Lent.

Roman Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Italic Text from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

Tuesday of The Second Week in Lent.
      Station at Saint Balbina's.

Indulgence of 10 Years and 10 Quarantines.

Violet Vestments.


English: Basilica of Saint Balbina,
Rome, Italy.
Italiano: Roma - Chiesa di S. Balbina.
Photo: October 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: MarkusMark
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Lenten Station is at The Sanctuary of Saint Balbina, a Roman Virgin who lived in the 2nd-Century A.D. and whose remains lie under the Altar with those of her father, the Martyr Saint Quirinus. This Church, which stands on a slope of The Aventine, was, in the 5th-Century A.D., one of the twenty-five Parish Churches of Rome. Formerly, it was the house of a Roman Lady, named Balbina, who was Martyred during The Persecution of Emperor Trajan.

The reason for the choice of this Church is explained by the Epistle, which speaks of the widow of Sarephta. Thus, is celebrated, the Faith of one who transformed her residence into a Church.

File:San Saba - santa Balbina interno 1000904.JPG

English: Interior of The Basilica of Saint Balbina, Rome.
ItalianoSanta Balbina a Roma: Interno.
Photo: January 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Lalupa
(Wikimedia Commons)

Jesus declares, in the Gospel, that the Jews, who taught The Law of Moses, did not observe it. On the other hand, The Kingdom of God is open to the heathen, who, by Baptism, become Disciples of Christ and do His works.

The Epistle tells of Elias going to a heathen widow woman of Sarephta, to ask for nourishment, when a drought had fallen on impenitent Israel. The widow took two pieces of wood, typical of The Cross of Jesus, and prepared a hearth cake for The Prophet and one for herself.. Her compassion was rewarded, for never after did she want for bread. Whereas the Jews suffer from the scarcity, the Gentiles, as a reward for their fidelity, receive daily The Eucharistic Bread, which applies to them the merits gained for them by The Saviour on The Cross.

Let us Pray that God may grant us the Grace of perseverance in the observance of The Fast, of which He has set us an example (Collect).

Mass: Tibi dixit.

and Cardinal Priest of the Titulus S. Balbinae, Rome.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Santa Balbina is a Basilica Church in Rome, devoted to Saint Balbina. It was built in the 4th-Century A.D., over the house of Consul Lucius Fabius Cilo, on The Aventine Hill, behind The Baths of Caracalla. Possibly the ancient Titulus Tigridae, the Basilica was Consecrated by Pope Gregory I.

The adjoining Monastery has a commanding Mediaeval Defence Tower. Inside the Basilica, there is a very fine Episcopal Chair, with a Cosmatesque decoration from the 13th-Century. The Church was heavily restored in the 1930s, when frescoes were discovered on the side walls from the 9th-Century A.D. to the 14th-Century.

File:External Ornaments of a Cardinal Bishop.svg

External Ornaments of a Cardinal,
who is a Bishop.
Date: 26 May 2011.
Source: Own work, elements by Heralder and Alekjds.
Author: Adelbrecht.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Baroque frescoes in the Apse, and the Triumphal Arch, were painted by Anastasio Fontebuoni in 1599. The Arch is decorated with the figures of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, while, in the Apse, we can see Saint Balbina between other Martyrs. An ancient Sarcophagus was also discovered during the Restoration. It is now used as a Font.

There is a strong connection between the Basilica of Santa Balbina, Rome, and Hungary.
In 1270, the first known Hungarian Cardinal, István Váncsa, was buried
in the Basilica. 
The current Cardinal Priest of the Titulus S. Balbinae
(Wikimedia Commons)

In 1270, the first known Hungarian Cardinal, István Váncsa, was buried in the Basilica. Another 13th-Century Hungarian Clergyman, Pál, Bishop of Paphos, erected an Altar in the Church for Saint Nicholas. Both the Altar and the Grave disappeared during later Centuries, but a Plaque Commemorates the Offerings of Pál.

The Cardinal Priest of the Titulus S. Balbinae is Péter Erdő, Archbishop of Esztergom. According to Péter Erdő, the Hungarian connections of this Church played a part in Pope Saint John Paul II's decision when he chose Santa Balbina for Archbishop Erdő's Titular Church. The Cardinal also recommended Hungarian Pilgrims to visit the Basilica and said he feels a special responsibility for the building. Among the previous Titulars are Alfonso de la Cueva, marqués de Bedmar, and Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros.

Father Simpliciano of The Nativity Founded The Congregation of The Franciscan Sisters of The Sacred Heart here.



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Monday, 22 February 2016

The Chair Of Saint Peter At Antioch. Feast Day, Today, 22 February.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Chair of Saint Peter at Antioch.
Feast Day 22 February.


White Vestments.

English: Saint Peter as Pope — here shown with The Pallium
Magyar: Szent Péter, portréfestménye a szentről, mint pápáról –
a festményen pápai köntösben a mennyország kulcsaival látható.
Français: Saint Pierre. Elle représente le saint en tant que Pape -
vu ici avec le pallium et les clés du Paradis.
Artist: Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640).
Date: 1610-1612.
Current location: Prado, Madrid, Spain.
Source/Photographer: Originally from en.wikipedia
description page is (was) here.
(Wikimedia Commons)

"Tu Es Petrus"
[Thou Art Peter].
By Robert Pearsall (1795 - 1856).
Sung on The Feast Day of The Chair of Saint Peter at Antioch.
At The Church of Saint Peter, Steubenville,
Ohio, United States of America.
Sung by Schola Cantorum Sanctorum Angelorum
and Students from The Franciscan University.
Conductor: Andrew Leung
Available on YouTube at

"Asperges Me".
on The Feast Day of The Chair of Saint Peter at Antioch.
At The Church of Saint Peter, Steubenville,
Ohio, United States of America.
Sung by Schola Cantorum Sanctorum Angelorum
and Students from The Franciscan University.
Conductor: Andrew Leung.
Cantor: John Brodeur.
Available on YouTube at

To honour the dignity of "The Prince" (Introit), to whom Jesus committed The Power of The Keys (Collect), The Church instituted The Feast of "The Chair of Saint Peter", which is found in The Roman Calendar on this date since 354 A.D.

[The Cathedra (Chair) is The Throne established where the Bishop resides, hence the name Cathedral, given to the Church where the Bishop's Seat is placed. Metaphorically, it represents the Episcopal authority itself. "The Chair of Saint Peter" means, therefore, a memory of Saint Peter's Episcopate, and his Primacy as Head of The Whole Church.]

As it often falls in Lent, certain Churches Celebrated it at an earlier date, in January. Hence, the two Feasts of "The Chair of Saint Peter", which The Church distinguished by connecting the more ancient Feast [Rome, until the 16th-Century, only Celebrated this Feast and not the other Feast] on 22 February, with "The Chair at Antioch", and the other Feast, on 18 January, with "The Chair of Rome". Saint Peter resided, indeed for some time, at Antioch about the years 51-52 A.D.

Saint Peter and Saint Paul.
A Commemoration of Saint Paul immediately
follows The Collects of The Feast, today,
The Liturgy does not separate those

who have so justly been called

"The Two Pillars of The Church".
Artist: Rene de Cramer.
“Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium”.
Used with Permission.

It is to Saint Peter, who proclaimed that Jesus was "The Christ, Son of The Living God" (Gospel), when all Palestine rejected Him, that The Master commits The Power to Bind Satan by Closing The Gates of Hell, to Open for us The Gates of Heaven (Gospel). And The Head of The Church teaches us in his first Epistle that it is "by Faith, in the sprinkling of The Blood of Jesus Christ, that The Holy Ghost Sanctifies us and reconciles us to  The Father."

The Commemoration of Saint Paul immediately follows The Collect of The Feast, for The Liturgy does not separate those who have so justly been called "The Two Pillars of The Church".

Let us today honour The Head of The Church, who continues here below the redeeming work of Jesus.

Mass: Státuit ei Dóminus.
Commemoration: Of Saint Paul.
Commemoration: Of The Feria (with Last Gospel), in Lent.



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The Stations Of The Cross During Lent.

The Fifth Station.
Simon Of Cyrene Is Compelled
To Help Jesus Carry His Cross
Illustration: THE TRUE MASS

During Lent (a time of Prayer, Mortification, and Alms-Giving),
why not make the effort and go to The Stations of The Cross every week ?
If your Church doesn't bother to have The Stations of The Cross (can you believe it ?),
you can still make a private visit to the Church and Pray The Stations of The Cross, yourself,
or save these Way Of The Cross Illustrations (above) and Pray The Stations in your own home.

Booklets are available (in U.K.) for Praying
The Stations of The Cross from

Lenten Station At The Basilica Of Saint Clement. Monday Of The Second Week In Lent.

Roman Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Italic Text from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

Monday of The Second Week in Lent.
      Station at Saint Clement's.

Indulgence of 10 Years and 10 Quarantines.

Violet Vestments.

File:Roma San Clemente BW 1.JPG

English: Basilica of Saint Clement, Rome.
Italian: Basilica di San Clemente al Laterano
Photo: May 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Berthold Werner
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Station is at the Church of Saint Clement, built above the very house of the third successor of Saint Peter, whose name is found in The Canon of The Mass. This Sanctuary, a Parish of Rome in the 5th-Century A.D., is a most faithful example of an old Roman Basilica, although it was rebuilt in the 11th-Century. There are found, under the Altar, the remains of The Holy Martyr and of Saint Ignatius of Antioch.

Our Lord foretells in the Gospel that the Jews will lift Him up on The Cross, and thrice He asserts that they will die in their sin, because they have not believed in Him and done His works.

The wrath of God, which fell a first time on Jerusalem at the time of the Captivity of Babylon (Epistle), was renewed against Israel at the burning of the Temple. Like guilty Christians, they would only be able to return to The Lord by Penance, while the heathen are called, instead, to believe in Jesus, to become part of His people by Baptism.

“Let us mortify our flesh by Abstinence from food and let us Fast from sin by following Justice” (Collect).

Mass: Rédime me.

File:Interior of San Clemente, Rome.JPG

Interior of the Basilica di San Clemente, 
Rome, Italy.
Photo: March 2006.
Source: Own work.
Author: Sixtus
Permission: GFDL
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

The Basilica of Saint Clement (Italian: Basilica di San Clemente al Laterano) is a Roman Catholic Minor Basilica, Dedicated to Pope Clement I, located in Rome, Italy. Archaeologically-speaking, the structure is a three-tiered complex of buildings:

(1) The present Basilica, built just before the year 1100, during the Height of The Middle Ages;

(2) Beneath the present Basilica, is a 4th-Century A.D. Basilica that had been converted out of the home of a Roman nobleman, part of which had, in the 1st-Century A.D., briefly served as an early Church, and the basement of which had, in the 2nd-Century A.D., briefly served as a mithraeum;

(3) The home of the Roman nobleman had been built on the foundations of a Republican-era building that had been destroyed in The Great Fire of 64 A.D.

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Ceiling of the Basilica of Saint Clement, Rome.
Photo: May 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Berthold Werner
(Wikimedia Commons)

This ancient Church was transformed over the Centuries from a private home, that was the site of clandestine Christian worship in the 1st-Century A.D., to a grand public Basilica by the time of the 6th-Century A.D, reflecting the emerging Catholic Church's growing legitimacy and power.

The archaeological traces of the Basilica's history were discovered in the 1860s by Joseph Mullooly, Lector in Sacred Theology, beginning in 1849 at the College of Saint Thomas in Rome, the future Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum.

The lowest levels of the present Basilica are remnants of the Foundation of a Republican-era building that was destroyed in The Great Fire of 64 A.D. An industrial building, possibly the Imperial Mint of Rome, was built on the site during the "Flavian" Period and, shortly thereafter, a "domus", or multi-level house, alongside it, separated form the industrial building by a narrow alleyway.

About a hundred years later (circa 200 A.D.), the central room of the domus was re-modelled for use as part of a mithraeum, that is, as part of a sanctuary of the cult of Mithras. The main cult room (the speleum, "cave", which is about 9.6 m long and 6 m wide, was discovered in 1867, but could not be investigated until 1914, due to lack of drainage. The "exedra", the shallow Apse at the far end of the low vaulted space, was trimmed with pumice to render it more cave-like.

File:Mithreum San Clemente.jpg

English: Mithraeum, under the Basilica of Saint Clement, in Rome.
Italiano: Mitreo sottostante la basilica di San Clemente a Roma.
Русский: Митреум под базиликой святого Климента.
Date: 2006-12-17 12-22 Rom.
Source: Uploaded on Flickr as 2006-12-17 12-22 
Author: Allie Caulfield
(Wikimedia Commons)

Central to the main room of the sanctuary, was found an altar, in the shape of a sarcophagus, and with the main cult relief of the tauroctony, Mithras slaying a bull, on its front face. The torch-bearers, Cautes and Cautopates, appear on, respectively, the left and right faces of the same monument.

A dedicatory inscription identifies the donor as one Pater Cnaeus Arrius Claudianus, perhaps of the same clan as Titus Arrius Antoninus' mother. Other monuments discovered in the sanctuary include a bust of Sol, kept in the sanctuary in a niche near the entrance, and a figure of "Mithras petra generix, i.e. "Mithras born of the rock".

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Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius
bring the body of Saint Clement to Rome.
11th-Century fresco in the Basilica di San Clemente, Rome.
Source/Photographer: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Fragments of statuary of the two torch-bearers were also found . One of the rooms adjoining the main chamber has two oblong brickwork enclosures, one of which was used as a ritual refuse pit for remnants of the cult meal.

All three monuments, mentioned above, are still on display in the mithraeum. A fourth monument, – a statue of Saint Peter found in the speleum's vestibule and still on display there – is not of the mysteries.



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