Illustration: LIFE INSTITUTE
Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.
Thursday, 23 June 2016
The Biggest Pro-Life Event Of The Year. The All-Ireland Rally For Life. Belfast. 2 July 2016. Because Every Life Matters. Be There.
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Saint Paulinus. Bishop And Confessor. Feast Day, Today, 22 June.
Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.
Saint Paulinus.
Bishop and Confessor.
Feast Day 22 June.
White Vestments.
English: Gothic-Revival Stained-Glass Window
showing Saint Paulinus of Nola.
Linz Cathedral, Austria.
Deutsch: Linzer Dom ( Oberösterreich ).
Neogotisches Buntglasfenster
mit Darstellung des heiligen Paulinus von Nola.
Photo: 14 March 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Wolfgang Sauber.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Following the example of Christ, "Who, being rich, made Himself poor" (Epistle), and Who counselled the practice of the Virtue of Poverty (Gospel), he abandoned his great riches and, at this price, bought the Kingdom of Heaven.
Having separated from his wife, who also gave herself to God, he became a Priest. Later, he was Bishop of Nola (Introit, Gradual, Alleluia, Offertory, Communion).
His former friends blamed him. "He is content with the approval of Jesus" [Poem X. Ad Ausonium]. Soon afterwards, the Goths ravaged Campania and utterly despoiled the rich of Rome, who gained no merit thereby, whereas Saint Paulinus, who had abandoned his riches voluntarily for Christ's sake, is rewarded a hundredfold hereafter in Eternal Life.
He died in 431 A.D. at the age of seventy-eight, and was buried near Saint Felix, at Nola, Italy.
Mass: Sacerdotes tui.
The Newly-Refurbished York Theatre, York, England.
The newly-refurbished York Theatre,
York, England.
This proves that it is not impossible for Modern Architecture
to produce beautiful, sympathetic, well-thought-out designs.
If only Modern Church Architects would apply these same criteria !!!
Illustration: RIBAJ
This Article can be read in full at RIBAJ
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Armed Forces Day. Saturday, 25 June 2016.
42 Commando Captain gives a SitRep.
Date: 2007.
"I Vow To Thee My Country".
Available on YouTube at
An 11-foot high bronze statue of a Black Watch soldier, by William Birnie Rhind, commemorates over 200 members of The Regiment who were killed or wounded in The South African War of 1900-1902. The Black Watch, the oldest Highland Regiment, was formed by General Wade in 1739 to police The Highlands at a time when many of the Clans harboured pro-Jacobite sympathies. Their name derived from the contrast of their Dark Green Tartan against the regular Red Tunics of The British Army. The unveiling ceremony for the memorial, planned for 25 May, 1910, was cancelled because the nation was still in official mourning after the death of King Edward VII.
Photo: 9 September 2011.
Source: Own work.
Author: Kim Traynor.
(Wikimedia Commons)
The Union Flag.
Available on YouTube at
Sir Winston Churchill's Funeral.
"I Vow To Thee My Country".
Available on YouTube at
"I Vow To Thee My Country".
Available on YouTube at
I vow to thee, my Country, all earthly things above,
Entire and whole and perfect, the Service of my love;
The love that asks no question, the love that stands the test,
That lays upon the Altar the dearest and the best;
The love that never falters, the love that pays the price,
The love that makes undaunted The Final Sacrifice.
And there's another Country, I've heard of long ago,
Most dear to them that love her, most great to them that know;
We may not count her armies, we may not see her King;
Her fortress is a faithful heart, her pride is suffering;
And Soul by Soul and silently her shining bounds increase,
And her ways are ways of gentleness, and all her paths are peace.
Words by Sir Cecil Spring-Rice.
"Thaxted" tune by Gustav Holst.
Armed Forces Day Web-Site is at
Monday, 20 June 2016
Together In Electric Dreams . . . And In Steam Trains . . . And In Carnforth Railway Station.
"Together In Electric Dreams."
Sung by Phil Oakley.
Available on YouTube at
Steam Trains At Speed.
Available on YouTube at
Sunday, 19 June 2016
Saint Juliana Falconieri. Virgin. Feast Day, Today, 19 June.
Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.
Saint Juliana Falconieri.
Feast Day 19 June.
White Vestments.
Born at Florence, Italy, in 1270, of the illustrious family of Falconieri, Juliana, from childhood, gave such signs of Holiness that her uncle, Saint Alexis Falconieri, declared to her mother that she had given birth to an Angel. Never in the course of her life did she raise her eyes to look at a man's face, and to hear sin spoken of made her tremble (Introit).
At the age of fifteen, she Solemnly Consecrated her Virginity to God (Epistle, Gospel). "O, Juliana, only longing for the nuptials of the Heavenly Lamb, you leave your paternal roof and conduct a Choir of Virgins. You sigh night and day for the sorrows of your Spouse, nailed to The Cross, and you shed tears at the feet of The Mother of God, whose heart is pierced by Seven Swords." [Hymn at First Vespers.]
English: The Basilica Santissima Annunziata, Florence, Italy.
Saint Juliana Falconieri's major Shrine is in this Basilica.
Italiano: Basilica della santissima annunziata.
Photo: 3 June 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: sailko.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Having Founded The Order of Mantellate [They were called Mantellate on account of the short Mantle they wore], she was asked by Saint Philip Beniti to take charge of the whole Order of Servites, which honours in a special manner The Sorrows of The Virgin.
On two days a week her only food was The Bread of Angels. At the age of seventy, not being able to retain any food, she lamented the impossibility of receiving Holy Communion. She asked that at least The Blessed Sacrament should be held near her heart and The Sacred Bread miraculously disappeared, leaving an impression in the shape of a Host representing the image of Jesus crucified (Collect). She then breathed her last and was joyfully conducted to The Throne of The Divine King (Gradual). It was 19 June 1341.
Let us beseech The Holy Ghost to grant that we may, like Saint Juliana, be nourished and strengthened in our agony by The Body of Christ, Which will be our viaticum to The Heavenly Home (Collect).
Mass: Dilexisti.
Commemoration of Saint Gervase and Saint Protase. Martyrs.
Red Cloud, Nebraska, United States of America.
This 1883 Church is Listed in The National Register of Historic Places.
Photo: 4 September 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Ammodramus.
(Wikimedia Commons)
The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.
Juliana Falconieri, O.S.M., (1270 – 19 June 19, 1341) was the Italian Foundress of The Religious Sisters of The Third Order of Servites (or The Servite Tertiaries).
The Servite Order was approved by Pope Martin V in 1420. Pope Benedict XIII recognised the devotion long paid to her and granted The Servites permission to Celebrate The Feast of The Blessed Juliana. Pope Clement XII Canonised her in 1737, and extended the Celebration of her Feast Day,
19 June, to The Entire Church. Saint Juliana is usually represented in The Habit of her Order, with a Host upon her breast. Truly, a most excellent Saint.
Saint Juliana Falconieri was Beatified on 26 July 1678, in Rome, The Papal States, by His Holiness Pope Innocent XI.
She was Canonised on 16 June 1737, in Rome, The Papal States, by His Holiness Pope Clement XII.
Her major Shrine is in the Basilica of The Santissima Annunziata, Florence, Italy.
Saint Juliana Falconieri was Beatified on 26 July 1678, in Rome, The Papal States, by His Holiness Pope Innocent XI.
She was Canonised on 16 June 1737, in Rome, The Papal States, by His Holiness Pope Clement XII.
Her major Shrine is in the Basilica of The Santissima Annunziata, Florence, Italy.
Pontifical Vespers/Benediction, Saint Mary Magdalen's, Wandsworth. First Vespers, Feast Of Saints John Fisher And Thomas More. For Repose Of The Soul Of Evelyn Waugh.
Illustration: LMS CHAIRMAN
The evening before The AGM, Friday 8 July 2016, he will be officiating at Vespers in Saint Mary Magdalen's, Wandsworth, at 5:30 p.m.
Saturday's Feast, of SS Thomas More and John Fisher, is of such importance that this Vespers will be the First Vespers of it. Vespers will be offered, however, for The Repose of the Soul of Evelyn Waugh, whose sixtieth Anniversary is this year.
Waugh was invited to be the first President of The Latin Mass Society, but declined; he was to die the year after The Society was established. Until his death, he was the acknowledged Lay Leader of The Movement for The Preservation of The Ancient Catholic Liturgy, and we owe him a great deal.
Matthew Schellhorn will lead Cantus Magnus with some Polyphony for the occasion:
Giammateo Asola (1532–1609): Sanctorum meritis.
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525–1594): Magnificat primi toni.
Sir Edward Elgar (1857–1934): O salutaris hostia; Ave verum Corpus.
Matthew Schellhorn will lead Cantus Magnus with some Polyphony for the occasion:
Giammateo Asola (1532–1609): Sanctorum meritis.
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525–1594): Magnificat primi toni.
Sir Edward Elgar (1857–1934): O salutaris hostia; Ave verum Corpus.
Saturday, 18 June 2016
Saint Mark And Saint Marcellianus. Martyrs. Feast Day 18 June.
Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.
Saint Mark And Saint Marcellianus.
Feast Day 18 June.
Red Vestments.
Saint Mark and Saint Marcellianus.
Brothers by birth, Mark and Marcellianus were brothers especially because they generously shed their blood for the sake of Christ (Alleluia). Persecuted for their Faith, like The Prophets and The Apostles (Gospel), they were arrested under the Emperor Diocletian and were nailed by the feet to a post, where they remained hanging.
The Holy Ghost, Who filled their hearts with The Holy Love of God and the hope of an eternal reward, sustained them in their torments (Epistle) and protected them in their tribulations (Introit). "Never", they exclaimed, "have we enjoyed such delights as those we feel in suffering for Jesus Christ."
After a day and night of suffering, they were pierced with arrows, in 286 A.D., and their Souls "delivered like the sparrow from the bird-catcher's net" (Offertory) entered for ever "into the Kingdom which had been prepared for them from the beginning of the World" (Communion).
On this day, the Anniversary of the Heavenly Birth of these two Holy Martyrs, let us ask God, through their intercession, to deliver us from all the ills that threaten us (Collect).
Mass: Introit: Salus autem.
Rest of The Mass is Proper to The Feast.
Saint Ephrem. Deacon. Confessor. Doctor Of The Church. Feast Day 18 June.
Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.
Saint Ephrem.
Deacon. Confessor.
Doctor of The Church.
Feast Day 18 June.
White Vestments.
English: Roumanian Icon of Saint Ephrem the Syrian.
Français: Photo d'une icône roumaine de St Ephrem le Syrien (diacre et docteur de l'Eglise dit "La Harpe de l'Esprit" ou encore "La cithare de Marie"), icône écrite par une sœur orthodoxe près d'Oradea en avril 2005, prise de vue par Geoffroy Blanc (le propriétaire de l'icône).
Date: 7 June 2006 (original upload date).
Source: Transferred from fr.wikipedia
Transferred to Commons by User:Bloody-libu using CommonsHelper.
Author: Original uploader was Troubageoff at fr.wikipedia
(Wikimedia Commons)
Newly-excavated Church of Saint Jacob (`Idto d-Mor Y`aqub),
Photograph by Gareth Hughes.
Photo: 12 April 1999.
Source: Own work assumed (based on copyright claims).
Author: Garzo assumed (based on copyright claims).
(Wikimedia Commons)
Saint Ephrem was born in Nisibis, Mesopotamia, and was one of the Lights of The Church (Gospel). His father, a pagan priest, cast him out of his home. He then went as a Hermit in the desert and was Ordained Deacon of Edessa (Communion).
Led by The Holy Ghost to Caesarea, in Cappadocia, he there met Saint Basil. In order to refute the numerous errors which were being spread by the prayers and canticles of the Heretics, he wrote poems and Christian Hymns, celebrating the Mysteries of The Lives of Christ, The Blessed Virgin Mary, and The Saints. That is why he is called "The Harp of The Holy Ghost". He always had a great devotion to Our Lady.
He died at Edessa in 375 A.D., under the Emperor Valens. Pope Benedict XV proclaimed him a Doctor of The Universal Church (Collect).
Let us ask God, through the intercession of Saint Ephrem, to defend His Church against the snares of error and wickedness (Collect).
Mass: In médio.
Commemoration of Saint Mark and Saint Marcellianus. Martyrs.
Imploring The Sacred Heart Of Jesus For Mercy For The Souls In Purgatory.
"Would that people knew with what eagerness the poor Souls in Purgatory ask for this new remedy which is so powerful to relieve their sufferings.
They call The Devotion to The Sacred Heart the 'Sovereign Remedy,' and ask particularly for Masses In Honour of
The Sacred Heart of Jesus."
-- Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque.
Litany of The Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Available on YouTube at
"Sweet Heart of Jesus".
Sung by Regina Nathan.
Available on YouTube at
During this Month of The Sacred Heart of Jesus, may we also remember to Pray and sacrifice for The Poor Souls in Purgatory, imploring The Merciful Heart of Our Lord to relieve their suffering, as we offer our Crosses, however small, for them.
This Article can be read in full at AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM
Catholic Holy Card depicting The Sacred Heart of Jesus, circa 1880.
Auguste Martin Collection, University of Dayton Libraries.
Source: Own work.
Author: Turgis.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Friday, 17 June 2016
Schola Abelis Singing Vespers In Merton College Chapel, Oxford.
The Oxford Gregorian Chant group, Schola Abelis,
sing Vespers in Merton College Chapel, Oxford.
Illustration: LMS CHAIRMAN
This Article is taken from LMS CHAIRMAN
Last Saturday evening, the Oxford Gregorian Chant group, Schola Abelis, sang Vespers in Merton College Chapel, Oxford.
Fr Richard Biggerstaff, the Director of The Saint Barnabas Society, officiated.
We don't often do Services in Anglican Chapels, but Vespers is a rather different proposition from Mass. It was an opportunity for the Schola to tackle the somewhat different challenges of The Divine Office, compared to Mass, and to sing in the wonderful acoustic of Merton's historic Chapel, as well as to honour Saint Barnabas and beg his intercession for the important work of the Saint Barnabas Society.
Fr Richard Biggerstaff, Director of The Saint Barnabas Society,
imposes Incense during Vespers at Merton College Chapel, Oxford.
Illustration: LMS CHAIRMAN
The Schola Abelis is the only Choir in Oxford focusing on Gregorian Chant. And, though I say it myself, we sounded very good at Vespers. Anyone, from Town or University, who is interested in singing with us, should contact us
We don't expect previous experience singing Chant - or anything else. I should mention that it is an all-male Schola.
These days, we are being looked after, in the capacity of Cantor and Trainer, by Will Dawes, a Professional Singer based in Oxford with an excellent knowledge of Chant. Amusingly enough, he also directs an all-female Liturgical Choir. There is something for everyone in Oxford !
Support the work of The LMS by becoming an ANNIVERSARY SUPPORTER.
These days, we are being looked after, in the capacity of Cantor and Trainer, by Will Dawes, a Professional Singer based in Oxford with an excellent knowledge of Chant. Amusingly enough, he also directs an all-female Liturgical Choir. There is something for everyone in Oxford !
Support the work of The LMS by becoming an ANNIVERSARY SUPPORTER.
Dominican Rite Masses, In Ohio, For The Order’s 800th Anniversary Celebrations.
1 July 2016: Feast of The Precious Blood (Low Mass).
22 July 2016: Feast of Mary Magdalene (Sung Mass).
19 August 2016: Votive Mass of Saint Dominic
(Solemn High Mass).
There will be Lessons by The Friars, explaining the history and the significance of The Dominican Rite, before each Mass, beginning at 6:30 p.m., with The Mass at 7:15 p.m.
For more information, see the Poster, above, and visit The Parish Web-Site,
This Article, by Gregory Dipippo, is taken from NEW LITURGICAL MOVEMENT
This Article, by Gregory Dipippo, is taken from NEW LITURGICAL MOVEMENT
Dominican Rite Low Mass.
Available on YouTube at
Solemn High Mass in The Dominican Rite.
The Feast of The Immaculate Conception.
Available on YouTube at
Thursday, 16 June 2016
Traditional Catholic Hymns.
Photo: 2004-10-18 (original upload date).
Source: Own work (zelf gemaakt).
Originally from nl.wikipedia; description page is/was here.
"Attende Domine".
Available on YouTube at
"Ave Verum Corpus".
Available on YouTube at
"Be Thou My True Vision".
Sung by 4Him.
Available on YouTube at
"O Sanctissima".
Available on YouTube at
"Panis Angelicus".
Sung by Andrea Bocelli.
Available on YouTube at
The Biggest Pro-Life Event Of The Year. The All-Ireland Rally For Life. Belfast. 2 July 2016. Because Every Life Matters. Be There.
Illustration: LIFE INSTITUTE
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin 1812 - 1852. God's Own Architect.
In this BBC programme, Richard Taylor restores Pugin to his rightful place as one of the giants of The Victorian Age by taking us into his Gothic fantasy land.
From The Houses of Parliament to Alton Towers, from thousands of Churches throughout the Country to the details and furnishings of suburban family houses, Pugin changed the face of Britain with his visionary Gothic architecture.
Pugin: God's Own Architect.
Programme One.
Available on YouTube at
Pugin: God's Own Architect.
Programme Two.
Available on YouTube at
Pugin: God's Own Architect.
Programme Three.
Available on YouTube at
Pugin: God's Own Architect.
Programme Four.
Available on YouTube at
These programmes can also be viewed on The BBC I-Player at BBC I-PLAYER
The Church that Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin built, in Ramsgate, Kent, can be viewed at
"This Will Be The Second Time That Mass Has Been Celebrated In This Mediaeval Church Since Pre-Reformation Times."
Saint Augustine's Church,
Snave, Ashford, Kent.
It is possible that a small private Chapel stood on this site before the present building was commenced in the Late-13th-Century. The East End is unusual in that The Lady Chapel
(more recently used as a school room) vies for importance with The Chancel.
(more recently used as a school room) vies for importance with The Chancel.
Declared redundant in 1983, Saint Augustine's Church is now
entirely maintained by The Romney Marsh Historic Churches Trust.
entirely maintained by The Romney Marsh Historic Churches Trust.
Text: © 2014 Joan Campbell.
Photograph: © 2014 John Hendy.
Missa Cantata.
Saint Augustine's Church,
Snave, Ashford, Kent TN26 2QJ.
24 September 2016,
1200 hrs.
Fr. Marcus Holden,
Rector of The Shrine of Saint Augustine,
Ramsgate, Kent.
The Victoria Consort.
Dominic Bevan.
Further Details:
Mrs. Marygold Turner
01580 291372.
Travel Directions to Saint Augustine's Church,
Snave (near Ashford), Kent TN26 2QJ.
By Road.
Leave the M20 at Junction 10.
Follow the A2070 towards Hastings.
After, approx, 9.3 miles, take the Slip Road to the LEFT
(signposted "SNAVE").
At the Post-Box (on your LEFT),
TURN LEFT, and you have arrived at the Church.
(N.B. Google Maps mark the destination as "Manor Farm")
By Rail.
Frequent Trains from Saint Pancras International Railway Station, London, going to ASHFORD INTERNATIONAL. Then take a Taxi to SNAVE.
Snave (near Ashford), Kent TN26 2QJ.
By Road.
Leave the M20 at Junction 10.
Follow the A2070 towards Hastings.
After, approx, 9.3 miles, take the Slip Road to the LEFT
(signposted "SNAVE").
At the Post-Box (on your LEFT),
TURN LEFT, and you have arrived at the Church.
(N.B. Google Maps mark the destination as "Manor Farm")
By Rail.
Frequent Trains from Saint Pancras International Railway Station, London, going to ASHFORD INTERNATIONAL. Then take a Taxi to SNAVE.
Permission for this Mass at Saint Augustine's Church,
Snave, Ashford, Kent, has been kindly given by
From The Latin Mass Society.
Missa Cantata in Saint Augustine's,
Snave (near Ashford), Kent TN26 2QJ.
Saturday, 24 September 2016.
1200 hrs.
Snave is one a group of Mediaeval Churches built to serve very small communities
on Romney Marsh, in Kent. Now redundant, they are in the care of The Romney Marsh Historic Churches Trust, who have kindly given permission for us to Celebrate Mass on
Saturday, 24 September 2016 (Feast of Our Lady of Ransom) at 12 noon.
Last year (2015) was the first time Mass had been Celebrated in the Church since Reformation times. We are delighted to be able to return this year. The Celebrant will be Fr Marcus Holden (Rector of The Shrine of Saint Augustine, Ramsgate) and music will be supplied by The Victoria Consort.
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
Saint Basil The Great. Bishop. Confessor. Doctor Of The Church. Feast Day 14 June.
Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.
Saint Basil the Great.
Bishop. Confessor.
Doctor of The Church.
White Vestments.
English: The Fathers of The Church: Saint Basil of Caesarea; Saint John Chrysostom; Saint Gregory of Nazianzen - an icon of the 17th-Century from Lipie, Historic Museum in Sanok, Poland.
Polski: Ojcowie Kościoła: św. Bazyli Wielki, św. Jan Chryzostom, św. Grzegorz z Nazjanzu
– ikona z XVII wieku, pochodząca z Lipia, miejsce ekspozycji - Muzeum Historyczne
w Sanoku, nr inw. MHS/S/3423.
Date: August 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Przykuta.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Saint Basil was born at Caesarea, in Cappadocia. After having completed his studies at Constantinople and Athens with his intimate friend Saint Gregory of Nazianzen, he renounced the World, left his family (Gospel), and embraced Monastic Life in the Province of Pontus.
Like fully-seasoned salt (Gospel), he gave to his teaching the full flavour of the Gospel and nourished with Holy Truth the people of Caesarea committed to his care (Communion).
He was the author of the famous rule which bears his name; it was praised by Saint Benedict and is still observed by the Monks of The East. The Holy Ghost filled him with His Divine Wisdom and with intelligence (Introit).
When, therefore, he wrote against those who rebelled against the sound Doctrine (Epistle), he attacked the Arians, who denied The Divinity of Jesus Christ, and prepared the triumph of Orthodoxy over the error of the Macedonians by firmly establishing the Catholic Dogma regarding The Holy Ghost.
The Life of Saint Basil the Great.
Available on YouTube at
He is one of the Four Great Doctors of The East. He died in 379 A.D.
Let us ask Saint Basil to fill us with his Faith in The Divinity of The Third Person of The Holy Trinity, and to deliver us from sin (Offertory) which hinders the working of The Holy Ghost in our Souls.
Mass: In médio.
The following italicised Text is from NEW ADVENT
There are Four Great Doctors of The East: Saint Basil the Great; Saint John Chrysostom; Saint Gregory of Nazianzen; Saint Athanasius.
There are Four Great Doctors of The West: Saint Ambrose; Saint Augustine; Saint Jerome; Saint Gregory the Great.
Heavenly Vaults.
English: Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Mary of The Assumption,
Siena, Italy.
Italiano: Cattedrale Metropolitana di Santa Maria Assunta
Photo: 25 September 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Tango7174.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Siena Cathedral (Italian: Duomo di Siena) is a Mediaeval Church in Siena, Italy, Dedicated from its earliest days as a Roman Catholic Marian Church, and now Dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta
(Holy Mary, Our Lady of The Assumption).
The Ceiling of The Piccolomini Library,
Siena Cathedral, Italy,
by Pinturicchio.
Photo: 12 June 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Gryffindor.
(Wikimedia Commons)
English: The High Altar,
Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Mary of The Assumption,
Siena, Italy.
Italiano: Cattedrale Metropolitana di Santa Maria Assunta
Photo: 25 September 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Tango7174.
(Wikimedia Commons)
The Ceiling, Columns, and Nave,
Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Mary of The Assumption,
Siena, Italy.
Photo: 9 July 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Leon petrosyan.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar,
Barcelona, Spain.
Photo: 20 September 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: Jiuguang Wang.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Santa Maria del Mar is an imposing Church in the Ribera district of Barcelona, Spain, built between 1329 and 1383, at the height of Catalonia's maritime and mercantile pre-eminence. It is an outstanding example of Catalan Gothic Architecture, with a purity and unity of style that is very unusual in large Mediaeval buildings.
Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar,
Barcelona, Spain.
The West End, with its Rose Window.
Photo: March 2006.
Source: Own work.
Author: Paolo da Reggio.
(Wikimedia Commons)
English: The Nave of Saint Rumbold's Cathedral,
Mechelen, Belgium.
Nederlands: Mechelen Sint-Romboutskathedraal orgel.
Photo: 10 August 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Paul Hermans.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Saint Rumbold's Cathedral (Dutch: Sint-Romboutskathedraal)
is the
The Biggest Pro-Life Event Of The Year. The All-Ireland Rally For Life. Belfast. 2 July 2016. Because Every Life Matters. Be There.
Illustration: LIFE INSTITUTE
Monday, 13 June 2016
A Very Happy Birthday, Your Majesty. Trooping The Colour. 11 June 2016.
Illustration: BBC NEWS
Dedicated Royal Watchers will have been delighted by the sight of Princess Charlotte and an animated Prince George.
With Prince Charles and Prince William also there, this was the British Monarchy, its present and its future, on display.
Hymn Of The Cherubim. Tchaikovsky. Beautiful Christian Churches. Untouched By Modernist Horrors.
Text and Illustrations from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Published: 1906.
Source: Tchaikovsky By Edwin Evans,
Portrait from frontispiece.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Hymn of the Cherubim.
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Available on YouTube at
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