Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

"This Will Be The Second Time That Mass Has Been Celebrated In This Mediaeval Church Since Pre-Reformation Times."

Saint Augustine's Church,
Snave, Ashford, Kent.
It is possible that a small private Chapel stood on this site before the present building was commenced in the Late-13th-Century. The East End is unusual in that The Lady Chapel
(more recently used as a school room) vies for importance with The Chancel.
Declared redundant in 1983, Saint Augustine's Church is now
entirely maintained by The Romney Marsh Historic Churches Trust.
Text: © 2014 Joan Campbell.
Photograph: © 2014 John Hendy.

Missa Cantata.
Saint Augustine's Church,
Snave, Ashford, Kent TN26 2QJ.

24 September 2016,
1200 hrs.

Fr. Marcus Holden,
Rector of The Shrine of Saint Augustine,
Ramsgate, Kent.

The Victoria Consort.
Dominic Bevan.

Further Details:
Mrs. Marygold Turner
01580 291372.

Travel Directions to Saint Augustine's Church,
Snave (near Ashford), Kent TN26 2QJ.

By Road.
Leave the M20 at Junction 10.
Follow the A2070 towards Hastings.
After, approx, 9.3 miles, take the Slip Road to the LEFT
(signposted "SNAVE").
At the Post-Box (on your LEFT),
TURN LEFT, and you have arrived at the Church.
(N.B. Google Maps mark the destination as "Manor Farm")

By Rail.
Frequent Trains from Saint Pancras International Railway Station, London, going to ASHFORD INTERNATIONAL. Then take a Taxi to SNAVE.

Permission for this Mass at Saint Augustine's Church,
Snave, Ashford, Kent, has been kindly given by

From The Latin Mass Society.

Missa Cantata in Saint Augustine's,
Snave (near Ashford), Kent TN26 2QJ.
Saturday, 24 September 2016.
1200 hrs.

Snave is one a group of Mediaeval Churches built to serve very small communities
on Romney Marsh, in Kent. Now redundant, they are in the care of The Romney Marsh Historic Churches Trust, who have kindly given permission for us to Celebrate Mass on
Saturday, 24 September 2016 (Feast of Our Lady of Ransom) at 12 noon.

Last year (2015) was the first time Mass had been Celebrated in the Church since Reformation times. We are delighted to be able to return this year. The Celebrant will be Fr Marcus Holden (Rector of The Shrine of Saint Augustine, Ramsgate) and music will be supplied by The Victoria Consort.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Saint Basil The Great. Bishop. Confessor. Doctor Of The Church. Feast Day 14 June.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Basil the Great.
   Bishop. Confessor.
   Doctor of The Church.


White Vestments.

English: The Fathers of The Church: Saint Basil of Caesarea; Saint John Chrysostom; Saint Gregory of Nazianzen - an icon of the 17th-Century from Lipie, Historic Museum in Sanok, Poland.
Polski: Ojcowie Kościoła: św. Bazyli Wielki, św. Jan Chryzostom, św. Grzegorz z Nazjanzu
– ikona z XVII wieku, pochodząca z Lipia, miejsce ekspozycji - Muzeum Historyczne
w Sanoku, nr inw. MHS/S/3423.
Date: August 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Przykuta.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Basil was born at Caesarea, in Cappadocia. After having completed his studies at Constantinople and Athens with his intimate friend Saint Gregory of Nazianzen, he renounced the World, left his family (Gospel), and embraced Monastic Life in the Province of Pontus.

Like fully-seasoned salt (Gospel), he gave to his teaching the full flavour of the Gospel and nourished with Holy Truth  the people of Caesarea committed to his care (Communion).

He was the author of the famous rule which bears his name; it was praised by Saint Benedict and is still observed by the Monks of The East. The Holy Ghost filled him with His Divine Wisdom and with intelligence (Introit).

When, therefore, he wrote against those who rebelled against the sound Doctrine (Epistle), he attacked the Arians, who denied The Divinity of Jesus Christ, and prepared the triumph of Orthodoxy over the error of the Macedonians by firmly establishing the Catholic Dogma regarding The Holy Ghost.

The Life of Saint Basil the Great.
Available on YouTube at

He is one of the Four Great Doctors of The East. He died in 379 A.D.

Let us ask Saint Basil to fill us with his Faith in The Divinity of The Third Person of The Holy Trinity, and to deliver us from sin (Offertory) which hinders the working of The Holy Ghost in our Souls.

Mass: In médio.

The following italicised Text is from NEW ADVENT

There are Four Great Doctors of The East: Saint Basil the Great; Saint John Chrysostom; Saint Gregory of Nazianzen; Saint Athanasius.

There are Four Great Doctors of The West: Saint Ambrose; Saint Augustine; Saint Jerome; Saint Gregory the Great.

Heavenly Vaults.

English: Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Mary of The Assumption,
Siena, Italy.
Italiano: Cattedrale Metropolitana di Santa Maria Assunta
Photo: 25 September 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Tango7174.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Siena Cathedral (Italian: Duomo di Siena) is a Mediaeval Church in SienaItaly, Dedicated from its earliest days as a Roman Catholic Marian Church, and now Dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta
(Holy Mary, Our Lady of The Assumption).

The Ceiling of The Piccolomini Library,
Siena Cathedral, Italy,
by Pinturicchio.
Photo: 12 June 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Gryffindor.
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: The High Altar,
Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Mary of The Assumption,
Siena, Italy.
Italiano: Cattedrale Metropolitana di Santa Maria Assunta
Photo: 25 September 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Tango7174.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Ceiling, Columns, and Nave,
Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Mary of The Assumption,
Siena, Italy.
Photo: 9 July 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Leon petrosyan.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar,
Barcelona, Spain.
Photo: 20 September 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: Jiuguang Wang.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Santa Maria del Mar is an imposing Church in the Ribera district of Barcelona, Spain, built between 1329 and 1383, at the height of Catalonia's maritime and mercantile pre-eminence. It is an outstanding example of Catalan Gothic Architecture, with a purity and unity of style that is very unusual in large Mediaeval buildings.

Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar,
Barcelona, Spain.
The West End, with its Rose Window.
Photo: March 2006.
Source: Own work.
Author: Paolo da Reggio.
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: The Nave of Saint Rumbold's Cathedral,
Mechelen, Belgium.
Nederlands: Mechelen Sint-Romboutskathedraal orgel.
Photo: 10 August 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Paul Hermans.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Rumbold's Cathedral (Dutch: Sint-Romboutskathedraal) 
is the
Saint Rumbold, Christian Missionary and Martyr, who had Founded an Abbey, nearby.

The Biggest Pro-Life Event Of The Year. The All-Ireland Rally For Life. Belfast. 2 July 2016. Because Every Life Matters. Be There.

Illustration: LIFE INSTITUTE

For more information and updates, please visit the Web-Site at LIFE INSTITUTE

Monday, 13 June 2016

A Very Happy Birthday, Your Majesty. Trooping The Colour. 11 June 2016.

Illustration: BBC NEWS

The annual Trooping The Colour pageant, to celebrate The Queen's Official Birthday, ended with the RAF Fly Past and The Queen and other Royals appearing on The Balcony of Buckingham Palace.

Dedicated Royal Watchers will have been delighted by the sight of Princess Charlotte and an animated Prince George.

With Prince Charles and Prince William also there, this was the British Monarchy, its present and its future, on display.

Hymn Of The Cherubim. Tchaikovsky. Beautiful Christian Churches. Untouched By Modernist Horrors.

Text and Illustrations from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

File:Tchaikovsky 1906 Evans.PNG

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Published: 1906.
Portrait from frontispiece.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Hymn of the Cherubim.
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Available on YouTube at

Modern Church Architecture. You Couldn't Make It Up, Could You !!!




The Article can be read in full at OFFERIMUS TIBI DOMINE

Personally, Zephyrinus sees more worth, more profundity, more sacredness, in the following:

English: Cologne Cathedral.
Deutsch: Kölner Dom.
Photo: 14 March 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Ger1axg.
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: Interior of The Basilica of The Fourteen Auxiliary Saints,
Bavaria, Germany.
Deutsch: Innenansicht Basilika Vierzehnheiligen.
Photo: 5 September 2005.
Source: Own work.
Author: Asio otus.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Bristol Cathedral.
The "Lierne" Vaulting of The Choir and Tower
can be seen here from Street's Nave,
with clustered Columns and Purbeck Marble Shafts.
Photo: 9 July 2014.
Source: Own work.
Author: Diliff.
Attribution: Photo by DAVID ILIFF.
Licence: CC-BY-SA 3.0.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

This Year's “Ars Celebrandi” Traditional Liturgy Workshops. Licheń, Poland. August 2016.

Illustration: RORATE CAELI


As you may remember, Rorate Caeli covered several of the most important events of the largest Liturgical Workshops, of The Traditional Form of The Latin Church, currently in the World, the Ars Celebrandi, in 2015.

Rorate Caeli is very proud to be an Official Partner of Ars Celebrandi 2016, from whom we received the following release:

The Third Edition of “Ars Celebrandi” Traditional Liturgy Workshops will take place in The Sanctuary of Our Lady in Licheń, Poland, from 4 August 2016 until 11 August 2016. This is the greatest event of its kind in Central - Eastern Europe. Registration of Participants has just started.

Some 150 Participants from Poland and abroad, a few dozens of Priests among them, will achieve or fine-tune their abilities to Celebrate Mass in The Extraordinary Form of The Roman Rite, Serve it, or sing Liturgical Chant (Gregorian and Polyphonic) under direction of experienced practitioners. Furthermore, lectures and encounters with special guests are planned.

Celebrations of Read, Sung or Solemn Masses in Roman or Dominican Rites, as well as Divine Office, will constitute the heart of everyday life during the Workshops. It will enable Participants and Staff to experience Workshops as Times of Retreat and Spiritual Growth. People willing to enter into deeper Retreat are able to take part only in Liturgical Celebrations and dedicate the rest of their time to Private Prayer or Meditation.

Honour Patronage of Liturgy Workshops Ars Celebrandi is taken by His Excellence Bishop Wiesław Mering, Diocese of Włocławek, as well as The 31st World Youth Day, Cracow 2016. Una Voce Polonia Association is in charge of the whole event.

More information, Photo Galleries of previous editions and Registration Forms are at

For any additional information, please E-Mail:

A Doctor Said That This Baby Should Be Killed.

Would the first person,
who is willing to kill this baby,
please step forward.

This Article can be read in full at

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Traditional Catholic Hymns.

Photo: 2004-10-18 (original upload date).
Source: Own work (zelf gemaakt).
Originally from nl.wikipedia; description page is/was here.
Author: Original uploader was Broederhugo at nl.wikipedia.
(Wikimedia Commons)


"Sweet Heart of Jesus".
Sung by Regina Nathan.
Available on YouTube at


"Sweet Sacrament Divine".
Sung by Regina Nathan.
Available on YouTube at


"Adore Te Devote".
Available on YouTube at


"Pange Lingua Gloriosi".
Available on YouTube at

Ordinations. Deo Gratias.

Ordinations at The Institute of Christ The King Sovereign Priest.
Saved from:
Illustration: PINTEREST

Illustration: PINTEREST

Friday, 10 June 2016

The Sacred Heart Of Jesus.


The Sacred Heart of Jesus.

In the Roman Catholic Tradition, The Sacred Heart has been closely associated with Acts of Reparation to Jesus Christ. In his encyclical Miserentissimus Redemptor, Pope Pius XI stated: “The spirit of expiation, or reparation, has always had the first and foremost place in the Worship given to The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus”.

The Sacred Heart is often depicted in Christian art as a flaming heart, shining with Divine Light, pierced by the lance-wound, encircled by The Crown of Thorns, surmounted by a Cross, and Bleeding.

"O Sacred Heart".
Available on YouTube at

Sometimes, the image is shown shining within The Bosom of Christ, with His Wounded Hands pointing at The Heart. The Wounds and Crown of Thorns allude to the manner of Jesus’ Death, while the fire represents the Transformative Power of Divine Love.

The Feast of The Sacred Heart has been in The Roman Catholic Liturgical Calendar since 1856, and is celebrated nineteen days after Pentecost, always on a Friday.

Divine Love.
Devotion to The Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Available on YouTube at

"Sweet Heart of Jesus".
Sung by Regina Nathan.
Available on YouTube at

Catholic Holy Card depicting The Sacred Heart of Jesus, circa 1880.
Auguste Martin Collection, University of Dayton Libraries.
Source: Own work.
Author: Turgis.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Thursday, 9 June 2016

"Fancy Going To The Flicks ?"

The Ritz Cinema,
Barnsley, Yorkshire.
Classic Art-Deco Design.

The Ritz Cinema,
Available on YouTube at

The Ritz Cinema was built for the Union Cinemas chain and was designed by the architectural firm Verity and Beverley, who were assisted by Union’s ‘in-house’ architect Ernest F. Tulley.

Union opened the Ritz Cinema on 22 March 1937 (the same day as their Ritz Cinema, Chatham, Kent). The opening film was William Powell in “My Man Godfrey”. The facade was of white stone and had a stepped outline. At night, it was quite spectacular as it was covered with many bands of neon tube lighting, as well as having the RITZ name located on a double-sided vertical sign and the name UNION CINEMAS mounted in large illuminated letters on top.

It was a spacious and lavishly-designed Cinema which was well equipped with a large Stage and many Dressing Rooms. It held the distinction of being the 2,000th Cinema in The U.K. to be equipped with the Western Electric Sound System, and a plaque was mounted on the foyer wall to commemorate this.

The Wurlitzer 3Manual/7Rank Theatre Organ was not ready for the opening, and had its own special opening on 26 April 1937, when H. Robinson Cleaver played on the console, which was on a lift, was illuminated, and had a Grand Piano attached. The longest-serving Resident Organist at The Ritz was Trevor Willetts, who played from 1943 until 1962. The Organ was removed in 1969, when it was sold to a private buyer.

In October 1937, Union Cinemas were taken over by Associated British Cinemas (ABC) and The Ritz was later (in 1961) re-named ABC. It closed on 16 March 1974, with Reg Varney, in “Holiday on the Buses”, as the last film. The Cinema was subsequently demolished.

Text contributed by Ken Roe to CINEMA TREASURES

The Ritz Cinema,
Viewing: Photo | Street View

The following Text is from THE BARNSLEY CHRONICLE

Historic Ritz "Wurlitzer" found.


A Wurlitzer Organ, which entertained thousands of patrons at the former Ritz Cinema, has been found - more than half-a-Century after it was last seen in Barnsley.

The Ritz Cinema, on Peel Street, Barnsley, closed in 1974, but the Organ was removed beforehand, in 1965.

Brian Hague, who grew up in Barnsley, but now lives at Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey, was invited to become an ABC Monitor, at the Ritz Cinema, when he was a pupil at Barnsley Grammar School in the mid-1940s.

As a 'Monitor', his job was to help control queues of young children at the ABC Minors' Saturday Morning Shows.

Brian Hague, reunited with the Wurlitzer Organ after sixty years.

"It was a great time and my affinity with the Ritz Cinema and the Wurlitzer Organ has remained until today," he said. "What sadness I experienced when, on one of my annual visits to Barnsley, I discovered the Ritz had been demolished."

For many years he tried find out what happened to the Organ, without success, but a chance conversation, with another Organ enthusiast, led to the revelation that the man was actually restoring the same Organ in his back garden in Brentford, South London.

Keen Pianist, Brian, said: "He invited me to go to his house to view the Organ. We had a very happy evening and I was able to play a tune on it.

"It was my birthday and I was able to celebrate a reunion with a very old friend I had not seen, or heard of, for nearly sixty years.

"When I played the Organ, it gave me goose pimples, it was just wonderful."

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Zephyrinus Told The Under-Gardener's Wife To Go Downtown And Pick Up The Winnings From The Bookies. She Was Tailed For Seven Blocks By The Entire Thirteenth Precinct.

1934 Packard Eight Coupé.
Illustration: HEMMINGS

"The Untouchables".
Available on YouTube at

Zephyrinus must stop the Under-Gardener's wife
from using the new motor.

First-Edition Copy of "The Untouchables", by Oscar Fraley.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Actor Robert Stack
played Eliot Ness
in "The Untouchables".

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

"The Untouchables" is an American crime drama that ran from 1959 to 1963 on the ABC Television Network, produced by Desilu Productions. Based on the memoir of the same name by Eliot Ness and Oscar Fraley, it fictionalised Ness' experiences as a Prohibition agent, fighting crime in Chicago in the 1930s with the help of a special team of agents handpicked for their courage, moral character, and incorruptibility, nicknamed The Untouchables.

The book was later made into a film in 1987 (also called The Untouchables) by Brian De Palma, with a script by David Mamet, and a second less-successful TV series in 1993.

A powerful, dynamic, hard-hitting action drama, and a landmark crime series, "The Untouchables" won Series Star Robert Stack an Emmy Award for Best Actor in a Dramatic Series in 1960.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

The Canonisation Mass Of Saint Stanislaus Of Jesus And Mary, And Saint Maria Elizabeth Hesselblad, At Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome.

Tapestries of Saint Stanislaus of Jesus and Mary, and Saint Maria Elizabeth Hesselblad,
during their 5 June 2016 Canonisation Mass in Saint Peter's Square, Rome.
Credit: Daniel Ibanez/CNA.

This Article, by Elise Harris, can be read in full at CNA CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCY

Vatican City, 5 June 2016 / 04:30 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Saint Stanislaus of Jesus and Mary, and Saint Maria Elizabeth Hesselblad, are key examples of how to unite oneself to Jesus’ Passion and Death, as well as the power of His Resurrection, Pope Francis said Sunday, 5 June 2016, after Canonising the two.

“In the Passion of Christ, we find God’s response to the desperate and, at times, indignant cry that the experience of pain and death evokes in us,” the Pope said.

The Biggest Pro-Life Event Of The Year. The All-Ireland Rally For Life. Belfast. 2 July 2016. Because Every Life Matters. Be There.

Illustration: LIFE INSTITUTE

For more information and updates, please visit the Web-Site at LIFE INSTITUTE

Monday, 6 June 2016

The End Of A Chapter. Dachau’s Last Priest Prisoner Dies.

Father Hermann Scheipers, in 2011, photographed in Dresden on the occasion of the Beatification
of Alojs Andritzki, who was killed in Dachau in 1943. Father Scheipers and Blessed Alojs
were both in the Camp’s sick bay with typhoid fever for some time.
Illustration: IN CAELO ET IN TERRA

This Article can be read in full at IN CAELO ET IN TERRA

At the age of 102, Father Hermann Scheipers has passed away. He was the last surviving Priest of Dachau Concentration Camp.

As prisoner ‘number 24255’, Hermann Scheipers survived Hell in Dachau Concentration Camp. Nevertheless, the Priest and enemy of the Nazis survived, to die now at the age of 102.

Hermann Scheipers had a Mission. He had to tell young people of that time: How he, as a young Priest in 1940, was arrested by the Nazis and taken to Dachau Concentration Camp, how he survived the War and how he was once again oppressed, this time by the Communist dictatorship in the German Democratic Republic. How he survived that time, too, he continuously impressed upon his listeners. On Thursday night, 2 June 2016, Father Scheipers died in Ochtrup, Germany, aged 102. He was the last surviving German Clergyman to have been imprisoned in Dachau.

León Cathedral.

Photo by marcp_dmoz on Flickr (cc)
Saved from
Illustration: PINTEREST

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Santa María de León Cathedral, also called "The House of Light", or the "Pulchra Leonina", is situated in the City of León, North-West Spain. It was built on the site of previous Roman Baths of the 2nd-Century A.D., which, 800 years later, King Ordoño II converted into a Palace.

León Cathedral, Dedicated to Santa María de la Regla, was declared of Cultural Interest in 1844. It is known as the "Pulchra Leonina" and is a masterpiece of the Gothic Style of architecture of the Mid-13th-Century. The design is attributed to the architect Enrique. By the Late-16th-Century, it was virtually completed.

The Screen.
León Cathedral. 
Photo: 12 October 2010.
Source: Own work by uploader,
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: Vaulting of The Crossing, León Cathedral, Spain.
Català: L'arquitectura d'Hogwarts es basa en l'estil gòtic.
Español: La arquitectura de Hogwarts se basa en el estilo gótico.
Euskara: Gangak.
Français: Le transept et les vitraux.
עברית: קמרונות מקום המצלב.
Date: September 2001 (original upload date: 2005-09-02).
Source: Transferred from fr.wikipedia to Commons.
Author: Jaume at French Wikipedia.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The main façade has two Towers. The South Tower is known as the 'Clock Tower'. The Renaissance Retro Choir contains alabaster sculptures by Jusquin,Copin of Holland and Juan de Malinas. Particularly noteworthy is the Plateresque Screen or Reja in the wall behind the Sepulchre of King Ordoño.

It has three Portals decorated with sculptures situated in the Pointed Arches between the two Towers. The central section has a large Rose Window. Particularly outstanding is the image of The Virgen Blanca and the Locus Appellatione, where justice was imparted.

English: The Gothic Cathedral of Santa Maria, León Spain.
Español: Catedral Gótica de Santa María, en León.
Photo: 19 March 2014.
Soure: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Solemn Pontifical Mass To Mark The 400th Anniversary Of The Dedication Of Santissima Trinità Dei Pellegrini, Rome. At 1100 hrs, On Sunday, 12 June 2016.


The following Text is from NEW LITURGICAL MOVEMENT

Sunday 12 June 2016 will mark the 400th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Church of The Most Holy Trinity of The Pilgrims (Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini), which has been, since 2009, the Roman Parish of The Fraternity of Saint Peter.

To mark the occasion, the Parish will welcome Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretary of The Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”, for the Celebration of a Solemn Pontifical Mass at 1100 hrs, followed, as usual, by refreshments in the Parish Hall.

Salisbury Cathedral Cope Restored.

Salisbury Cathedral Vestments:
Restoration of the embroidered motifs on the Carpenter Cope.
The Royal School of Needlework in London.

Saved from
Illustration: PINTEREST

A Goodbye To 'Mama Irene'. The Woman Who Adopted Fifty-Eight Children. Irene Bertoni (R.I.P.).

Mama Irene.
Photo credit: Courtesy of the Community of Nomadelfia.

This Article can be read in full at CNA CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCY

By María Ximena Rondón.

Rome, Italy, 1 Jun 2016 / 03:02 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Irene Bertoni was eighteen-years-old during World War II. And it was at this tumultuous time that she discovered God's vocational call for her to be a mother.

She adopted two abandoned children, and, with the Blessing of her Bishop, Founded the Catholic Charitable Work Nomadelfia, along with a Priest, named Father Zeno Saltini.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

“Here We Will Stand, Defending The Rights Of Life And Family, As We Always Did,” Stated President Cartes Of Paraguay.

Paraguay Member of Parliament José María Ibañez (ANR),
Drafter of the Declaration.
Illustration: C-FAM

This Article can be read in full at C-FAM.

By Marianna Orlandi, Ph.D | June 2, 2016.

WASHINGTON, 3 June 2016 (C-Fam). President Horacio Cartes of Paraguay has vowed to fight any threat, from The Organisation of American States, to impose ABORTION, or redefine The Family to include Homosexual Couples.

“Here we will stand, defending The Rights of Life and Family, as we always did,” stated President Cartes.

He acted immediately after Paraguay’s Parliament approved a Declaration, asking its President to Defend Life and Family from serious and repeated attacks by The Organisation of American States (OAS).

The OAS has a history of undermining the fundamental Right to Life and The Family. But the most recent steps taken by The Organisation were so troublesome that Paraguay’s President was compelled to intervene.

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