Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Sunday 10 September 2017

Saint Nicholas Of Tolentino. Confessor. Feast Day 10 September.

Text from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Nicholas of Tolentino.
Artist: Pietro Perugino (1448–1523).
Date: 1507.
Current location: Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica,
Rome, Italy.
Source/Photographer: Web Gallery of Art.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Nicholas of Tolentino (Italian: San Nicola da Tolentino, Spanish: San Nicolás de Tolentino) (circa 1246 – 10 September 1305), known as The Patron of Holy Souls, was an Italian Saint and Mystic.

Nicholas Gurrutti was born at Sant'Angelo in Pontano, in Italy, in what was then The March of Ancona. He was the son of parents who had been childless into middle age. Compagnonus de Guarutti and Amata de Guidiani, They Prayed at The Shrine of Saint Nicholas of Myra for his Intercession, and, when Amata became pregnant, they named their son after the Saint.

A studious, kind and gentle youth, at the age of sixteen Nicholas became an Augustinian Friar and was a student of the Blessed Angelus de Scarpetti. A Monk at The Monasteries at Recanati and Macerata, as well as others, he was Ordained in 1270, at the age of twenty-five, and soon became known for his Preaching and Teachings.

Saint Nicholas of Tolentino.

Nicholas, who had had Visions of Angels reciting "to Tolentino", in 1274 took this as a sign to move to that City, where he lived the rest of his life. Nicholas worked to counteract the decline of Morality and Religion, which came with the development of City Life in the Late-13th-Century.

On account of his kind and gentle manner, his Superiors entrusted him with the daily feeding of The Poor, at The Monastery Gates, but, at times, he was so free with the Friary's provisions that the Procurator begged the Superior to check his generosity.

Once, when weak after a long Fast, he received a Vision of The Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Augustine, who told him to eat some bread, marked with a Cross, and dipped in water. Upon doing so, he was immediately stronger. He started distributing these rolls to the ailing, while Praying to Mary, often curing the sufferers; this is the origin of The Augustinian Custom of Blessing and Distributing Saint Nicholas Bread.

Church of Saint Nicholas of Tolentine, 
Bronx, New York, 
United States of America.

In Tolentino, Nicholas worked as a Peacemaker in a City torn by strife between The Guelphs and Ghibellines, who, in the conflict for control of Italy, supported The Pope and The Holy Roman Emperor, respectively. He ministered to his flock, helped The Poor and visited Prisoners. When working wonders, or healing people, he always asked those he helped to "say nothing of this", explaining that he was just God's instrument.

During his life, Nicholas is said to have received Visions, including Images of Purgatory, which friends ascribed to his lengthy Fasts. Prayer for The Souls in Purgatory was the outstanding characteristic of his Spirituality. Because of this, Nicholas was proclaimed Patron of The Souls in Purgatory, in 1884, by Pope Leo XIII.

Towards the end of his life, he became ill, suffering greatly, but still continued the Mortifications that had been part of his Holy Life. Nicholas died on 10 September 1305.

Saint Nicholas of Tolentino.
Patron of The Holy Souls.

There are many tales and legends that relate to Nicholas. One says that the devil once beat him with a stick, which was then displayed for years in his Church. In another, Nicholas, a vegetarian, was served a roasted fowl, over which he made The Sign of The Cross, and it flew out a window. Nine passengers on a ship, going down at sea, once asked Nicholas' aid and he appeared in the sky, wearing The Black Augustinian Habit, radiating Golden Light, holding a Lily in his Left Hand, and, with his Right Hand, he quelled the storm. An Apparition of the Saint, it is said, once saved the burning Palace of The Doge of Venice, by throwing a piece of Blessed Bread on the flames. He was also reported to have Resurrected over one hundred dead children, including several who had drowned together.

According to the Peruvian chronicler, Antonio de la Calancha, it was Saint Nicholas of Tolentino who made possible a permanent Spanish settlement in the rigorous, high-altitude climate of Potosí, Bolivia. He reported that all children, born to Spanish colonists there, died in childbirth or soon thereafter, until a father dedicated his unborn child to Saint Nicholas of Tolentino (whose own parents, after all, had required Saintly intervention to have a child). The colonist's son, born on Christmas Eve, 1598, survived to healthy adulthood, and many later parents followed the example of naming their sons Nicolás.

Nicholas was Canonised by Pope Eugene IV (also an Augustinian) in 1446. He was the first Augustinian to be Canonised. At his Canonisation, Nicholas was credited with three hundred Miracles, including three Resurrections.

English: The Charles Bridge, Prague, Czech Republic.
(A statue of Saint Nicholas of Tolentino is on The Charles Bridge (see next photo, below.)
Español: Puente de Carlos una mañana temprano, antes de llenarse de turistas.
Français: Pont Charles a Prague.
Čeština: Karlův most v Praze.
Photo: 7 May 2006 (Upload Date).
Source: Own work.
Author: Chosovi.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Remains of Saint Nicholas are preserved at The Shrine of Saint Nicholas, in the Basilica di San Nicola da Tolentino, in the City of Tolentino, Province of Macerata, in Marche, Italy.

He is particularly invoked as an Advocate for The Souls in Purgatory, especially during Lent and the month of November. In many Augustinian Churches, there are Weekly Devotions to Saint Nicholas, on behalf of The Suffering Souls. 2 November, All Souls' Day, holds special significance for the devotees of Saint Nicholas of Tolentino.

Pope Saint Pius V did not include him in The Tridentine Calendar, but he was later inserted and given 10 September as his Feast Day. Judged to be of limited importance worldwide, his Liturgical Celebration was not kept in the 1969 Revision of The General Roman Calendar, but he is still recognised as one of The Saints of The Roman Catholic Church.

English: The statue of Saint Nicholas of Tolentino 

on the Charles Bridge, Prague, Czech Republic.
Čeština: Sousoší Svatého Mikuláše Toletinského na Karlově mostě.
Photo: 31 July 2006 (Upload Date).
Source: Originally from cs.wikipedia; description page is/was here.
2006-07-31 19:50 Zp 1000×1500×8 (151101 bytes)
Sousoší Svatého Mikuláše Toletinského na Karlově mostě autor:Zp
Author: Zp.
(Wikimedia Commons)

A number of Churches and Oratories are dedicated to him, including San Nicolò da Tolentino, in Venice, San Nicola da Tolentino agli Orti Sallustiani, in Rome, and Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, in The Bronx, New York. In the Philippines, the 16th-Century Church of San Nicolas de Tolentino, in Banton, Romblon, was built in honour of him and his Feast Day is celebrated as the annual Biniray Festival, commemorating the Devotion of the Island's Catholic inhabitants to Saint Nicholas during the Muslim raids in the 16th-Century.

In the Province of Pampanga, Philippines, is a 440-year-old Augustinian Church, which was founded in 1575 and built in his honour. A Second-Class Relic of the Saint is Venerated every Tuesday after Mass.

He is depicted in The Black Habit of The Hermits of Saint Augustine — a Star above him, or on his breast, a Lily, or a Crucifix, garlanded with Lilies, in his hand. Sometimes, instead of the Lily, he holds a Vial filled with money or bread.

The 2012 
Saint Nicholas of Tolentino Parish 
Fiesta poster, 
Photo: 23 August 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: Jptoting.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.

Saint Nicholas of Tolentino.
   Feast Day 10 September.


White Vestments.

Nicholas, called "of Tolentino", on account of his long sojourn at this place, received the Baptismal Name of the Holy Bishop of Myra, because he was born after a Pilgrimage, made by his parents to the tomb of the great Miracle-Worker at Bari.

Following the example of his Holy Patron, although only seven years old, he Fasted several times a week. Listening, one day, to a Sermon by a Preacher of The Order of Hermits of Saint Augustine, on contempt of the World, he determined to give up all he possessed (Gospel) and to enter that Order.

He is represented holding a Lily, because he was always a model of Innocence and Purity. He died in 1308.

Mass: Justus.



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Our Lady Of Fatima Statue To Visit Saint Wilfrid's Church, York.

The National Pilgrimage Statue of Our Lady of Fatima.

The National Pilgrimage Statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be visiting Saint Wilfrid's Church, York, between 11 September 2017 and 13 September 2017.

As part of The Programme of Events, there will be an Extraordinary Form Mass at 1800 hrs on Tuesday, 12 September 2017. Relics of The Visionaries, Saint Jacinta and Saint Francesco, will be present for Veneration.

The Web-Site of Saint Wilfrid's Catholic Church in York can be found HERE

Contact Details for Saint Wilfrid's Catholic Church in York are:

Parish Priest: Fr Richard Duffield, Cong. Orat.

The Oratorian Community,
Petergate House,
11, High Petergate,
Yorkshire YO1 7EN.

Telephone: 01904 624767.

Please NOTE: The Postcode for SATNAV for Saint Wilfrid's is YO1 7EF.

Saturday 9 September 2017

Saint Gorgonius. Martyr. Whose Feast Day Is Today, 9 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Gorgonius. 
Feast Day 9 September. 


Red Vestments.

The Martyrdom of Saint Gorgonius and Saint Dorothy.
Date: 14th-Century.
Source: Vies de saints, France, Paris, France.
Author: Richard de Montbaston et collaborateurs.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Gorgonius was born at Nicomedia [Editor: Nicomedia. Greek: Νικομήδεια; modern-day İzmit) was an ancient Greek City in what is now Turkey]. While an Officer of The Household of Emperor Diocletian, he converted to The Faith of Christ, with the help of his colleague, Dorothy, both the Servants of The Imperial Palace.

"To punish them for such audacity, they were hung up and their bodies lacerated by whips; then vinegar and salt were thrown on their uncovered entrails; and they were strangled after having been roasted on a grid-iron".

They were put to death at Nicomedia in 303 A.D. Later, the body of Saint Gorgonius was buried at Rome on The Latin Way, whence it was eventually Translated to The Basilica of Saint Peter.

Mass: Laetábitur.

Durham Cathedral.

Text and Illustrations taken from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

Durham Cathedral.
Author: Domstu
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Cathedral Church of Christ, Blessed Mary The Virgin, and Saint Cuthbert of Durham (usually known as Durham Cathedral) is a Cathedral in the City of Durham, England, the Seat of the Anglican Bishop of Durham. The Bishopric dates from 995 A.D., with the present Cathedral being founded in 1093. The Cathedral is regarded as one of the finest examples of Norman architecture and has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, along with nearby Durham Castle, which faces it across Palace Green.

The present Cathedral replaced the 10th-Century "White Church", built as part of a Monastic Foundation to house the Shrine of Saint Cuthbert of Lindisfarne. The treasures of Durham Cathedral include relics of Saint Cuthbert, the head of Saint Oswald of Northumbria and the remains of The Venerable Bede. In addition, its Durham Dean and Chapter Library contains one of the most complete sets of early-printed books in England, the pre-Dissolution Monastic accounts, and three copies of The Magna Carta.

Durham Cathedral.
Available on YouTube at

Durham Cathedral occupies a strategic position on a promontory high above The River Wear. From 1080 until the 19th-Century, the Bishopric enjoyed the powers of a Bishop Palatine, having Military as well as Religious leadership and power. Durham Castle was built as the residence for The Bishop of Durham. The Seat of The Bishop of Durham is the fourth-most-significant in The Church of England hierarchy, and he stands at the Right-Hand of The Monarch at Coronations. [Editor: The four most significant Bishoprics in The Church of England are: Canterbury; York; London; Durham, followed by Winchester, Chester, Norwich, Bristol, Derby, Birmingham, Worcester, Coventry, Oxford]. Signposts for the modern-day County Durham are subtitled "Land of The Prince Bishops."

There are daily Church of England Services at The Cathedral, with The Durham Cathedral Choir singing daily, except Mondays, and when The Choir is on holiday. The Cathedral is a major tourist attraction within the region, the Central Tower of 217 feet (66 metres) giving views of Durham and the surrounding area.

The Nave, Durham Cathedral.
Note the massive Norman Columns.
Photo: August 2010.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The See of Durham takes its origins from The Diocese of Lindisfarne, Founded by Saint Aidan, at the behest of Oswald of Northumbria, around 635 A.D. The See lasted until 664 A.D., at which point it was Translated to York. The See was then re-instated at Lindisfarne in 678 A.D., by The Archbishop of Canterbury. Among the many Saints produced in The Community at Lindisfarne Priory, Saint Cuthbert, who was Bishop of Lindisfarne from 685 A.D., until his death on Farne Island in 687 A.D., is central to the development of Durham Cathedral.

After repeated Viking raids, the Monks fled Lindisfarne in 875 A.D., carrying Saint Cuthbert's relics with them. The Diocese of Lindisfarne remained itinerant until 882 A.D., when a Community was then re-established in Chester-le-Street, County Durham. The See had its Seat here until 995 A.D., when further incursions once again caused the Monks to move with the relics.

According to local legend, the Monks followed two milk maids who were searching for a dun (i.e. Brown) cow and were led into a Peninsula formed by a loop in The River Wear. At this point, Saint Cuthbert's coffin became immovable. This trope of hagiography was offered for a sign that the new Shrine should be built here. A more prosaic set of reasons for the selection of the Peninsula is its highly-defensible position, and that a Community established here would enjoy the protection of The Earl of Northumberland, as The Bishop at this time, Aldhun, had strong family links with The Earls of Northumberland. Nevertheless, the street leading from The Bailey, past The Cathedral's Eastern Towers, up to Palace Green, is named Dun Cow Lane.

Durham Cathedral.

Initially, a very simple temporary structure was built from local timber to house the relics of Saint Cuthbert. The Shrine was then Transferred to a sturdier, probably wooden, building known as The White Church. This Church was replaced three years later, in 998 A.D., by a stone building, also known as The White Church, which was complete, apart from its Tower, by 1018.

Durham soon became a site of Pilgrimage, encouraged by the growing cult of Saint Cuthbert. King Canute was one early Pilgrim, granting many privileges and much land to The Durham Community. The defendable position, flow of money from Pilgrims, and power embodied in The Church at Durham, ensured that a Town formed around The Cathedral, establishing the early core of the modern City.

The present Cathedral was designed and built under William of Saint Carilef (or William of Calais), who was appointed as the first Prince-Bishop by William the Conqueror in 1080. Since that time, there have been major additions and reconstructions of some parts of the building, but the greater part of the structure remains true to the Norman design.

The Screen, Durham Cathedral.
Photo: February 2009.
Source: From
Author: Paul Robson
(Wikimedia Commons)

Construction of the Cathedral began in 1093 at the Eastern End. The Choir was completed by 1096 and work proceeded on The Nave, of which the walls were finished by 1128, and The High Vault completed by 1135. The Chapter House, demolished in the 18th-Century, was built between 1133 and 1140. William of Calais died in 1099 before the building's completion, passing responsibility to his successor, Ranulf Flambard, who also built Flamwell Bridge, the first crossing of The River Wear in the Town. Three Bishops, William of Saint Carilef, Ranulf Flambard, and Hugh de Puiset, are all buried in the rebuilt Chapter House.

In the 1170s, Bishop Hugh de Puiset, after a false start at The Eastern End, where the subsidence and cracking prevented work from continuing, added The Galilee Chapel at The West End of The Cathedral. The five-Aisled building occupies the position of a Porch, it functioned as a Lady Chapel and The Great West Door was blocked during The Mediaeval Period by an Altar to The Virgin Mary. The Great West Door is now blocked by the tomb of Bishop Langley. The Galilee Chapel also holds the remains of The Venerable Bede. The main entrance to The Cathedral is on The Northern Side, facing towards the Castle.

The Cloisters, Durham Cathedral.
Photograph by Robin Widdison.
Date: 2006-08-04 (original upload date).
Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here.
Transfer was stated to be made by User:Jalo.
Author: Original uploader was Robin Widdison at en.wikipedia
Released into the public domain (by the author).
(Wikimedia Commons)

In 1228, Richard Le Poore came from Salisbury, where a new Cathedral was being built in The Gothic Style. At this time, The Eastern End of The Cathedral was in urgent need of repair and the proposed Eastern extension had failed.

Richard Le Poore employed the architect Richard Farnham to design an Eastern Terminal for the building, in which many Monks could say The Daily Office simultaneously. The resulting building was The Chapel of The Nine Altars. The Towers date from the Early-13th Century, but The Central Tower was damaged by lightning and replaced in two stages in the 15th Century, the Master Masons being Thomas Barton and John Bell.

The Shrine of Saint Cuthbert was located in the Eastern Apsidal End of The Cathedral. The location of the inner wall of The Apse is marked on the Pavement, and Saint Cuthbert's tomb is covered by a simple slab. However, an unknown Monk wrote in 1593: [The Shrine] "was estimated to be one of the most sumptuous in all England, so great were the offerings and jewels bestowed upon it, and endless the Miracles that were wrought at it, even in these last days." — Rites of Durham.

Durham Cathedral.
Photo: July 2007.
Source: Own Work.
Author: --Immanuel Giel 13:01, 21 August 2007 (UTC)
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Cuthbert's tomb was destroyed on the orders of King Henry VIII in 1538, and the Monastery's wealth handed over to the King. The body of the Saint was exhumed, and, according to The Rites of Durham, was discovered to be uncorrupted. It was re-buried under a plain stone slab, but the ancient paving around it remains intact, worn by the knees of Pilgrims. Two years later, on 31 December 1540, The Benedictine Monastery at Durham was Dissolved, and the last Prior of Durham (Hugh Whitehead) became the first Dean of The Cathedral's secular Chapter.

After The Battle of Dunbar, on 3 September 1650, Durham Cathedral was used by Oliver Cromwell as a makeshift prison to hold Scottish prisoners-of-war. It is estimated that as many as 3,000 were imprisoned, of whom 1,700 died in the Cathedral, where they were kept in inhumane conditions, largely without food, water or heat. The prisoners destroyed much of the Cathedral woodwork for firewood, but Prior Castell's clock, which featured The Scottish Thistle, was spared. It is reputed that the prisoners' bodies were buried in unmarked graves. The survivors were shipped as slave labour to North America.

In 1946, during work to install a new central heating system for the University, a mass grave of the Scottish soldiers was allegedly uncovered. Towards the end of 2007, a campaign was launched to commemorate The Dunbar Martyrs. Further to this, and with the agreement of Durham University, Historic Scotland funded a geophysical survey of Palace Green. It was hoped that this might provide clarity on the final resting place of the dead, but results were inconclusive. During 2010, The Cathedral Chapter agreed to the installation of a Memorial Plaque within Saint Margaret of Scotland's Chapel at The Cathedral. The "Dunbar Martyr" campaigners are raising funds to assist with the cost of creation and installation of the Plaque, which will bear a Scottish Thistle.

Bishop John Cosin, who had previously been a Canon of The Cathedral, set about restoring the damage and refurnishing the building with new Stalls, the Litany Desk and the towering Canopy over the Font. An Oak Screen, to carry the Organ, was added at this time to replace a Stone Screen which was pulled down in the 16th-Century. On the remains of the old Refectory, The Dean, John Sudbury, founded a Library of early-printed books.

The Rose Window,
Durham Cathedral.
Photo: April 2011.
Source: Own work.
Author: Zephyrinus.

During the 18th-Century, The Deans of Durham often held another position in the South of England, and, after spending the statutory time in residence, would depart to manage their affairs. Consequently, after Cosin's refurbishment, there was little by way of restoration or rebuilding. When work commenced again on the building, it was of a most unsympathetic nature.

In 1773, the architect, George Nicholson, having completed The Prebend's Bridge across The River Wear, persuaded The Dean and Chapter to let him smooth off much of the outer stonework of The Cathedral, thereby considerably altering its character.

Durham Cathedral at Sunrise.
Source: Own Work.
Photo: November 1998.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The architect, James Wyatt, greatly added to the destruction by demolishing half The Chapter House, altering the Stonework of The East End, and inserting a large Rose Window that was supposed to be faithful to one that had been there in the 13th Century. Wyatt also planned to demolish The Galilee Chapel, but The Dean, John Cornwallis, returned and prevented it, just as the Lead was being stripped from the Roof.

The restoration of The Cathedral's Tower, between 1854 and 1859, was by the architect, Sir George Gilbert Scott, working with Edward Robert Robson, who went on to serve as Architect-in-Charge of The Cathedral for six years. In 1858, Anthony Salvin restored The Cloisters.

The Norman Columns of Durham Cathedral

In 1986, The Cathedral, together with the nearby Castle, became a World Heritage Site. The UNESCO committee classified The Cathedral under criteria C (ii) (iv) (vi), reporting, "Durham Cathedral is the largest and most perfect monument of 'Norman'-style Architecture in England".

In 1996, The Great West Door was the setting for Bill Viola's large-scale video installation The Messenger. Interior views of The Cathedral were featured in the 1998 film, Elizabeth.

Durham Cathedral has been featured in the Harry Potter films as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where it had a Spire digitally added onto the top of the famous Towers.

Architectural historian, Dan Cruickshank, selected The Cathedral as one of his four choices for the 2002 BBC television documentary series, Britain's Best Buildings.

In November 2009, The Cathedral featured in a Son et Lumière Festival, whose highlight was the illumination of The North Front of The Cathedral, with a 15-minute Presentation, that told the story of Lindisfarne and the Foundation of The Cathedral, using Illustrations and Text from The Lindisfarne Gospels.

Durham Cathedral's Choir, looking West.
Adapted from Greenwell, p. 32.
Greenwell, William. Durham Cathedral.
Eighth Edition Durham: Andrews and Company, 1913. NA971 D96G8. 
Copyright MAS.
The copyright holder of this project is © Alison Stones. The pages and their images are used by the University of Pittsburgh with her express permission. Permission is granted for reproduction and use of these images for non-profit research and educational purposes only, provided Alison Stones or any of the other image copyright holders participating in the project is properly attributed as the copyright owner on each and every image reproduced and used. Any further use or reproduction of these images without the express written consent of Alison Stones is prohibited. 

Durham Cathedral is notable for The Ribbed Vault of The Nave Roof, with Pointed Transverse Arches supported on relatively slender composite Piers alternated with massive Drum Columns, and Flying Buttresses, or Lateral Abutments, concealed within The Triforium over The Aisles.

These features appear to be precursors of The Gothic Architecture of Northern France a few decades later, doubtless due to the Norman Stonemasons responsible, although the building is considered Romanesque, overall.

The skilled use of The Pointed Arch and Ribbed Vault made it possible to cover far more elaborate and complicated Ground Plans than before. Buttressing made it possible to build taller buildings and open up the intervening wall spaces to create larger windows.

Saint Cuthbert's tomb lies at The East End, in The Feretory, and was once an elaborate Monument of Cream Marble and Gold. It remains a place of Pilgrimage.

Durham Cathedral at Sundown.
Photograph by Robin Widdison.
2006-08-04 (original upload date).
Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here.
Transfer was stated to be made by User:Jalo.
Original uploader was Robin Widdison at en.wikipedia
Released into the public domain (by the author).
(Wikimedia Commons)

"Durham is one of the great experiences of Europe to the eyes of those who appreciate Architecture, and to the minds of those who understand Architecture. The group of Cathedral, Castle, and Monastery on The Rock can only be compared to Avignon and Prague." (Sir Nikolaus Pevsner, The Buildings of England).

"I paused upon the bridge, and admired and wondered at the beauty and glory of this scene . . . it was grand, venerable, and sweet, all at once; I never saw so lovely and magnificent a scene, nor, being content with this, do I care to see a better." (Nathaniel Hawthorne, on Durham Cathedral, The English Notebooks).

"With The Cathedral at Durham, we reach the incomparable masterpiece of Romanesque Architecture, not only in England, but anywhere. The moment of entering provides for an Architectural experience never to be forgotten, one of the greatest England has to offer." (Alec Clifton-Taylor, 'English Towns' Series on BBC Television).

"I unhesitatingly gave Durham my vote for Best Cathedral on Planet Earth." (Bill Bryson, Notes from a Small Island.").

"Grey Towers of Durham. Yet well I love thy mixed and massive Piles. Half Church of God, half Castle 'gainst The Scot. And long to roam those venerable Aisles. With records stored of deeds long since forgot.". (Sir Walter Scott, Harold the Dauntless, a poem of Saxons and Vikings, set in County Durham).

Friday 8 September 2017

Saint Adrian. Martyr. Feast Day 8 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Adrian.
Feast Day 8 September.


Red Vestments.

Saint Adrian's Church, 
West Wemyss, 
The Church was built in 1890.
Date: 20 February 2006.
Source: From
Author: Kevin Rae.
(Wikimedia Commons)

"At Nicomedia", says The Roman Martyrology, "Saint Adrian, Martyr, and twenty-three other Saints, who, after undergoing many torments, had their legs crushed and thus ended their glorious fight under the Emperors Diocletian and Maximian, about 303 A.D.

"The body of Saint Adrian was later Translated to Rome on the day when his Feast is Solemnised".

Mass: In virtúte.

English: Stained-Glass Window, depicting Saint Adrian (centre) 
in the Basilica of Saint-Nicolas,
Meurthe-et-Moselle, Lorraine, France.
Below are the Armorial Crests of The House of Lorraine (left), 
The House of Anjou (centre) 
and the City Arms of Saint-Nicolas-de-Port.
Deutsch: Bleiglasfenster (Baie 17) in der Basilika Saint-Nicolas in Saint-Nicolas-de-Port
im Département Meurthe-et-Moselle (Lothringen/Frankreich), mit Fragmenten aus
der Renaissance; Darstellung: Ehepaar Fiacre Fériet (links) und Jennon Thierie (rechts),
hl. Adrian von Nikomedien; unten Wappen des Hauses Lothringen (links), des Hauses Anjou
(Mitte) und Stadtwappen von Saint-Nicolas-de-Port.
Photo: 26 April 2015.
Source: Own work.
Author: GFreihalter.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Saint Adrian (also known as Hadrian), or Adrian of Nicomedia, was a Herculian Guard of the Roman Emperor Galerius Maximian. After becoming a convert to Christianity, with his wife Natalia, Adrian was Martyred at Nicomedia.

Saint Adrian and Saint Natalia lived in Nicomedia, during the time of Emperor Maximian, in the Early-4th Century. The twenty-eight-year-old Adrian was Head of the Praetorium.

It is said that, while presiding over the torture of a band of Christians, he asked them what reward they expected to receive from God. They replied:

"Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him" (1 Corinthians 2:9).

He was so amazed at their courage that he publicly confessed his Faith, though he had not himself yet been Baptised. He was then immediately imprisoned. He was forbidden visitors, but accounts state that his wife Natalia came to visit him, dressed as a boy, to ask for his Prayers when he entered Heaven.

The executioners wanted to burn the bodies of the dead, but a storm arose and quenched the fire.



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The Nativity Of The Blessed Virgin Mary. Feast Day 8 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Nativity of The Blessed Virgin Mary.
   Feast Day 8 September.

Double of The Second-Class
   with a Simple Octave.

White Vestments.

"Birth of The Virgin".
Artist: Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (1617–1682).
Date: 1660.
Current location: Louvre Museum, Paris, France.
Source/Photographer: Web Gallery of Art.
(Wikimedia Commons)

This very ancient Feast was already Solemnised in the 7th-Century A.D., and Pope Innocent IV, to fulfil the Vow made by the Cardinals before the Election of his predecessor, gave it an Octave at The First Council of Lyons in 1245.

Today's date (8 September) served to fix The Feast of The Immaculate Conception on 8 December.

Mary is inseparable from Jesus in The Divine Plan, wherefore The Liturgy applies to her what Holy Scripture says of The Eternal Wisdom, which is The Word "by Whom all was made".

Built in 1858, the Church and its Rectory were 
listed together on The National Register of Historic Places as a part of the 
Photo: 27 May 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Nyttend.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Like Christ, The Virgin presides over the whole work of Creation, for, having been chosen of All Eternity to give us The Saviour, it is she, with her Son, whom God had chiefly in view when He created the World.

Every Parish Priest Celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.

Mass: Salve, sancta parens.
Commemoration: Saint Adrian.

Thursday 7 September 2017

Stunning !!! Paintings By Edwin Lord Weeks. American Artist (1849-1903).

"Leaving For The Hunt".

Artist: Edwin Lord Weeks (1849 – 1903).

Illustration: PINTEREST

"A Great Mogul and his Court returning from The Great Mosque at Delhi, India".
Artist: Edwin Lord Weeks.
Date: 29 February 2012 (original Upload date).
Source/Photographer: HERE
Author: Original Uploader was Sridhar1000 at te.wikipedia
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is  from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia - unless stated otherwise.

Edwin Lord Weeks (1849 – 1903) was an American artist born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1849. His parents were affluent Spice and Tea Merchants from Newton, a suburb of Boston, and, as such, they were able to finance their son's youthful interest in painting and travelling.

As a young man, Weeks visited The Florida Keys to draw, and also travelled to Surinam, in South America. His earliest-known paintings date from 1867, when he was eighteen years old, although it is not until his "Landscape with Blue Heron", dated 1871 and painted in The Everglades, that Weeks started to exhibit a dexterity of technique and eye for composition — presumably having taken professional tuition.

"Street Scene in India" (circa 1884–1888).
Currently housed in The Renwick Gallery, Washington, D.C.
Date: 20 June 2010.
Source/Photographer: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

In 1872, Weeks relocated to Paris, France, becoming a pupil of Léon Bonnat and Jean-Léon Gérôme.

After his studies in Paris, Weeks emerged as one of America's major painters of Orientalist subjects. Throughout his adult life, he was an inveterate traveller and journeyed to South America (1869), Egypt and Persia (1870), Morocco (frequently between 1872 and 1878), and India (1882–1883).

In 1895, Weeks wrote and illustrated a book of travels, From The Black Sea, through Persia and India, and, in 1897, he published "Episodes of Mountaineering".

Weeks died in Paris in November 1903. He was a Member of The Légion d'honneur, France, an Officer of The Order of Saint Michael (Bavaria), and a Member of The Munich Secession.

Weeks exhibited his work in nearly every annual Salon (Paris). He earned a Medal of Honour in 1884, then a Third Class Medal in 1889, followed by a Gold Medal at the 1889 International Exhibition, and, finally, the Legion of Honour in 1896.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

The London And North-Eastern Railway (LNER) Service To Edinburgh, Scotland. "The Flying Scotsman".

Illustration: PINTEREST

The following Text is from FLYING SCOTSMAN

The Locomotive was built in Doncaster, Yorkshire, becoming the first Locomotive of the newly-formed London and North Eastern Railway (LNER). It left the Works on 24 February 1923 with number 1472. It was designed by Sir Nigel Gresley as part of The A1-Class – the most powerful Locomotives used by The LNER at that time.

By 1924, when it was selected to appear at The British Empire Exhibition in London, the Loco had been renumbered 4472 – and had been given the name ‘Flying Scotsman’ after The London to Edinburgh Rail Service which started daily at 10 a.m., in 1862.

The British Empire Exhibition made Flying Scotsman famous, and it went on to feature in many more publicity events for The LNER. In 1928, it was given a new type of Tender, with a Corridor, which meant that a new crew could take over without stopping the Train. This allowed it to haul the first ever non-stop London to Edinburgh service on 1 May, reducing the journey time to eight hours.

In 1934, The Flying Scotsman was clocked at 100 mph on a special test run – officially the first Locomotive in The UK to have reached that speed.

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Daily Traditional Latin Masses At Saint Mary's Church, Norwalk, Connecticut. Deo Gratias.

Saint Mary's Church, Norwalk, Connecticut, United States of America.
This File: 12 January 2014.
User: Dvdlm.
Source: Own work.
Author: Dvdlm.

The Society of Saint Hugh of Cluny announce that, starting tomorrow, Saint Mary's Church, Norwalk, Connecticut, will offer a Daily Traditional Latin Low Mass, Monday through Friday, at 07:30 hrs in the morning. 

The Saint Mary's Church Web-Site is HERE

Saint Mary's also has a 1800 hrs Traditional Mass on Wednesday evenings, and a 0900 hrs Traditional Mass on Saturday morning, and a 0930 hrs Solemn Traditional Mass on Sunday mornings..

There are many special Traditional Masses scheduled for Feast Days in September throughout the Tri-State Area. 

 See The Society of Saint Hugh of Cluny Web-Site for more details. The Web-Site is HERE

Saint Laurence Justinian. Bishop. Confessor. Feast Day 5 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Laurence Justinian.
   Bishop and Confessor.
   Feast Day 5 September.


White Vestments.

San Lorenzo Giustiniani adoring The Baby Jesus.
Private Neapolitan collection.
Artist: Luca Giordano (1632–1705).
Date: 17th-Century.
Author: Luca Giordano (1632–1705).
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Laurence, born in Venice, Italy, in the 15th-Century, of the illustrious family of Giustiniani, preferred the severe austerities of The Cloister to a glorious alliance arranged for him by his mother.

Looking at a Crucifix, he exclaimed: "It is Thou, O Lord, Who art my hope, and in Thee is consolation and strength." He then entered among The Canons of Saint George of Alga.

All his life, he practised the greatest austerity and it was chiefly in assiduous Prayer that he was inflamed with ardent love for God and devotion to his neighbour. He was called by Pope Eugenius IV to share in the full power of Christ's Priesthood: He was made Patriarch of Grado, but, Transferring the See to Venice, in 1451, he became the first Patriarch of this City.

He died in 1455, saying: "I am going to Thee, O Good Jesus."

Mass: Státuit.

Artist: Gentile Bellini (1429–1507).
Date: 1465.
Current location: Accademia of Venice, Italy.
This File: 15 July 2007.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Lawrence Giustiniani, C.R.S.A. (Italian: Lorenzo Giustiniani, 1 July 1381 – 8 January 1456), is Venerated as a Saint by The Catholic Church. He was a Canon Regular, who was appointed as a Bishop and became the first Patriarch of Venice.

He was a member of the well-known Giustiniani family, which includes several Saints. The piety of his mother seems to have served as an inspiration for his own Spirituality, as he chose of a life of Prayer and Service. In 1404, after he had been Ordained a Deacon, at the suggestion of an uncle who was a Priest, he joined a Community of Secular Canons following a Monastic form of life on the Island of San Giorgio in Alga. He was admired by his fellows for his poverty, mortification, and fervency of Prayer. Two years after his Ordination to The Catholic Priesthood, in 1407, the Community accepted The Rule of Saint Augustine. He was chosen to be the first Prior of the Community.

Giustiniani promoted the Constitutions which he had established for the Canons of Saint George, which was embraced by other Communities of Canons in the region, and, shortly thereafter, he became the Prior General of a Congregation. He was so zealous in spreading it that he was looked upon as if he were the actual Founder of The Order.

In 1433, Pope Eugene IV, one of the Founders of the Monastery of San Giorgio, named Giustiniani as the Bishop of Castello. He found a Diocese in shambles, and his Administration was marked by considerable growth and reform. In 1451, Pope Nicholas V united the Diocese of Castello with the Patriarchate of Grado, and the Seat of the Patriarchate was moved to Venice, making Giustiniani the first Patriarch of Venice, a Post that he held for over four years.

It was during Giustiniani's rule that Constantinople fell to Muslim forces. Due to their Centuries of close trading partnerships with the Byzantine Empire, the people of Venice were in panic as to their future. He took a leading role in helping the Republic of Venice to deal with the crisis, working with the Senate to help chart its future, as well as with the Clergy and people to calm them.

He died on 8 January 8 1456, and was Canonised by Pope Alexander VIII (1689–1691). His works, consisting of Sermons, Letters and ascetic Treatises, have been frequently reprinted.

Pope Innocent XII (1691–1700) inserted his Feast Day in The General Roman Calendar for Celebration on 5 September, the Anniversary of his elevation to the Episcopate.



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Monday 4 September 2017

Margate, Kent, Traditional Latin Mass Attendances At Saint Austin And Saint Gregory Are Increasing Exponentially. Deo Gratias !!!

"I see that Fr. Finigan's Congregations at The Traditional Latin Mass at 1130 hrs, every Sunday,
at Saint Austin and Saint Gregory, Margate, Kent, are increasing exponentially".
Illustration: TWITTER
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