Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Saint Gregory Nazianzen. Bishop. Confessor. Doctor Of The Church. Feast Day 9 May.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Gregory Nazianzen.
   Bishop. Confessor.
   Doctor of The Church.
   Feast Day 9 May.


White Vestments.

Icon of Saint Gregory Nazianzen.
Fresco from Kariye Camii, Istanbul, Turkey.
This File: 5 April 2008.
User: Testus.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Sermon on Saint Gregory Nazianzen.
Available on YouTube at

Saint Gregory was born at Nazianzus in Cappadocia (Editor: Modern-day Turkey). He was educated at Athens in all the sciences, at the same time as Saint Basil the Great, with whom he was always united in the bonds of a holy friendship. Brothers in their studies, they remained brothers in their Monastic life and in the Episcopate.

Having become Bishop of Nazianzus, and, later, Patriarch of Constantinople (Communion), he was "the light which, raised on the candlestick, sheds its rays on all those who dwell in the house" (Gospel).

Filled with "the spirit of Wisdom and Intelligence" (Introit, Epistle), his profound knowledge of The Scriptures earned for him the Title of Doctor and Theologian, which The Church has confirmed. Saint Gregory Nazianzen died in 389 A.D.

Mass: In médio.

"Modernism". The Scourge Of The World. The Synthesis Of All Heresies. Driven Underground By Pope Saint Pius X.

By: Michael Davies.
Available on YouTube at

Monday 8 May 2017

Apparition Of Saint Michael The Archangel. Feast Day 8 May.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,

unless stated otherwise.

The Apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel.
   Feast Day 8 May.


White Vestments.

Saint Michael the Archangel.
Artist: Guido Reni (1575–1642).
Date: Circa 1636.
Current location: Church of Santa Maria della Concezione, 
Rome, Italy.
Source/Photographer: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei.
DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202. Distributed by 
DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.
Permission: [1].
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Michael The Archangel Prayer.
Available on YouTube at

The Easter Feasts are those of Angelical Spirits, for The Resurrection "gives joy also to The Angels," says Saint Gregory, "because, in opening Heaven to us, again, it makes up for the losses which their ranks had sustained."

The Feast of The Apparition of Saint Michael, the Chief of The Celestial Hosts, shows forth, in this Paschaltide, all the grandeur of The Saviour's Triumph.

Saint Michael, himself, comes to defend us in battle (Alleluia). He came down from Heaven (Ibid) and appeared in Italy, towards 525 A,D,, under the Pontificate of Pope Gelasius I, in Apulia, on the summit of Monte Gargano, near the Adriatic and the ancient Sipontum.

He requested that a Sanctuary should be erected to him, where God should be Worshipped, in Memory of himself and all The Angels, and this place became celebrated on account of numerous Miracles.

Mass: Benedícite Dóminum.

English: Archangel Michael 
saving Souls from Purgatory.
Artist: Jacopo Vignali.
Date: 17th-Century.
Italiano: Jacopo vignali. 
San michele arcangelo libera le anime del purgatorio.
Source: Giovanni Piccirillo (a cura di).
La chiesa dei Santi Michele e Gaetano,
Becocci Editore, Firenze 2006.
Author: sailko.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Saint Michael the Archangel is referred to in The Old Testament and has been part of Christian teachings since the earliest times. Throughout the Centuries, specific Roman Catholic Traditions and views on Saint Michael have taken shape, as recently as the 19th- and 20th-Centuries.

A specific "Prayer to Saint Michael" was promoted by Pope Leo XIII in 1886, and, as recently as 1994, was reinforced by Pope Saint John Paul II, who encouraged the Catholic Faithful to continue to Pray it, saying: "I ask everyone not to forget it and to recite it to obtain help in the battle against forces of darkness."

Saint Michael has specific roles, within Roman Catholic teachings, that range from, acting as the chief opponent of Satan, to saving Souls at the hour of death. Roman Catholic literature and Traditions continue to point to Saint Michael in contexts as varied as the protection of The Catholic Church, to The Consecration of Russia, by Pope Pius XII and Pope Saint John Paul II.


added by Pope Leo XIII, in 1886,
to The Leonine Prayers,
at The Foot of The Altar,
after Low Mass.

Pope Leo XIII, 
in 1880.

Source: 1880 book on Pope Leo XIII.
Author: Karl Benzinger.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Holy Michael Archangel,
defend us in the day of battle;

be our safeguard against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.

May God rebuke him,
we humbly Pray,

and do thou,
Prince of the Heavenly host,

by the power of God,
thrust down to Hell,

Satan and all wicked spirits,
who wander through the world
for the ruin of Souls.


Čeština: Chrám svatého Michala v Kyjevě.
Photo: 2005.
Source: Own work.
Author: Dezidor.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

The Prayer to Saint Michael is an Invocation, used mainly by Catholics, addressed to Michael the Archangel.

Pope Leo XIII added it, in 1886, to The Leonine Prayers, which he had directed to be said after Low Mass, two years earlier. Pope Saint John Paul II referred to The Saint Michael Prayer in his Regina Coeli Address of 24 April 1994, as follows:

"May Prayer strengthen us for the spiritual battle that The Letter to the Ephesians speaks of:

'Be strong in The Lord and in the strength of His Might' (Ephesians 6:10). The Book of Revelation refers to this same battle, recalling before our eyes the image of Saint Michael The Archangel (cf. Revelation 12:7).

Pope Leo XIII certainly had this picture in mind when, at the end of the 19th-Century, he brought in, throughout The Church, a special Prayer to Saint Michael: 'Saint Michael The Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil . . .'

Although this Prayer is no longer recited at the end of Mass, I ask everyone not to forget it and to recite it to obtain help in the battle against the forces of darkness and against the spirit of this World."

Priests Learning The Extraordinary Form Mass At Saint John Cantius, Chicago, Illinois.



This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, NEW LITURGICAL MOVEMENT

This week (Friday, 5 May 2017), Priests from across the USA and Canada are with The Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius, Chicago, Illinois, learning the Ceremonies of The Latin Mass.

The Priests participated in Solemn High Mass for The feast of Mary, Queen of Poland (3 May) at Saint John Cantius Church, Chicago Illinois, United States of America.


Since being asked by Cardinal Francis George, O.M.I. in 2007, The Canons Regular have hosted sixty-five Workshops in The Latin Mass in Chicago and locations around the World, helping over 1,000 Priests to learn The Extraordinary Form of The Mass.

For more information about these Workshops, click HERE.

Sunday 7 May 2017

Saint Stanislaus. Bishop And Martyr. Patron Saint Of Poland. Feast Day, Today, 7 May.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Stanislaus.
   Bishop and Martyr.
   Feast Day 7 May.


Red Vestments.

Saint Stanislaus.
Artist: Stanisław Samostrzelnik (1485–1541).
Date: 1530-1535.
Current location: National Library of Poland.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Stanislaus, born in Poland, was made Bishop of Cracow in 1072. He became an object of hatred to King Boleslas II, whom he reproached for his tyranny and dissolute life. One day, while the Saint was saying Mass, the King rushed at him and slew him (Collect). This was in 1079. Saint Stanislaus is the Patron of Poland.

Mass: Protexisti.

English: Coat-of-Arms of Poland.
Polski: Godło Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.
Date: 17 December 2006 (published on Commons).
Author: Original; Polish Government.
Smoothing by Maciej Jaros (Commons: Nux, wiki-pl: Nux).
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Polish National Anthem.
Available on YouTube at

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Stanislaus of Szczepanów, or Stanisław Szczepanowski, (26 July 1030 – 11 April 1079) was a Bishop of Kraków, known chiefly for having been Martyred by the Polish King, Bolesław II the Bold. Stanislaus is Venerated in The Roman Catholic Church as Saint Stanislaus the Martyr (as distinct from Stanislaus Kostka).

According to Tradition, Stanisław was born at Szczepanów, a village in Lesser Poland, the only son of the noble and pious Wielisław and Bogna. He was educated at a Cathedral School in Gniezno (then the Capital of Poland) and, later, according to different sources, in Paris or Liège. On his return to Poland, Stanisław was Ordained a Priest by Lambert II Suła, Bishop of Kraków.

After the Bishop's death (1072), Stanisław was elected his successor, but accepted the Office only at the explicit command of Pope Alexander II. Stanisław was one of the earliest native Polish Bishops. He also became a Ducal Advisor and had some influence on Polish politics.

Stanisław's major accomplishments included bringing Papal Legates to Poland, and the re-establishment of a Metropolitan See, in Gniezno. The latter was a precondition for Duke Bolesław's Coronation as King, which took place in 1076. Stanisław then encouraged King Bolesław to establish Benedictine Monasteries to aid in the Christianisation of Poland.

Forty-Five Interesting Facts About Poland.
Available on YouTube at

Saturday 6 May 2017

Saint-John-Before-The-Latin-Gate. San-Giovanni-A-Porta-Latina. Feast Day 6 May.

Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint-John-Before-The-Latin Gate.
   Feast Day 6 May.


Red Vestments.

English: Basilica of Saint-John-Before-The-Latin-Gate
Italiano: San Giovanni a Porta Latina.
Français: Facade de l'Église San Giovanni a Porta Latina.
Photo: July 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: LPLT.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Jesus had promised James and John, sons of Zebedee, that they should drink The Chalice of His Passion, so as to participate in the triumph of His Resurrection (Gospel).

The Emperor Domitian caused John to be brought to Rome and condemned him to be plunged into a cauldron of boiling oil.

But Saint John, by a striking Miracle, came forth from this torment more healthy and vigorous than before. A Sanctuary was built on this spot near The Latin Gate and Dedicated to The Holy Apostle.

There is held The Station on Passion Sunday.

Mass: Protexísti.

English: The Nave of the Basilica of Saint-John-Before-The-Latin-Gate, Rome.
Français: Nef de l'église San Giovanni a Porta Latina à Rome.
Photo: July 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: LPLT.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

San Giovanni a Porta Latina (Italian: "Saint-John-Before-The-Latin-Gate") is a Basilica Church in Rome, Italy, near the Porta Latina (on the Via Latina) of the Aurelian Wall. It is currently the Titular Church of Cardinal Franciszek Macharski, former Archbishop of Kraków.

According to Tertullian, as quoted by Saint Jerome, in the year 92 A.D., Saint John the Evangelist survived Martyrdom at Rome, under the Emperor Domitian, by being immersed in a vat of boiling oil, from which he emerged unharmed. He was later exiled to the island of Patmos.

This event was Traditionally said to have occurred at The Latin Gate (located on the Southern portion of The Roman Wall). The nearby Chapel of San Giovanni in Oleo is said to be on this very spot. The event was referred to in The Roman Martyrology, which was begun in the 7th-Century A.D., when already there was a Celebration of the event. A Feast Day in The Roman Calendar also Celebrated the event until 1960, when Pope Saint John XXIII removed most Second Feasts of a single Saint.

English: Frescoes in the Apse of the Basilica of 
Saint-John-Before-The-Latin-Gate, Rome.
Français: Fresques de l'abside de l'église San Giovanni a Porta Latina de Rome.
Photo: November 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: LPLT.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Tradition for the building of the Basilica of Saint-John-Before-The-Latin-Gate places its construction during the Pontificate of Pope Gelasius I (492 A.D. - 496 A.D.). This is consistent with the oldest of the roof tiles, which have the imprint of a taxation stamp for the Ostrogoth King and Ruler of Italy, Theodoric the Great (Reigned 493 A.D. -526 A.D.). One of these ancient roof tiles is now used in the Basilica as a Lectern.

In the 8th-Century A.D., the Basilica was restored by Pope Adrian I, and later the Bell-Tower and Portico were added, and, at the end of the 12th-Century, the Basilica was re-Consecrated by Pope Celestine III. In the 16th- and 17th-Centuries, a Baroque Ceiling and other Baroque features were added to the Interior.

In 1940-1941, the Baroque features were removed and the Basilica was returned to a more primitive simplicity. This last renovation was carried out by the Rosminian Fathers, who, in 1938, were given care of the Basilica and the nearby building, where they opened the Collegio Missionario Antonio Rosmini, which houses their International House of Studies.

Columns in the Nave of Saint-John-Before-The-Latin-Gate, Rome.
Photo: May 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: LPLT.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The main entrance to the Basilica is fronted by a small Square, with a 100-year-old Cedar Tree and an 8th-Century Well-Head, nearly reproducing the aspect of the Basilica that would have been seen at the re-Consecration by Pope Celestine III in the 12th-Century.

The Portico (or Porch) of the Basilica is supported by four re-used Classical Columns (each of a different marble) supporting five Arches. The Main Door is framed with a simple mosaic of Red and Green Porphyry.

The Well-Head, from the time of Pope Adrian I, has a double row circular design around its barrel, and a Latin inscription completely around its crown: IN NOMINE PAT[RIS] ET FILII ET SPI[RITUS SANT]I - "In the name of The Father, of The Son, and of The Holy Ghost" - and a quote from the Prophet Isaiah: OMN[E]S SITIE[NTES VENITE AD AQUAS] - "All you who are thirsty come to the water", and the name of the stone-carver - EGO STEFANUS - "I am Stephen".

English: One of the oldest of the roof tiles from 
Saint-John-Before-The-Latin-Gate, Rome,
which has the imprint of a taxation stamp for the Ostrogoth King and Ruler of Italy, Theodoric the Great (Reigned 493 A.D. -526 A.D.). This ancient roof tile is now used in the Basilica as a Lectern.
Français: Lutrin de l'Église San Giovanni a Porta Latina de Rome.
Photo: July 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: LPLT.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Interior of the Basilica is divided into three Naves, divided by two rows of Columns, on which rest semi-circular Arches. The two Columns closest to the Sanctuary are of White Marble with deep fluting. The other Columns are of various types of Marble and Granite, capped with a diverse collection of Ionic Capitals. The Central Nave terminates with a half-hexagon Apse. Each of the three sides of the Apse opens with a large window filled with Honey-Coloured Onyx.

Occupying the ledge of the Central Window is a carved wooden Crucifixion Scene, including Saint John the Evangelist and The Blessed Virgin Mary. In front of the Altar, is a mosaic Pavement in Cosmatesque-style. The geometric pattern of Red and Green Porphyry, framed in White Marble (as well as re-used fragments of White Marble with Latin lettering), is thought to have been created before the 12th-Century. Inserted in the front step of the Altar, is the Titulus of the Basilica, of ancient origin, discovered during the renovations of 1940: "TIT. S. IOANNIS ANTE PORTAM LA[TINAM]" - "Saint John before the Latin Gate".

In 1913-1915, recently-discovered frescoes were restored above the High Altar. After this work, another search along the face of the Central Nave revealed the presence of a full circle of Mediaeval frescoes. The restoration of these frescoes was completed with the full restoration of the Basilica in 1940-1941. The Central Nave is decorated with about fifty scenes representing The Old and New Testaments, from The Creation of the World to the glorious Apocalypse of The New Jerusalem. The frescoes were executed by several artists under the direction of one Master.

Solenne Incoronazione Della Madonna Di Fatima. A Novena To Our Blessed Lady. Then The Parish Of Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini, Rome, Italy, Will Be Consecrated To Our Lady.

The High Altar.
The Church of Santisssima Trinità dei Pellegrini, Rome, Italy.
Artist: Guido Reni (1575–1642).
Date: December 2000.
Source: Own work.
Author: Lumen roma
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Parish of Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini, Rome, Italy,
will be Consecrated to Our Blessed Lady.
Illustration: FR. Z's BLOG

Thursday 4 May 2017

. . . And There Are Those People Who Say This All Happened By Chance. All On Its Own. Accidental, Like. Honest. Trust Me, I'm A Scientist.

Saturn, in all its glory.
Raw images from NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute.
Panoramas by Jonathan Corum/The New York Times
Illustration: THE NEW YORK TIMES

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Wonderful News !!! Oratory-In-Formation At Sacred Heart, Bournemouth. Deo Gratias.

Saint Philip Neri, Founder of The Oratorians
(The Congregation Of The Oratory (often abbreviated "Cong. Orat.")).

FR TIMOTHY FINIGAN Tweeted that there is:
"Some very good news for Bournemouth".

@BishopEgan is delighted to announce that
The Oratory-in-Formation, at Bournemouth, Dorset,
will begin on 31 May 2017.

Monday 1 May 2017

Saint Philip And Saint James-the-Less. Apostles. Feast Day 1 May.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Philip And Saint James-the-Less.
   Feast Day 1 May.

Double of The Second-Class.

Red Vestments.

Saint Philip.
Artist: Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640).
From Rubens' famous "Apostle Series".
Date: Circa 1611.
Current location: Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain.
Source/Photographer: Museo del Prado.
(Wikimedia Commons)

In The Roman Catholic Church, The Feast Day of Saint Philip, along with that of
Saint James-the-Less, was Traditionally observed on 1 May, the Anniversary of the Dedication of the Church Dedicated to them in Rome (now called The Church of The Twelve Apostles).

The Eastern Orthodox Church Celebrates Philip's Feast Day on 14 November. One of
The Gnostic Codices, discovered in the Nag Hammadi Library in 1945, bears
Philip's name in its Title, on the bottom line.

Saint James-the-Less.
Saint James-the-Less, Apostle,is called because he was younger than the other Apostle by
the same name, James-the-Great. James-the-Less was related in some way to Jesus, and,
after Jesus’ Ascension into Heaven, he became the Head of The Church in Jerusalem.
He was Martyred in the year 62 A.D.
Illustration: PINTEREST

The Feasts of The Apostles, Celebrated in the course of the year, used to be Feasts of Obligation. The Feast of Saint Philip and Saint James-the-Less, at this date, recalls the Translation of their Relics at Rome, where The Church of The Holy Apostles, Consecrated on 1 May (the date of Saint Philip's Feast), was Dedicated to them and received their Relics. There is held The Station on all Fridays in Ember Week and on Easter Thursday.

Saint Philip, like Saint Peter and Saint Andrew, was of Bethsaida, in Galilee. He died at Hierapolis, in Phrygia, on The Cross, like them. It is he whom Jesus addresses at the multiplication of the loaves and it is through him, as intermediary, that the Gentiles seek to address The Saviour.

To him, also, we owe what The Master said in His discourse at The Last Supper: "Philip, who seeth Me, seeth my Father" (Gospel). To go to Christ, is to go to God, for the works of The Messias have proved His Divinity (Ibid.).

Stained-Glass Window, depicting Saint James-the-Less,
on the North-Side of the Nave in Saints Peter and Paul Church,
Bow Valley, Nebraska, United States of America.
Photo: 25 November 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Ammodramus.
(Wikimedia Commons)

It is in virtue of His Divine Nature that He Rose Again, and the two Apostles, whose Feast coincides with The Easter Feasts, by their Martyrdom (Introit, Epistle) confirm the truth of which they have been witness.

Saint James-the-Less, called "The Minor", was of Cana, in Galilee. A cousin of Our Lord, he had for brother the Apostle Jude, and was made, by Saint Peter, Bishop of Jerusalem. It is for him that Saint Paul speaks when he says: "I did not see any Apostle, except James, the brother of The Lord." Called upon by the High Priest to deny Jesus, he was thrown down from the terrace of the Temple and his head was broken by the blow of a club.

Their names are inscribed in The Canon of The Mass (First List).

Following the example of The Holy Apostles Philip and James-the-Less (Collect), let us confess by a generous life The Divinity of The Risen Christ.

Every Parish Priest Celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.

Mass: Clamavérunt ad te.
Preface: Of The Apostles.

May Is The Month Of The Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Blessed Virgin Mary is Crowned in Heaven by her Beloved Son.

"Litaniae Beatae Virgin Mariae".
"Litany of The Blessed Virgin Mary".
Available on YouTube at

This Litany of The Blessed Virgin Mary (also called The Litany of Loreto) originated during The Middle Ages, but in a form that was still in the process of development. It was definitely approved for public use by Pope Sixtus V in 1587.
Like The Rosary, it is primarily an Act of Praise and Devotion to The Blessed Virgin. Its Titles
and Invocations set before us Mary's exalted privileges, her Holiness of life, her amiability
and power, her motherly care for her children for whom she continually intercedes.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

The month of May Devotions to The Blessed Virgin Mary refer to special Marian Devotions held in The Catholic Church, during the month of May, honouring The Virgin Mary as "The Queen of May". These Services may take place inside or outside of a Church. A "May Crowning" is a Traditional Roman Catholic ritual that occurs in the month of May.

A number of Traditions link the month of May to The Blessed Virgin Mary. King Alfonso X of Castile, in the 13th-Century, wrote in his Cantigas de Santa Maria about the special honouring of The Blessed Virgin Mary during specific dates in May. Eventually, the entire month was filled with Special Observances and Devotions to The Blessed Virgin Mary.

"Queen Of The Angels, Queen Of The May".
Available on YouTube at

The origin of the conventional May Devotion is still relatively unknown. Herbert Thurston identifies the 17th-Century as the earliest instance of the adoption of the custom of Consecrating the month of May to The Blessed Virgin by Special Observances. It is certain that this form of Marian Devotion began in Italy. Around 1739, witnesses speak of a particular form of Marian Devotion in May in Grezzano, near Verona. In 1747, the Archbishop of Genoa recommended the May Devotion as a Devotion for the home. Specific Prayers for them were promulgated in Rome in 1838.

According to Frederick Holweck, the May Devotion, in its present form, originated at Rome, where Father Latomia of The Roman College of The Society of Jesus, to counteract infidelity and immorality among the students, made a Vow at the end of the 18th-Century to devote the month of May to Our Blessed Virgin Mary.

From Rome, the practice spread to the other Jesuit Colleges and thence to nearly every Catholic Church of The Latin Rite. In Rome, by 1813, May Devotions were held in as many as twenty Churches. From Italy, May Devotions soon spread to France. In Belgium, the May Devotions, at least as a Private Devotion, were already known by 1803. The Tradition of honouring The Blessed Virgin Mary, in a month-long May Devotion, spread eventually around The Roman Catholic World in the 19th-Century, together with a month-long Devotion to Jesus in June and The Rosary in October.

"As I Kneel Before You".
Available on YouTube at

English: The Crowning of The Virgin Mary in Heaven 
by The Holy Trinity.
Español: Coronación de la Virgen.
Deutsch: Die Krönung Marias.
Artist: Diego Velázquez (1599–1660).
Date: Circa 1645.
Current location: Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Litany of Loreto.
Available on YouTube at

The following Text is from PRECES-LATINAE.ORG

Litaniae Lauretanae.
Litany of Loreto.

The Litany of Loreto is used to honour Mary, The Mother of God. The Litany recalls Mary's unique role in our salvation history as The Mother of Our Saviour and invokes various Titles for her as a way of honouring her and reminding us of the role she has played.

The Litany owes many of its Praises to The Greek Akathist Hymn, which was first translated into Latin in Venice around 800 A.D. The other Titles and Praises addressed to Mary are found extensively in the writings of The Early-Church Fathers of the first six Centuries A.D.

Over time, a number of Titles for Our Lady were removed and added to The Litany. Originally, The Litany had fifteen additional Titles, such as Our Lady of Humility, Mother of Mercy, Temple of The Spirit, Gate of Redemption, and Queen of Disciples. Recent history has seen the addition of five Titles. The last four Titles of The Litany, which refer to The Immaculate Conception, The Assumption, The Rosary, and Mary as The Queen of Peace, are of recent origin. The latest addition, Mother of The Church, was added by Pope Saint John Paul II.

Most likely, The Litany was composed in or around Paris between the years 1150 and 1200. It gets its name from the Italian shrine (Loreto) where it was adopted in 1558. Pope Sixtus V approved its use in public Worship in 1587. The Litany is used especially during May Services, the month Traditionally Dedicated to The Blessed Virgin Mary. It is also used at Benediction, and some Congregations use it in The Divine Office. The Litany is approved for public use and carries a Partial Indulgence.

Divine. "Avec Vous, J'arrive Au Port Du Salut". "With You, I Arrive At The Port Of Salvation".

Illustration: FR. Z's BLOG

Sunday 30 April 2017

Saint Catharine Of Siena (1347 - 1380). Virgin. Doctor Of The Church. Feast Day 30 April.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Catharine of Siena.
   Doctor of The Church.
   Feast Day 30 April.


White Vestments.

Saint Catharine of Siena.
From the Church of Santa Maria del Rosario-in-Prati, 
Rome, Italy.
Date: 19th-Century.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

"The Holy Order of Preachers" [Editor: The Dominicans], which yesterday offered a Red Rose to Jesus, Risen Again, [Editor: The Feast Day of Saint Peter of Verona, Martyr], offers Him, today, a "Lily of Dazzling Whiteness". ["The Liturgical Year", by Dom Guéranger O.S.B: The Paschal Season. Vol. II. 30 April.]

Saint Catharine of Siena (1347-1380) was the last but one of twenty-four children. In her childhood, she chose Jesus for her Spouse (Epistle). Subjecting her delicate body to frightful mortifications, her only support during her prolonged Fasts was Holy Communion (Postcommunion).

She received, from The Crucified Lord, The Stigmata and Inspired Knowledge concerning the most profound Mysteries of Religion. It was by her persuasion that Pope Gregory XI left Avignon, France, to return to Rome, Italy.

When, like Christ, she had reached her thirty-third year, she entered Heaven with her Divine Spouse to take part in The Nuptial Banquet (Gospel) in The Holy Joys of The Eternal Passover (Introit, Alleluia).

"Let us offer to God, on this day, The Sacred Host embalmed with the Virginal Perfume of Blessed Catharine" (Secret), so that He may grant us, in return, Life Eternal (Postcommunion).

Mass: Dilexisti.

The following Text is taken from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Saint Catharine of Siena, Third Order of Saint Dominic, T.O.S.D. (25 March 1347 in Siena – 29 April 1380 in Rome), was a Tertiary of The Dominican Order and Scholastic Philosopher and Theologian. She also worked to bring the Papacy of Pope Gregory XI back to Rome from its displacement in France (Avignon) and to establish peace among the Italian City-States.

Since 18 June 1866, she is one of the two Patron Saints of Italy, together with Saint Francis of Assisi. On 3 October 1970, she was proclaimed a Doctor of The Church, by Pope Paul VI, and, on 1 October 1999, Pope Saint John Paul II named her as one of the six Patron Saints of Europe, together with Benedict of Nursia, Saints Cyril and Methodius, Bridget of Sweden and Edith Stein.

Pentecost Sunday. Solemn Traditional Sung Mass. Saint Austin And Saint Gregory Church, Margate. 1130 hrs. Sunday, 4 June 2017.

Saturday 29 April 2017

"The Devil Hates Latin".


The Devil Hates Latin.

A new Novel from REGINA Press

An African is elected Pope, as The Barque of Peter encounters heavy seas.

Everywhere, The Faith and The West are in decline. [Editor: What a surprise !!! ]

Ominously, Occult Practices have corrupted the elites, the Media and powerful men in The Church.

The new Pontiff faces this unprecedented challenge, alone, until an embattled American Cardinal sends his best Exorcist to Rome, a young Dominican Priest with hard experience combating the Devil -- in Latin -- on America's mean streets.

Meanwhile, a US Media mogul, an indifferent Catholic targeted for his Politics, flees America with his family for The Eternal City. There, they find a despondent Society where Italians no longer marry and have children. Indeed, all hope seems lost until a beautiful Roman girl takes a brave stance against the rising tide of despair.

Gritty, fascinating and impossible to forget, "The Devil Hates Latin" sweeps from New England to The Tiber, and, ultimately, to a Renaissance Palazzo nestled in the Green Hills of Umbria, building to a shattering confrontation, as GOOD summons the courage to face the menace of the gathering forces of EVIL. 


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 REGINA MAGAZINE is under the Patronage of Our Lady, Mary Most Holy. 

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Friday 28 April 2017

Jasna Góra Monastery, Poland.

English: The Basilica of Jasna Góra, Poland.
Polski: Z Jasnej Góry jeszcze mi się takie ostały . . .
Przedświąteczne pozdrowienia:)

Illustration: PINTEREST

English: The Basilica at Jasna Góra, Poland.
Polski: Bazylika jasnogórska.
Photo: 10 March 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Skarabeusz.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Jasna Góra Monastery (Polish: Jasna Góra, Luminous Mount, Hungarian: Fényes Hegy, Latin: Clarus Mons) in Częstochowa, Poland, is a famous Polish Shrine to The Virgin Mary and one of the Country's places of Pilgrimage – for many the Monastery is a Spiritual Capital.

The image of The Black Madonna of Częstochowa, also known as Our Lady of Częstochowa, to which miraculous powers are attributed, is one of Jasna Góra's most precious treasures.

The site is one of Poland's National Historic Monuments (Pomnik historii), as of 16 October 1994  and is tracked by The National Heritage Board of Poland.

Among the Monastery's many treasures and artifacts of interest is the medal from the 1983 Nobel Peace Prize received by Lech Wałęsa, the former Polish President and Trade-Union Organiser.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

For The First Time In Nearly Fifty Years, Only The Traditional Latin Mass Is To Be Offered In An Irish Diocese On Tuesdays.

Sacred Heart Church, Limerick, Ireland.
Available on YouTube at

The following Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, RORATE CÆLI

The pathetic tale of The Catholic Church in Ireland continues to unfold. The latest chapter is that, because of a Priest shortage, there will be "no Masses" said on Tuesday in the entire Diocese of Limerick -- something that hasn't happened in almost two Centuries.

The Diocese and the Media tell us there will only be "Lay-led Liturgies of The Word" (God be praised, this Catholic has no idea what that even is, and will die happy never knowing).

Normally, we wouldn't really care that all the Novus Ordos dried up in a Diocese. Why would we ? We Pray they all die on the vine around the World. But we did find this a good time to correct the Diocese of Limerick and the Media.

The glory of Eucharistic Adoration in Sacred Heart Church, Limerick, Ireland.

There will indeed be Masses said there on Tuesdays. Two of them, in fact, by The Institute of Christ The King Sovereign Priest CLICK HERE FOR MASS TIMES AND LOCATIONS

You can read the full -- yet incomplete -- story, for the record HERE, BY THE IRISH TIMES.

So, history truly is being made on Tuesdays in Limerick. This will be the first time in nearly fifty years, the first time since Pope Paul VI invented and imposed his committee-made new Mass, on The First Sunday of Advent, 1969, that the only Mass a Catholic can attend in an entire Irish Diocese will be The Traditional Latin Mass.

Deo gratias, alleluia, alleluia.
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