Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Friday 11 August 2017

Saint Philomena. Virgin. Martyr. Feast Day, Today, 11 August.

Text and illustrations from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia,
unless otherwise stated.

English: Statue of Saint Philomena, Molve, Croatia.
Hrvatski: Kip sv. Filomene u Molvama, 
neočekivano pronađen 2007.
Author: Fraxinus
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Philomena is, as believed by her Devotees within The Catholic Church, a young Virgin and Martyr whose remains were discovered in 1802 in The Catacombs of Priscilla. Three tiles enclosing the tomb bore an inscription that was taken to indicate that her name was (in the Latin of the inscription) Filumena, the English form of which is Philomena.

The remains were removed to Mugnano del Cardinale, in Campania, Italy, in 1805 and became the focus of widespread Devotion, with several Miracles credited to The Saint's Intercession, including the healing of Venerable Pauline Jaricot in 1835, which received wide publicity. Saint John Vianney attributed to her Intercession the extraordinary cures that others attributed to himself.

In 1833, a Neapolitan Nun reported that, in a vision, Saint Philomena had revealed that she was a Greek Princess, Martyred at thirteen years of age by Diocletian, who was the Roman Emperor from 284 A.D. to 305 A.D.

From 1837 to 1961, Celebration of her Liturgical Feast was approved for some places, but was never included in The General Roman Calendar for Universal Use. The 1920 Typical Edition of The Roman Missal included a mention of her, under 11 August, in the Section headed "Missae pro aliquibus locis" (Masses For Some Places), with an indication that The Mass to be used in those places was one from The Common of a Virgin Martyr, without any Collect, Proper to The Saint.

Saint Philomena, 
with attributes: Palm, Whip, Anchor, and Arrows.
Plaster Cast, by Johann Dominik Mahlknecht, 
in The Museum Gherdëina in Urtijëi, Italy.
This File: 7 February 2009.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Shrine of her Relics, in Mugnano del Cardinale, Italy, continues to be visited by Pilgrims from many Countries. An Arch-Confraternity in her honour exists, as does popular Devotion in various places around the World.

On 24 May 1802, in The Catacombs of Priscilla, on The Via Salaria Nova, an inscribed Loculus (space hollowed out of the rock) was found, and, on the following day, it was carefully examined and opened. The Loculus was closed, with three Terra Cotta tiles, on which was the following inscription: "Lumena paxte cumfi".

It was, and is, generally accepted that the tiles were in the wrong order and that the inscription originally read, with the Left-most tile placed on the Right: "Pax tecum Filumena" ("Peace with you, Philomena").

Within the Loculus, was found the skeleton of a female between thirteen and fifteen years old. Embedded in the cement was a small glass phial with vestiges of what was taken to be blood. In accordance with the assumptions of the time, the Remains were taken to be those of a Virgin Martyr named Philomena.

Saint Philomena.
Cathedral of Notre Dame, Bayeux, France.
Date: 1839.
By Théodelinde Dubouché.
(Wikimedia Commons)

In 1805, Canon Francesco De Lucia requested Relics for a new Altar, and, on 8 June 1805, obtained the Remains, discovered in May 1802 (reduced to dust and fragments), for his Church in Mugnano del Cardinale, Italy, where they arrived on 11 August 1805, after being taken from Rome to Naples on 1 July 1805.

In 1827, Pope Leo XII gave to the Church, in Mugnano del Cardinale, the three inscribed Terra Cotta tiles that had been taken from the tomb.

In his "Relazione istorica della traslazione del sagro corpo di s. Filomena da Roma a Mugnano del Cardinale", written in 1833, Canon De Lucia recounted that wonders accompanied the arrival of the Relics in his Church, among them a statue that sweated some liquid continuously for three days.

The spread of Devotion to Saint Philomena, in France, as well as in Italy, was helped when Saint John Vianney built a Shrine in her honour and referred to her often, attributing to her the Miracles that others attributed to himself. Another help was the cure of the near-dying Venerable Pauline Jaricot, the founder of The Society for The Propagation of The Faith, at Philomena's Shrine on
10 August 1835.

English: Saint Philomena. 
Bamberg, Germany,
Deutsch: Obere Pfarrkirche Unsere Liebe Frau (Obere Pfarre)
Date: September 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: AndreasPraefcke.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Another Miracle, accepted as Proved in the same year, was the multiplication of the bone dust of the Saint, which provided for hundreds of reliquaries without the original amount experiencing any decrease in quantity.

Devotion includes the wearing of the "Cord of Philomena", a Red-and-White Cord, which had a number of Indulgences attached to it, including a Plenary Indulgence on the day on which The Cord was worn for the first time,

There was, or is, also, The Chaplet of Saint Philomena, with Three White Beads in honour of The Blessed Trinity and Thirteen Red Beads in honour of the thirteen years of the Saint's life.

The Prayer suggestion for each is: “ Hail, O Holy Saint Philomena, whom I acknowledge, after Mary, as my Advocate within The Divine Spouse, intercede for me now and at the hour of my death. ”

Devotionals are often given to young girls receiving their First Holy Communion or, on the thirteenth birthday, used primarily as a stepping-stone to practicing Devotionals such as The Holy Rosary.

English: Saint Philomena, 
by Amaury-Duval (1808-1885).
Français: Sainte Philomène, 
par Amaury-Duval (1808-1885).
Date: Circa 1844.
Source: Own work.
Author: Marc Baronnet.
Wikimedia Commons

On 21 December 1833, The Holy Office declared that there was nothing contrary to The Catholic Faith in the revelations that Sister Maria Luisa di Gesù (1799–1875), a Dominican Tertiary, from Naples, claimed to have received from the Saint.

According to Sister Maria Luisa di Gesù, Saint Philomena told her she was the daughter of a King in Greece who, with his wife, had converted to Christianity. At the age of about thirteen, she took a Vow of Consecrated Virginity. When The Emperor Diocletian threatened to make War on her father, her father went with his family to Rome to ask for Peace.

The Emperor fell in love with the young Philomena and, when she refused to be his wife, subjected her to a series of torments; scourging, from whose effects two Angels cured her; drowning, with an anchor attached to her (two Angels cut the rope and raised her to the River Bank); being shot with arrows, (on the first occasion her wounds were healed; on the second, the arrows turned aside; and on the third, they returned and killed six of the archers, after which, several of the others became Christians).

Finally, The Emperor had her decapitated. The story goes that the decapitation occurred on a Friday, at three in the afternoon, as with The Death of Jesus. The two anchors, three arrows, the palm and the ivy leaf on the tiles found in the tomb were interpreted as symbols of her Martyrdom.

In these Visions, Saint Philomena also revealed that her birthday was 10 January, that her Martyrdom occurred on 10 August (the date also of the arrival of her Relics in Mugnano del Cardinale), and that her name "Filumena" meant "Daughter of Light". (It is usually taken to be derived from a Greek word meaning "Beloved".)

English: Magazine Cover commemorating the Centenary of Saint Philomena Parish.
Español: Portada de la revista conmemorativa del centenario de la Parroquia Santa Filomena.
Date: 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Ceat 700.
(Wikimedia Commons)

On 13 January 1837, in the aftermath of the cure of Venerable Pauline Jaricot, Pope Gregory XVI authorised Liturgical Celebration of Saint Philomena on 11 August or, according to another source, originally on 9 September, first in the Diocese of Nola (to which Mugnano del Cardinale belongs), and soon in several other Dioceses in Italy.

On 31 January 1855, Blessed Pope Pius IX approved a Proper Mass and Office, Dedicated to Saint Philomena, with confirmation of The Decree "Etsi Decimo" (Rescript of The Sacred Congregation of Rites, Papal Confirmation of Promoter of The Faith Brief "Etsi Decimo", as submitted by Rev. Andrea Fratini, 31 January 1855).

On 6 October 1876, Father Louis Petit Founded The Confraternity of Saint Philomena, in Paris, France. In August 1876, the first issue of "Messenger of Saint Philomena" was published there. In November 1886, the Confraternity was raised to the Rank of Arch-Confraternity by Pope Leo XIII. On 21 May 1912, Pope Saint Pius X raised it to the Rank of Universal Arch-Confraternity with The Apostolic Brief "Pias Fidelium Societates".

The name of Philomena was not included in The Roman Martyrology, The Official List of Saints recognised by The Catholic Church and in which The Saints are included, immediately upon Canonisation.

In The 1920 Typical Edition of The Roman Missal, Philomena is mentioned, under 11 August (with an indication that The Mass for her Feast Day was to be taken entirely from The Common, so that there was no part, not even The Collect, that was Proper to her) in the Section headed "Masses For Some Places", i.e. only those Places for which it had been specially authorised.

Statue of Saint Philomena.
Danmarks kyrka (The Danish Church),
Diocese of Uppsala, Sweden.
Date: August 2006.
Source: Own work.
Author: Håkan Svensson (Xauxa).
Wikimedia Commons.

English: Saint Philomena statue, Saint Sulpitius Church, Heudicourt, Eure, France.
Français: Sainte Philomène, dans l'église saint Sulpice d'Heudicourt. Pierre, XIXe siècle, auteur,
Date: 19th-Century.
Unknown sculptor.
Photo: June 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Theoliane.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Rector of the Shrine in Mugnano del Cardinale disputes these findings. After reporting the decision of The Sacred Congregation of Rites in 1961, as resulting from the studies of scholars, the Italian-language Enciclopedia dei Santi says that there still remain the Miracles that occurred and the official recognition that The Church gave in the 19th-Century, the personal Devotion to Saint Philomena of Popes and people who were later Canonised, and the widespread general Devotion that still persists, particularly at Mugnano del Cardinale in the Diocese of Nola, where Pilgrims from all over the World arrive, continually, giving a display of intense popular Devotion.

The Web-Site of "The National Shrine of Saint Philomena, Miami, Florida" sees "the action taken in 1960 as the work of the devil in order to deprive The People of God of a most powerful Intercessor, particularly in the areas of Purity and Faith, at a time when these virtues were so much being challenged as they continue to be up until now ! "

Saint Philomena's Church, 
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America.
Because of the Church's location near the riverfront,
Saint Philomena's Steeple was a well-known landmark on the Cincinnati skyline.
On 7 July 1915, a Tornado damaged the Steeple. 
The Parish was closed in 1954.

In his book, "It Is Time to Meet Saint Philomena", Mark Miravalle says that Pope Gregory XVI "Liturgically Canonised Philomena, in an act of the ordinary Papal Magisterium". This contrasts with the usual view that Canonisation is an exercise of infallible Magisterium, declaring a Truth that must be "definitively held".

Of course, lack of Canonisation does not mean lack of Sainthood. Canonisation was introduced only after many Centuries of The Church's existence, and, for that reason, none of The Saints mentioned in The Roman Rite Canon of The Mass was ever Canonised.

The following Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.

Supplement for The Dioceses of The United States of America.

Saint Philomena.
   Virgin. Martyr.
   Feast Day 11 August.


Red Vestments.


The Sacred body of Saint Philomena, a Virgin-Martyr of The First Ages of Christianity, was, early in the 19th-Century, discovered in The Roman Catacomb, known as The Cemetery of Priscilla.

An Inscription and Phial of Blood bore witness to the genuineness of the Relics. The many Miracles since wrought by Almighty God, in favour of those who have Invoked Saint Philomena, have caused her Cultus to become widespread in The Church.

The Liturgical Celebration of her Feast was Authorised by Pope Gregory XVI.

Mass: Loquébar.

Ars Celebrandi. The Largest Workshop For Traditional Liturgy In Poland And Eastern Europe. Next Year: 12-19 July, 2018. At The Shrine Of Our Lady, Licheń, Poland.

Flaga z godlem Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.PNG

Flaga z godlem Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.
This File: 22 November 2014.
User: The Polish
(Wikimedia Commons)

Ars Celebrandi 2017.
Oficjalna relacja.
Available on YouTube at

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, RORATE CAELI

Ars Celebrandi, the largest workshop for Traditional Liturgy in Poland and Eastern Europe, took place — for the fourth time — at The Shrine of Our Lady, in Licheń, Poland, 20-27 July 2017. More than forty Polish Priests, working in their homeland and many countries around the World (including South Korea, U.S.A., Latvia, Germany, Austria), learned to Celebrate The Mass in The Extraordinary Form of The Roman Rite, and ten of them had their first Tridentine Masses. More than 100 Lay-People have been taught to Serve as Altar Servers or Liturgical Singers (Gregorian Chant and Renaissance Polyphony).

In addition to the daily Masses (Solemn, Sung, or Recited), Gregorian Lauds, Vespers, and Compline were Celebrated, with large participation of The Clergy. It is all the more important, as this type of Liturgy has vanished in recent years almost completely in The Roman Church.

The so-called,"Polish” Masses, with the singing of old Folk Religious Songs, were also Celebrated. This form of Devotion blossomed after The Council of Trent, in Poland, with special permission of The Polish Bishops and is not known outside our Country.

Flaga z godlem Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.PNG

The workshops gave opportunity not only for learning, but also for Spiritual Growth, as Retreat Teachings were Preached on a daily basis. This year, they were dedicated to the five conditions of The Sacrament of Penance. Participants also took part in the evening Marian Procession, with Candles, Celebrated every Saturday in The Shrine of Our Lady, in Licheń, Poland.

Morover, the special guest of the workshop was Fr. Dennis Koliński from The Canons Regular of St. John Cantius, Chicago, United States, a Religious Congregation in the former Polish Parish of St. John Cantius, Chicago. The Charism of The Canons Regular of St. John Cantius is the work for strengthening the Sacred and supernatural character of The Liturgy — in both Forms of The Roman Rite. They accomplish it through Parish Ministry, Liturgical Music workshops, Catechesis, workshops of Celebration and Ministry, and Latin language courses.

Ars Celebrandi workshops are organised by The Una Voce Polonia Association, under the Honorary Patronage of The Ordinary, His Excellency Bishop Wiesław Mering. Next year’s edition, the fifth one, will take place on 12-19 July, 2018, at The Shrine of Our Lady, in Licheń, Poland.

Flaga z godlem Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.PNG

Thursday 10 August 2017

Saint Laurence. Martyr. Feast Day 10 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Laurence.
   Feast Day 10 August.

Double of The Second-Class
   with a Simple Octave.

Red Vestments.

[Editor: Please note: There are two accepted spellings
of the Saint's name: Lawrence and Laurence.]

Saint Laurence before Valerianus.
Artist: Fra Angelico.
Date: Circa 1447.
Source/Photographer: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei.
DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Basilica of Saint Laurence-without-the-Walls, Rome, where the remains of the glorious Deacon are preserved, is the fifth Patriarchal Church in Rome. With Saint John Lateran, Saint Peter's, Saint Mary Major, and Saint Paul-without-the-Walls, it is one of the five Major Basilicas where the Pope, alone, says Mass at The High Altar in order to show that his jurisdiction extends over all the Churches in the World which are under the Patriarchates of Rome, Jerusalem, Alexandria, Antioch, and Constantinople.

[Editor: The following Italic Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia: The four Major Basilicas, and The Minor Basilica of Saint Laurence-outside-the-Walls, all of which are in Rome, were formerly known as "Patriarchal Basilicas", along with a few other Churches outside of Rome. Upon relinquishing the Title of "Patriarch of The West", in 2006, Pope Benedict XVI officially renamed the "Patriarchal Basilicas" as "Papal Basilicas". The five, formerly styled "Patriarchal Basilicas", of Rome, were previously assigned to, and associated with, the five ancient Patriarchates of The Latin Church, or The Pentarchy:

Saint John Lateran was associated with Rome (Patriarch of the West),
Saint Peter's with Constantinople (Latin Patriarch of Constantinople),
Saint Paul's with Alexandria (Latin Patriarch of Alexandria),
Saint Mary Major with Antioch (Latin Patriarch of Antioch), and
Saint Laurence with Jerusalem (Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem).]

Saint Laurence.

Here is held The Station on Septuagesima Sunday, on The Third Sunday in Lent, on The Wednesday after Easter, and on The Thursday after Pentecost [Rome possesses seven other Churches Dedicated to Saint Laurence: Among which Saint Laurence-in-Paneperna, where the Saint was Martyred and where they hold The Station on The Thursday of The First Week in Lent; Saint Laurence-in-Lucina, where part of his grid-iron is kept, and where is held The Station on The Friday of The Third Week in Lent; and Saint Laurence-in-Damaso, where is held The Station on The Tuesday of The Fourth Week in Lent].

The Church invites us, today, to Celebrate in this Sanctuary, The Praises of God (Introit, Offertory) to Whom this Saint bore glorious witness by his Martyrdom.

Saint Laurence was the first of The Seven Deacons attached to the Service of The Roman Church. His duty was to assist the Roman Pontiff when Celebrating The Holy Mysteries, to distribute The Eucharist to The Faithful and to administer the revenues of The Church, which he distributed among The Poor (Introit, Gradual).

Arrested by The Prefect of Rome, in 258 A.D., and called upon to deliver his riches to him, he showed him a crowd of poor people, saying: "These are the real treasures of The Church, by the inestimable gift of their Faith, and because they convert our alms into imperishable treasures for us."

He was laid on a grid-iron, under which were placed half-lighted coals, so as to prolong his tortures and make his death more painful.

"Flames were not able to conquer The Charity of Christ: And the fire, that burned without, was weaker than that which, within, kindled in the heart of the Martyr."[Saint Leo. Sixth Lesson at Matins on 10 August].

Indeed, he said to his tormentors: "You may now turn my body over; it is roasted enough on that side." And, later on: "My flesh is now roasted, you can eat of it." [Antiphon of The Magnificat of Second Vespers].

He died in 258 A.D. His name is mentioned in The Canon of The Mass, among The Roman Martyrs (First List).

Let us always recite, as a Thanksgiving, The Collect of this day, placed by The Church after The Canticle of The Three Youths in The Furnace. She makes us beseech God to extinguish in us the ardour of our passions, as He granted to Saint Laurence, who was tested by fire and found pure (Gradual), to triumph over the flames of his cruel Martyrdom (Collect).

Every Parish Priest Celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.

Mass: Conféssio et pulchritúdo.

Saint Laurence.
Available on YouTube at

"Sub Tuum Praesidium". A Prayer To The Blessed Virgin Mary After Confession.

"The Virgin At Prayer".
Current location: National Gallery, London.
Source/Photographer: Web Gallery of Art.
(Wikimedia Commons)

When going to Confession, The Sub Tuum Praesidium is a Prayer to The Blessed Virgin Mary which one can worthily say, and one is encouraged to say, after having made your Confession.

"Sub Tuum Praesidium".
Available on YouTube at

Sub tuum praesidium confugimus,
sancta Dei Genitrix:
nostras deprecationes ne despicias
in necessitatibus (nostris);
sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper,
Virgo gloriosa et benedicta.

We have recourse to thy protection,
Holy Mother of God:
reject not the Prayers we send
up to thee in our necessities,
but deliver us always from all dangers,
O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.

The following Text is taken from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Beneath Thy Protection (Greek: Ὑπὸ τὴν σὴν εὐσπλαγχνίαν; Latin: Sub Tuum Praesidium) is the oldest preserved extant Hymn to The Blessed Virgin Mary (Theotokos God-Bearer).

This Marian Hymn is known by heart in many Catholic Countries and is often used along with The Salve Regina.

The earliest Text that is known of this Hymn was found in a Coptic Orthodox Christmas Liturgy of the 3rd-Century A.D. It is written in Greek and dates to approximately 250 A.D. It is used in The Coptic Liturgy to this day, as well as in The Byzantine, Ambrosian, and Roman Liturgies. It was part of Sulpician custom that all classes ended with a recitation of this Prayer.

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Saint Romanus. Martyr. Feast Day 9 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Romanus. 
   Feast Day 9 August.


Red Vestments.

Saint Romanus.
Died circa 258 A.D.
Sculptor - Lazzaro Morelli.
This statue is part of a group of twenty-four statues that were placed on The Colonnade,
above Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome, between September 1662 and March 1667.
In total, there are now 140 statues on The Colonnade.
This Holy Soldier is represented in an attitude identical to that of Saint Dionysus,
another statue on The Colonnade, although in reverse. His Left Hand is
raised toward Saint Stephen, his Right-Hand holds The Palm of Martyrdom.
The Roman Martyrology 2004 states: " A Martyr in The Catacomb of Saint Laurence
on The Via Tiburtina, circa 258 A.D." 
So it is thought that he was Martyred in the same Persecution as Saint Laurence.
He has been referred to as "Romanus Ostiarius".
Caption Text and Illustrations: ST. PETER'S BASILICA.INFO

Saint Romanus, a Soldier, begged Saint Laurence to Baptise him. This he obtained, and was, in turn, cruelly beaten and, at last, beheaded (Roman Martyrology).

Mass: Lætábitur.

The Vigil Of Saint Laurence. Martyr. 9 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

The Vigil Of Saint Laurence. 
   9 August.


Violet Vestments.

Saint Laurence before Emperor Valerianus.
Artist: Fra Angelico.
Date: Circa 1447.
Source/Photographer: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei.
DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Mass: Dispérsit.
Epistle: Confitébor.
Gospel: Si quis vult.

Saint Laurence.
Available on YouTube at

Saint John Mary Vianney. Confessor. Feast Day 9 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint John Mary Vianney. 
   Feast Day 9 August.


White Vestments.

English: Stained-Glass Window of Saint John Mary Vianney.
The Parish Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Jouarre, France.
Deutsch: Bleiglasfenster in der katholischen Pfarrkirche
Saint-Pierre-et-Saint Paul, 
Darstellung: hl. Jean-Marie Vianney.
Photo: 30 May 2011.
Source: Own work.
Author: Reinhardhauke
(Wikimedia Commons)

John Baptist Mary Vianney was born at Dardilly, near Lyons, France, on 8 May 1786. After many difficulties, he received Holy Priesthood in August 1815. He was Parish Priest of Ars, France, for nearly forty-two years.

He became a model for all his Brethren, in The Sacerdotal Ministry, by his pastoral zeal, and by the unflagging ardour of his Prayer and Penance.

Sitting for up to sixteen hours a day in The Confessional, he healed Souls and sometimes bodies, as well. His simple Catechism Preaching touched the hearts of adults, as well as those of children. Meanwhile, he chastised his body as an Act of Reparation and Impetration for sinners.

He died on 4 August 1859. He was Beatified in 1905 by Pope Saint Pius X, who had been a Parish Priest, and Canonised by Pope Pius XI in 1925.

Mass: Os justi.
Commemoration: Of The Vigil of Saint Laurence and of Saint Romanus.

English: Stained-Glass Window of Saint John Mary Vianney.
The Church of Saint Germain, Saint-Germain-les-Belles, France.
Deutsch: Bleiglasfenster in der Kirche Saint-Germain in Saint-Germain-les-Belles im Département Haute-Vienne in der Region Centre (Frankreich): Darstellung: hl. Jean-Marie Vianney.
Photo: 28 June 2013.
Source: Own work.
Author: Reinhardhauke
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint John Vianney.
Available on YouTube at

[Editor. Note that Saint John Vianney, Patron Saint of all Parish Priests, had a deep Devotion to Saint Philomena. There is a Solemn High Mass on Friday, 11 August 2011, 1930 hrs, for The Feast Day of Saint Philomena, at Saint Austin and Saint Gregory Catholic Church, Margate, Kent. Parish Priest: Fr. Finigan.]

The Turin Shroud. The Latest Evidence Will Challenge The Sceptics.


By Fr Dwight Longnecker at The CATHOLIC HERALD.

Sceptics may dismiss The Turin Shroud, but there is good evidence The Relic is authentic

A verse in the Epistle to The Hebrews asserts that Faith is “the substance of things hoped for – the evidence of things not seen.” The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is an event forever hoped for, but it is also an event unseen.

Believers in The Shroud of Turin, however, insist that The Shroud is the substance of this hope and the evidence of this unseen event. It is, they believe, The Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ. It has been Venerated as such for Centuries, and, since the 17th-Century, when it came to Turin, has been the Cathedral’s best-known treasure.

Popes have come to gaze on The Shroud; Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said, when he visited in 2010, that “we see, as in a mirror, our suffering in The Suffering of Christ”.

Sceptics pooh-pooh the whole story. They refer to the 1987 Carbon-14 Dating and say, “It’s Mediaeval. Science has spoken. That settles it.”

But The Believers bounce back, and year by year, as modern technology advances, more and more evidence accumulates which causes anyone who reads the research to be sceptical of the sceptics. The most recent claim – that The Blood on The Shroud is from a torture victim – has re-opened the debate.

The delicious irony is that it is our sceptical, scientific society that has empowered all the new evidence. The Shroud’s relationship with modern technology began in 1898, when Secondo Pia took the first photographs of The Shroud.

When he developed the Negative, he noticed that it showed a Positive image of a human face. He concluded that the image itself was therefore, in effect, a photographic Negative. The question immediately arises, “If The Shroud is a Mediaeval forgery how did they do that ?”

Professor Nicholas Allen of South Africa proposed that the materials and knowledge to produce a “photograph” existed in The Middle Ages. He then proceeded to produce a Shroud-like image on a piece of linen using his theoretical process. However, the imaging expert Barrie Schwortz, not himself a Christian, has challenged Allen’s work, which he says only accounts for some of The Shroud’s properties.

Like a tennis ball, the hypotheses are whacked back and forth. One scientist proposes a new idea of how the mysterious Shroud could have been produced, only to have another researcher argue that it was impossible.

In 1987, The Shroud was subjected to Carbon-14 Dating technology which dated it to the 13th-Century. Predictably, the result has been criticised for a range of reasons. The most recent critique argues that the samples used for the 1987 test were taken from an edge of The Shroud that was not simply patched in The Middle Ages, but patched with a difficult-to-detect interweaving. The Carbon-14 tests (it is argued) were therefore compromised.

A different sort of Dating test was conducted by Giulio Fanti of Padua University in 2013. This technology uses infra-red light and spectroscopy to measure the radiation intensity through wavelengths, and from these measurements a date can be calculated. Fanti’s method dated fibres from The Shroud to 300 BC–400 AD. Of course, there are critics who argue that Fanti’s methods are unreliable.

There is now a mountain of evidence about The Shroud, but too many dismiss the possibility of The Shroud’s authenticity, based on the Carbon-14 Dating, alone.

However, a good detective does not rely on one piece of evidence. Instead, he gathers and weighs all the facts. Here are the pieces of evidence which I find compelling.

1) The image. It is not a stain, nor is it painted on The Shroud. It is not burned on in a conventional heat application method. Instead, it is seared on to the cloth with a technology that has yet to be explained. Not only can scientists and historians not reproduce the image using Mediaeval technologies, they can’t reproduce it with modern technology.

Italian scientist Paolo DiLazzaro tried for five years to replicate the image and concluded that it was produced by ultraviolet light, but the ultraviolet light necessary to reproduce the image “exceeds the maximum power released by all ultraviolet light sources available today.” The time for such a burst “would be shorter than one forty-billionth of a second, and the intensity of the ultra violet light would have to be around several billion watts.”

2) The 3D capabilities of the image. The image of the man on The Shroud can be read by 3D imaging technology. Paintings fail this test.

3) The evidence of Crucifixion. The wounds of The Crucified Man are all consistent not only with Roman Crucifixion, but the details of Jesus’ particular Crucifixion – The Scourging, The Crown of Thorns, no broken bones, and The Wound in The Side.

In addition, Mediaeval paintings show The Nails in The Palm of Christ’s Hands, The Shroud shows The Nail Wounds in His Wrists, which is anatomically correct. The flesh of the palms would not have supported the weight of The Man’s Body.

4) Geography. Pollen from The Shroud is not only from the Jerusalem area, but from Turkey and the other places The Shroud is supposed to have resided. Dust from the area of the image, by the knees and feet, is from the area around Jerusalem.

5) The evidence of Jewish burial customs. The Shroud details are perfectly consistent with
1st-Century A.D., Jewish burial customs. There are even microscopic traces of the flowers that would have been used in the burial-flowers that grew locally and were known to be used for burial. In addition, traces of the spices used for Jewish burial have been discovered.

6) The blood and the image. The bloodstains on The Shroud are real human blood, not paint. The flow of the blood accurately reflects Crucifixion and subsequent burial. The image was seared on the linen after the bloodstains. The fact that the bloodstains retain their reddish colour is evidence that the blood came from a person under extreme duress. The most recent finding again suggests that The Crucified Man was tortured.

7) The type of cloth. The cloth is consistent with fabrics from 1st-Century A.D., Israel, but not with Mediaeval Europe. A forger would have had to not only forge the image, but would have had to have detailed knowledge of linen weaves of the 1st-Century A.D., and then not only reproduce it, but age it convincingly.

We are not obliged to believe in The Shroud; it is undeniably mysterious. Having said that, it is also mysterious how dismissive most sceptics are. They cry out for scientific evidence, but, when evidence is produced, few really examine it closely. They simply shrug and say, “Well, we just don’t know. Nothing has been proven. All we have is an old cloth for which there is no explanation as yet.”

One of the principles of creative scepticism is that the obvious answer is usually the right one. The obvious answer, to my mind, is that The Shroud of Turin is The Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ.

I believe The Shroud is authentic, but, if sceptics come up with a convincing answer to the questions The Shroud presents, I am open-minded. My Faith is rooted in The Resurrection, not The Shroud, itself. The fact that The Shroud remains a mystery is a reminder of that other verse from The New Testament that “we walk by Faith and not by sight.”

This Article first appeared in the 4 August 2017 issue of The Catholic Herald. To read the magazine in full, from anywhere in the World, go HERE

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Saints Cyriacus, Largus, and Smaragdus. Martyrs. Feast Day 8 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saints Cyriacus, Largus, and Smaragdus.
   Feast Day 8 August.


Red Vestments.

English: Stained-Glass Window, depicting Saint Cyriacus (Right) and Saint Pantaleon (Left),
in the Parish Church of Saint Pelagius, Weitnau, Bavaria, Germany.
Deutsch: Pfarrkirche St. Pelagius, Weitnau, Nothelferfenster, St. Pantaleon und St. Cyriacus.
Photo: September 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: AndreasPraefcke.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Cyriacus, a Deacon of The Roman Church under Popes Marcellinus and Marcellus, was put to death in 303 A.D., during the Persecution of Diocletian.

He had twenty-two Christian companions, who were killed with him, among whom were Largus and Smaragdus.

Saint Cyriacus is one of "The Fourteen Auxiliary Saints".

English: Stained-Glass Window depicting Saint Cyriacus.
The Church of Saint Cyriacus, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Deutsch: Katholische Pfarrkirche, ehemalige Stiftskirche St. Cyriakus in Geseke im Kreis Soest (Nordrhein-Westfalen), Bleiglasfenster von 1909 von der Glasmalerei Carl Hertel in Düsseldorf, Darstellung: Hl. Cyriakus, Signatur: Carl Hertel Hofglasmaler Düsseldorf 1909
Photo: 26 October 2013.
Source: Own work.
Author: GFreihalter
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: The Church of Saint Cyriacus, Duderstadt, North Saxony, Germany.
Deutsch: St.-Cyriakus-Kirche in Duderstadt, Niedersachsen, Deutschland.
Blick auf den Flügelaltar im Hochchor.
Photo: 28 December 2011.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Saint Cyriacus, together with Saints Largus and Smaragdus and others (of whom Crescentianus, Memmia and Juliana are mentioned in The Roman Martyrology), is Venerated on 8 August. All that is known with certainty, apart from their names and the fact of their Martyrdom, is that they were buried at The Seventh Milestone of The Via Ostiensis on that date.

Saint Cyriacus is one of "The Fourteen Auxiliary Saints".
Artist: Rene de Cramer.
“Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium”.
Used with Permission.

Solemn Traditional Latin High Mass. The Feast Of Saint Philomena. Virgin And Martyr. Friday, 11 August 2017. 1930 hrs. Saint Austin And Saint Gregory Catholic Church, Margate, Kent.

High Mass at Saint Austin and Saint Gregory, Margate, Kent
(, for The Feast of Saint Philomena.
Friday, 11 August 2017, at 7.30 p.m.
Text and Illustration: FR TIMOTHY FINIGAN, TWITTER

Monday 7 August 2017

Saint Donatus. Bishop And Martyr. Feast Day, Today, 7 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Donatus.
   Bishop and Martyr.
   Feast Day 7 August.


Red Vestments.

"The Miracle of Saint Donatus".
Artist: José de Ribera (1591–1652).
Amiens, Museum of Picardy.
Date: 17th-Century.
Author: José de Ribera (1591–1652).
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Donatus, Bishop of Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy, was arrested under the Emperor Julian the Apostate and was beheaded in 362 A.D.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Donatus was Ordained a Deacon and Priest by Saint Satyrus of Arezzo, Bishop of that City, and continued to Preach in the City and in the surrounding region. At the death of Satyrus, Donatus was appointed a Bishop by Pope Julius I. A man named Anthimus was Donatus' Deacon.

During a Celebration of Mass, at the moment of the giving of Communion, in which a glass Chalice was being administered, some pagans entered the Church and shattered the Chalice in question. Donatus, after intense Prayer, collected all of the fragments and joined them together. There was a piece missing from the bottom of the Chalice; miraculously, however, nothing spilled from it. Astounded, seventy-nine pagans converted to Christianity.

A month after this, the Prefect of Arezzo, Quadratian, arrested Hilarian the Monk and Donatus. Hilarian was Martyred on 16 July 362 A.D., and Donatus was beheaded on 7 August 362 A.D.,  at Arezzo, Italy.

Saint Donatus Catholic Church, 
Bellevue, Iowa, 
United States of America.
Photo: 1 January 1970.
Photographer: Gary Schekel.
Illustration: GOOGLE+

Church of Santa Maria e San Donato a Murano
Venice, Italy.
Photo: 30 December 2003.
Source: Own work.
Author: Blorg.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Cajetan. Confessor. Feast Day 7 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Cajetan.
Feast Day 7 August.


White Vestments.

English: Saint Cajetan.
Italian: San Gaetano di Thiene.
Latin: Sanctus Caietanus.
Artist: Francesco Solimena (1657–1747).
This File: 22 February 2006.
User: Mathiasrex.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Cajetan Founded the first Congregation of Clerks Regular, who endeavour to imitate the manner of life of The Apostles (Collect). Trust in God, which the Gospel recalls, was their great law; they therefore refrained from begging alms and waited until The Faithful brought them help of their own accord. They are also called Theatines.

This Saint's zeal for others' Salvation caused him to be called The Hunter of Souls. It was said that he was an Angel at The Altar and an Apostle in The Pulpit. He died at Naples on 7 August 1547.

Mass: Os justi.
Commemoration: Saint Donatus.

How Absolutely Glorious !!! The Complete Antidote To "Kum-Ba-Yah" !!!


This Article, dated 1 August 2017, is taken from LMS CHAIRMAN

The Saint Catherine's Trust Summer School took place last week: It runs from Sunday to Sunday. Numbers have gone up every year for several years, and we welcomed thirty-nine children this year. There was a full minibus load from London, and nine travelled by train from Scotland.

The Summer School exposes children to a week of Traditional Liturgy, which they would only otherwise experience by visiting a Monastery. We have a Sung, usually High, Mass every day, and Sung Compline each evening, 

Benediction is twice in the Week; each day begins with The Rosary. 

We always have Stations of The Cross on Friday.

The following Text is from

2017 Summer School.
For Boys and Girls aged 11-18.
Sunday, 23 July 2017 to Sunday 30 July 2017.

This will be held once again at
The Franciscan Retreat Centre, Pantasaph,
North Wales, and will start with a Sung Mass
at 5 p.m., on Sunday, 23 July 2017,
finishing, after Divine Mass, and Lunch,
on Sunday 30 July 2017.

There is NO FEE.

Parents are invited to make a Donation
according to their means, and it is our
intention that nobody should be discouraged
from attending on grounds of cost.

To book for next Years' Summer School,
contact The Web-Site For
The Saint Catherine's Trust For
Traditional Catholic Education.
Traditio Et Veritas.

Saturday 5 August 2017

HRH Prince Leopold. The Duke Of Albany. Queen Victoria's Son. First Colonel-in-Chief Of The Seaforth Highlanders. Amalgamated With The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders.

Queen Victoria’s youngest son,
Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany.
1853 – 1884.
Illustration: PINTEREST

The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders
or 79th (The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders) Regiment of Foot.
Illustration: PINTEREST

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, or 79th (The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders) Regiment of Foot, was a Line Infantry Regiment of The British Army, raised in 1793.

Thursday 3 August 2017

"Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves". Bryan Adams: "Everything I Do, I Do It For You".

Bryan Adams sings: "Everything I Do, I Do It For You".
From: "Robin Hood. Prince Of Thieves".
Available on YouTube at

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, is a 1991 American romantic action adventure film. The film, an iteration of the legendary English folk tale, was directed by Kevin Reynolds. The film's principal cast includes Kevin Costner as Robin Hood, Morgan Freeman as Azeem, Christian Slater as Will Scarlet, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio as Maid Marian, and Alan Rickman as the Sheriff of Nottingham.

The film grossed over $390 million worldwide, ranking as the second-highest-grossing film of 1991. For his role as George, Sheriff of Nottingham, Rickman received the BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role. The film's theme song, "(Everything I Do) I Do It for You", by Bryan Adams, was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Song and won the Grammy Award for Best Song Written Specifically for a Motion Picture or Television.
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