Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Sunday 5 April 2020

“Modernists In The Church”. [Editor: Absolutely Nothing Else Needs To Be Said. All Queries To Be Addressed To The Bishop Of Boise, Idaho, America].

“Modernists In The Church”.
Available on YouTube at

Peter F. Christensen.
A Catholic Bishop of Boise, Idaho, United States of America.
Photo: 20 July 2013.
Source: Own work.
Author: Billertl
(Wikimedia Commons)

Why not let the Bishop of Boise know how grateful you are for him forbidding you to kneel before Our Lord Jesus Christ ?

Why not let the Bishop of Boise know how grateful you are for him denying you the ability to Assist at The Traditional Latin Mass, that has been extant for almost 2,000 years ?

His Contact Details are (I’m sure he will be delighted to hear from Traditional Latin Mass supporters and lovers of The Divine Mass):

Contact Information:

1501 S Federal Way Ste 400
Boise, Idaho 83705,
United States of America.

Phone: (208) 342-1311.
Fax: (208) 342-0224.

Office Hours:
Monday to Thursday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. to Noon.






To those who don't know.

The Bishop of Boise has banned The Traditional Latin Mass and debarred kneeling to receive Holy Communion (I am not making this up).

A Clarification of Limericks.
By Peter Kwasniewski.

Bishop Christensen’s issued directives,
But the content is largely invectives:
He’s opposed to folks kneeling,
Latin Mass ain’t appealing—
And forbidden are GIRM’s own electives!

As to Media, warnings are thundered:
“ If you read NLM, you have blundered !
The Blogosphere’s Traddy,
Has made you all batty —
Roman coffers are NOT to be plundered ! ”

“Rid The Church of its harmful “Prie-Dieus” !
Make Presiders gaze out to the Pews ! ”
Thus the Prelate in Boise,
who’s regrettably noisy,
About just what his Clergy may choose.

How disturbing it is to be told:
“You can’t offer The Great Mass of Old
Except, if you wish,
To report to “The Bish”,
All the details His Grace has cajoled”.

One would think, with The Plague all around us,
That A Shepherd would not try to hound us:
“ Don’t get down on your “kneeses”
(I don’t care if it’s Jesus !) ” —
When we know a true father would ground us.

False obedience never will heal,
A Liturgical rupture so real.
Caring Pastors, mild Vicars,
Please eschew Kool Aid liquors;
Feed your flocks with the best, we appeal !


Bring it on, Bish.

You're on a loser.

You're behind the Eight-Ball.

You haven't got a clue.

You are an embarrassment.

Give up.


Is it true that The Holy Father
wants to see you in Italy.

Now !!! ???

“Good Bye-ee” !!!
“Good Bye-ee” !!!

“Goodbye-ee” !!!
“Goodbye-ee” !!!
Sung By Courtland and Jeffries.
Available on YouTube at

Saint Vincent Ferrer. Confessor. Feast Day 5 April.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Vincent Ferrer.
   Feast Day 5 April.


White Vestments.

English: The Church of Saint Peter and Saint Vincent Ferrer,
Ploudalmézeau, Brittany, France.
Français: L'église Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Vincent-Ferrier
à Ploudalmézeau Finistère, Brittany, France.
Photo: 15 November 2017.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: “The Procession of The Saints” from the Church of Saint Peter and Saint Vincent Ferrer, Ploudalmézeau, Brittany, France, in 1908.
Compare with the photograph (above).
Français: Ploudalmézeau la procession des saints en 1908
probablement 2 (anonyme, musée des arts et traditions populaires).
Date: 4 October 2011.
Author: Anonymous.
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: “The Procession of The Saints” from the Church of Saint Peter and Saint Vincent Ferrer, Ploudalmézeau, Brittany, France, in 1908.
Compare with the photographs (above).
Français: Français : Ploudalmézeau La procession des saints en 1908
(photo anonyme, musée des arts et traditions populaires)
Author: Anonymous.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Vincent Ferrer, born in Spain in 1350, entered, at the age of eighteen, in The Order of Preachers and gave lustre to The Church by his virtues and his Preaching (Collect).

He was called “The Angel of The Judgement” and he went over the whole of Europe, warning sinners “to be ready for The Son of Man, Who will come at an unexpected hour” (Gospel).

The words of the Prophet: “Arise, ye dead, and come to Judgement,”, which he constantly repeated, caused the many miraculous conversions of which his life is full (Epistle). He put forth the proposal to end The Western Schism by deposing The Three Popes, who all claimed The Papal Tiara, and declared himself in favour of Martin V.

He died at Vannes, Brittany, France, in 1419.

Let us deserve by Penance to escape being condemned by The God Who is to judge us.

Mass: Os justi.
Commemoration (in Lent): Of The Feria.
Last Gospel (in Lent): Of The Feria.

Palm Sunday. The Lenten Station Is At The Papal Arch-Basilica Of Saint John Lateran.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Palm Sunday.

Station at Saint John Lateran.

Indulgence of 25 Years and 25 Quarantines.


Privileged Sunday of The First Class.

Violet Vestments.

Latin: Archibasilica Sanctissimi Salvatoris et Sanctorum Iohannes Baptistæ
et Evangelistae in Laterano Omnium urbis et orbis ecclesiarum mater et caput.
Italiano: Facciata principale della Basilica di San Giovanni-in-Laterano,
progettata da Alessandro Galilei (1735).
Français: Façade principale de la basilique Saint-Jean-de-Latran
par Alessandro Galilei, 1735.
Photo: 2006/09/07.
Source: Own work.
Author: Jastrow
(Wikimedia Commons)

On Palm Sunday is reproduced The Triumphal Procession,
which accompanied Our Lord, when He entered Jerusalem.
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

English: The Choir and Apse.
The Papal Arch-Basilica of Saint John Lateran, Rome.
Deutsch: Chorraum und Apsis von San Giovanni in Laterano, Rom.
Photo: September 2005.
Source: Own work.
Author: Stefan Bauer,
(Wikimedia Commons)

In today's Liturgy, the two-fold point of view, from which The Church regards The Cross, is expressed in two Ceremonies. One is marked with joy and the other by sadness.

First, comes The Blessing and Procession of Palms, in which everything overflows with a Holy Joy, which enables us, after two thousand years, to revive the spirit of the magnificent scene of Our Lord's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.

Then follows The Mass, whose Chants and Lessons relate exclusively to The Sorrowful Memory of Our Redeemer's Passion.

The Pope's Chair.
Photo: October 2005.
Source: Flickr
Author: Ern
Reviewer: Mac9
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Blessing and Procession of Palms.

At Jerusalem, in the 4th-Century A.D., on the very spot where the event took place, was read the Gospel narrative in which we see Christ hailed as King of Israel and taking possession of His Capital, Jerusalem, which is really no more than the type of Jerusalem, above.

After this, a Bishop, mounted on an ass, rode up to The Church of The Resurrection on the summit of The Mount of Olives, surrounded by a multitude carrying Palms and singing Anthems and Hymns. This Ceremony was preceded by The Solemn Reading of The Passage from Exodus, in which The Flight from Egypt is related.

English: The Papal Arch-Basilica of Saint John Lateran. With its length of 400 feet, this Basilica ranks fifteenth among the largest Churches in the World.
Français: Basilique Saint-Jean-de-Latran, Vatican, située à Rome, Italie. Avec sa longueur de 121,84 mètres, cette Basilique se classe au 15è rang parmi les plus grandes églises au monde.
Photo: September 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Tango7174
(Wikimedia Commons)

Papal Arch-Basilica of Saint John Lateran, Rome.
The Major Papal and Roman Arch-Basilica of The Most Holy Saviour and Saint John the Baptist and Saint John The Evangelist-in-Lateran. Mother Church and Head of all Churches in Rome and in the World.
Photo: 21 April 2015.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

God's people, encamped under the shadow of the palm trees, near the twelve fountains where Moses promised them the Manna, is a type of the Christian people, who, breaking off branches from the trees, bear witness that God's Son, Jesus, comes to deliver Souls from sin, leading them to the Baptismal Font and nourishing them with the Manna of The Eucharist.

English: Saint Peter, by Pierre-Étienne Monnot.
Français: Saint Pierre, par Pierre-Étienne Monnot.
Photo: 2006/09/07.
Source: Own work.
Author: Jastrow
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Church of Rome, it would seem, adopted this practice about the 9th-Century A.D. and added to it the Rite for The Blessing of The Palms, which has given to this Sunday the name of "The Easter of Flowers".

In this Benediction, The Church Prays for health of mind and body for those who dwell in houses where the Palms are preserved.

This Procession of Christians, who, with Palm in hand and cries of “Hosanna” on their lips, proclaim Christ's Kingship every year, throughout the whole World and in all generations, is composed of all Catechumens, of public penitents and of The Faithful. All of whom will be united at The Easter Feast to this Glorious Victor, through The Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Penance.

The Coffered Ceiling.
The Basilica of Saint John Lateran, Rome.
Photo: 27 July 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Dnalor 01
(Wikimedia Commons)

It is this that is represented by the Procession of Palms, when it stops at the door of the Church, into which some Members of the Choir have already found their way. They Chant, alternately with the Clergy; on the one side, "The Angelic Choir", and, on the other, Christ's Soldiers, still plunged in the strife of battle, hailing The King of Glory, each in his turn.

Soon, the door opens, after the Sub-Deacon has knocked on it three times with The Foot of The Cross, and The Procession enters the Church; so does The Cross of Christ open Heaven to us and so will The Elect, one day, enter with their Lord into Eternal Glory.

We should carefully keep a Blessed Palm in our home. It is a Sacramental, which will obtain for us Graces in virtue of The Church's Prayer and strengthen our Faith in Christ, Who, Full of Mercy, has conquered sin, death and the devil, in a victory of which these sacred Palms are the type.

Mass for Palm Sunday.

The Blessing of Palms takes place at the Basilica of Saint Mary Major (Santa Maria Maggiore), which, in Rome, represents Bethlehem, the birthplace of Him Whom The Magi hailed as "King of the Jews." Thence, The Procession goes to Saint John Lateran, in which Church, in former times, The Lenten Station took place, since, by its Dedication to Saint Saviour, it calls up memories of The Passion, which is the Subject of today's Mass.

The Redeemer's Triumph must be preceded by His Humiliation, "even to The Death of The Cross" (Epistle), which is to serve as a model for us, that, "instructed by His Patience", we may "partake in His Resurrection".

Every Parish Priest celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.

Mass: Dómine, ne longe fácias.
Preface: Of The Holy Cross.

Saturday 4 April 2020

The National Shrine Of Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Baltimore, Maryland.


Entrusted to The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter.

Assistant Pastors:

114 West Saratoga Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201.
Tel: 410-685-6090.

Web-Site: HERE

Please Stand By Our Babies. “ If I Do Not Speak For These Little Ones, Who Will ? ”

Day 8 - Next Step: Going to Court to Stop the Killing ?

Dear Friend and Supporter,

On Monday, I had the difficult job of informing our staff and supporters that the Government had caved in to pressure from the abortion industry.
For the second time in less than a week, the Government has officially sanctioned deadly DIY Home Abortions.

The Abortion Industry is exploiting a national crisis

While society as a whole is focused on fighting Coronavirus and saving lives, the Secretary of State for Health has succumbed to the deadly demands of 13 powerful Abortion bodies.

Among them were the Royal College of Midwives.  So too was Britain’s biggest Abortion provider, BPAS, who last year were directly responsible for the killing of 87,000 unborn babies in this Country.

The US Abortion politician, Rahm Emanuel, famously stated that a national crisis presents an unmissable opportunity to plan for your future.

That is exactly what the UK Abortion Industry has done

BPAS will undoubtedly profit from this tragic development, as they always do.

But what about the women ?

DIY Abortion is horrendous for women

It is equivalent to a backstreet Abortion in the house. 

It is dangerous.

No medical supervision is on hand should things go wrong.

Which it will:
Haemorrhaging – a leading factor in maternal deaths – is considerably higher among women undergoing medical Abortion
That’s why SPUC has instructed its legal team to examine the new measure with a view to instigating judicial review proceedings against the Department of Health.

Unlike the government, SPUC’s pockets are not deep. Yet a costly courtroom challenge to stop DIY Abortions may be unavoidable.

And I can assure you, undertaking such a step at a time of such economic uncertainty has not been done lightly.


But what price a Baby’s life ?

We can only contemplate such action because we have walked this road before with your help.

As, when SPUC took the Government to court in 2002 to stop chemists selling Abortion-inducing morning-after pills over-the-counter

Though we lost, this legal action saw the government delay its deadly scheme. No question, it saved lives.
And when the Society took on BPAS in 2011, and won. 

SPUC fought against letting women take Abortion drugs at home and thereby simply moving Abortions out of the clinics and back onto the streets.

On that occasion, the judge decided against BPAS.

And in 2014, when SPUC backed two Glasgow midwives all the way to the Supreme Court in their long-running battle against their NHS employers.

Although the judges finally ruled against the midwives, this challenge could go down as the landmark case for upholding the ‘conscientious objection’ rights of all medical workers who find themselves pressured into involvement with Abortion at work.


Connie Wood (L) and Mary Doogan (R) lost their jobs for refusing to supervise late-term Abortions on an NHS maternity ward.
And in 2019, when SPUC Scotland took the Scottish Government to court after it rolled out home Abortions in Britain for the first time.

Legal action delayed the implementation of home Abortions in England and Wales, where an estimated 17,000 babies were saved as a result.

How to help:

Today we are on day 8 of our 11-day campaign, but less than 40% of our fundraising target of £250,000 has so far been raised.

That’s the amount the stand united together campaign must raise over the next four months to keep SPUC fighting on behalf of our Babies during this crisis.

Even by giving just £10 today, you will still be standing united together with our unborn children. 
If there is a collapse in funding, Britain’s principal pro-life grassroots campaigning group will be seriously weakened.  God forbid, SPUC could even find itself derailed altogether.

The situation is that serious.

Should that happen, unborn Babies would lose a powerful advocate, our opponents will exploit this crisis even further, and more innocent BABIES WILL DIE.

It is abhorrent that at this time of grave national crisis when our NHS is fighting for every life, the weakest and most vulnerable in our society - unborn children - are being targeted in this cruel way.

We are counting on you, at this late hour, to help us reach this goal.  We simply cannot continue this battle without you.


Will you stand by SPUC, so SPUC can stand by our Babies ?

No matter what direction the current crisis takes, your support today will guarantee unborn children will NOT be abandoned in the dark days ahead.

Please stand by our Babies.

Please donate today. 
Yours in defence of life,

John Smeaton
Chief Executive

PS: If you, or someone you know in the pro-life family, are isolated and would appreciate a call from one of our team—do let us know.  Requests can be made by replying to me personally today.

Let’s do all we can to remain Standing United Together at a time when being with others we love and care about is proving so difficult for so many of the SPUC family.
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Well Said, Mr. President.

Saint Isidore. Bishop. Confessor. Doctor Of The Church. Feast Day 4 April.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Isidore.
   Bishop. Confessor.
   Doctor Of The Church.
   Feast Day 4 April.


White Vestments.

Artist: Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (1617–1682).
Date: 1655.
Collection: Seville Cathedral.
Source/Photographer: [2]
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Isidore, brother of Saint Leander, succeeded him in 601 A.D. as Archbishop of Seville (Communion). In his Sermon on The Gospel of The Day, where Jesus compares The Apostles and their successors “to The Salt of The Earth and to The Light that sheds its rays on all those within the house,” the Saint lays down the duties of a Bishop.

“Above all, a Bishop, to accomplish his Office, must read The Scriptures, study The Canons, imitate the examples of The Saints, devote himself to watching, Fasting, and Prayer, unite humility with authority, and place his Chastity under the guard of Charity, a Virtue without which all the others are nothing.”

He realised this ideal. Versed in all knowledge, he was considered the most learned man of his Century. An indefatigable Preacher of the Gospel, he opposed The Arians and other heretics “who closed their ears to Truth and opened them to fables” (Epistle).

Wherefore, hardly sixteen years after his death in 636 A,D,, The Synod of Toledo, composed of fifty-two Bishops, proclaimed him “excellent Doctor (Collect) and the most recent glory of The Catholic Church”.

Saint Isidore was, for us here below, a Doctor of Life: May he now intercede for us in Heaven (Collect).

Mass: In médio.
Commemoration (in Lent): Of The Feria.
Last Gospel (in Lent): Of The Feria.
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