Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Friday 22 September 2017

This Will Be The Third Time That A Latin Missa Cantata Has Been Celebrated In This Mediaeval Church Since 1538.

Saint Augustine's Church, 
Snave, Ashford, Kent.

A Latin Missa Cantata will be Celebrated here on Saturday, 23 September 2017, 1200 hrs.
Travel Directions are given, below.
It is possible that a small private Chapel stood on this site before the present building was commenced in the Late-13th-Century. The East End is unusual in that The Lady Chapel
(more recently used as a school room) vies for importance with The Chancel.
Declared redundant in 1983, Saint Augustine's Church is now entirely maintained by
The Romney Marsh Historic Churches Trust.
Text: © 2014 Joan Campbell.
Photograph: © 2014 John Hendy.

Missa Cantata at Saint Augustine's, Snave (near Ashford, Kent), 
September 2015.

The first time in 477 years that a Latin Sung Mass (Missa Cantata) had been Celebrated

in this beautiful Mediaeval Church on Romney Marsh, Kent, England.
On Saturday, 23 September 2017, 1200 hrs, there will be Celebrated another
Missa Cantata at this lovely Church.

The Latin Mass Society returns to Snave
for a Missa Cantata, at 12 Noon,
Saturday, 23 September 2017

(Ember Saturday).
Celebrant is Monsignor Antony Conlon.

Music will be supplied by
The Victoria Consort.
For those unfamiliar with the
superb quality of their singing, a CD,
is available to purchase from the LMS

Saint Augustine's Church is one of the Mediaeval Churches now in the care of
The Romney Marsh Historic Churches Trust (Link is external), who have kindly given permission for us to celebrate The Mass there.

Light refreshments will be served after Mass.

Missa Cantata.

Saint Augustine's Church,
Snave, Ashford, Kent TN26 2QJ.

23 September 2017,
1200 hrs.

Monsignor Antony Conlon.


The Victoria Consort.
Dominic Bevan.

Further Details:

Mrs. Marygold Turner
01580 291372.

Travel Directions to Saint Augustine's Church,
Snave (near Ashford), Kent TN26 2QJ.

By Road.
Leave the M20 at Junction 10.
Follow the A2070 towards Hastings.
After, approx, 9.3 miles, take the Slip Road
to the LEFT 
(signposted "SNAVE").

At the Post-Box (on your LEFT),
TURN LEFT, and you have arrived
at the Church.
(N.B. Google Maps mark the destination
as "Manor Farm")

By Rail.
Frequent Trains from Saint Pancras International Railway Station, London, going to ASHFORD INTERNATIONAL.
Then take a Taxi to SNAVE.

Permission for this Mass at Saint Augustine's Church, 
Snave, Ashford, Kent,

has been kindly given by 

 From The Latin Mass Society.

Missa Cantata in Saint Augustine's,
Snave (near Ashford), Kent TN26 2QJ.
Saturday, 23 September 2017.
1200 hrs.

Snave is one of a group of Mediaeval Churches built to serve very small communities on Romney Marsh, in Kent. Now redundant, they are in the care of The Romney Marsh Historic Churches Trust, who have kindly given permission for us to Celebrate Mass on Saturday, 23 September 2017, Feast of Pope Saint Linus, and, also, Ember Saturday in September) at 12 noon.

Last year (2016) was the second time that a Latin Mass had been Celebrated in the Church since Reformation times. We are delighted to be able to return this year.

Missa Cantata.
Saint Augustine's Church,
Snave, Ashford, Kent TN26 2QJ.

23 September 2017,
1200 hrs.

Monsignor Antony Conlon.

The Victoria Consort.
Dominic Bevan.

Further Details:
Mrs. Marygold Turner
01580 291372.

Permission for this Mass at Saint Augustine's Church,
Snave, Ashford, Kent, has been kindly given by

Saint Thomas Of Villanova. Bishop And Confessor. Feast Day 22 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Thomas Of Villanova.
   Bishop And Confessor.
   Feast Day 22 September.


White Vestments.

Saint Thomas of Villanova.
Artist: Simone Cantarini (1612-1648).
Date: First half of the 17th-Century.
Current location: Pinacoteca Civica, Fano, Italy.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Thomas was born in Spain in the 15th-Century. From his earliest childhood he had the tenderest compassion for The Poor. Having entered The Order of Hermits of Saint Augustine, he was soon made Superior, and, after having refused the Archbishopric of Granada, he was forced to accept that of Valencia.

He thus shared in the Eternal Priesthood of Christ (Introit, Epistle, Gradual, Offertory). He spent on The Poor the large revenues of his Church, and, on the day of his death, in 1555, he gave away his last Penny, and died on a bed which did not even belong to him.

The Church, therefore, Celebrates especially in this Pontiff "his extraordinary Charity towards The Poor" (Collect, Antiphon of The Benedictus).

Mass: Státuit.
Secret: Sancti Thomae.
Postcommunion: Deus fidélium.
Commemoration of Saint Maurice and Companions.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Saint Thomas of Villanova O.S.A. (1488–1555) was a Spanish Friar of The Order of Saint Augustine, who was a noted Preacher, Ascetic and Religious Writer of his day. He became an Archbishop, who was famous for the extent of his care for The Poor of his See.

Thursday 21 September 2017

Saint Matthew. Apostle And Evangelist. Feast Day, Today, 21 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Matthew. 
   Apostle And Evangelist. 
   Feast Day 21 September.

Double of The Second-Class.

Red Vestments.

English: The Inspiration of Saint Matthew.
Français: L'Inspiration de saint Matthieu.
Date: 1602.
Current location: Contarelli Chapel, Church of San Luigi dei Francesi, Rome, Italy.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Artist: Rene de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

We read in the Gospel, Saint Matthew's own account of his conversion. The Epistle describes the famous vision, where Ezechiel saw four symbolical animals, which, from earliest Centuries, have been recognised as types of The Four Evangelists.

Saint Matthew is represented by the animal with a human face, because he commences his Gospel by tracing the human descent of Jesus. His object in writing this book, which is stamped by true wisdom (Introit), was to prove that Jesus realised The Prophecies relating to The Deliverance of Israel and that He is, therefore, The Messias.

After Pentecost, The Apostle Preached The Good News in Palestine and in Ethiopia, where he was Martyred.

The name of Saint Matthew is in The Canon of The Mass, in the group of The Apostles.

Every Parish Priest Celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.

Mass: Os justi.
Epistle: Similitudo vultus.
Preface: Of The Holy Apostles.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Ember Wednesday In September. And Rogation Days.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Ember Wednesday In September.
   20 September.

Station at Saint Mary Major, Rome.

Violet Vestments.

The Four Seasons of the Year begin with the Liturgical periods known as Ember Weeks. They are known since the 5th-Century A.D., but they were fixed to their present dates by Pope Saint Gregory VII in the 12th-Century.

The Ember Days are Three Fast Days, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, intended to Consecrate to God the various Seasons in Nature, and to prepare those who are about to be Ordained.

The Gospel recalls Gabriel's mission to Mary to inform her that she was about to become The Mother of God.

No human voice, but an Angel's, must make known the Mystery of such message. Today, for the first time, are heard the words: "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee." They are heard and believed. "Behold," says Mary, "the handmaid of The Lord, be it done to me according to thy word" (Third Lesson). During seven Centuries, now, Isaias had foretold this Virgin Motherhood (Epistle, Communion).

Rogation Days. Circa 1950:
The Vicar and Sunday School Children go out into the fields to Bless the Crops.
The little boy is carrying a symbolic Tree of Plenty.
Picture Credit: Hulton Archive/Getty Images.
Illustration: ABOUT RELIGION

As on other Wednesdays in Ember Weeks, The Station is held at Saint Mary Major, Rome.

The Prophet Amos had foretold in the 8th-Century B.C., the destruction of The Kingdom of Israel and its coming restoration (Lesson). Later on, indeed, Nehemias and Esdras brought back the captives from Babylon and rebuilt Jerusalem. When this work was completed, they all assembled on the first day of the seventh month, when Esdras read to them The Law of Moses and said: "This is The Holy Day of The Lord, be not sad for The Joy of The Lord is our strength" (Epistle and Communion).

The Wednesday in September Ember Week, which month was formerly, as its name shows, the seventh month of the year, recalls this joyous Anniversary, which was a figure of our redemption by Jesus; indeed, the Introit tells us to be thrilled with joy in God our Protector..

This joy is accompanied by the Spirit of Penitence, expressed in the Violet Vestments used, and The Church Prays that we, depriving ourselves of bodily nourishment, may also abstain from sins of the mind (Collect). The Gospel, indeed, speaks of the impure spirit which can only be dispelled by Prayer and Fasting.

Having fallen into sin through our weakness, let us Pray and Fast, that God may give a remedy by His merciful help (Collect before The Lesson).

Mass: Exsultáte Deo.
Preface: Common Preface.

Rogation Days.

Rogation Days, like their distant cousins, The Ember Days, are days set aside to observe
a change in the Seasons. Rogation Days are tied to the Spring planting. There are
Four Rogation Days: The Major Rogation, which falls on 25 April, and Three Minor Rogations, which are Celebrated on the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday immediately
before Ascension Thursday.

For an Abundant Harvest.

As The Catholic Encyclopedia notes, Rogation Days are "Days of Prayer, and formerly,
also of Fasting, instituted by The Church to appease God's anger at man's transgressions,
to ask protection in calamities, and to obtain a good and bountiful harvest."

Illustration: ABOUT RELIGION

Origin of the Word.

Rogation is simply an English form of the Latin "Rogatio", which comes from the verb "Rogare", which means "to ask." The primary purpose of The Rogation Days is to ask God to Bless the fields and the Parish (the geographic area) that they fall in.
The Major Rogation likely replaced the Roman feast of "Robigalia", on which
(The Catholic Encyclopedia notes) "the heathens held processions and supplications to
their gods." While the Romans directed their prayers for good weather and an abundant harvest
to a variety of gods, the Christians made the Tradition their own, by replacing Roman
polytheism with monotheism, and directing their Prayers to God.
By the time of Pope Saint Gregory the Great (540 A.D. - 604 A.D.),
the Christianised Rogation Days were already considered an ancient custom.

The Litany, Procession, and Mass.

The Rogation Days were marked by the recitation of The Litany of The Saints, which would
normally begin in, or at, a Church. After Saint Mary was invoked, the Congregation would
proceed to walk the boundaries of the Parish, while reciting the rest of The Litany (and repeating
it as necessary or supplementing it with some of The Penitential or Gradual Psalms). Thus,
the entire Parish would be Blessed, and the boundaries of the Parish would be marked. The procession would end with a Rogation Mass, in which all in the Parish were expected to take part.

Sunday School Children Celebrate Rogation Day in 1953.
A photo at Market Lavington Museum, Wiltshire, England.

Like The Ember Days, Rogation Days were removed from The Liturgical Calendar when it was revised in 1969, coinciding with the introduction of The Mass of Paul VI (The Novus Ordo).
Parishes can still Celebrate them, though very few in The United States do; but, in portions of Europe, The Major Rogation is still Celebrated with a Procession. As The Western World has become more industrialised, Rogation Days and Ember Days, focused as they are on agriculture and the changes of the Seasons, have seemed less "relevant." Still, they are good ways to keep us in touch with nature and to remind us that The Church's Liturgical Calendar is tied to the changing Seasons.

Celebrating The Rogation Days.

If your Parish does not celebrate The Rogation Days, there's nothing to stop you from Celebrating them yourself. You can mark the Days by reciting The Litany of The Saints. And, while many
modern Parishes, especially in The United States, have boundaries that are too extensive to walk,
you could learn where those boundaries are and walk a portion of them, getting to know your surroundings, and maybe your neighbours, in the process. Finish it all off by attending
daily Mass and Praying for good weather and a fruitful harvest.

Saint Michael's Church, Bunwell, Norfolk, England, has always been the centre of Village Life.
In this picture, taken on Rogation Sunday, April 1967, the Rector, Rev. Samuel Collins,
followed by the Choir, Parishioners, and The New Buckenham Silver Band, walk
The Parish Boundaries and pause to Bless the stream.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

In The Liturgical Calendar of The Western Christian Churches, Ember Days are four separate Sets of Three Days within the same Week — specifically, the Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday — roughly equidistant in the circuit of the Year, that are set aside for Fasting and Prayer.

These Days set apart for Special Prayer and Fasting were considered especially suitable for The Ordination of Clergy. The Ember Days are known in Latin as the "quattuor anni tempora" (the "Four Seasons of The Year"), or, formerly, as the "jejunia quattuor temporum" ("Fasts of The Four Seasons").

The Four Quarterly Periods, during which The Ember Days fall, are called The Embertides.

The Vigil Of Saint Matthew. Apostle And Evangelist. 20 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

The Vigil Of Saint Matthew. 
   Apostle And Evangelist. 
   20 September.


Violet Vestments.

English: The Inspiration of Saint Matthew.
Français: L'Inspiration de saint Matthieu.
Date: 1602.
Current location: Contarelli Chapel, Church of San Luigi dei Francesi, Rome, Italy.
(Wikimedia Commons)

In order to honour the high dignity of The Apostles (Secret), The Church prepares us for their Feasts by a Vigil. She therefore Commemorates on this day Saint Matthew by special Collects and by The Last Gospel of The Mass in which Saint Luke relates the call of this Apostle.

A Galilean by birth, his name before his conversion was Levi; he was a publican. This profession was that of a collector of The Roman Taxes and was very odious to the Jews, who were thus reminded of their dependence.

Generally harsh and greedy, the publican was considered by the Pharisees to be the type of the sinner. Wherefore The Church shows us Jesus as the healer of Souls whom He calls to Penance (Gospel).

Mass: Ego autem.

Saint Eustace And His Companions. Martyrs. Feast Day 20 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Eustace And His Companions. 
   Feast Day 20 September.


Red Vestments.

English: Saint Eustace.
Français: Saint Eustace.
Русский: Евстафий Плакида.
Date: 17th-Century.
Author: Anonymous.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Eustace, also called Placidus, was illustrious at Rome, for his birth, his riches, and his Military valour. "One day," says the Legend, "while he was hunting a stag of extraordinary size, the animal suddenly turned and between its horns was seen a Crucifix."

Called by The Saviour, Eustace henceforth only pursued immortal life and, with his wife and two children, he enrolled himself in The Christian Militia. The Benedictine Abbey of Subiaco possessed for a long time the mountain where, according to Tradition, was shown the spot where the apparition had taken place.

Made a General in the Army by The Emperor Trajan, Eustace returned victorious from an expedition, but, having refused to thank the gods for this triumph, he was arrested and exposed to the Lions with his wife and children. The wild beasts, however, did them no harm.

"They were then shut up in a red-hot brazen bull," declares The Martyrology. "and their Martyrdom was completed by this torture." This was under Emperor Hadrian in 120 A.D.

Saint Eustace is one of The Fourteen Auxiliary Saints (see The Feast Day for 25 July).

Mass: Sapiéntiam.
Commemoration: Of The Vigil of Saint Matthew.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Solemn Pontifical Mass. Cathedral Basilica Of Saints Peter And Paul. Philadelphia. The Feast Of The Exaltation Of The Holy Cross. Thanksgiving For Summorum Pontificum.

This Article, by Gregory Dipippo, 
is taken from, and can be read in full at,

Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, Philadelphia, United States of America.

Solemn Pontifical Mass at The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, Philadelphia,
for The Feast of The Exaltation of The Holy Cross.
The Celebrant was His Excellency Bishop Joseph Perry, Auxiliary of Chicago.

The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, Head Church of The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia. It was built from 1846-1864 and was designed by Napoleon LeBrun – from original plans by Reverends Mariano Muller and John B. Tornatore – with the Dome and Palladian facade designed by John Notman and Rev. John T. Mahoney added after 1850. The Interior was largely decorated by Constantino Brumidi. The Cathedral is the largest Catholic Church in
Pennsylvania, and was listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places in 1971.
(Source: Philadelphia Architecture: A Guide to the City (2nd ed.)
Photo: 3 May 2013.
Source:  Own work.
Author: Beyond My Ken.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Januarius And His Companions. Martyrs. Feast Day 19 September.

English: The Martyrdom of Saint Januarius in the Amphitheatre at Pozzuoli.
Artist: Artemisia Gentileschi (1593–1653).
Date: Circa 1636.
Current location: Cathedral in PozzuoliNaplesItaly.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Januarius (San Gennaro) and his Companions.
   Feast Day 19 September.


Red Vestments.

"At Pozzuoli, in Campania, Italy," says The Roman Martyrology, "The Feast of The Holy Martyrs, Januarius (San Gennaro), Bishop of Beneventum, Festus (his Deacon), Desiderius (his Lector), Socius (a Deacon of The Church at Misenum, Proculus (a Deacon of Pozzuoli, Eutychius, and Acutius, who, after having been bound with chains, were cast into prison and beheaded, under Emperor Diocletian (305 A.D.).

The body of Saint Januarius was taken to Naples and honourably buried in the Church where his blood is still preserved in a glass phial. When the phial is placed near the head of The Holy Martyr, the blood liquefies and bubbles as if it had just been shed."

This Miracle, known as The Miracle of Saint Januarius, still takes place. The blood, contained in two glass phials where it is coagulated into a dark-red mass, increases in volume and weight; on liquefying, it becomes bright-red, while the surface is covered with bubbles, wherefore it is said to boil.

The Miracle takes place three times a year: During the Feast of May, lasting nine days, from the First Sunday in the Month; in September, during eight days, from 19 September to 26 September; and on 16 December.

Mass: Salus autem.
Gospel: Sedénte Jesu.

Monday 18 September 2017

Bishops Consecrate Scotland To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus And To The Immaculate Heart Of Mary.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,

The Archbishop of Glasgow, Philip Tartaglia.
Illustration: FSSPX NEWS

Several thousand Faithful gathered in Carfin, Scotland, as the Bishops Consecrated their Country to The Sacred Heart of Jesus and The Immaculate Heart of Mary.

"We Consecrate Scotland to You; all that we have, all that we love, all that we are. To You, we give our minds and hearts, our bodies and Souls".

Such were the terms of the Solemn Act, read by The Scottish Bishops on 3 September 2017, after a Forty Days of Preparation Campaign.

Bishop John Keenan, of Paisley, explained to The Catholic Herald Newspaper that The Laity had begun the initiative for the Consecration. They had sent “continual Letters” asking that Scotland be Consecrated, in the spirit of The Consecration of Russia that Our Lady requested in Fatima, Portugal, one hundred years ago.

Saint Joseph Of Cupertino. Confessor. Feast Day, Today, 18 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Joseph of Cupertino.
   Feast Day 18 September.


White Vestments.

English: Saint Joseph of Cupertino is lifted in flight at the sight of The Basilica of Loreto,
Italiano: S. Giuseppe da Copertino si eleva in volo alla vista della Basilica di Loreto.
Artist: Ludovico Mazzanti (1686-1775).
Date: 18th-Century.
Current location: Church of Saint Joseph of Cupertino, Osimo, Italy.
(Wikimedia Commons)

A humble son of Saint Francis, whose Stigmata we Commemorated yesterday, Saint Joseph also glorifies The Cross of Jesus, which The Liturgy exalted, recently, on 14 September (The Exaltation of The Holy Cross).

Like the Seraphic Patriarch, he strove to remain attached to The Cross by absolute Poverty, heroic Obedience, and Virginal Purity.

Such was his spirit of sacrifice and Prayer, that he accepted with Holy Patience and great serenity to be misunderstood and calumniated (Offertory). Wherefore, God, Who exalts the humble, caused him to pass from the rank of Brother to that of Clerk and to be made a Priest.

He wrought such Miracles that he implored Heaven to withdraw from him the remarkable powers with which he was endowed. He died a Holy Death at Osimo, Italy, in 1663.

Mass: Diléctio Dei.
Gospel: Loquebátur Jesus.

This Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Joseph of Cupertino, O.F.M. Conv. (Italian: Giuseppe da Copertino) (17 June 1603 – 18 September 1663) was an Italian Conventual Franciscan Friar who is honoured as a Christian Mystic and Saint. He was said to be prone to miraculous levitation and intense ecstatic visions that left him gaping.

English: The Nave of the Basilica Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari,
Venice, Italy. Altarpiece:The Miracle of Saint Joseph of Cupertino.
Français: La partie droite de la nef de la Basilique Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari.
Tableau du retable : Le miracle de Joseph de Cupertinopar Giuseppe Nogari.
Italiano: Il lato destro della navata della Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari.
Pala d'altare : Il miracolo di Giuseppe da Copertino daGiuseppe Nogari.
Artist: Giuseppe Nogari.
Giuseppe Nogari (1699–1766).
Photo: 30 May 2016.
Source: Own work.Author: Didier Descouens.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Sunday 17 September 2017

The Impression Of The Stigmata of Saint Francis. Confessor. Feast Day 17 September.

English: Saint Francis of Assisi.
Polski: Św. Franciszek z Asyżu.
Artist: Cigoli (1559–1613).
Date: 1597-1599.
Current location: Hermitage Museum,
Saint Petersburg, Russia.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

The Impression of The Stigmata of Saint Francis.
   Feast Day 17 September.


White Vestments.

Two years before his death, Saint Francis retired to Mount Alverno, Italy, where he began a Fast of Forty Days in honour of Saint Michael The Archangel. And lo ! In the midst of his Meditations, he saw a figure, like a Seraphim, with six wings dazzling and burning, whose feet and hands were nailed to a Cross.

Aware that suffering is incompatible with the immortality of a Seraphic Spirit, he understood this to mean that he would become more like Jesus and bear his Cross after Him (Gospel), not by physical Martyrdom, but by a Mystical kindling of Divine Love.

English: Basilica of Saint Francis, 
Assisi, Italy.
Photo: 7 March 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Berthold Werner.
(Wikimedia Commons)

And, in order that this Crucified Love might become an example to us all, five wounds, resembling those of Jesus on The Cross, appeared on his feet, hands, and side. From his side, blood flowed abundantly.

The facts were so fully authenticated, later, that Pope Benedict XI ordered them to be Commemorated every year, and Pope Paul V, to kindle in The Faithful The Love of Jesus Crucified, extended The Feast to the whole Church.

Mass: As on The Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi on 4 October, except Proper Collects and Gospel.
Gospel: Si quis vult.

Zephyrinus Visits Friends For The Week-End.

Illustration: PINTEREST

Saturday 16 September 2017

Saints Euphemia, Lucy, And Geminianus. Martyrs. Feast Day 16 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saints Euphemia, Lucy, And Geminianus. 
   Feast Day 16 September.


Red Vestments.

"At Chalcedon," says The Roman Martyrology, "the birth in Heaven of Saint Euphemia, Virgin and Martyr, who was condemned to the wild beasts." This happened in 307 A.D.

"At Rome, The Holy Martyrs Lucy, a noble lady, and Geminianus, who were beheaded by order of Emperor Diocletian, about 300 A.D.

Mass: Intret.

Saint Cornelius And Saint Cyprian. Bishops And Martyrs. Feast Day 16 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Cornelius And Saint Cyprian.
   Bishops And Martyrs.
   Feast Day 16 September.


Red Vestments.

English: Saint Cornelius.
Pope and Martyr.
Deutsch: Ausstattung der ehemaligen Seitenaltäre der Meßkircher St. Martinskirche, Standflügel:Heiliger Cornelius als Papst und Märtyrer.
Artist: Meister von Meßkirch (1500–1543).
Date: 1535-1540.
Current location: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany.
Source/Photographer: Eingescannt aus: Anna Moraht-Fromm und Hans Westhoff:
Der Meister von Meßkirch – Forschungen zur südwestdeutschen
Malerei des 16. Jahrhunderts, Ulm, 1997, S. 190, links.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Cornelius was a Roman and was Sovereign Pontiff under the Emperors Gallus and Volusian. He had to oppose Novatian, the first Anti-Pope. He took from the Catacomb of Saint Sebastian, where they had rested some forty years, the bodies of the Apostles Peter and Paul and Translated them to the places where they had suffered Martyrdom.

He was arrested by order of the Emperors and beheaded in 253 A.D.

English: Saint Cyprian.
Bishop and Martyr.
Deutsch: Ausstattung der ehemaligen Seitenaltäre der Meßkircher 
St. Martinskirche,
Standflügel:als Bischof und Märtyrer.
Artist: Meister von Meßkirch (1500–1543).
Date: 1535-1540.
Current location: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany.
Source/Photographer: Eingescannt aus: Anna Moraht-Fromm und Hans Westhoff:
Der Meister von Meßkirch – Forschungen zur südwestdeutschen
Malerei des 16. Jahrhunderts, Ulm, 1997, S. 190, rechts.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Cyprian was a Barrister at Carthage, when he was converted to Christianity. A short time afterwards, he was Ordained a Priest and became Bishop of Carthage. "It would be superfluous," says Saint Jerome, "to speak of his genius, since his works are more brilliant than the Sun."

This illustrious Father of The Latin Church lived in one of the most troublous periods for The Church in Africa. He was Martyred five years after Saint Cornelius on the day when this Holy Pope's remains were Translated to Rome. That explains why their names are united by The Liturgy of The Canon of The Mass (First List).

Mass: Intret; of several Martyrs.
Commemoration of The Holy Martyrs: Saints Euphemia, Lucy, and Geminianus.

Friday 15 September 2017

The Seven Sorrows Of The Blessed Virgin Mary. Feast Day 15 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Seven Sorrows of The Blessed Virgin Mary.
   Feast Day 15 September.

Double of The Second-Class.

White Vestments.

Artist: Rene de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

The Sorrowful Mother.
Illustration: OUR LADY'S TEARS

Mary stood at The Foot of The Cross where Jesus was hanging (Introit, Gradual, Alleluia, Sequence, Gospel) and, as Simeon had Prophesied (Collect), a Sword of Sorrow pierced her Soul (Secret). Powerless, "she saw her Sweet Child desolate in the anguish of death, and she received His Last Breath" (Sequence).

The compassion which her Maternal Heart felt at The Foot of The Cross obtained for her as its reward The Palm of Martyrdom without death (Communion).

This Feast was Celebrated with great Solemnity by The Servites in the 17th-Century. In 1817, it was extended by Pope Pius VII to the whole Church, so as to recall the sufferings she had undergone in the person of her exiled and captive head [Editor: The Pope], delivered by the protection of The Blessed Virgin.

Our Lady of Sorrows.
Artist: Simon Vouet (1590 - 1649).
Illustration: PINTEREST

Just as the first Feast of The Sorrows of Mary, in Passiontide, shows us how she had her share in The Sacrifice of Jesus, the second Feast, in The Season after Pentecost, tells us of all the compassion which The Mother of The Saviour feels for The Church, The Spouse of Jesus, who is crucified in her turn [Editor: The Church] and whose Devotion to The Sorrows of Mary increases in these calamitous times.

His Holiness Pope Saint Pius X, in 1908, raised this Feast to the Rank of a Solemnity of The Second-Class.

Mass: Stabant juxta crucem.
Sequence: Stabat Mater.
Commemoration: (Low Mass) Saint Nicomedes (Martyr).

Saint Nicomedes. Martyr. Feast Day, Today, 15 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Nicomedes.
   Feast Day 15 September.


Red Vestments.

"At Rome," says The Roman Martyrology, "on The Nomentanian Way, the birth in Heaven of Blessed Nicomedes, Priest and Martyr."

Having said to those who tried to force him to sacrifice: "For me, I only sacrifice to The All-Powerful God, Who reigns in Heaven", he was beaten with thongs covered with Lead and, during this long torture, he gave up his Soul to God.

He died in the First-Century A.D., under the Emperor Domitian.

Mass: In virtute.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Saint Nicomedes was a Martyr of unknown era, whose feast is observed 15 September.

The Roman Martyrologium and the historical Martyrologies of Bede and his imitators place the Feast on this date. The Gregorian Sacramentary contains under the same date The Orations for his Mass. The name does not appear in the three oldest and most important Manuscripts of The Martyrologium Hieronymianum, but was inserted in later recensions ("Martyrol. Hieronymianum", ed. G. B. de Rossi-L. Duchesne, in Acta SS., November II, 121). The Saint is without doubt a Martyr of The Roman Church.

He was buried in a Catacomb on The Via Nomentana, near the Gate of that name. Three 7th-Century A.D., Itineraries make explicit reference to his grave, and Pope Adrian I restored the Church built over it (De Rossi, Roma Sotterranea, I, 178-79).

A Titular Church of Rome, mentioned in the 5th-Century A.D., was Dedicated to him (titulus S. Nicomedis). The Feast of The Dedication of his Church on 1 June, alongside the 15 September Feast of his Martyrdom, were included in The Sarum Rite Calendars, but only the 1 June Feast Day was carried over into The Anglican Book of Common Prayer as a 'Lesser Holy Day' or 'Black-Letter Day'.

Nothing is known of the circumstances of his death. The legend of the Martyrdom of Saints Nereus and Achilleus introduces him as a Presbyter and places his death at the end of the 1st-Century A.D. Other recensions of the Martyrdom of Saint Nicomedes ascribe the sentence of death to The Emperor Maximianus (beginning of the 4th-Century A.D.).

The Seven Sorrows Of The Blessed Virgin Mary. Feast Day 15 September.

The Seven Sorrows of The Virgin.
Artist: Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528).
Date: Circa 1496.
Current location: Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Germany.
Source/Photographer: Web Gallery of Art.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Thursday 14 September 2017

Cassini Flies To A Fiery Death On Saturn.

This montage of images of Saturn's System was prepared from an assemblage of images
taken by the Voyager 1 Spacecraft during its Saturn encounter in November 1980.
This artist's view shows Dione in the forefront, Saturn rising behind,
Tethys and Mimas 
fading in the distance to the Right,
Enceladus and Rhea off Saturn's Rings 
to the Left, and Titan in its distant orbit at the top.
The Voyager Project is managed for NASA by The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California.
Date: 17 November 1980.
Author: NASA.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Cassini Flies Towards A Fiery Death On Saturn.
Available from The New York Times at

The following Text is from THE NEW YORK TIMES.

The Cassini Spacecraft, that has orbited Saturn for the last thirteen years, would weigh 4,685 pounds on Earth and, at twenty-two feet high, is somewhat longer and wider than a small moving van tipped on its end. Bristling with cameras, antennas and other sensors, it is one of the most complex and sophisticated Spy Robots ever set loose in Interplanetary Space.

On Friday morning, 15 September 2017, the whole World will hear it die.

At The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in California, the scientists of The Cassini Mission will figuratively ride their creation down into oblivion in the clouds of Saturn. They will be collecting data on the makeup of the Planet’s butterscotch clouds until the last bitter moment, when the Spacecraft succumbs to the heat and pressure of atmospheric entry and becomes a Meteor.

So will end a decades-long journey of discovery and wonder.
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