Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Saturday 6 August 2016

The Lavabo. The Washing Of The Priest's Hands During Mass.

The Lavabo.
The Washing Of The Priest's Hands During Mass.

The following Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.

Having received the Offerings and having Incensed the Altar, the Priest washes his fingers. Out of respect for The Body of Jesus, Which he is about to touch after The Consecration, even when no Incense has been used, he washes the tips of the first fingers of each hand.

This Ceremony is a Sacramental, which purifies our hearts and prepares them for The Holy Sacrifice and Communion. "The water that flows over the tips of our fingers," says Saint Augustine, "washes away the last traces of our impurities."

Let us say this Psalm with true contrition.


Psalm XXV.
Verses 6 - 12.

Lavabo inter innocéntes manus meas:
et circúmdabo altáre tuum, Dómine:

Ut áudiam vocem laudis,
et enárrem univérsa mirabília tua.

Dómine, diléxi decórem domus tuae,
et locum habitatiónis glóriae tuae.

Ne perdas cum ímpiis, Deus, ánimam meam,
et cum viris sánguinum vitam meam:

In quorum mánibus iniquitátes sunt:
déxtera eórum repléta est munéribus.

Ego autem in innocéntia mea ingréssus sum:
rédime me, et miserére mei.

Pes meus stetit in dirécto:
in ecclésiis benedícam te, Dómine.

Glória Patri . . .

I will wash my hands among the innocent;
and will encompass Thy altar, O Lord.

That I may hear the voice of Thy praise,
and tell of all Thy wondrous works.

I have loved, O Lord, the beauty of Thy house,
and the place where Thy glory dwelleth.

Take not away my Soul, O God, with the wicked,
nor my life with men of blood.

In whose hands are iniquities:
their right hand is filled with gifts.

But as for me, I have walked in my innocence:
redeem me, and have mercy on me.

My foot hath stood in the direct way:
in the Churches I will Bless Thee, O Lord.

Glory be to The Father . . .

In Masses for The Dead, and at Masses of The Season in Passiontide, The Glória Patri is omitted.

The Elizabeth Line (Previously "Crossrail") Receives First New Trains.

A new aluminum-bodied Bombardier electric multiple unit Train
on display for media in Derby, England.
Photo: Keith Fender.
Illustration: TRAINS

This Article is taken from TRAINS

By Keith Fender.
29 July 2016.

LONDON — The first of sixty-six, new, nine-car electric multiple unit Trains, for London's East to West underground Crossrail Line, was unveiled on 29 July to the international media at the Plant in Derby, England, about 120 miles North of London, where Bombardier are building the Trains.

The Trains will enter service during 2017, initially operating from existing Main Stations at Paddington and Liverpool Street. Services in the Crossrail Tunnel (now known as The Elizabeth Line) will begin in Late-2018. The Route is expected to carry over half a million people each day when fully operational in 2019.

Each of the nine-car 90-mph Trains can carry up to 1,500 people. The light, aluminum-bodied, Cars are designed to reduce energy consumption and track wear.

Friday 5 August 2016

The Dedication Of The Church Of Our Lady Of The Snow. Feast Day 5 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Dedication of The Church of Our Lady of The Snow.
Feast Day 5 August.


White Vestments.

The Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major
(The Basilica of Our Lady of The Snow)
Photo: March 2006.
Source: Own work.
Author: Sixtus.
(Wikimedia Commons)

This Church was built at Rome, on Mount Esquiline, in the 4th-Century A.D., during the Pontificate of Pope Liberius. In The Middle Ages, a graceful and popular Tradition ascribed its Foundation to a noble Patrician, who, having been favoured with a vision of Our Lady, caused the Church to be built on a spot covered by a miraculous fall of snow.

This Sanctuary was rebuilt in the following Century and Dedicated, by Pope Sixtus III, in 432 A.D., to Mary, whom The Council of Ephesus (431 A.D.), had just proclaimed The Mother of God. The mosaics of The Triumphal Arch glorify this Divine Maternity, and the representations of the two Cities, of Bethlehem and Jerusalem, recall The Birth of Christ in The City of David, and that of The Church in The Cenacle of The Last Supper. These mosaics were restored in 1931-1934. The Basilica is also called Saint Mary of The Crib, because portions of The Crib are preserved here.

Saint Mary's, called "Major" because it is the largest and most important of the Churches Dedicated to The Blessed Virgin, is a Patriarchal Basilica. The great Nave is formed by two rows of forty-four Columns of White Marble and the Ceiling is covered with the first Gold brought from America.

In this Church, whose Dedication is Solemnised on this day, takes place many Celebrations, including: The inauguration of The Liturgical Year on The First Sunday in Advent; the Stations at Christmas; the Feast of Saint John; at Easter; on Rogation Monday; and on all Wednesdays in Ember Weeks.

Mass: Salve Sancta Parens.
The Creed is said.
Preface of The Blessed Virgin: Et te in Festivitáte.

"The Miracle of The Snow",
by Masolino da Panicale.
Christ and The Blessed Virgin Mary observe Pope Liberius,
who marks in the legendary snowfall the outline of the Basilica.
Artist: Masolino da Panicale (1383-1440).
Date: 15th-Century.
Current location: Galleria Nazionale d9i Capodimonte, Naples, Italy.
Source: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002.
ISBN 3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

The Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major, previously known as Dedicatio Sanctae Mariae ad Nives (Dedication of The Church of Our Lady of The Snow) is a Liturgical Feast Celebrated on
5 August in The Latin Form of The Catholic Church.

In The Roman Catholic Calendar of Saints, it has the Rank of Optional Memorial, and, in The General Roman Calendar of 1962, it is a Third-Class Feast. It Commemorates the Dedication of the restored Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, by Pope Sixtus III, just after The First Council of Ephesus.

This Major Basilica, located on the summit of The Esquiline Hill, in Rome, Italy, is called the Basilica of Saint Mary Major (Latin: Sancta Mariae Majoris) because it is the largest Church in Rome that is Dedicated to The Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Basilica of Saint Mary Major,
Rome, Italy.
Photo Credit: Fr Kevin Estabrook.

The Church was built during the Pontificate of Pope Liberius and is sometimes known as the "Basilica Liberii" or "Liberian Basilica".

Pope Pius V inserted this Feast into The General Roman Calendar in 1568, when, in response to the request of The Council of Trent, he reformed The Roman Breviary. Before that, it had been Celebrated at first only in the Church, itself, and, beginning in the 14th-Century, in all the Churches of the City of Rome.

Thus, it appears in The Tridentine Calendar for Celebration as a Double. In Pope Clement VIII's Missal of 1604, it was given the newly-invented Rank of Greater-Double. In Pope Saint John XXIII's Classification, it became a Third-Class Feast. This 1960 Calendar, included in the 1962 Edition of The Roman Missal, is the Calendar whose private and continued use, under certain conditions publicly, is authorised by the Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum". Nine years later, The Celebration became an Optional Memorial.

Interior of Saint Mary Major,
Rome, Italy.
Photo: 15 February 2013.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Until 1969, The Feast was known as Dedicatio Sanctae Mariae ad Nives (Dedication of The Church of Our Lady of The Snow), a name that had become popular for the Basilica in the 14th-Century, in connection with a legend about its origin. That The Catholic Encyclopedia summarises: "During the Pontificate of Liberius, the Roman Patrician, John, and his wife, who were without heirs, made a vow to donate their possessions to The Virgin Mary.

They Prayed that she might make known to them how they were to dispose of their property in her honour. On 5 August, at the height of the Roman Summer, snow fell during the night on the summit of The Esquiline Hill.

In obedience to a vision of The Virgin Mary, which they had the same night, the couple built a Basilica in honour of Mary, on the very spot which was covered by snow.

English: Interior of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major, Rome, Italy.
Deutsch: Rom. Basilika Santa Mario Maggiore, Innenansicht.
Photo: 13 May 2003.
Source: Own work.
Author: Dnalor 01.
(Wikimedia Commons)

No Catholic Church can be honoured with the Title of Basilica unless by Apostolic Grant, or from Immemorial Custom. Saint Mary Major is one of only four Basilicas that, today, hold the Title of Major Basilica.

The other three Basilicas are Saint John Lateran, Saint Peter's and Saint Paul-outside-the-Walls. All other Catholic Churches that, either by Grant of the Pope or by Immemorial Custom, hold the Title of Basilica, are Minor Basilicas.

Interior of Saint Mary Major,
Rome, Italy.
Photo: 15 February 2013.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Until 2006, the four Major Basilicas, together with the Basilica of Saint Lawrence-outside-the-Walls, were referred to as the five "Patriarchal Basilicas" of Rome, associated with the five ancient Patriarchal Sees of Christendom (see Pentarchy). Saint Mary Major was associated with the Patriarchate of Antioch. In the same year (2006), the Title of "Patriarchal" was also removed from the Basilica of Saint Francis in Assisi.

The former five Patriarchal Basilicas, with the Basilica of The Holy Cross in Jerusalem and San Sebastian-outside-the-Walls, formed the Traditional Seven Pilgrim Churches of Rome, which are visited by Pilgrims to Rome and who are following the twenty kilometres (twelve miles) itinerary, established by Saint Philip Blacks on 25 February 1552, especially when seeking The Plenary Indulgence in Holy Years. For The Great Jubilee of 2000, Pope Saint John Paul II replaced Saint Sebastian's Church with The Shrine of Our Lady of Divine Love.

When I Win The Lottery . . .

1930 Cord L-29 Cabriolet,
once owned by Frank Lloyd Wright,
who had it finished in striking Burnt Orange.
Photos courtesy Frist Center for The Visual Arts.
Illustration: HEMMINGS DAILY


Art Deco Automobiles
display comes to Nashville.

This Article, unless otherwise stated, is from HEMMINGS DAILY
Jim Donnelly on 27 Feb 2013.

Beyond its historic bond with Country Music, Nashville has, of late, transitioned into something of an Art Mecca of The South. That was accentuated in 2001 when The Frist Center for The Visual Arts opened in Nashville’s former Main Post Office, a spectacular Art Deco edifice dating to 1934 and designed by the local architectural firm of Marr and Holman. Appropriately, The Frist Center will host an upcoming Exhibition that highlights Art Deco’s influence on the Automobile.

Sensuous Steel: Art Deco Automobiles will include eighteen Cars and three Automobiles; among the former are a 1929 Cord L-29 Cabriolet, once owned by Frank Lloyd Wright, who had it finished in striking Burnt Orange; a 1937 Delahaye 135 MS roadster with Figoni et Falaschi Coachwork and a Hermes Leather Interior; the 1934 Ford Speedster that stylist E.T. Gregorie designed for Edsel Ford; the Phillip Wright-created 1934 Pierce-Arrow Silver Arrow; and the famed Stout Scarab.

The Guest Curator of the Exhibition is Automotive Journalist and Historian, Ken Gross, who, in the recent past, has organised displays of aesthetically-significant Cars at The High Museum of Art, in Atlanta, The Portland Museum of Art, and The Utah Museum of Fine Arts.

The Exhibition opens 14 June and will run through 15 September. For more information, visit

Delahaye Automobile.
Illustration: HEMMINGS DAILY

1930 Cord L-29 Cabriolet.
Collection of The Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum,
Auburn, Indiana, United States of America.
Photograph © 2013 Peter Harholdt.
Illustration: FRIST CENTER

The following Text is from THE FRIST CENTER

Errett Lobban Cord rose to national prominence after rescuing The Auburn Automobile Company of Auburn, Indiana, in 1928. Seeing an opportunity for a uniquely-engineered luxury Automotive brand, Cord encouraged Fred and August Duesenberg to build what he envisioned as America’s finest Motor-Car.

Noted Race-Car constructor Harry A. Miller and his associates were retained by Cord to engineer a radical front-drive chassis. The innovative and luxurious L-29 Cord, unfortunately introduced just as The New York Stock Market crashed, combined its engine, trans-axle, and clutch into one co-located assembly, eliminating a conventional driveshaft. This permitted a ten-inch lower chassis and necessitated a lengthy hood that appeared even longer, because the designer, Al Leamy, surrounded the radiator with an integrated sheet-metal assembly, finished to match the Car’s colour.

The low-slung Cord’s body-lines were exquisite. Features include an Art Deco-styled trans-axle cover, an elegant streamlined grille that evoked the styling of Harry Miller’s Racing Cars, sweeping clam-shell fenders, sleek body-side Reveals which accentuated the Car’s length, and a low roof-line. These are embellished by myriad Art Deco-styled details, ranging from accented fender trim, tapered headlamp shapes, etched door-handle detailing and tiny, but exquisite, instrument panel dials.

The L-29 Cord’s Art Moderne styling and engineering prowess attracted buyers of taste and style who were not afraid to try something different. Owners included the era’s most prominent and controversial architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, who bought a new L-29 Convertible Phaeton in 1929 and drove it for many years. This stunning Cabriolet, was purchased in the 1950s by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Wright's legal caretaker until his death in 1959. Wright had many of his Cars painted in a bright hue called Taliesin Orange. The finish of this Cord is a close approximation.

Sponsored by: Tuck Hinton Architects.

Lincoln Cathedral.

Lincoln Cathedral
(Cathedral Church of
The Blessed Virgin Mary of Lincoln,
or Saint Mary's Cathedral),
Lincoln, England.
Illustration: PINTEREST

The following Text is from Wikipedia -the free encyclopaedia.

Lincoln Cathedral (Cathedral Church of The Blessed Virgin Mary of Lincoln, or, sometimes, Saint Mary's Cathedral) is a Cathedral located in LincolnEngland, and Seat of The Bishop of Lincoln in The Church of England.

Building commenced in 1088 and continued in several phases throughout The Mediaeval Period. It was reputedly the tallest building in the World for 238 years (1311–1549). The central Spire collapsed in 1549 and was not rebuilt. The Cathedral is the third-largest in Britain (in floor space) after Saint Paul's and York Minster, being 484 feet by 271 feet (148 m by 83 m).

It is highly regarded by architectural scholars; the eminent Victorian writer John Ruskin declared: "I have always held . . . that the Cathedral of Lincoln is the most precious piece of architecture in The British Isles and, roughly speaking, worth any two other Cathedrals we have."

Thursday 4 August 2016

Saint Dominic. Confessor. Feast Day 4 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Dominic.
Feast Day 4 August.


White vestments.

Saint Dominic Receives The Rosary from The Virgin Mary.
Stained-Glass Window, by Franz Mayer ,
in Carlow Cathedral, Ireland.
Photo: 3 September 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Andreas F. Borchert .
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Dominic.
Artist: Claudio Coello (1642 to 1693).
Dates: Approximately 1685.
Current location: Prado Museum , Madrid, Spain.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Church of France was ravaged by the heresy of The Albigenses, who, not satisfied with teaching false Doctrine, pillaged the Churches and massacred the Priests. In 1215, Pope Innocent III saw in a dream the tottering walls of the Basilica of Saint John Lateran, Rome, held up by the powerful shoulders of a Friar. This Friar was Saint Dominic, whose Preaching defended Catholic Doctrine against the new heresies (Epistle).

Before his birth, his mother saw in a vision, her child in the shape of a little dog, holding a torch in its mouth, which was to set the World on fire.

Called "Dominic", because his parents attributed his birth to the Prayers of the Holy Benedictine Abbot, Dominic of Silos, he truly belonged to The Lord, as his name suggests.

Born in Spain, of the noble family of Gusman, he distinguished himself by his purity, as is signified by the Lily That he holds (Alleluia) and his White Habit.


Having witnessed the many evils caused by the heretics in the South of France, he Founded, opposed to them, The Order of The Friars Preachers (Communion), whom he armed with The Shield of Truth, to teach Doctrine, and The Sword of The Word, to Preach it.

The Dominicans number many Saints of both sexes, who, like their Founder, ardently studied The Word of God in the Gospel, which, as Saint Dominic says, is The Book of Truth and The Book of Charity.

[The Order of The Friars Preachers (O.P.) has given to The Church, as at 1945: Four Popes (Blessed Innocent V, Saint Pius V, Benedict XI, Benedict XIII); Numerous Cardinals, Bishops, Doctors, Preachers and illustrious writers.

It numbers eleven Saints and four female Saints, Beatified 268 men and twenty-four Beatified women and 300 Martyrs. The Census of The Order, in 1935, showed there were 6,000 Friars. The Dominican Nuns in The Second Order, and in The Third Order Regular, amount to 40,000.]

This Saint loved Our Lady in a special manner and Preached The Devotion to The Rosary. He died on 6 August 1221.

Mass: Os justi.

Mullin Museum Poised To Invade Monterey Car Week With An Octet Of French Beauties.

1939 Delage D8-120.
Illustration: HEMMINGS DAILY.

File:Delage logo.svg

English: Logo of Delage.
Русский: Логотип французской
автомобилестроительной компании Delage.
Date: Circa 1905.
Source: Vectorisation of a personal scan.
Author: Louis Delâge.
(Wikimedia Commons)

This Article is taken from HEMMINGS DAILY.
Posted by Terry Shea.
All images courtesy of The Mullin Automotive Museum.
Web-Site of The Mullin Automotive Museum is HERE

We all have our preferences when it comes to cars, whether your favourites wear a Bow-Tie, a Bow-Tie with Chequered Flags, a Blue Oval, a Blue-and-White Propeller-Inspired Badge, or any number of exotic creatures on the Radiator Cap.

We can argue all we want about whose machines were faster, or smoother or just plain better, but you'd be hard pressed to find anyone in any camp that doesn't find Coach-Built Pre-War French Automobiles beautiful.

1937 Delahaye 135 M.
Illustration: HEMMINGS DAILY

Mullin also plans to exhibit a 1939 Delage D8-120 (see illustration, above), an eight-cylinder-powered, three-position Cabriolet exhibiting the typically French beauty and elegance of the Late-Pre-World War II era. From the hand of Henri Chapron, the prolific designer whose work spanned parts of seven decades, this four-place Cabrio, like the pair of Delages, seems well-suited for Pebble Beach.

The Oxnard, California-based Mullin Automotive Museum contains many other French Cars, the vast majority from 1951 or earlier. It’s certainly worth a visit if your travels take you to Southern California. At the very least, if you are on The Monterey Peninsula during the third week of August, you will get a chance to glimpse at least a portion of the collection.

Zephyrinus will be attending The Monterey Car Week.
Illustration: PINTEREST


15 AUGUST - 21 August 2016.

1937 Delahaye 145 M Coupe.
Illustration: HEMMINGS DAILY

A Tradition going back over half a Century, The Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance is where the World's Collector Cars meet and compete. Only the 200 best Collector Cars in the World roll onto the legendary 18th-Fairway of Pebble Beach Golf Links, California, United States of America, and only a handful of those will receive official recognition for style, technical merit and historical accuracy.

But the Concours D'Elegance is only the final event in a packed week celebrating The Classic Automobile. All over Monterey County, Classic Cars take to streets, golf courses, parks and the world-renowned Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, surrounding visitors with Automobiles from yesteryear.

Need to experience Monterey Auto Week on a budget ? Make sure to refer to our Concours on a Shoestring page.

Visit The "Monterey Car Week Travel Alerts" page for the latest traffic schedules and road closures in the area.

1927 Delage ERA .
Illustration: HEMMINGS DAILY

The New York Central Railroad. "Within The Oval".

"Within The Oval".
The New York Central Railroad.
Available on YouTube at

Educational film, made by The New York Central (NYC) Railroad, showing the activities of the Railroad in the early 1950s. Archival footage of Trains with Diesel, Electric and Steam Locomotives are seen in operation, as well as some behind-the-scenes activities.

Naturally you'll see scenes of the famous named Trains of The NYC, such as "The 20th Century Limited", "Commodore Vanderbilt" and "Pacemaker".

"The Zephyr".
Photo by siehputz on Flickr (cc).
Illustration: PINTEREST

A New York Central System Locomotive.
Illustration: PINTEREST

Wednesday 3 August 2016

The Finding Of The Body Of Saint Stephen. The First Martyr. Feast Day 3 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Finding of The Body of Saint Stephen.
The First Martyr.
Feast Day 3 August.


Red Vestments.

Stoning of Saint Stephen.
Artist: Jacopo & Domenico Tintoretto.
Altarpiece of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, Italy.
Photo: 11 April 2013.
Source: Own work.
Author: Smeat75.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Church Solemnises on 26 December The Feast of Saint Stephen, and on 2 January The Octave of this Saint. She holds The Station on Passion Friday in the Church Dedicated to Saint Stephen, on Mount Coelius, at Rome.

On 10 August, she will Celebrate The Feast of Saint Laurence, whose "Remains, more precious," say the writers of the first Centuries, "than Gold and Precious Stones" are with those of the Deacon, Stephen, which had been Translated from Palestine to The Capital of The Christian World.

Today's Mass Commemorates the miraculous finding by a Priest of these Relics at Kapher-Gamala, near Jerusalem, on 5 December 415 A.D., (Collect). Except The Collect, it is the same as that on 26 December, the date of The Translation of these Remains from Kapher-Gamala to Jerusalem.

For Gamaliel, the teacher of Saint Paul, so much esteemed among The Doctors of Israel, that, at his death, it was declared that "the glory of Israel had disappeared", had buried twenty miles from that Town, at his Country House, The Holy Martyr, Stephen, Nicodemus, and his own son, Abibas. He, himself, was buried there. These precious Relics, long ignored, were miraculously discovered and wrought numerous cures.

The Introit and the Epistle recall how Stephen, filled with The Holy Ghost, convicted the Jews of error, and how they, hating Christ as their fathers hated Him (Gospel), seized Stephen and stoned him to death.

Let us honour Saint Stephen, and, imitating his Prayers for his persecutors (Epistle, Communion), let us learn by his example to love our enemies (Collect).

Mass: As on The Feast of Saint Stephen, 26 December, except one word in The Collect: "inventionem", instead of "natalitia": We Celebrate "the finding of his body" instead of "his birthday to immortality".

First Mass In 745 Years In "Krak Des Chevaliers". First Mass Since 1271 !!!

English: Krak des Chevaliers, Syria.
Français: Krak des Chevaliers, Syrie.
Photo: 2 April 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Bernard Gagnon.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Krak des Chevaliers is a Crusader Castle in Syria and one of the most important preserved Mediaeval Castles in the World. The site was first inhabited in the 11th-Century by a settlement of Kurdish troops, dispatched there by the Mirdasids; as a result, it was known as Hisn al-Akrad, meaning the "Castle of The Kurds".

In 1142, it was given by Raymond II, Count of Tripoli, to The Knights Hospitaller. It remained in their possession until it fell in 1271. It became known as Crac de l'Ospital; the name Krak des Chevaliers was coined in the 19th-Century.

FR. Z's BLOG has a riveting Post
on the first Mass in 745 Years in "Krak Des Chevaliers".
The first Mass since 1271 !!!
Celebrated by Fr Aubry of The Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrer.
See the Video at

Drone footage of the War-Damaged
Crusader Castle of Krak des Chevaliers, Syria.
Available on YouTube at

All Aboard For Mauch Chunk !!!

Illustration: PINTEREST

The Lehigh Valley Railroad.

Route Of The Black Diamond.

Lehigh Valley Trains use Pennsylvania Station
in the heart of New York City.

All First-Class, Air-Conditioned,
Streamliner Service to
Mauch Chunk.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

The Lehigh Valley Railroad (Reporting Mark LV) was one of a number of Railroads built in The North-Eastern United States, primarily to haul anthracite coal. It was authorised 21 April 1846 in The U.S. State of Pennsylvania and incorporated/established on 20 September 1847 as The Delaware, Lehigh, Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad Company.

On 7 January 1853, the name was changed to Lehigh Valley Railroad. It was sometimes known as The Route of The Black Diamond, named after the anthracite it transported. At the time, anthracite was transported by boat down The Lehigh River; the Railroad was meant to be faster transportation. The Railroad ended operations in 1976 and merged into Conrail that same year.

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Night Train.

Night Train.
Arizona, United States of America.
Illustration: PINTEREST

Monday 1 August 2016

The Feast Of Saint Peter's Chains. 1 August. Plus, Happy Lammas Day.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Peter's Chains.
Feast Day 1 August.


White Vestments.

[Today is also Lammas Day. See The Breviary notes, below.]

English: The Interior of the Basilica of Saint Peter-in-Chains
(San Pietro-in-Vincoli), Rome, Italy.
Deutsch: San Pietro-in-Vincoli, Gesamtansicht des Innenraums.
Photo: 20 May 2012.
Source: This file was derived from: SPIV small.jpg.
Derivative work: Rabanus Flavus.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Miracle of The Chains.
18th-Century fresco,
in the centre of the Coffered Ceiling
of the Basilica of
Saint Peter-in-Chains
(San Pietro-in-Vincoli), Rome, Italy.
Photo: 26 December 2009.
Derivative work: Alberto Fernandez Fernandez.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Church Venerates on this day in the Basilica of Saint Peter-Ad-Vincula (Saint Peter-in-Chains), on Mount Esquiline, Rome, Italy, The Chains with which The Prince of The Apostles was fettered (Collect, Epistle).

This Church, where The Station is held on the Monday of The First Week in Lent and on the Monday in The Octave of Pentecost, was built over The Baths of Trajan and restored towards the middle of the 5th-Century A.D., by the Princess Eudoxia, whence the name of Eudoxian Basilica, sometimes given to it. It was Dedicated on this day.

The date of 1 August was chosen so as to substitute a Solemnity in honour of the Apostle, Bishop of Rome, and Head of The Church (Alleluia, Gospel, Communion) for the pagan festival which used to be kept at Rome in honour of the Emperor Augustus.

English: The Chains of Saint Peter in the "Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli", Rome, Italy.
Italiano: Le Catene di San Pietro, conservate nella Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli a Roma.
Date: August 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Original Photo by Raja Patnaik.
Post-processed and uploaded by Alessio Damato
(with permission of the author).
(Wikimedia Commons)

[As a compliment to the Emperor Augustus, the Romans gave his name to the sixth Month of the Year, formerly called Sextilis, for, in Old Rome, the Year began in March. The word "August" comes from Augustus, as July is from Julius Caesar. The following Months kept their denominations of seventh (September), eighth (October), ninth (November), and tenth (December).]

The Chains of Saint Peter are in two portions; one having eleven links of lengthened shape to bind the hands, and, the other, twenty-three links, to the last of which are fixed two half-circles, to hold the neck.

The Popes used to send, as a rich present, a few particles of the filings of these Chains, enclosed in a Golden Key. They symbolise the power of The Keys by which Saint Peter unbinds from sin.

They were also put into Rings or Crosses, to preserve from dangers (Collect). On the same day, The Church honours Saint Paul. There are preserved, with Saint Peter's Chains, four links of The Chains which bound Saint Paul's arms during his captivity at Rome.

Mass: Nunc scio vere, as on 29 June.
Commemoration of Saint Paul by The Collects of The Mass of 30 June.
Commemoration of The Holy Machabees.
Preface of The Apostles.




English: A French Prayer Book of 1905 containing extracts from The Roman Missal,
and The Roman Breviary of the time, with French translations.
Français: Nouveau Paroissien Romain contenant en latin et en français
les Offices et Messes de tous les dimanches et de toutes les fêtes de l'année ecclésiastique.
File: Nouveau Paroissien Romain (1905).jpg
Uploaded: 6 May 2009.
Author: Perky.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Illustration: RORATE CAELI

The following Text is from The Pre-1911 Roman Breviary
(Volume II. Summer).
Translated out of Latin into English by
John, Marquess of Bute, K.T.
Date: 1879.

1 August.

Lammas Day.

In some English-speaking Countries in The Northern Hemisphere,

1 August is Lammas Day (Anglo-Saxon "hlaf-mas", "Loaf-Mass"),

The Festival of The Wheat Harvest,
and is the first Harvest Festival of the Year.

Feast of Saint Peter-in-Chains.


Included, in The Common Office for an Apostle, is:

The Prayer.

O God,
Who didst make the chains to fall off
from the hands of Thy Blessed Apostle Peter,
and didst cause him to go away unhurt
out of prison, make to fall off from us,
we beseech Thee, the chains of our sins,
and in Thy great mercy
deliver us from all evil.

Through Our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son,
Who liveth and reigneth with Thee,
in the unity of The Holy Ghost,
one God, World without end.


Craftsmen Selling Cases In Ahmedabad, India. By Edwin Lord Weeks (1849-1903).

Craftsmen selling cases in Ahmedabad, India.
Artist: Edwin Lord Weeks (1849-1903).
Illustration: PINTEREST

Sunday 31 July 2016

Bean’s Bread, Pease Loaf, And Lammastide.


This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, MEDIEVAL HISTORIES

Lammastide means the time has come for "hlafmaesse",
or "Loaf-Mass", the ancient offering to God
of The First Bread of The Season.
What went before was a meagre time.

Hunger in haste then
seized Waste by the maw
And wrung him so by the belly
that both his eyes watered;
The Breton he buffeted
about the cheeks
That he looked lantern-jawed
all his life after.

He beat them so both
that he near burst their ribs;
Had not Piers with a Pease-Loaf
Prayed Hunger to cease
They had been buried both
believe thou none other !
`Suffer them to live,’ he said
let them eat with the hogs
Or else beans and bran
baked up together,
Or else milk and mean ale’
thus Prayed Piers for them.

Loungers for fear thereof
fled into barns
And flapped on with flails
from morning till eve,
So that Hunger less hardily
looked upon them,
For a potful of pease
that Piers had made.


Labourer with a spade,
from Piers Plowman.
Source: Bodleian Library,
MSDouce 104, f 039r/wikipedia.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

In some English-speaking Countries in The Northern Hemisphere, 1 August is Lammas Day (Anglo-Saxon hlaf-mas, "Loaf-Mass"), the Festival of The Wheat Harvest, and is the first Harvest Festival of the year. On this day, it was customary to bring to Church a loaf made from the new crop, which began to be harvested at Lammastide.

The loaf was Blessed, and in Anglo-Saxon England, it might be employed afterwards to work magic; a book of Anglo-Saxon charms directed that the "lammas bread" be broken into four bits, which were to be placed at the four corners of the barn, to protect the garnered grain.

In many parts of England, tenants were bound to present freshly-harvested wheat to their landlords on or before the first day of August. In the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, where it is referred to regularly, it is called "The Feast of First Fruits". The Blessing of First Fruits was performed annually in both The Eastern and Western Churches on the first or the sixth of August (the latter being The Feast of The Transfiguration of Christ).

Lammas has coincided with The Feast of Saint Peter in Chains, Commemorating Saint Peter's miraculous deliverance from prison, but, in The Liturgical reform of 1969, The Feast of Saint Alphonsus Liguori was Transferred to this day, the day of Saint Alphonsus' death.

Bring Back Devout, Profound, Sacred Liturgy.

Illustration: FR. Z's BLOG

"My Lord And My God".
Illustration: PINTEREST

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