Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Sunday 25 September 2016

"Parce Mihi Domine". "Spare Me, O Lord". Hauntingly Beautiful. Spanish Composer: Cristóbal De Morales (1500-1553).

Text and Illustrations from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

Cristobal de Morales by Angelo Rossi (dates unknown).
The print is from the original Andrea Adami 's Osservazioni per il ben regolare choir Cappella dei della Pontifical cantori. Catalogue 'nomi, Cognomi, and homeland i cantori Pontifici (Rome, 1711).
Date: 18th-Century.
Source: Dejiny hudby II. Renesance, p. 231.
Author: Angelo Rossi.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Cristobal de Morales (1500 - 1553) was a Spanish composer of The Renaissance. He is generally considered to be the most influential Spanish composer before Victoria.

He was born in Seville, Spain, and, after an exceptional early education, which included a rigorous training in The Classics, as well as Musical Study with some of the foremost composers, he held Posts at Ávila and Plasencia.

"Parce Mihi Domine".
Composed by Cristobal de Morales (1500-1553).
Available on YouTube at .

Parce mihi Domine
(Job  7:16 -21)


Parce mihi Domine, nihil enim sunt dies mei.

Quid est homo, quia magnificas eum ?

Aut quid apponis erga eum cor tuum ? Visitas cum diluculo, et subito probas illum.

Usquequo non parcis michi, nec dimittas me, ut glutiam salivam meam ? Peccavi.

Quid faciam tibi, o custos hominum ?

Quare posuisti me contrarium tibi, et factus sum michimet ipsi gravis ?

Cur non tollis peccatum meum, et quare non aufers iniquitatem meam ?

Ecce nunc in pulvere dormio; et si mane me quesieris, non subsistam.


Spare me, O Lord, for my days are nothing.

What is a man that Thou shouldst magnify him ?

Or why dost Thou set thy heart upon him ?
Thou visitest him early in the morning, and Thou provest him suddenly.

How long wilt Thou not spare me,
nor suffer me to swallow down my spittle ? I have sinned.

What shall I do to Thee, O keeper of men ?
Why hast Thou set me opposite to Thee, and I am become burdensome to myself ?

Why dost Thou not remove my sin, and why dost Thou not take away mine iniquity ?

Behold now, I shall sleep in the dust: And if Thou seek me in the morning, I shall not be.

Lyrics from WIKIA

Contemporary illustration of  The Babington Conspirators.

The following excellent Article, on "The Terrible Execution of The Babington Conspirators", contains a reference to "Parce Mihi Domine", exclaimed by Anthony Babington, whilst he was being Hung, Drawn, and Quartered, in 1586.

The Article can be read in full at LONDON HISTORIANS

On Tuesday, 20 September 1586, seven Catholic men were bound to hurdles in The Tower of London – one of them, a Priest named John Ballard, on a single sled, the others two-a-piece – and were dragged Westward on their final slow journey through the City’s Autumnal streets to a hastily-erected scaffold in the open fields ‘at the upper end of Holborn, hard by the highway-side to Saint Giles’, probably somewhere a little to the North-West of what is now Lincoln’s Inn Fields, then known as Cup Field.

The crowd gathered at the scaffold numbered in thousands. The authorities had fenced off the site to stop horsemen blocking the view, and had also raised the gallows ‘mighty high’, so that everyone could see justice being done.

The names of the men were – Ballard aside – Anthony Babington, John Savage, Robert Barnwell, Chidiock Tichbourne, Charles Tilney, and Edward Abingdon. (Seven more conspirators and their accomplices would die the following day: Edward Jones, Thomas Salisbury, John Charnock, Robert Gage, John Travers, Jerome Bellamy and Henry Donne, elder brother of the poet.)

Most of them were minor courtiers, well-connected, wealthy; it was said they wore fine silks on this, their last day. Just a week before, they had been tried at Westminster and found guilty of treason; six weeks before that, they had still been free men. But then had come intimations of arrest – one story is that Babington was alerted by catching sight of a message delivered to a dining companion named Scudamore and, realising that Scudamore was, in fact, one of Walsingham’s men – followed by dispersal and desperate flight, Babington and four others taking to what was then still wild woodland beyond the City at Saint John’s Wood.

The first man to die, was Ballard, arguably the plot’s ringleader. The second, its lynchpin, was Babington. He, alone of the men standing beside the scaffold awaiting their fate, watched Ballard’s agony’s unflinchingly, coolly, not even deigning to remove his hat; the others turned away, fell to their knees and bared their heads in Prayer.

But when it was his turn to suffer, and he was pulled down breathing from the gallows to face the executioner’s knife, he cried again and again "Parce mihi Domine Iesu", "Spare me, Lord Jesus".



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Saturday 24 September 2016

Our Lady Of Ransom. Feast Day 24 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Our Lady of Ransom.
Feast Day 24 September.


White Vestments.

Our Blessed Lady of Mercy.

The Web-Site of The Mercedarian Friars is at

The Blessed Virgin appeared in the 13th-Century to Saint Peter Nolasco (Feast Day 28 January), to Saint Raymund of Pennafort (Feast Day 23 January), and to James, King of Aragon, requesting them to found a Religious Institute with the object of delivering Christian captives from the barbarous Saracens (Collect), who then held a great part of Spain.

In consequence of this, on 10 August 1218, King James of Aragon established The Royal, Military and Religious Order of Our Lady of Ransom (Editor: The Mercedarian Friars), and granted to its Members the privilege of bearing on their breasts his own Coat-of-Arms.

Most of them were Knights, and while the Clerics recited The Divine Office in The Commanderies, they guarded the coasts and delivered prisoners. This pious work spread everywhere and produced heroes of Sanctity and men of incomparable Charity and Piety, who devoted themselves to the collection of Alms for The Ransom of Christians, and who often gave themselves up as prisoners to deliver captives.

This Feast, originally kept only by The Order, was extended to the whole Church by Pope Innocent XII in the 17th-Century.

Mass: Salve, Sancta Parens.
Preface: Of The Blessed Virgin Mary: "Et te in Festivitáte".

Royal, Celestial and Military Order of 
Our Lady of Mercy and The Redemption of Captives.
Ordo Beatae Mariae 
de Mercede redemptionis captivorum

English: Coat-of-Arms of The Mercedarians.
Català: Escut de la Orde de la Mercè.
Español: Escudo de la Orden de la Merced.
Date: 6 April 2011.
Source: [1].
Author: Heralder.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

The Feast of Our Lady of Ransom is a Roman Catholic Liturgical Marian Feast on 24 September, a Double Major Ranking of Liturgical Days in The Roman Rite, commemorating The Foundation of The Mercedarians.

On 10 August 1223, The Mercedarian Order was legally constituted at Barcelona, Spain, by King James of Aragon, and was approved by Pope Gregory IX on 17 January 1235. The Mercedarians Celebrated their Institution on the Sunday nearest to 1 August (on which date, in the year 1233, The Blessed Virgin was believed to have shown Saint Peter Nolasco The White Habit of The Order), and this custom was approved by The Congregation of Rites on 4 April 1615 (Anal. Juris Pont., VII, 136).

But The Calendar of The Spanish Mercedarians of 1644 has it on 1 August as a Double. Proper Lessons were approved on 30 April 1616. The Feast was granted to Spain (The Sunday which was nearest to 1 August) on 15 February 1680; to France, 4 December 1690. On 22 February 1696, it was extended to the entire Latin Church, and the date changed to 24 September.

The Mercedarians keep this Feast as a Double of The First-Class, with a Vigil, Privileged Octave, and Proper Office, under the Title: "Solemnitas Descensionis B. Mariæ V. de Mercede".

Our Lady of Ransom is The Principal Patron of Barcelona; The Proper Office was extended to Barcelona (1868) and to all Spain (Double of The Second-Class, 1883).

Sicily, which had suffered so much from the Saracens, took up the old date of The Feast (Sunday nearest to 1 August) by permission of The Congregation of Rites, since 31 August 1805 (Double Major), Apparition of Our Lady to Saint Peter Nolasco in The Choir of Barcelona, on The Sunday after 24 September.

In England, The Devotion to Our Lady of Ransom was revived in modern times to obtain the rescue of England as Our Lady's Dowry.



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Ember Saturday In September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Ember Saturday in September.

Station at Saint Peter's.

Violet Vestments.

Iona Abbey,

On the fifteenth day of the seventh month of the year, the Jews used to celebrate, at the conclusion of the harvest, The Feast of Tabernacles, and lived during eight days under tents, or huts made of foliage, in remembrance of the nomadic life of the Israelites in the desert (Second Lesson).

This Feast was preceded, on the tenth of the month, by the very solemn Day of Expiation, called Holy (First Lesson). On this day, the High Priest purified himself in the basin which stood before the Sanctuary *, then, taking the blood of the victims, he entered The Holy of Holies and Prayed near The Mercy-Seat (Epistle). [* The Holy Water Stoups in our Churches recall this basin, known as "The Brazen Sea".]

The Saturday in The September Ember Week, formerly the seventh month of the year, recalls this Feast, both of Penance and Joy.

The  Prophets, Micheas, Zacharias, and Daniel, whose writings were read through during the night, or Vigil, preceding the Sunday *, speak in similar terms of the Salvation brought by God to those who atone for their sins and implore His protection amid the dangers that threaten them. [* Formerly, Mass was not said on Saturday morning; but, after a night passed in Prayer and reading the Scriptures, The Holy Sacrifice was offered at dawn. Hence the large number of Collects and Lessons which characterise The Mass of The Saturday in Ember Week.]

The Epistle shows the new alliance which Jesus Christ has established between our repentant Souls and God, by offering to Him, in the real Holy of Holies, which is Heaven, The Blood which He shed upon The Cross to atone for our sins.

In the same way that Jesus delivered the woman whom Satan had bound for eighteen years, and like the gardener mentioned in the Gospel, the Priests heal our Souls, and, by their Prayers and their untiring zeal, ward off from Souls the rigours of Divine Justice, making them produce the sweet fruits of Penance and good works; this Mass is, therefore, eminently suited for an Ordination.

After the Kyrie, The Tonsure is conferred; after The First Lesson are Ordained The Door-Keepers; after The Second Lesson are Ordained The Readers; after The Third Lesson are Ordained The Exorcists; after The Fourth Lesson are Ordained The Acolytes; after The Fifth Lesson are Ordained The Sub-Deacons; after the Epistle are Ordained The Deacons, and, before the last verse of The Tract, are Ordained The Priests.

Mass: Venite, adorémus.



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Friday 23 September 2016

Saint Thecla. Virgin And Martyr. Feast Day, Today, 23 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Thecla.
Virgin and Martyr.
Feast Day 23 September.


Red Vestments.

Saint Thecla.
Virgin and Martyr.

"In Lycaonia," says The Roman Martyrology," Saint Thecla, Virgin and Martyr, who, brought to The Faith by The Holy Apostle Paul, at Iconium (Asia Minor), victoriously underwent the torments of flames and wild beasts, under the Emperor Nero". Having recovered, she died in peace at Seleucia.

Mass: Loquébar.

English: Saint Thecla (Mar Takla) Monastery, Ma'loula, Syria.
Français: Vue du monastère de Sainte-Thècle (Mar Takla), Maaloula, Syrie.
Photo: 1 April 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Bernard Gagnon.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia.

Thecla, or Tecla (Ancient Greek: Θέκλα, Thékla), was a Saint of The Early Christian Church, and a reported follower of Paul The Apostle. The earliest record of her life comes from the ancient apocryphal Acts of Paul and Thecla.

The Acts of Paul and Thecla is a 1st- or 2nd-Century A.D. Text, which forms part of The Acts of Paul, but also circulated separately. According to the Text, Thecla was a young noble Virgin from Iconium, who listened to Paul's "discourse on Virginity", espoused the teachings and became estranged to her fiancé, Thamyris, and her mother. They became concerned Thecla would follow Paul's demand, "one must fear only one God and live in Chastity", and turned to the authorities to punish both Paul and Thecla.

Thecla was miraculously saved from burning at the stake by the onset of a storm and travelled with Paul to Antioch of Pisidia. There, a nobleman named Alexander desired Thecla and attempted to take her by force. Thecla fought him off, assaulting him in the process, and was put on trial for assaulting a nobleman. She was sentenced to be eaten by wild beasts, but was again saved by a series of Miracles when the female beasts protected her against her male aggressors. While in the arena, she Baptised herself.

She rejoined Paul in Myra, and travelled to preach The Word of God and became an icon encouraging women to also live a life of Chastity and follow The Word of The Lord. She went to live in Seleucia, Cilicia. According to some versions of The Acts, she lived in a cave there for seventy-two years. Becoming a healer, the Hellenistic physicians in the City lost their livelihood and solicited young men to attack her. As they were about to take her, a new passage was opened in the cave and the stones closed behind her. She was able to go to Rome.



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Saint Linus. Second Pope. Martyr. Feast Day, Today, 23 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Linus.
Pope and Martyr.
Feast Day 23 September.


Red Vestments.

with Gold Key in Bend, as described in Donald Lindsay Galbreath,
A Treatise on Ecclesiastical Heraldry (W. Heffer and Sons, 1930), p. 9; Bruno Bernhard Heim, Heraldry in The Catholic Church: Its Origin, Customs and Laws (Van Duren 1978
Date: 12 December 2007.
Bruno Bernhard Heim, Heraldry in The Catholic Church: Its Origin, Customs and Laws
(Van Duren 1978 ISBN 9780391008731), p. 54;
Michel Pastoureau, "Keys" in Philippe Levillain, The Papacy:
An Encyclopedia (Routledge 2002 ISBN 9780415922302), vol. 2, p. 891
Author: F l a n k e r.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Pope Saint Linus.
67 A.D. - 76 A.D.
Successor to Saint Peter as Bishop of Rome.
Illustration: FIND A GRAVE

"At Rome," says The Roman Martyrology, "the triumph of Saint Linus, Pope and Martyr, who immediately succeeded Saint Peter in the government of The Church. He suffered Martyrdom, and was buried on The Vatican, next to The Prince of The Apostles."

The name of Saint Linus is mentioned in The Canon of The Mass, after the names of The Apostles.

Mass: Státuit.
Collects: Of The Mass: Sacerdótes.
Commemoration: Saint Thecla.



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Ember Friday In September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Ember Friday in September.

Station at The Twelve Apostles.

Violet Vestments.

Iona Abbey,

As on the other Ember Fridays during the year, The Station is held at the Church of The Holy Apostles, in Rome.

The Epistle reminds us of the words of the Prophet, Osee, to Israel: "Be Converted to The Lord thy God,  since thy iniquity has caused thee to fall." And Osee announces that The Almighty, seeing the spirit of Prayer and Penance of the Israelites, will heal their bruises and turn away His anger from them.

The Basilica of The Twelve Apostles,
Rome, Italy.
Photo: 20 July 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: SteO153.
(Wikimedia Commons)

A fine harvest of olives, wheat, and wine; that is to  say, the riches of The Autumnal Season, consecrated to God by The September Ember Days; Blessings from on high are thus promised symbolically to The Chosen People.

What God did for repentant Israel, The Saviour did for Mary Magdalen, who, says the Gospel, "was pardoned many sins because she had loved much" (Gospel). And The Church Ordains her Priests during these days of Penance, so that they may repeat throughout the Centuries their Master's example, and pardon those who repent.

Mass: Laetétur cor.
Second Collect: A cunctis.
Third Collect: At the option of the Priest.
Common Preface.



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Thursday 22 September 2016

Saint Maurice And His Companions. Martyrs. Feast Day 22 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Maurice And His Companions.
Feast Day 22 September.


Red Vestments.

English: Saint Maurice is received by Saint Erasmus, Bishop and Martyr, Patron Saint of The Military and one of The Fourteen Holy Helpers (The Fourteen Auxiliary Saints).
Deutsch: Empfang des Hl. Erasmus durch Hl. Mauritius, Gesamtansicht.
Date: 1517-1523.
Current location: Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Germany.
Source/Photographer: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei.
DVD-ROM, 2002. 
ISBN 3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.
(Wikimedia Commons)

When The Emperor Maximian led his army into Gaul, The Theban Legion composed of 660 soldiers under the command of Saint Maurice, refused to take part in the ceremonies in honour of the gods.

They were massacred out of hatred for the name of Christ, about 286 A.D., at Agaunum, now called Saint Maurice (Valais, Switzerland).

Mass: Intret.



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Saint Thomas Of Villanova. Bishop And Confessor. Feast Day 22 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Thomas Of Villanova.
Bishop And Confessor.
Feast Day 22 September.


White Vestments.

Saint Thomas of Villanova.
Artist: Simone Cantarini (1612-1648).
Date: First half of the 17th-Century.
Current location: Pinacoteca Civica, Fano, Italy.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Thomas was born in Spain in the 15th-Century. From his earliest childhood he had the tenderest compassion for The Poor. Having entered The Order of Hermits of Saint Augustine, he was soon made Superior, and, after having refused the Archbishopric of Granada, he was forced to accept that of Valencia.

He thus shared in the Eternal Priesthood of Christ (Introit, Epistle, Gradual, Offertory). He spent on The Poor the large revenues of his Church, and, on the day of his death, in 1555, he gave away his last Penny, and died on a bed which did not even belong to him.

The Church, therefore, Celebrates especially in this Pontiff "his extraordinary Charity towards The Poor" (Collect, Antiphon of The Benedictus).

Mass: Státuit.
Secret: Sancti Thomae.
Postcommunion: Deus fidélium.
Commemoration of Saint Maurice and Companions.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Saint Thomas of Villanova O.S.A. (1488–1555) was a Spanish Friar of The Order of Saint Augustine, who was a noted Preacher, Ascetic and Religious Writer of his day. He became an Archbishop, who was famous for the extent of his care for The Poor of his See.

Zephyrinus Pops Up To Town To Visit His Tailor And Have Lunch At His Club.

Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad's 4-4-2, No. 281,
stands at the Monon’s Hammond, Indiana, Railway Station,
ready for the 8:45 a.m. departure on 5 Oct. 1946,
of the 
Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad's
local Train to Cincinnati.
Photo: L.B. Herrin.
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