Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Monday 23 September 2019

Saint Linus. Pope And Martyr. Feast Day, Today, 23 September.

Text from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

English: The Cupola of the Basilica of Saint Peter, Rome.
Italiano: Città del Vaticano - Cupola della Basilica di S. Pietro.
Photo: January 2006.
Source: Own work.
Author: MarkusMark
(Wikimedia Commons)

Pope Linus (+ 79 A.D.)
Date: Copied from en: to he: by he:User:Ches
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Pope Linus (+ 79 A.D.) was, according to several early sources, the second Bishop of Rome and is listed by The Catholic Church as the second Pope.

His Papacy lasted from circa 67 A.D., to his death, circa 79 A.D. According to other early sources, Pope Clement I was the second Pope; per the Annuario Pontificio, Clement was the fourth Pope. Among those considered by The Catholic Church to have held the position of Pope, only Clement, Linus and Peter are specifically mentioned in The New Testament.

The earliest witness, to Linus's status as Bishop, was Irenaeus, who, about the year 180 A.D., wrote: "The Blessed Apostles, then, having Founded and built up The Church, committed into the hands of Linus, The Office of The Episcopate."

The Oxford Dictionary of Popes interprets Irenaeus as classifying Linus as the First Bishop of Rome. Linus is presented, by Saint Jerome, as "the first, after Peter, to be in charge of The Roman Church", and, by Eusebius, as "the first to receive the Episcopate of The Church at Rome, after the Martyrdom of Saint Peter and Saint Paul". Saint John Chrysostom wrote: "This Linus, some say, was second Bishop of The Church of Rome, after Peter", while The Liberian Catalogue presents Peter as the first Bishop of Rome and Linus as his successor in the same Office.

The Liber Pontificalis also presents a List that makes Linus the second in the Line of Bishops of Rome, after Peter, while also stating that Peter Ordained two Bishops, Linus and Cletus, for the Priestly Service of the Community, devoting himself instead to Prayer and Preaching, and that it was to Clement that he entrusted The Church as a whole, appointing him as his successor.

Tertullian, too, wrote of Clement as the successor of Peter. Jerome classified Clement as "the fourth Bishop of Rome, after Peter" (i.e., fourth in a series that included Peter), adding that, "most of the Latins think that Clement was second after The Apostle."

The Apostolic Constitutions denote that Linus, who was Ordained by Paul, was the first Bishop of Rome and was succeeded by Clement, who was Ordained by Peter. Cletus is considered Linus's successor by Irenaeus, and the others cited above, who present Linus either as the first Bishop of Rome or, if they give Peter as the first, as the second.

The Liberian Catalogue and The Liber Pontificalis date Linus's Episcopate to 56 A.D. – 67 A.D., during the Reign of Nero, but Jerome dates it to 67 A.D. – 78 A.D., and Eusebius puts the end of his Episcopate at the second year of the Reign of Titus (80 A.D.).

Irenaeus identifies Linus with the Linus mentioned in 2 Timothy 4:21 as an associate of The Apostle Paul. Others, of the sources mentioned above, say the same.

According to The Liber Pontificalis, Linus was an Italian, born in Volterra, in the Tuscany Region. His father's name was recorded as Herculanus. The Apostolic Constitutions name his mother as Claudia (immediately after the name "Linus", in 2 Timothy 4:21, a Claudia is mentioned, but the Apostolic Constitutions do not explicitly identify that Claudia as Linus's mother).

According to Liber Pontificalis, Linus issued a Decree that women should cover their heads in Church, created the first fifteen Bishops, and that he died a Martyr and was buried on The Vatican Hill, next to Peter. It gives the date of his death as 23 September, the date on which his Feast is still Celebrated. His name is included in The Roman Canon of The Mass.

With respect to Linus's supposed Decree requiring women to cover their heads, J.P. Kirsch commented in The Catholic Encyclopedia: "Without doubt, this Decree is apocryphal, and copied by the author of The Liber Pontificalis from The First Epistle of Saint Paul to The Corinthians (11:5) and arbitrarily attributed to the first successor of The Apostle in Rome. The statement made, in the same source, that Linus suffered Martyrdom, cannot be proved and is improbable. For, between Nero and Domitian, there is no mention of any persecution of The Roman Church; and Irenaeus (1. c., III, iv, 3), from among the early Roman Bishops, designates only Telesphorus as a glorious Martyr."

The Roman Martyrology does not list Linus as a Martyr. The entry about him is as follows: "At Rome, Commemoration of Saint Linus, Pope, who, according to Irenaeus, was the person to whom The Blessed Apostles entrusted the Episcopal care of The Church, Founded in the City, and whom Blessed Paul the Apostle mentions as associated with him."

A tomb, found in Saint Peter's Basilica, in 1615, by Torrigio, was inscribed with the letters LINVS and was once taken to be Linus's tomb. However, a note by Torrigio shows that these were merely the last five letters of a longer name (e.g. Aquilinus or Anullinus). A Letter on The Martyrdom of Peter and Paul was once attributed to Linus, but, in fact, dates to the 6th-Century A.D.

The Feast Day of Pope Saint Linus is 23 September.

[Editor: There is a famous Character, in the Strip Cartoon "Peanuts", named Linus van Pelt, who is Charlie Brown's blanket-toting best friend and Sally's love interest. Linus is the most insecure, but the smartest, out of all the Characters.]

The following Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.

Saint Linus.
   Pope and Martyr.
   Feast Day 23 September.


Red Vestments.

"At Rome," says The Roman Martyrology, "the triumph of Saint Linus, Pope and Martyr, who immediately succeeded Saint Peter in the government of The Church. He suffered Martyrdom, and was buried on The Vatican Hill, next to The Prince of The Apostles."

The name of Saint Linus is mentioned in The Canon of The Mass, after the names of The Apostles.

Mass: Státuit.
Collects: Of The Mass: Sacerdótes.
Commemoration: Of Saint Thecla.

“Salve, Mater Misericordiæ”. “Hail, Mother Of Mercy”. Wonderful 11th-Century Carmelite Hymn To The Blessed Virgin Mary.

“Our Lady of Peace”,
Ushaw, Durham, England.
There is a wonderful story to the sculpting of this magnificent statue of The Blessed Virgin Mary and Child. The Sculptor was a Jewish man, who was commissioned to carry out the sculpting of this statue. He was a Jewish man, when he started work. By the time that he had finished the sculpting, he had converted to The Catholic Faith. On this beautiful statue of The Blessed Virgin Mary and Child, he left a depiction of The Star of David.
Deo Gratias !
Photo: April 2011.
Source: Own work.
Author: Zephyrinus.

Salve Mater Misericordiæ.
Available on YouTube at

Salve Mater misericordiæ,
Mater Dei et Mater veniæ,
Mater spei et Mater gratiæ,
Mater plena Sanctæ Lætitiæ,

Oh, Maria !

Salve decus humani generis.
Salve Virgo dignior ceteris,
quæ virgines omnes transgrederis
et altius sedes in superis.

Oh, Maria !

Salve Mater misericordiæ,
Salve felix Virgo puerpera:
Nam qui sedet in Patris dextera,
Cælum regens, terram et æthera,
Intra tua se clasit viscera.

Oh, Maria !

Salve Mater misericordiæ,
Esto, Mater, nostrum solatium:
Nostrum esto, tu Virgo, guadium,
et nos tandem post hoc exsilium,
Laetos juge choris caelestium.

Oh, Maria !

Salve Mater misericordiae,
Mater Dei et Mater veniae,
Mater spei et Mater gratiae,
Mater plena Sanctae Laetitiae,

Oh, Maria !

English Translation.

Hail, Mother of Mercy,
Mother of God, and Mother of Pardon,
Mother of Hope, and Mother of Grace,
Mother, Full of Holy Gladness.

Oh, Mary !

Hail, Honour of The Mankind.
Hail, Worthier Virgin than the other ones,
because you overcome all of them,
and, in The Heaven you occupy,
the Highest Seat of Honour.

Oh, Mary !

Hail, Mother of Mercy,
Hail, Blest Virgin, yet bearing Child:
For He, Who sits at The Father's Right Hand,
The Ruler of Heaven, of Earth, and Sky,
has sheltered Himself in your womb.

Oh, Mary !

Hail, Mother of Mercy,
Become, Oh, Mother, our solace:
Be, for us, our source of joy,
and, at the last, after this exile,
unite us, rejoicing, to The Choir of Angels.

Oh, Mary !

Hail, Mother of Mercy,
Mother of God and Mother of Pardon,
Mother of Hope and Mother of Grace,
Mother, Full of Holy Gladness.

Oh, Mary !

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, with Carmelites (from Left to Right: Saint John of The Cross, Saint Therese of Lisieux, Saint Simon Stock, Saint Teresa of Avila).

The following Text is from SOCIETY OF SAINT PIUS X

This beautiful Hymn to Our Lady, attributed to The Carmelite Order, expresses our Devotion to her as Our Mother, who is solicitous to the needs of her children.

16 July is The Commemoration of The Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel (a Greater-Double Feast), which also brings to mind The Carmelite Order, The Brown Scapular, and Saint Simon Stock and The Great Mystics, Saint John of The Cross, Saint Teresa of Avila, and The Beloved Little Flower, Saint. Therese of Lisieux.

In connection with The Carmelites, we offer, for the consideration of our Readers, an ancient Chant of this ancient Monastic Order, the popular Latin Hymn, “Salve, Mater Misericordiæ”.

Composed in the 11th-Century, this beautiful Hymn to The Blessed Virgin Mary, exemplifies her role as Mother of All Christians, and, thus, her special role as Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix.

In addition, we would like to remind our Readers of The Traditional Discalced Carmelite Nuns, located in Spokane, Washington, and Founded by Mother Marie Christiane (Blood Sister of Archbishop Lefebvre).

Gloucester Cathedral (Cathedral Church Of Saint Peter And The Holy And Indivisible Trinity). Construction Began In 1089. (Part Four).

Text from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia,
unless stated otherwise.

Unless stated otherwise, photos from Gloucester Cathedral Web-Site at
(Unless otherwise accredited, Photos of Gloucester Cathedral are taken by Angelo Hornak, Richard Cann, Chris Smith, Esther Platten, Gloucester Cathedral and Gilmere Ltd).

Gloucester Cathedral.
Photo: August 2019.
Source: Own work.
Author: photo by user:geni
(Wikimedia Commons)


Henry VIII ordered the Monasteries to be Dissolved, and Gloucester Abbey surrendered in January 1540. The Abbey buildings became Gloucester Cathedral, The Seat of The Bishop of Gloucester, in 1541. No longer a Community of Monks, it was to be led by a Dean and a Chapter of Canons.


The ideological and doctrinal struggles, of the 16th- and 17th-Centuries, made their mark in Gloucester: Bishop Hooper was burned at the stake here in 1555 on the orders of the Catholic Queen Mary; in the 1620s, Bishop Miles Smith and his Dean, William Laud, held profoundly different views on what the nature and style of Church of England should be.

Gloucester Cathedral (Bishop Hooper's Monument).

Then, under Oliver Cromwell, there was a move to demolish the Cathedral building, altogether, (it was saved by the intervention of The Mayor and Burgesses of The City of Gloucester).


With the restoration of the monarchy (after the Civil Wars and Commonwealth period) in 1660, the Dean and Chapter resumed the running of the Cathedral and that is how it is managed today.

Throughout the 18th-, 19th- and 20th-Centuries, they have carried out repairs and conservation work, rather than rebuilding or remodelling the building.

More importantly, Gloucester Cathedral has endured through the centuries as a place of Christian witness, where God is worshipped and the gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed every day.

Gloucester Cathedral's Fan Vaulting.
From Wikimedia Commons.
Photo taken by Jongleur100, September 2009.


Sunday 22 September 2019

“The Roman Mass From The Eve Of Trent To The Present And Beyond: An Overview”. At Our Lady Of Guadalupe Seminary, Nebraska.

Saint Maurice And His Companions. Martyrs. Feast Day 22 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Maurice And His Companions.
   Feast Day 22 September.


Red Vestments.

Meeting of Saint Erasmus and Saint Maurice.
Date: Circa 1520.
Source/Photographer: The Yorck Project (2002) 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei
(DVD-ROM), distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. ISBN: 3936122202.
(Wikimedia Commons)


"The Martyrdom of Saint Maurice".
Artist: Romulo Cincinato (1502–1593).
Cincinnato placed emphasis on the execution scene,
which has been brought into the foreground.
Date: 1583.
Current location: El Escorial, Madrid, Spain.
Source/Photographer: Web Gallery of Art.
(Wikimedia Commons)

When Emperor Maximian led his Army into Gaul, The Theban Legion, composed of 660 Soldiers under the command of Saint Maurice, refused to take part in the ceremonies in honour of the gods.

The Soldiers were massacred out of hatred for the name of Christ, about 286 A.D., at Agaunum, now called Saint Maurice (Valais, Switzerland).

Mass: Intret.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Saint Maurice (also Moritz, Morris, or Mauritius; Coptic: Ⲁⲃⲃⲁ Ⲙⲱⲣⲓⲥ) was the leader of the legendary Roman Theban Legion in the 3rd-Century A.D., and one of the favourite and most-widely Venerated Saints of that group.

He is the Patron Saint of several professions, locales, and Kingdoms. He is also a highly-revered Saint in The Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria and other Churches of Oriental Orthodoxy.

According to the hagiographical material, Maurice was an Egyptian, born in 250 A.D. in Thebes, an ancient City in Upper Egypt that was the Capital of The New Kingdom of Egypt (1575-1069 B.C.).

Maurice became a Soldier in The Roman Army. He was gradually promoted until he became The Commander of The Theban Legion, thus commanding, approximately, a thousand men. He was an acknowledged Christian at a time when Early Christianity was considered to be a threat to The Roman Empire. Yet, he moved easily within the pagan society of his day.

The Legion, entirely composed of Christians, had been called from Thebes, in Egypt, to Gaul, to assist Emperor Maximian in defeating a revolt by the Bagaudae. The Theban Legion was dispatched with orders to clear The Great Saint Bernard Pass across The Alps.

Before going into battle, they were instructed to offer sacrifices to the pagan gods and pay homage to The Emperor. Saint Maurice pledged his men’s military allegiance to Rome. He stated that service to God superseded all else. He said that to engage in wanton slaughter was inconceivable to Christian Soldiers . He and his men refused to worship Roman deities.

However, when Emperor Maximian ordered them to harass some local Christians, they refused. Ordering The Legion to be punished, Maximian had every tenth Soldier killed, a military punishment known as Decimation. More orders followed; the men refused, as encouraged by Maurice, and a second Decimation was ordered.

In response to The Theban Christians' refusal to attack fellow Christians, Maximian ordered all the remaining members of his Legion to be executed. The place in Switzerland where this occurred, known as Agaunum, is now Saint-Maurice, Switzerland, site of The Abbey of Saint Maurice.

Saint Thomas Of Villanova. Bishop And Confessor. Feast Day 22 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Thomas Of Villanova.
   Bishop And Confessor.
   Feast Day 22 September.


White Vestments.

Saint Thomas of Villanova.
Artist: Simone Cantarini (1612-1648).
Date: First half of the 17th-Century.
Current location: Pinacoteca Civica, Fano, Italy.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Thomas was born in Spain in the 15th-Century. From his earliest childhood he had the tenderest compassion for The Poor. Having entered The Order of Hermits of Saint Augustine, he was soon made Superior, and, after having refused the Archbishopric of Granada, he was forced to accept that of Valencia.

He thus shared in the Eternal Priesthood of Christ (Introit, Epistle, Gradual, Offertory). He spent on The Poor the large revenues of his Church, and, on the day of his death, in 1555, he gave away his last Penny, and died on a bed which did not even belong to him.

The Church, therefore, Celebrates especially in this Pontiff "his extraordinary Charity towards The Poor" (Collect, Antiphon of The Benedictus).

Mass: Státuit.
Secret: Sancti Thomae.
Postcommunion: Deus fidélium.
Commemoration: Of Saint Maurice and Companions.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Saint Thomas of Villanova O.S.A. (1488–1555) was a Spanish Friar of The Order of Saint Augustine, who was a noted Preacher, Ascetic and Religious Writer of his day. He became an Archbishop, who was famous for the extent of his care for The Poor of his See.

Saturday 21 September 2019

Pontifical Requiem Mass At Farnborough Abbey For Emperor Napoleon III And Empress Eugenie.

English: Requiem Mass for Emperor Napoleon III and Empress Eugenie.
Farnborough Abbey, Hampshire, England.
22 August 2019.
Introit and Kyrie.
Français: Requiem pour Napoleon III et L'Imperatrice Eugenie.
Farnborough Abbey, Hampshire, England.
22 August 2019.
Introit et Kyrie.
Available on YouTube at

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, NEW LITURGICAL MOVEMENT


The Parisian Church of Saint Eugène, home of The Schola Sainte-Cécile, is Dedicated to a
7th-Century A.D. Bishop of the Spanish city of Toledo, called “Eugenius”. This Dedication was also made in honour of The Empress Eugénie, the Spanish wife of the last French Emperor, Napoleon III, during whose Reign the Church was built.

Following the overthrow of The French Monarchy, in September 1870, The Imperial Family lived in exile in Chislehurst, England. Napoleon III died in early 1873; his heir, Louis-Napoléon, the couple’s only child, was killed in South Africa in 1879 while serving with The British Army during The Anglo-Zulu War.

Two years later, Eugénie founded The Abbey of Farnborough, partly to serve as a Mausoleum for her husband and son; she was buried there when she died in 1920, at the age of ninety-four. The Crypt, where their mortal remains repose, is similar in design to The Royal Crypt of The Abbey of Saint Denis, just outside Paris, where Napoleon III had intended to be buried.

During The Schola’s Pilgrimage to England, last month, we visited Farnborough, and The Schola sang a Requiem Mass for the members of The Imperial Family and Founders of their Home Parish.

The Mass was Celebrated by Abbot Cuthbert Brogan, in The Pontifical Rite Proper to Abbots, i.e., from The Sedilia, rather than a Faldstool.

“Jesus Gave Me Water”. Sung By: Sam Cooke And The Soul Stirrers. Memorable. And Beautiful.

Sam Cooke.
Photo: 29 May 1965.
Author: RCA Victor Records.
(Wikimedia Commons)

“Jesus Gave Her Water”.
Sung by: Same Cooke and The Soul Stirrers.
Available on YouTube at

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Samuel Cook (22 January 1931 – 11 December 1964), known professionally as Sam Cooke, was an American singer, songwriter, civil-rights activist and entrepreneur.

Influential as both a singer and composer, he is commonly known as The King of Soul for his distinctive vocals and importance within popular music. 

He began singing as a child and joined The Soul Stirrers before moving to a solo career where he scored a string of Hit Songs, like: "You Send Me", "A Change Is Gonna Come", "Wonderful World", "Chain Gang", "Twistin' The Night Away", and "Bring It On Home To Me".

In 1950, Cooke replaced Gospel Tenor R. H. Harris as Lead Singer of the Gospel Group, The Soul Stirrers, founded by Harris, who had signed with Specialty Records on behalf of the Group.

Their first recording under Cooke's leadership was the song "Jesus Gave Me Water", in 1951. They also recorded the Gospel Songs "Peace In The Valley", " How Far Am I From Canaan ? ", "Jesus Paid The Debt", and "One More River", among many others, some of which he wrote.

Cooke was often credited for bringing Gospel Music to the attention of a younger crowd of listeners, mainly girls who would rush to the stage, when The Soul Stirrers hit the Stage, just to get a glimpse of Cooke.

His pioneering contributions to Soul Music contributed to the rise of Aretha Franklin, Bobby Womack, Al Green, Curtis Mayfield, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, and Billy Preston, and popularised the likes of Otis Redding, and James Brown.

AllMusic biographer Bruce Eder wrote that Cooke was "the inventor of Soul Music", and possessed "an incredible natural singing voice and a smooth, effortless delivery that has never been surpassed".

On 11 December 1964, at the age of thirty-three, Cooke was shot and killed by Bertha Franklin, the manager of The Hacienda Motel, in Los Angeles, California. After an Inquest, The Courts ruled Cooke's death to be a Justifiable Homicide.

Since that time, the circumstances of his death have been called into question by Cooke's family.

Saint Matthew. Apostle And Evangelist. Feast Day, Today, 21 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Matthew.
   Apostle And Evangelist.
   Feast Day 21 September.

Double of The Second-Class.

Red Vestments.

English: The Inspiration of Saint Matthew.
Français: L'Inspiration de saint Matthieu.
Date: 1602.
Current location: Contarelli Chapel, Church of San Luigi dei Francesi, Rome, Italy.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

We read in the Gospel, Saint Matthew's own account of his conversion. The Epistle describes the famous vision, where Ezechiel saw four symbolical animals, which, from earliest Centuries, have been recognised as types of The Four Evangelists.

Saint Matthew is represented by the animal with a human face, because he commences his Gospel by tracing the human descent of Jesus. His object in writing this book, which is stamped by true wisdom (Introit), was to prove that Jesus realised The Prophecies relating to The Deliverance of Israel and that He is, therefore, The Messias.

After Pentecost, The Apostle Preached The Good News in Palestine and in Ethiopia, where he was Martyred.

The name of Saint Matthew is in The Canon of The Mass, in the group of The Apostles.

Every Parish Priest Celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.

Mass: Os justi.
Epistle: Similitudo vultus.
Preface: Of The Holy Apostles.

Friday 20 September 2019

The Vigil Of Saint Matthew. Apostle And Evangelist. 20 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

The Vigil Of Saint Matthew.
   Apostle And Evangelist.
   20 September.


Violet Vestments.

English: The Inspiration of Saint Matthew.
Français: L'Inspiration de saint Matthieu.
Date: 1602.
Current location: Contarelli Chapel, Church of San Luigi dei Francesi, Rome, Italy.
(Wikimedia Commons)

In order to honour the high dignity of The Apostles (Secret), The Church prepares us for their Feasts by a Vigil. She therefore Commemorates on this day Saint Matthew by special Collects and by The Last Gospel of The Mass in which Saint Luke relates the call of this Apostle.

A Galilean by birth, his name before his conversion was Levi; he was a publican. This profession was that of a collector of The Roman Taxes and was very odious to the Jews, who were thus reminded of their dependence.

Generally harsh and greedy, the publican was considered by the Pharisees to be the type of the sinner. Wherefore The Church shows us Jesus as the healer of Souls, whom He calls to Penance (Gospel).

Mass: Ego autem.

Saint Eustace And His Companions. Martyrs. Feast Day 20 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Eustace And His Companions.
   Feast Day 20 September.


Red Vestments.

English: Saint Eustace.
Français: Saint Eustace.
Русский: Евстафий Плакида.
Date: 17th-Century.
Author: Anonymous.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Eustace, also called Placidus, was illustrious at Rome, for his birth, his riches, and his Military valour. "One day," says the Legend, "while he was hunting a stag of extraordinary size, the animal suddenly turned and between its horns was seen a Crucifix."

Called by The Saviour, Eustace henceforth only pursued immortal life and, with his wife and two children, he enrolled himself in The Christian Militia. The Benedictine Abbey of Subiaco possessed for a long time the mountain where, according to Tradition, was shown the spot where the apparition had taken place.

Made a General in the Army by The Emperor Trajan, Eustace returned victorious from an expedition, but, having refused to thank the gods for this triumph, he was arrested and exposed to the Lions with his wife and children. The wild beasts, however, did them no harm.

"They were then shut up in a red-hot brazen bull," declares The Martyrology. "and their Martyrdom was completed by this torture." This was under Emperor Hadrian in 120 A.D.

Saint Eustace is one of The Fourteen Auxiliary Saints (see The Feast Day for 25 July).

Mass: Sapiéntiam.
Commemoration: Of The Vigil of Saint Matthew.

What Are Ember Days ? “Fasting Days And Emberings Be, Lent, Whitsun, Holyrood, And Lucie”. Or, Even A Shorter Mnemonic: “Lenty, Penty, Crucy, Lucy”.

Illustration: THE MISSIVE

This Article, dated 13 March 2019, is taken from, and can be read in full at, THE MISSIVE

In the most recent edition of “Meménto”, we included the following Article by FSSP Quincy Pastor and former Superior General Fr. Arnaud Devillers, who explains the history of The Ember Days and their place in The Liturgical Calendar.

By Fr. Arnaud Devillers, FSSP.

What are Ember Days ? Ember Days are three days (Wednesday, Friday and Saturday) set apart in each of the four Seasons for Fasting, Abstinence and Prayer. Tied to the Seasonal Cycles of farming and harvesting, the purpose of Ember Days is to render thanks to God for the gifts of Creation and to ask His help in using them well. Since 1966 [Editor: Post-Vatican II, of course], the Fasting and Abstinence are no longer prescribed, but still encouraged.

What is the origin of Ember Days ? Pin-pointing the exact date may be challenging, but what is certain is that they originated in Rome within the first Centuries of The Church. Pope Saint Leo the Great (Mid-5th-Century A.D.) has left a series of beautiful Sermons for these days, and he thought they had been instituted by The Apostles, themselves. The “Liber Pontificalis” dates their institution to Pope Saint Calixtus (218 A.D. - 225 A.D.), though they were more probably instituted by Pope Siricius (384 A.D. - 399 A.D.).

Illustration: THE MISSIVE

In her early days, The Church in Rome was confronted with a number of pagan religious nature festivals. Outstanding among them was the threefold Seasonal observance of prayer and sacrifices to
obtain the favour of the gods upon sowing and harvest.

The first of these Seasonal celebrations occurred at various dates between the middle of November and The Winter Solstice. It was a time of prayer for successful sowing (“Feriae Sementivae”: Feast of Sowing).

The second festival was held in June for the grain harvest (“Feriae Messis: Harvest Feast).

The third festival came before The Autumnal Equinox (September) [Editor: In 2019, The Autumnal Equinox is 23 September] and was motivated by the grapes harvest (“Feriae Vindimiales”: Feast of Wine).

As The Roman Empire became officially Christian, The Church tried to Sanctify these Seasonal festivals. The first regulations mention only “Three Seasons”. Eventually, The Church added a fourth Prayer Period (in March).

This change seems to have been motivated by the fact that the year contains four natural Seasons [Editor: Spring; Summer; Autumn; Winter], and also by the mention of four Fasting Periods in The Book of Zechariah (8:19).

At about the same time, each period was extended over the three Traditional Station Days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday). While The Station Fast, at other times was expected, but not strictly prescribed, this Seasonal observance imposed Fasting by obligation. The Eucharistic Sacrifice was Offered after having Fasted the whole of Saturday and having performed a long Vigil Service of Prayers and Readings, lasting the greater part of the night.

FSSP Ordinations on Ember Saturday of Pentecost, 26 May 2018.
Illustration: THE MISSIVE

In 494 A.D., Pope Gelasius I prescribed that The Sacrament of Holy Orders be conferred on Ember Saturdays. Thus, the Prayer and Fasting of Ember Week acquired added importance, for Apostolic Tradition demanded that Ordinations be preceded by Fast and Prayer (Acts 13:3).

Not only did the candidates, themselves, Fast and Pray, for a few days in preparation for Holy Orders, but the whole Clergy and People joined them to obtain God’s Grace and Blessing upon their Calling. Thus, Embertides became like Spiritual Exercises for all, similar in thought and purpose to our modern Retreats and Missions. Ember Days have been used at times as Special Prayers by The Faithful for Vocations to The Priesthood and for The Sanctification of Priests.

Why are they called “Ember Days” ? The words have nothing to do with embers, or, ashes. It may be from The Anglo-Saxon “Ymbren”, meaning a circle, or, revolution; or, more likely, it may be a corruption of the Latin “Quatuor Tempora” [Editor: “Four Seasons”, or, “Four Times”] through Dutch, Danish or German (“Quatember”).

What are the dates of Ember Days ? They have fluctuated throughout history. The Ember Days of Lent were not originally linked to The First Week of Lent, but to The First Week in March. Francis Mershman, in The Catholic Encyclopedia (1908), affirms: “They were definitely arranged and prescribed for The Entire Church by Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085) for The Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, after 13 December (Sancta Lucia) [Editor: Feast Day of Saint Lucy], after Ash Wednesday, after Whitsunday, and after 14 September (The Exaltation of The Holy Cross).” This was expressed in the old English rhyme:

“Fasting Days and Emberings be,
Lent, Whitsun, Holyrood, and Lucie”.

Or, even a shorter mnemonic:
“Lenty, Penty, Crucy, Lucy”.

Since the publishing of The Catholic Encyclopedia, the dates have changed again. According to The Extraordinary Form of The Roman Missal (1962), The Advent Ember Days are The Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, of The Third Week of Advent, and The September Ember Days are The Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, of The Third Week of September.

Ember Days remind us of a time when society was mostly rural. In our urban society, the connection between Ember Days and The Cycle of sowing and harvest does not speak to most of us any longer. However, the association of Ember Days and Ordinations could give a new purpose to Ember Days as voluntary Days of Penance by Clergy and Faithful, together, to, not only Confess and atone for sins of the past, but, also, to Pray for more Vocations to The Priesthood and The Sanctification of The Clergy. +

Time For Reflection. Say Your Rosary Whilst You Listen To This Memorable Music. Contemplate “The Four Last Things”.

Illustration: TEAM ORTHODOXY

Violin Concerto, Second Movement.
Composer: Philip Glass.
Available on YouTube at

Hymn Of The Cherubim.
Composer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
Available on YouTube at

Agnus Dei (Lamb of God).
Composer: Samuel Barber.
Sung by: The Rotterdam Symphony Chorus.
Available on YouTube at

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

In Christian Eschatology, The Four Last Things, or, Four Last Things of Man (Latin: Quattuor Novissima), are Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell, the four last stages of The Soul in Life and The Afterlife.

They are often commended as a collective topic for Pious Meditation: Saint Philip Neri wrote: "Beginners in Religion ought to exercise themselves principally in Meditation on The Four Last Things." Traditionally, the Sermons Preached on The Four Sundays of Advent were on The Four Last Things.

The 1909 Catholic Encyclopedia states: "The Eschatological summary, which speaks of The Four Last Things (Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell), is popular, rather than scientific. For systematic treatment, it is best to distinguish between (A) Individual, and, (B) Universal and Cosmic Eschatology".

Pope Saint John Paul II wrote, in 1984, that the "Judgement" component encompasses both Particular Judgement and General Judgement.

“The Four Last Things”.
Available on YouTube at

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