Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Friday 14 February 2020

Saint Valentine. Priest And Martyr. Feast Day, Today, 14 February.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Valentine.
   Priest and Martyr.
   Feast Day 14 February.


Red Vestments.

Stained-Glass Window depicting Saint Valentine.
Illustration: GREG GARRISON

Saint Valentine.
Available on YouTube at

Saint Valentine was a Holy Priest of Rome, who was Martyred under The Roman Emperor, Aurelian, in 270 A.D.

He co-operated in The Saviour's Redemption "by bearing The Cross after Him" (Gospel). "Having made the sacrifice of his life for Him, he finds it again" (Ibid.), for, "victorious in his terrible fight" (Epistle), God "Crowns him in Heaven with glory and honour" (Offertory).

Sharing, in a spirit of penitence, The Redeeming Sufferings of The Saviour, let us ask Him, "through the Intercession of Saint Valentine, to be delivered from all the ills that threaten us" (Collect).

Mass: In virtúte.

Saint Valentine receives a Rosary from The Virgin Mary,
Date: 1600s.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Saint Valentine (Latin: Valentinius) is a widely-recognised 3rd-Century A.D. Roman Saint, Commemorated on 14 February and associated, since The High Middle Ages, with a Tradition of Courtly Love.

All that is reliably known of the Saint is his name, and that he was Martyred and buried at a cemetery on the Via Flaminia, Rome, close to the Milvian Bridge, to the North of Rome, on 14 February. It is uncertain whether Saint Valentine is to be identified as one Saint or the conflation of two Saints of the same name. Several different Martyrologies have been added to later hagiographies that are unreliable.

Saint Valentine Baptising Saint Lucilla.
Date: 1500s.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Because so little is known of him, in 1969 The Roman Catholic Church removed his name from The General Roman Calendar, leaving his Liturgical Celebration to Local Calendars. The Roman Catholic Church continues to recognise him as a Saint, listing him as such in the 14 February entry in The Roman Martyrology, and authorising Liturgical Veneration of him on 14 February in any place where that day is not devoted to some other obligatory Celebration.

English: Altar of Saint Valentine,
Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church, Dublin, Ireland.
Polski: Ołtarz z relikwiami św. Walentego w Kościele
Karmelitów przy Whitefriar Street w Dublinie.
Photo: 27 August 2011.
Source: Own work.
Author: blackfish
(Wikimedia Commons)

Use of The Pre-1970 Liturgical Calendar is also authorised under the conditions indicated in The Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum" of 2007. Saint Valentine's Church in Rome, built in 1960 for the needs of The Olympic Village, continues as a modern, well-visited, Parish Church.

Saint Valentine's Day, The Feast of Saint Valentine, is an official Feast Day in The Anglican Communion, as well as in The Lutheran Church. In The Eastern Orthodox Church, Saint Valentine, The Presbyter of Rome, is Celebrated on 6 July, and Hieromartyr Valentine (Bishop of Interamna, Terni in Italy) is Celebrated on 30 July.

Notwithstanding, because of the relative obscurity of these two Saints in The East, Members of The Greek Orthodox Church named Valentinos (male) or Valentina (female) may observe their "Name Day" on The Western Ecclesiastical Calendar date of 14 February.

Thursday 13 February 2020

British Indian Army Regiments: 4th Bengal Cavalry; 2nd Bengal Lancers; 7th Bombay Lancers.

British Indian Army,
4th Bengal Cavalry.
Illustration: FRONTISPIECE

British Indian Army.
2nd Bengal Lancers.
Illustration: FRONTISPIECE

British Indian Army.
7th Bombay Lancers.

1897. Pencil note identifies him as
Risaldar Mir Haider Shah Khan.
Illustration: FRONTISPIECE

This Article is one of an occasional series
on Uniforms of The British Indian Army.

“Oh, My Saviour, Jesus Christ, Who Is The Only Object Of My Desires”. “Oh, Mon Sauveur, Jesus Christ, Unique Objet De Mes Désirs”. “Obsecro Te”. “I Beseech Thee”.

Oh, My Saviour, Jesus Christ,
the only object of my desires.
Illustration: HOLY CARD HEAVEN

“Obsecro Te”.
(I Beseech Thee).

Priests, who say this Prayer In Thanksgiving after Mass, gain an Indulgence of three Years applicable to The Souls in Purgatory (Blessed Pope Pius IX, 1846).

He who says it, if possible kneeling, may obtain the pardon of any faults or mistakes of which he may have been guilty, as the result of human frailty, during The Celebration of Mass (Pope Saint Pius X, 1912).

I beseech Thee, most sweet Lord Jesus Christ,
grant that Thy Passion may be to me a power
by which I may be strengthened, protected and defended.

May Thy wounds be to me food and drink,
by which I may be nourished, inebriated and overjoyed.
May the sprinkling of Thy Blood be to me
an ablution for all my sins.

May Thy Death prove to me life everlasting,
and Thy Cross be to me an eternal glory.
In these, be my refreshment, my joy,
My preservation and sweetness of heart.

Who livest and reignest
World without end.


The following Text is taken from PRECES-LATINA

This Prayer was a favourite during the latter part of The Middle Ages, and invariably appeared in Books of The Hours from the 15th-Century, onwards. Books of The Hours were Prayer Books intended for The Laity and were based upon the much longer Liturgy of The Hours recited by Clergy and Religious.

Often, these books would contain three Sets of Hours:
The Hours of The Blessed Virgin;
The Hours of The Cross;
The Hours of The Holy Ghost.

In addition to The Hours, a number of other Prayers and popular Devotions were often included, such as this one, “Obsecro Te”, and “Oh, Intemerata” (listen, below).

A.Grandi, O Intemerata (Il Secondo Libro De Motetti -
Ph.Jaroussky & Marie-N. Lemieux.
Available on YouTube at

Wednesday 12 February 2020

Philip Glass. Violin Concerto. Second Movement.

Philip Glass.
Violin Concerto.
Second Movement.
Available on YouTube at

Sarum Use “First Vespers” On Candlemas Eve. Largest Sarum Use Liturgy Ever Offered Since The Reign Of Queen Mary I of England (1553-1558). Over Seven Hundred People Attend


First Vespers.
The Sarum Use.
Candlemas Eve.
1 February 2020.
Saint Patrick's Church,
Available on YouTube at

You are encouraged to follow the Video with The Congregational Service Booklet, which I designed and posted HERE.

Additionally, an official Photo Album may be found at THIS LINK.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,

While posting on MODERN MEDIEVALISM has been slow, the Modern Medievalist has been hard at work. Today (12 February 2020), the Modern Medievalism Facebook page exceeded 4,000 "likes".

This has been partly due to new exposure over what many of you already know: The Sarum Vespers which were Celebrated last weekend at St Patrick's Church in Philadelphia.

This historic occasion was attended by over 700 people, making it almost certainly the largest Sarum Use Liturgy ever offered since the Reign of Queen Mary I of England. Yours truly was the principal organiser of the event.

I'm happy to say that its success has introduced me to deeper obligations: Namely, the Foundation of a new Liturgical Institute devoted to all forms of Catholic Liturgy, but with special focus on The Medieval Uses, and those of The Religious Orders. The Durandus Institute for Sacred Liturgy & Music will likely demand more and more of my time; yet I hope to maintain this Blog for more casual observations, here and there.

A more detailed write-up of The Sarum Vespers will be posted on The New Liturgical Movement Blog, soon. In the meantime, I encourage you to watch the video of The Sarum Vespers (see, above). If you open the Link to YouTube, you'll find a detailed description with convenient timestamps for finding various sections of interest.

 The Durandus Institute for Sacred Liturgy & Music.
E-Mail address:
YouTube Channel: HERE

The Durandus Institute for Sacred Liturgy & Music aims to evangelise through beauty: By organising Solemn Liturgical Celebrations through the year, as well providing Workshops and Consultations for Parishes and other local groups in the Philadelphia Metropolitan and surrounding regions.

The Institute takes its name from Giullaume Durand (circa 1230-1296), also known as Durandus: a Medieval French Bishop and Liturgical Author. His important Liturgical Work was The Rationale Divinorum Officiorum”, a Treatise on the Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of Church Architecture and Ceremonies of The Mass and Divine Office.

The “Rationale” was among the first books reproduced by Gutenberg
or his associates after the invention of the printing press.

A Little Levity To Get You Through The Day.

“Yes, Prime Minister”.
Bernard Woolley On Defence Capabilities.
Available on YouTube at

The Seven Holy Founders Of The Servite Order. Confessors. Feast Day 12 February.

Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Seven Holy Founders of The Servite Order.
   Feast Day 12 February.


White Vestments.

Chicago, Illinois.
A Servite Church.
Date: 2 February 2008.
Author: Original by User:JeremyA ,
edited version by User:Capital photographer.
Permission: From Source: Permission is granted for re-use under
the terms of The Creative Commons licence specified below.
The required attribution is: © 2008, Jeremy Atherton.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Cupola in The Servite Mother Church,
Photo: 10 June 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: sailko
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Servite Order.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Today, The Liturgy honours seven noble Florentines, who, "in 1223, enriched The Church with a new Religious Family" (Collect). They received, by a providential circumstance, from the mouth of little children (Introit) the name of "Servants of Mary".

Illustrious by their birth, these Founders became still more so by the salutary influence of their Order (Communion) in France, Germany, and Poland. "Their Race endures for ever and their glory shall never be dimmed" (Epistle), for they survive in their Disciples.

English: Servite Church, Innsbruck, Austria
Deutsch: Servitenkirche, Innsbruck, Österreich
Photo: 11 July 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Andrew Bossi
(Wikimedia Commons)

Leaving everything, they retire to Monte Senario, near Florence, Italy, atone by their austerities for the sins of guilty men [Hymn at Matins] and, clothed in mourning Habit, shown to them by The Virgin, they constantly meditate on The Passion of Jesus and The Dolours of Mary at the foot of The Cross (Collect, Postcommunion).

"Burning with love for The Sorrowful Mother of Jesus" (Secret), "let us join in the tears" (Collect) of The Saints whom we honour, today, in order that "deserving to enjoy the Fruits of Christ's Redemption" (Postcommunion), "we may also have a share in their joys" (Collect).

Mass: Justi decantavérunt.
Commemoration: Of The Feria in Lent.
Last Gospel: Of The Feria in Lent.

Alexis Falconieri (+ 1310),
one of The Seven Founders of The Servite Order.
Date: 2 October 2008.
Author: D0bermalek
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

The Servite Order is one of the five original Catholic Mendicant Orders. Its objects are the Sanctification of its Members, Preaching the Gospel, and the propagation of Devotion to The Mother of God, with special reference to her Sorrows.

The Members of The Order use O.S.M. (Ordo Servorum Beatæ Mariæ Virginis) as their Post-Nominal Letters. The male Members are known as Servite Friars, or, Servants of Mary.

The Order of Servants of Mary (The Servites) is a Religious Family that embraces a Membership of Friars (Priests and Brothers), Contemplative Nuns, a Congregation of Active Sisters and Lay Groups.

Tuesday 11 February 2020

“I Am The Immaculate Conception (Que Soy Era Immaculada Concepciou)”. The Apparition Of The Blessed Virgin Mary At Lourdes, France, To Saint Bernadette, On 11 February - 16 July 1858.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Apparition of The Blessed Virgin Mary at Lourdes.
   Feast Day 11 February.


White Vestments.

English: Basilica of The Immaculate Conception, Lourdes, France.
Deutsch: Frankreich: Lourdes, Basilika der unbefleckten Empfängnis,
Rosenkranzbasilika und Krypta in Lourdes.
Photo: 2005.
Source: Own work.
Author: Milorad Pavlek.
(Wikimedia Commons)

From 11 February 1858 to 16 July 1858, The Blessed Virgin Mary came down from Heaven eighteen times (Introit), and showed herself to Saint Bernadette Soubirous (Collect), in the cave of the rock at Massabielle (Gradual).

On 25 March 1858, she said to the little shepherdess of fourteen years of age: "I am The Immaculate Conception". Today's Feast, therefore, recalls Mary's triumph over the serpent (Tract), which The Septuagesimal Liturgy has in mind.

Stained-Glass Window, Bonneval Church, France,
showing the Vision of Saint Bernadette of Lourdes.
Photo: 17 July 2009.
Source: Own work,
adapted from Bonneval Eglise Notre-Dame vitrail 3.JPG.
Author: Xandar
(Wikimedia Commons)

Like the woman seen by Saint John, "clothed in the Sun, with the Moon under her feet and a Crown of twelve Stars over her head" (Epistle), The Virgin of Lourdes "is clothed in a Robe and Veil, as White as Snow, she wears a Blue Girdle and on her bare feet rests a Golden Rose," all symbolic of her Virginal Love.

She exhorts to Penance the unfortunate Children of Eve, who have not been, like herself, preserved from sin. On The Day of The Annunciation, she declared her name to us, to manifest that it is on account of The Incarnation (Collect) that God has vouchsafed to her "not to be tainted with The Original Stain" (Tract).

Remembering that Mary is "The Ark of The New Covenant" (Epistle), let us go with confidence to her, who, "Full of Grace" (Offertory), "visits our Earth to multiply in us the gifts of her riches" (Communion).

Mass: Vidi civitátem.
Commemoration and Last Gospel of The Feria. In Lent.
Preface: Of The Blessed Virgin Mary: Et te in Conceptione Immaculáta.

“The Way It Is”. Bruce Hornsby And The Range.

“The Way It Is”.
Sung by: Bruce Hornsby and The Range.
Available on YouTube at

Monday 10 February 2020

The Greatest Rugby Try Of All Time. And, Of Course, It Was Scored By Wales.

The Greatest Rugby Try Of All Time.
And, Of Course, It Was Scored By Wales.
The All Blacks versus The Barbarians.
Available on YouTube at

Saint Scholastica. Virgin. Sister Of Saint Benedict. Feast Day, Today, 10 February.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Scholastica.
   Feast Day 10 February.


White Vestments.

Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

Saint Scholastica, the twin sister of Saint Benedict, was born at Nursia, Italy, in 480 A.D. It was a unique event in the annals of The Church, that brother and sister should have Founded the two Branches of an Order still full of vitality after an existence of fourteen Centuries.

A scholar, as her name implies, of The Patriarch of The Monks of The West, from her earliest childhood, she attended the School of his virtues, for she saw in him Christ, whose Spouse she was (Epistle). [" The Abbot occupies the place of Christ, Whose name he bears: "Abbot, Father" ".]

Following the teaching of The Master ["Hear, O son, the precepts of The Master" (Rule of Saint Benedict: Prologue).] a repetition of that of Jesus in His Public Life, all her life is summed up in two sayings: "Love what is good, hate iniquity" (Introit).

The Divine Spouse, Who was about to call her unto Him (Gospel), miraculously granted the Prayer of His well-beloved. Benedict, a faithful observer of Monastic discipline, had refused to continue the Spiritual conversation which each year he granted his sister in a dependency of the Abbey. Scholastica, leaning with her elbows on the table, and holding her forehead in her hands, began to shed tears. Immediately, a violent storm burst forth and rain fell in torrents. Benedict understood that God sanctioned the brotherly love which had united them all their lives, and passed the whole night conversing with his sister about the joys of Heaven.

Three days later (543 A.D.), while at Prayer, before The Night Office, he saw the innocent Soul of Saint Scholastica ascend to Heaven in the shape of a Dove (Collect). Her body was placed at Monte-Cassino in the tomb her brother had prepared for himself, in which he was also placed a few weeks later.

"Thus, it happened", writes Saint Gregory, "that one tomb united the bodies of those whose Souls had always been intimately united in God."

Let us ask "God, Who received into Heaven the Soul of the blessed Virgin Scholastica in the shape of a Dove, to show us the way of innocence, to grant us by her merits and Prayers to live so innocently that we may deserve to attain Eternal Joys" (Collect).

Mass: Dilexisti.
In Lent: Commemoration and Last Gospel of The Feria.

“That's The Way It Is”. Sung By: Céline Dion.

“That's The Way It Is”.
Sung by: Céline Dion.
Available on YouTube at

Céline Dion,
by Linda Bisset.
Photo: 1998.
Source: Céline Dion
Author: Linda Bisset
(Wikimedia Commons)

Sunday 9 February 2020

Saint Apollonia. Virgin And Martyr. Feast Day, Today, 9 February.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Apollonia.
   Virgin and Martyr.
   Feast Day 9 February.


Red Vestments.

English: Saint Apollonia.
Deutsch: Hl. Appolonia.
Magyar: Szent Apollónia.
Artist: Francisco de Zurbarán (1598–1664).
Date: 1636.
Current location: Louvre Museum, Paris, France.
Source/Photographer: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202.
Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Apollonia, a Virgin of Alexandria, was arrested during a bloody Persecution of The Christians in 249 A.D. After having her teeth broken and torn out, she joyfully threw herself, under the impulsion of The Spirit of God, into the fire prepared for her.

There, while her frail body was consumed on Earth, her very pure Soul was borne into Glory in Heaven (Collect).

Mass: Loquébar. The First Mass of a Virgin Martyr.

The following Text is from Wikipedia, the free encyclopædia,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Apollonia (Coptic: Ϯⲁⲅⲓⲁ Ⲁⲡⲟⲗⲗⲟⲛⲓⲁ) was one of a group of Virgin Martyrs who suffered in Alexandria during a local uprising against the Christians, prior to The Persecution of Decius. According to Church Tradition, her torture included having all of her teeth violently pulled out or shattered.

For this reason, she is popularly regarded as the Patroness of dentistry and those suffering from toothache or other dental problems. French Court Painter Jehan Fouquet painted the scene of Saint Apollonia's torture in "The Martyrdom of Saint Apollonia".

The Stained-Glass Window of Saint Apollonia Church,
Kingskerswell, Devon, England.
Photo: 6 July 2010.
Source: Own work.
Artist: Smalljim
(Wikimedia Commons)

Lent Is On Its Way. Let Us Make It A Meaningful Time This Year. Pray And Go To Confession. Pray And Go To . . .

Illustration and Text: RORATE CAELI

Lent starts pretty soon. We're running out of time to prepare.

In the past, you could find a Traditional Lenten Mission at many Parishes. Now, unless you are near a Traditional Parish, they are nearly extinct -- or worthless.

Fortunately, we are not meant to live in the past, we are meant to live in the now. And, now, we have the Internet. And there is an abundance of good on the Internet, along with the bad.

As we do every year, we bring to your attention this wonderful, Traditional, Five-Part Lenten Mission by the holy and learned Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea. While it is not short, it does go by very quickly, and is easy to follow and understand. It's clear, concise and bold.

As the Season nears, you would do well to listen to this, to Pray on it, and to use it to prepare for a fruitful Lent -- and be ready for it to change you for the better.

Click on each of the five themes of the Mission: 

On Death * 
On Hell * 

Saint Cyril Of Alexandria. Bishop. Confessor. Doctor Of The Church. Feast Day 9 February.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Cyril of Alexandria.
   Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of The Church.
   Feast Day 9 February.


White Vestments.

Saint Cyril of Alexandria.
The Twenty-Fourth Pope of Alexandria. The Pillar of Faith.
Bishop, Confessor and Doctor of The Church. (376 A.D. - 444 A.D.)
Source: Own work.
Author: User:Erud
(Wikimedia Commons)

Jesus must be a man to atone for man's sin, and a God to make reparation for the offence against God. The Cycle Celebrates on this day the Feast of the Doctor who raised his voice in The Church (Introit) to condemn, in the name of Pope Celestine, at The Council of Ephesus (431 A.D.), the heresy of Nestorius.

Crushing under foot, the salt which has lost its savour (Gospel), Saint Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria, attacks the heresiarch, who, instead "of The True Doctrine, only teaches fables" (Epistle). He affirms that, in Jesus, there is only one Divine Person and that, consequently, The Saviour is at the same time God and Man and that His Mother is The Mother of God (Collect).

He died in 444 A.D.

Mass: In médio.
Commemoration: Of The Feria in Lent.
Commemoration: Of Saint Apollonia from The Mass: Loquébar.
Creed: Is said.
Last Gospel: Of The Feria, in Lent.

Notre-Dame De Paris. Our Lady Of Paris.

Following the disastrous fire in 2019, a massive restoration project is underway to repair Notre-Dame de Paris (Our Lady of Paris). See the YouTube Video at the end of this Article.

Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris, France.
Considered to be one of the finest examples of French Gothic Architecture.
Photo: 17 October 2014.
Photo Credit: Alexander Sviridov /
Illustration: SHUTTERSTOCK

The North Rose Window of The Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, an example of Rayonnant Architecture, with the row of figures in the Stained-Glass Windows.
Photo: 22 August 2010.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Notre-Dame de Paris, meaning "Our Lady of Paris", also known as Notre-Dame Cathedral, or, simply, Notre-Dame, is a Mediaeval Catholic Cathedral on the Île de la Cité, in the 4th-Arrondissement of Paris, France.

The Cathedral is widely-considered to be one of the finest examples of French Gothic Architecture. The innovative use of The Rib Vault and Flying Buttress, the enormous and colourful Rose Windows, and the naturalism and abundance of its sculptural decoration all set it apart from earlier Romanesque Architecture.

The Cathedral was begun in 1160 and largely completed by 1260, though it was modified frequently in the following Centuries. In the 1790s, Notre-Dame suffered Desecration during The French Revolution, when much of its Religious Imagery was damaged or destroyed.

Soon after the publication of Victor Hugo's novel, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, in 1831, popular interest in the building revived. A major restoration project, supervised by Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, began in 1845 and continued for twenty-five years.

Beginning in 1963, the facade of the Cathedral was cleaned of Centuries of soot and grime, returning it to its original colour. Another campaign of cleaning and restoration was carried out during 1991-2000.

As the Cathedral of The Archdiocese of Paris, Notre-Dame contains The Cathedra of The Archbishop of Paris, currently Michel Aupetit. Twelve million people visit Notre-Dame, every year, which makes it the most visited Monument in Paris.

The following Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, FRANCE 24

A Rare Look At Restoration Of Paris's Notre-Dame Cathedral.

Restoration of Paris's Notre-Dame Cathedral.
Available on YouTube at

Saturday 8 February 2020

A Little Levity To Lighten Your Day.

The Two Ronnies.
“Four Candles”.
The Hardware Shop Sketch, 1976.
Available on YouTube at

Auch, Capital Of Gascony, France, With Its Cathedral, Sainte-Marie d'Auch.

Auch, Capital of Gascony, France, with its Cathedral, Sainte-Marie d'Auch.
Illustration: SHUTTERSTOCK

The Choir of Auch Cathedral.
Le Choeur de la Cathédrale d'Auch.
Available on YouTube at

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Auch Cathedral Basilica (French: Basilique Cathédrale Sainte-Marie d'Auch) is a Roman Catholic Church located in the Town of Auch in the Midi-Pyrénées, France. It is a National Monument, and is The Seat of The Archbishopric of Auch.

Under The Concordat of 1801, the Ecclesiastical Office was Dissolved and Annexed to The Diocese of Agen, but re-established in 1822. The Cathedral contains a Suite of eighteen Renaissance Stained-Glass Windows by Arnaud de Moles.

English: Auch Cathedral, Gascony, France.
Français: La Cathédrale Sainte-Marie d'Auch.
Available on YouTube at

English: Auch Cathedral, France.
Français: Cathédrale d'Auch.
Photo: 1 August 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Vassil
(Wikimedia Commons)

Choir Stalls in Auch Cathedral, France.
Photo: 24 September 2011.
Source: Own work.
Author: PMRMaeyaert
(Wikimedia Commons)
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