Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Thursday 30 April 2020

Saint Catharine Of Siena. Virgin. Doctor Of The Church. Feast Day 30 April.

English: Saint Catharine of Siena.
Deutsch: Hl. Katharina von Siena
Artist: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696–1770).
Date: Circa 1746.
Collection: Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Gemäldegalerie.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text is from “The Liturgical Year”.
By: Abbot Guéranger, O.S.B.
Volume 8.
Paschal Time. Book II.

The Dominican Order, which, yesterday, presented a Rose to our Risen Jesus [Editor: Feast Day of Saint Peter of Verona], now offers Him a Lily of surpassing beauty.

Saint Catharine of Siena follows Saint Peter of Verona (Saint Peter The Martyr): It is a coincidence willed by Providence, to give fresh beauty to this Season of grandest Mysteries. Our Divine King deserves everything we can offer Him; and our hearts are never so eager to give Him every possible tribute of homage as during these last days of His sojourn among us.

See how Nature is all flower and fragrance at this loveliest of her Seasons !!! The Spiritual world harmonises with the visible, and now yields her noblest and richest works in honour of Our Lord, The Author of Grace.

How grand is the Saint whose Feast comes to gladden us, today !!! She is one of the most favoured of The Holy Spouses of The Incarnate Word. She was His, wholly and unreservedly, almost from her very childhood. Though thus consecrated to Him by the Vow of Holy Virginity, she had a mission given to her by Divine Providence which required her living in the World.

But God would have her to be one of the glories of The Religious State; He, therefore, inspired her to join The Third Order of Saint Dominic. Accordingly, she wore the Habit, and fervently practised during her whole life the holy exercises of a Tertiary.

From the very commencement, there was something Heavenly about this admirable Servant of God, which, we fancy, existing in an Angel who had been sent form Heaven to live in a human body. Her longing after God gave one an idea of the vehemence wherewith The Blessed embrace The Sovereign Good on their first entrance into Heaven. In vain did the body threaten to impede the soaring of this Earthly Seraph; she subdued it by Penance, and made it obedient to the Spirit. Her body seemed to be transformed, so as to have no life of its own, but only that of the Soul.

The Blessed Sacrament was frequently the only food that she took for weeks. So complete was her union with Christ, that she received the impress of The Sacred Stigmata, and with them the most excruciating pain.

And yet, in the midst of all these supernatural favours, Saint Catharine felt the keenest interest in the necessities of others. Her zeal for their Spiritual advantage was intense, whilst her compassion for them in her corporal sufferings was that of a most loving mother. God had given her the gift of Miracles, and she was lavish in using it for the benefit of of her fellow-creatures.

Sickness and death, itself, were obedient to her command; and the prodigies witnessed at the beginning of The Church were again wrought by the humble Saint of Siena.

Her communings with God began when she was quite a child, and her ecstasies were almost without interruption. She frequently saw Our Risen Jesus, Who never left her without having honoured her either with a great consolation or with a heavy Cross. A profound knowledge of The Mysteries of our Holy Faith was another of the extraordinary Graces bestowed upon her.

So eminent, indeed, was the Heavenly Wisdom granted her by God, that she, who had received no education, used to dictate the most sublime writings, wherein she treats of Spiritual things with a clearness and eloquence to which human genius could never attain, and with a certain indescribable unction which no reader can resist.

But God would not permit such a treasure as this to lie buried in a little Town of Italy. The Saints are the supports of The Church; and, though their influence be generally hidden, yet, at times, it is open and visible, and men then learn what are the instruments which God uses for imparting Blessings to a World that would seem  to deserve little else besides chastisement.

The great question, at the close of the 14th-Century, was the restoration to The Holy City of the privilege of having within its walls The Vicar of Christ, who, for sixty years, had been absent from his See.

One Saintly Soul, by merits and Prayers, known to Heaven alone, might have brought about this happy event after which the whole Church was longing; But God would have it done by a visible agency, and in the most public manner.

In the name of the widowed Rome - in the name of her own and The Church's Spouse - Saint Catharine crossed The Alps, and sought an interview with The Pontiff, who had not so much as seen Rome. The Prophetess respectfully reminded him of his duty; and, in proof of her mission being from God, she told him of a secret which was known to himself, alone. Pope Gregory XI could no longer resist; and The Eternal City welcomed its Pastor and Father.

But, at the Pontiff's death, a frightful schism, the forerunner of greater evils to follow, broke out in The Church. Saint Catharine, even to her last hour, was untiring in her endeavours to quell the storm. Having lived the same number of years as Our Saviour had done, she breathed forth her most pure Soul into The Hands of her God, and went to continue in Heaven her ministry of intercession for The Church she had loved so much on Earth, and for Souls redeemed in The Precious Blood of her Divine Spouse.

Our Risen Jesus, Who took her to her eternal reward during the Season of Easter, granted her, whilst she was living on Earth, a favour which we mention here as being appropriate to the Mystery we are now Celebrating. He, one day, appeared to her, having with Him His Blessed Mother. Saint Mary Magdalen - she that announced The Resurrection to The Apostles - accompanied The Son and The Mother. Saint Catharine's heart was overpowered with emotion at this visit. After looking for some time upon Jesus and His Holy Mother, her eyes rested on Saint Mary Magdalen, whose happiness she both saw and envied. Jesus spoke these words to Saint Catharine: “My beloved !!! I give her [Editor: Saint Mary Magdalen] to thee, to be thy mother. Address thyself to her, henceforth, with all confidence. I give her special charge of thee”.

From that day forward, Saith Catharine had the most filial love for Saint Mary Magdalen, and called her by no other name that that of Mother.

Pope Pius II, one of the glories of Siena, composed two Hymns in honour of his Saintly and illustrious fellow-citizen. They form part of The Office of Saint Catharine of Siena in The Dominican Breviary.

Saint Catharine Of Siena (1347 - 1380). Virgin. Doctor Of The Church. Feast Day 30 April.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Catharine of Siena.
   Doctor of The Church.
   Feast Day 30 April.


White Vestments.

Saint Catharine of Siena.
Church of Santa Maria del Rosario-in-Prati, Rome.
Date: 19th-Century.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Catharine of Siena.
The Doctors of The Church.
Available on YouTube at

"The Holy Order of Preachers" [Editor: The Dominicans], which yesterday offered a Red Rose to Jesus, Risen Again, [Editor: The Feast Day of Saint Peter of Verona, Martyr], offers Him, today, a "Lily of Dazzling Whiteness". ["The Liturgical Year", by Dom Guéranger O.S.B: The Paschal Season. Vol. II. 30 April.]

Saint Catharine of Siena (1347-1380) was the last but one of twenty-four children. In her childhood, she chose Jesus for her Spouse (Epistle). Subjecting her delicate body to frightful mortifications, her only support during her prolonged Fasts was Holy Communion (Postcommunion).

Saint Catharine of Siena.
Available on YouTube at

She received, from The Crucified Lord, The Stigmata and Inspired Knowledge concerning the most profound Mysteries of Religion. It was by her persuasion that Pope Gregory XI left Avignon, France, to return to Rome, Italy.

When, like Christ, she had reached her thirty-third year, she entered Heaven with her Divine Spouse to take part in The Nuptial Banquet (Gospel) in The Holy Joys of The Eternal Passover (Introit, Alleluia).

"Let us offer to God, on this day, The Sacred Host embalmed with the Virginal Perfume of Blessed Catharine" (Secret), so that He may grant us, in return, Life Eternal (Postcommunion).

Mass: Dilexisti.

The following Text is taken from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Saint Catharine of Siena, Third Order of Saint Dominic, T.O.S.D. (25 March 1347 in Siena – 29 April 1380 in Rome), was a Tertiary of The Dominican Order and Scholastic Philosopher and Theologian. She also worked to bring the Papacy of Pope Gregory XI back to Rome from its displacement in France (Avignon) and to establish peace among the Italian City-States.

Since 18 June 1866, she is one of the two Patron Saints of Italy, together with Saint Francis of Assisi. On 3 October 1970, she was proclaimed a Doctor of The Church, by Pope Paul VI, and, on 1 October 1999, Pope Saint John Paul II named her as one of the six Patron Saints of Europe, together with Saint Benedict of Nursia, Saints Cyril and Methodius, Saint Bridget of Sweden and Saint Edith Stein.

Wednesday 29 April 2020

The Solemnity Of Saint Joseph. Spouse Of The Blessed Virgin Mary. Confessor And Patron Of The Universal Church. The Third Wednesday After Easter Sunday.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Solemnity of Saint Joseph.
   Spouse of The Blessed Virgin Mary,
   Confessor and Patron of The Universal Church.
   Third Wednesday after Easter.
      (Wednesday after Good Shepherd Sunday).

Double of The First-Class
   with an Octave.

[Note: An Octave was given to this Solemnity, rather than to The Feast of Saint Joseph on 19 March, because Feasts falling in Lent may not have Octaves.]

White Vestments.

Saint Joseph.
Spouse of The Blessed Virgin Mary.
Confessor and Patron of The Universal Church.
Artist: René de Cramer.
“Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium”.
Used with Permission.

Today's Mass might be represented by a Triptych (see, below), showing us that Saint Joseph is the protector, which Divine Providence has chosen for His Church.

1. The Epistle speaks to us of Joseph, who, in The Old Testament, is a figure of Saint Joseph. The dying Jacob prophesies that his son, Joseph, "shall be the Pastor and Strength of Israel, and that The Almighty shall shower Blessings upon him." And Joseph was established by Pharao over the entire land of Egypt, so that the salvation of all depended upon him. [The Lessons and Responses of The First Nocturn of Matins.] The whole Church has recourse to Saint Joseph with confidence.

2. The Gospel, Collect, and Communion, explaining the connection between The Heavenly Trinity and The Holy Family, this Trinity on Earth, show forth the power of Saint Joseph. Jesus is, at the same time, Son of God and Son of man. Mary is The Spouse of The Holy Ghost, and it is the will of God The Father that Saint Joseph should be considered father of Christ and that he should exercise paternal rights over Him (Preface).

3. Lastly, the Introit, Collects, Alleluia, and Offertory, show us Saint Joseph as the guardian of the new Jerusalem, which is The Church, to watch over her in the midst of all her tribulations.

Full of confidence in the patronage of Saint Joseph, let us honour his Title of Protector on Earth, so as to deserve his help from Heaven (Collect).

Mass: Adjútor.
Creed: Is said.
Preface of Saint Joseph during The Octave.

“Te Joseph Celebrent”.
The Hymn (First Tone) of Second Vespers
for The Solemnity of Saint Joseph.
Available on YouTube at

Prayer To Saint Joseph.

Prescribed by Pope Leo XIII, for the Month of October, after the recitation of The Rosary and The Litany of Our Lady.
Indulgence: 300 Days.
21 September 1889.

Unto thee. O Blessed Joseph, do we fly in our tribulation and, having implored the help of thy Holy Spouse, we now also confidently seek thy protection.

By that affection which united thee to The Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and by thy fatherly love for The Child Jesus, we humbly beg thee to look down with compassion on the inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased with His Blood, and in our need to help us by thy powerful intercession.

Do thou, O prudent Guardian of The Holy Family,
watch over the chosen people of Jesus Christ.

Keep us, O loving father, safe from all error
and corruption. O great protector, from thy place
in Heaven, graciously help us in our contest
against The Powers of Darkness.

And as of old thou didst rescue The Child Jesus from
the danger of death, so now defend God's Holy Church
from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity.

Extend to each one of us thy continual protection,
that, led on by thine example, and strengthened
by thine aid, we may live and die in holiness,
and obtain everlasting happiness in Heaven.


Saint Peter Of Verona. Martyr. Feast Day, Today, 29 April.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Peter of Verona.
   Feast Day 29 April.


Red Vestments.

English: Saint Peter the Martyr.
Artist: Pedro Berruguete (1450–1504).
Date: Circa 1493.
Current location: Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain.
Source/Photographer: Galería online
(Wikimedia Commons)

Born at Verona, Italy, towards 1205, from Manichean parents, Saint Peter, as a child, opposed the heretics. He entered The Order of Saint Dominic. He preserved such purity of body and Soul that he never committed a Mortal Sin.

We read in The Bull of his Canonisation: "A chosen cluster from the Vine of The Church has filled with its generous juice The Royal Chalice: The Branch, from which it has been cut by the sword, was of those which most strongly adhered to The Divine Stem" (Gospel).

The ardour of his Faith so enflamed him that he wished to die for it and his Prayer was heard. "As he lived piously in Christ, it was necessary that he should be persecuted" (Epistle) and an impious assassin, sent by the Manichees, murdered him on the road from Como to Milan in 1252.

Let us ask God to grant us, through the merits of Saint Peter, a Faith so strong (Collect) that it may obtain for us, after all the adversities of this life (Postcommunion), the joys of The Resurrection (Epistle, Communion).

Mass: Protexisti.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Saint Peter of Verona O.P. (1206 – 6 April 1252), also known as Saint Peter Martyr, was a 13th-Century Italian Catholic Priest. He was a Dominican Friar and a celebrated Preacher. He served as Inquisitor in Lombardy, was killed by an assassin, and was Canonised as a Catholic Saint eleven months after his death, making this the fastest Canonisation in history.

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Saint Vitalis. Martyr. Feast Day 28 April.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Vitalis.
   Feast Day 28 April.


Red Vestments.

The Martyrdom of Saint Vitalis.
This 14th-Century French Manuscript depicts Saint Vitalis being buried alive.
Author: Richard de Montbaston et collaborateurs.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Vitalis, father of Saints Gervase and Protase, was put to death at Ravenna, Italy, under Emperor Nero, around 62 A.D.

Having been tortured on The Rack, he was thrown into a deep hole and stoned to death.

A Church was Consecrated to him in Rome. The Lenten Station is held there on The Friday in The Second Week of Lent.

Mass: Protexisti.

The Martyrdom of San Vitale.
Artist: Federico Barocci (1535–1612).
Date: 16th-Century.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

The Feast of Saint Vitalis occurs on 28 April. Churches are Dedicated in honour of Saint Vitalis at Rome, Faenza, Rimini, Como, Ferrara, Venice, and Verona, Italy, and at Jadera (now Zadar) in Dalmatia (now Croatia).

By far the most famous Church bearing his name is the octagonal Basilica of San Vitale at Ravenna, Italy, a masterpiece of Byzantine art, erected on the purported site of his Martyrdom. He is also The Patron Saint of Granarolo and Marittima, in Italy, as well as of Thibodaux, Louisiana, in The United States.

The Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral recognises Saint Vitalis as its Patron. A Mass to Commemorate the seventy-fifth Anniversary of Cebu's Elevation to an Archdiocese, and The Feast Day of Vitalis, was held on 28 April 2009, with The Archbishop of Cebu, Cardinal Ricardo Vidal, presiding.

A statue of Saint Vitalis is one those on The Colonnade of Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome.

Saint Paul Of The Cross. Confessor. Feast Day, Today, 28 April.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Paul of The Cross.
   Feast Day 28 April.


White Vestments.

Logo of The Passionists.
The Passionists were Founded by Saint Paul of The Cross.
Date: 28 February 2015.
Source: Own work.
Author: Jayarathina
(Wikimedia Commons)

Portrait of Saint Paul of The Cross.
Date: May 2005.
Source: Own work.
Author: Plet Philippe
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Paul of The Cross was born at Ovada, in the State of Genoa, in 1694. As his name indicates, he had during all his life a burning love for Jesus Crucified. "Nailed to The Cross with Christ" (Gospel), he devoted himself to Preaching everywhere with singular Charity, The Mystery of The Cross (Collect, Epistle).

To carry out this great work in The Church (Gospel), he instituted The Passionists, who make a Vow to propagate The Blessed Memory of The Saviour's Passion.

Consumed by the love which he drew from The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass, "which is The Perpetual Memorial [Editor: It IS NOT a "Shared Meal".] of the boundless Charity of Christ" (Postcommunion), he offered himself to God with Jesus "as an oblation of agreeable odour" (Offertory) and died in 1775.

Let us, like Saint Paul of The Cross, suffer with The Crucified Saviour, so that we may rejoice with Jesus Risen Again (Alleluia, Communion).

Mass: Christo confixus.
Commemoration: Saint Vitalis.

Monday 27 April 2020

Saint Peter Canisius. Confessor. Doctor Of The Church. Feast Day 27 April.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Peter Canisius.
   Doctor of The Church.
   Feast Day 27 April.


White Vestments.

Saint Peter Canisius.
Date: 1699.
Author: Anonymous.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Peter Canisius was born in Nimegen, Holland, on 8 May 1521; he died at Fribourg, Switzerland, on 21 December 1597. He was Beatified by Blessed Pope Pius IX and Canonised and proclaimed Doctor of The Church by Pope Pius XI.

His Feast Day was extended to the Universal Church on 24 November 1926. It is fitting that this Dutch Saint should be called The Apostle of Germany, The Hammer of Heretics, The Jerome and Augustine of his Century, The Defender of The Church against The Gates of Hell.

By his eloquent Preaching, controversy, and Books of Piety, by the Foundation of several Colleges, by the Missions entrusted to him by four Sovereign Pontiffs, he stopped the progress of Protestantism and caused Catholic Life to flourish.

Saint Peter Canisius.
Available on YouTube at

He assisted as a Theologian at The Council of Trent, and maintained the interests of The Church at The Diet of Augsburg and at The Conference of Worms.

Profoundly humble, he refused the Bishoprics of Vienna and Cologne. We owe to him the first Catechism of Christian Doctrine, which suffices to entitle him to the gratitude of Catholics. He ended his days at The College of Saint Michael, Fribourg, Switzerland, where Pilgrims visit his room and Pray at this tomb.

Mass: In médio (from The Common of Doctors).

Sunday 26 April 2020

A Little Levity To Lighten Your Day . . .

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                                                          contain: one
                                                          possible text
                                                          find new
                                                          after all the
                                                          bars close


Saint Cletus And Saint Marcellinus. Popes And Martyrs. Feast Day 26 April.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saints Cletus and Marcellinus.
   Popes and Martyrs.
   Feast Day 26 April.


Red Vestments.

Pope Saint Cletus.
Two Popes of The Early Church sit on opposite corners of the Portico Ceiling of Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Today, we Celebrate their Feast Day. The two men served as Popes two Centuries apart. What they share is that their Pontificates occurred during times of great torture and persecution for professing Christians under Roman rule. Reflecting on the lives of Pope Saint Cletus (above) and Pope Saint Marcellinus I puts into perspective the trials that The Faithful now are facing.

English: Church of Saint Marcellinus, Liège, Belgium.
Français: Vue de l'église Saint-Marcellin à Chokier,
dans la commune de Flémalle (province de Liège, en Belgique).
Photo: 30 April 2017.
Source: Own work.
Author: Jean Housen
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Cletus was the third Pope. Born at Rome, he was converted by Saint Peter and succeeded Saint Linus on The Pontifical Throne. He received The Crown of Martyrdom in 91 A.D., under Emperor Domitian and was buried near The Prince of The Apostles.

Saint Marcellinus was also a Roman. He governed The Church from 293 A.D. to 304 A.D., during the terrible persecution of Diocletian, who caused him to be beheaded. The name of Saint Cletus is in The Canon of The Mass (First List).

Their Mass is that of Martyrs in Paschaltide. It shows how Faith in the Virtue of The Resurrection of Christ sustains Souls in the midst of the sufferings they have to undergo on Earth after Christ (Epistle) before sharing in His Triumph in Heaven (Introit, Epistle, Gospel, Offertory, Communion).

Let us glorify Jesus, whose members we are, by producing many fruits of patience, as did these Holy Martyrs (Gospel).

Mass: Sancti tui.

Saturday 25 April 2020

Saint Mark The Evangelist. Feast Day 25 April.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Mark the Evangelist.
   Feast Day 25 April.

Double of The Second-Class.

Red Vestments.

Saint Mark The Evangelist.
Artist: René de Cramer.
“Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium”.
Used with Permission.

English: Saint Mark the Evangelist.
Español: San Marcos.
Artist: Jusepe Leonardo (1601–1653).
Date: Circa 1630.
Current location: Bowes Museum,
Barnard Castle, England.
This File: 7 June 2010.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Mark, the Disciple of Saint Peter, is one of The Four Evangelists (Collect) who wrote, under the inspiration of The Holy Ghost, an abridgement of The Life of Jesus. His narration begins by the mission of Saint John the Baptist, whose "voice was heard in the desert"; he is represented with a Lion lying at his feet, because the Lion, one of the four symbolical animals in the vision of Ezechiel (Epistle), makes the desert re-echo with its roaring.

He was one of the seventy-two Disciples (Gospel). He went to Egypt, where he was the first to announce Christ at Alexandria. The Preaching of the Gospel, which his Martyrdom confirmed, made him to enter into Glory (Secret), where Saint John shows him to us as one of the four symbolical animals who attend The Triumph of The Immolated Lamb.

Statue of Saint Mark the Evangelist (Copy).
Artist: Donatello
Location: Orsanmichele, Florence, Italy.
This File: 22 August 2005.
(Wikimedia Commons)

His body was taken to Venice, whose Patron he is since the 9th-Century A.D. Rome possesses a Church Dedicated to Saint Mark, where a Station is held on The Monday of The Third Week in Lent.

Let us profit by the teaching of Saint Mark, who wrote the Gospel of Christ and Preached it, and let us have recourse to his Prayers (Collect).

Mass: Protexisti.
Commemoration: Of The Rogations, should The Rogation Mass not be Celebrated.
Credo: Is said.
Preface: Of The Apostles.

English: Venetian merchants,
with the help of two Greek Monks,
take Mark the Evangelist's body to Venice
Deutsch: Bergung des Leichnams
des Hl. Markus (vor der Restaurierung).
Artist: Tintoretto
Date: 1562-1566.
Current location: Accademia of Venice, Italy.
Source/Photographer: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei.
DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202
Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Greater Litanies On 25 April. The Lesser Litanies (Rogation Days). Chestnut Sunday (Rogation Sunday). The Litany Of The Saints.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

The Station is at Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome.

Violet Vestments.

Rogation Sunday.
The Ancient Custom of Blessing the Fields,
Hever, Kent, England.
Photo: 9 February 1967.
Source: From
Author: Ray Trevena
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Church Celebrates, on 25 April, two Solemnities, which have nothing in common: The Greater Litanies, so called on account of their Roman origin, and The Feast of Saint Mark, which is of later date. The word “Litany” means “Supplication”.

In ancient Rome, on 25 April, used to be celebrated the pagan feast of Robigalia. It consisted, principally, of a procession, which, leaving the City by The Flaminian Gate, went to The Milvian Bridge and ended in a suburban Sanctuary situated on The Claudian Way.

There, a ewe was sacrificed in honour of a god or goddess of the name Robigo (god or goddess of frost). The Greater Litany was the substitution of a Christian, for a pagan, ceremony. Its itinerary is known to us by a convocation of Saint Gregory the Great. It is, approximately, the same as that of the pagan procession.

All The Faithful in Rome betook themselves to the Church of Saint Laurence-in-Lucina, the nearest to The Flaminian Gate. Leaving by this Gate, the Procession made a Station at Saint Valentine's, crossed The Milvian Bridge, and branched off to the Left towards the Vatican.

After halting at a Cross, it entered the Basilica of Saint Peter for the Celebration of The Holy Mysteries.

This Litany is recited throughout the Church to keep away calamities, and to draw down The Blessing of God on The Harvest. “Vouchsafe to grant us to preserve the fruits of the Earth, we Pray Thee, hear us”, is sung by the Procession through the Countryside.

The whole Mass shows what assiduous Prayer may obtain, when, in the midst of our adversities (Collects, Offertory), we have recourse with confidence to Our Father in Heaven (Epistle, Gospel, Communion).

If The Feast of Saint Mark is Transferred, The Litanies are not Transferred, unless they fall on Easter Sunday. In which case, they are Transferred to the following Tuesday.

Litany of The Saints.
Available on YouTube at

The Litany Of The Saints.

The Litany of The Saints is used in connection with:

Holy Mass on The Greater Litanies (25 April);

The Lesser Litanies (Rogation Days);

Holy Saturday;

The Vigil of Pentecost;

Masses of Ordination, before the conferring of Major Orders.

On Saint Mark’s Day and Rogation Days, if the Procession is held, The Litany is preceded by the Antiphon “Exurge, Domine”, (Psalm XLIII. 26), and all Invocations are sung by the Cantors and repeated in full by the Choir [i.e., “Doubled”].

If the Procession cannot be held, the Invocations are not repeated.

On The Vigils of Easter and Pentecost, the Invocations marked with an asterisk (*) in The Missal are omitted; all the remaining Invocations are repeated, either there be a Font and a Procession from the Baptistry, or not.

At Masses of Ordination, only the first five Invocations are repeated.

The Litany of The Saints
at the Funeral of Pope Saint John Paul II
Available on YouTube at

Rogation Days are, in The Calendar of The Western Church, observed on 25 April (The Major Rogation) and the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday immediately preceding Ascension Thursday (The Minor Rogations).

The first Rogation, The Greater Litanies, has been compared to the ancient Roman religious festival of the Robigalia, a pagan ritual involving prayer and sacrifice for crops held on 25 April. The first Rogation is also observed on 25 April, and a direct connection has sometimes been asserted, with the “Christian substitute” following the same processional route in Rome. If Easter falls on 24 April, or on this day (25 April) (the latest possible date for Easter), The Rogations are Transferred to the following Tuesday.

The second set of Rogation Days, The Lesser Litanies, or Rogations, introduced about 470 A.D. by Bishop Mamertus of Vienne and eventually adopted elsewhere, are the three days (Rogation Monday, Rogation Tuesday and Rogation Wednesday) immediately before Ascension Thursday in The Christian Liturgical Calendar.

The word “Rogation” comes from the Latin verb “Rogare”, meaning “to ask”, and was applied to this time of The Liturgical Year because the Gospel reading for the previous Sunday included the passage, “Ask and ye shall receive” (Gospel of John 16:24). The Sunday itself was often called Rogation Sunday, as a result, and marked the start of a three-week period (ending on Trinity Sunday), when Roman Catholic and Anglican Clergy did not solemnise marriages (two other such periods of marital prohibition also formerly existed, one beginning on The First Sunday in Advent and continuing through The Octave of Epiphany, or 13 January, and the other running from Septuagesima until The Octave of Easter, The Sunday after Easter (Low Sunday)).

In England, Rogation Sunday is called “Chestnut Sunday”.

The Faithful typically observed The Rogation Days by Fasting in preparation to Celebrate Ascension Day, and farmers often had their crops Blessed by a Priest at this time. Violet Vestments are worn at The Rogation Litany and its associated Mass, regardless of what colour was being worn at the ordinary Liturgies Of The Day.

A common feature of Rogation Days, in former times, was the Ceremony of “Beating the Bounds”, in which a Procession of Parishioners, led by the Minister, Churchwarden, and Choirboys, would proceed around the boundary of their Parish and Pray for its protection in the forthcoming year. This was also known as “Gang-Day”.

The reform of The Liturgical Calendar for Latin Roman Catholics, in 1969, delegated the establishment of Rogation Days, along with Ember Days, to the Episcopal Conferences.Their observance in the Latin Church subsequently declined, but the observance has revived somewhat, since 1988, (when Pope Saint John Paul II issued his Decree “Ecclesia Dei Adflicta”) and especially since 2007 (when Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI issued his Motu Proprio, “Summorum Pontificum”), when the use of older Rites was encouraged.

Churches of the Anglican Communion reformed their Liturgical Calendar in 1976, but continue to recognise the three days before Ascension [Editor: The Rogation Days (The Lesser Litanies)] as an Optional Observance.

Friday 24 April 2020

The Pre-1955 Holy Week: A Liturgical And Spiritual And Cultural Treasure.

The Pre-1955 Holy Week:
A Liturgical, Spiritual, And Cultural, Treasure.
From The Institute Of Christ The King Sovereign Priest.
Available on YouTube at

Highlights of The Office of Tenebræ and The Holy Triduum, Sung and Celebrated by Members (Canons, Oblates and Candidates) of The Institute of Christ The King Sovereign Priest.

Texts: Dom Guéranger “The Liturgical Year”.
Extracts from The Texts of The Mass
Music: Carolingian Invocations: Seminary of The Institute of Christ The King.
“Miserere Mei” (1661 Codex Version) - G. Allegri (Sistine Chapel Choir).

Location: St. Mary Oratory, Rockford, Illinois. USA.

Stephen Travers. Australian Artist.

The Stairs of Montmartre, Paris.
Sketched by Stephen Travers.

This Post was inspired by an Article on FACEBOOK - RICHARD HAWKER

The following Text is from SORTRA.COM

Australian artist Stephen Travers had always desired to paint, but had subdued every day for 25 years. He took up drawing and painting when his daughter won a year’s scholarship at the Julian Ashton Art School. After taking a couple of introductory TAFE Cert IV Fine Arts subjects in drawing and painting in 2006 and 2007, which provided some enforced structure and input, he left classes to focus on the subjects that always captured his imagination.

He devoted himself in painting the light, colour, shape and texture of the Australian natural environment. In 2015 he took the step of leaving regular employment to work full-time at his art.

Today, we share some of his sketches that he drew during his trip to Paris, France. You will love the way he transformed the iconic places of Paris in black and white portraits.

Prayers Before The Relic Of Blessed Richard Whiting. Plus, Prayer For The End Of The Pandemic. From The Monastery Of Our Lady Saint Mary Of Glastonbury.

Meditation and Prayers in front of
The Relic of Blessed Richard Whiting.
Plus, Prayer for the end of the Pandemic.
From The Monastery of Our Lady Saint Mary of Glastonbury.
Available on YouTube at

Saint Fidelis Of Sigmaringen. Martyr. Feast Day, Today, 24 April.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen.
   Feast Day 24 April.


Red Vestments.

English: Wall painting of Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen,
the Church of Saint Venantius, Pfärrenbach, Horgenzell, Germany.
Deutsch: Filialkirche St. Venantius, Pfärrenbach, Gemeinde Horgenzell
Wandmalerei im Kirchenschiff: Hl. Fidelis von Sigmaringen.
Photo: 2006.
Source: Own work.
Author: Photo: Andreas Praefcke
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Fidelis was born at Sigmaringen, Swabia (or, Suabia), Germany, in 1577. He was at first a Magistrate and took so much interest in the Poor that he was called "the Advocate of the Poor". He entered the Seraphic Order of Saint Francis, intimately united to God in continual Prayer and work. He asked, and obtained from Him, to shed his blood for The Catholic Faith.

He was sent to the Country of the Grisons, where Protestant Soldiers, fearing his influence, stabbed him to death at Sévis in 1622 (Collect).

This Holy Martyr, who, in The Paschal Cycle, takes his place among the attendants of The Risen Lord, shares with Him the felicity of The Sons of God (Epistle).

The Gospel of The Martyr's Mass in Paschaltide is, like the Gospels after Easter, a passage from the last discourse pronounced by The Master on the eve of His Death.

On the symbolical vine, which is Jesus, there are two sorts of branches which receive different treatment. Those without fruit are cut off and thrown into the fire. Those that bear fruit are, on the contrary, "carefully pruned, in order that they may produce still more". That is why Saint Fidelis was persecuted and put to death.

Let us obtain by the merits of this Saint to be, like him, "so confirmed in Faith and Charity that we may be faithful in God's service unto death" (Collect).

Mass: Protexisti.

Thursday 23 April 2020

Oh, Be Still, My Heart. I Thought I Was In Heaven.

Плотію Почаївський напів

«Плотію» - Почаївський напів Диригент: Євген Савчук Національна заслужена академічна капела України "Думка". Святковий концерт у Римі на честь Папи Венедикта XVI та отців Папського Синоду відбувся з нагоди всенародної прощі до Собору святої Софії (Рим, 13 -15 жовтня 2012). В цих днях Патріярх Святослав освятив відновлений Собор Святої Софії, а в стінах Українського Католицького Університету святого Климентія Папи відбулася наукова конференція.
Available on YouTube at

This extraordinary version of The Exapostilarion of Easter, is here performed
in a concert given in Rome in October of 2012 by the National “Dumka” Choir,
which is very famous in Ukraine, conducted by Yevgeny Savchuk.

This particular Chant comes from the Tradition of The Monastery
of The Holy Dormition in Pochayiv, about 85 miles to the East of Lviv.


A Little Levity To Lighten Your Day . . .

Saint George. Martyr. Feast Day 23 April. The Patron Saint Of England.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint George.
   Feast Day 23 April.

   (In England: Double of The First-Class with Octave).

Red Vestments.

Martyrdom of Saint George.
Artist: Paolo Veronese (1528–1588).
Date: Circa 1564.
Current location: San Giorgio in Braida, Verona, Italy.
Source/Photographer: Web Gallery of Art
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint George, born of an illustrious family in Cappadocia (modern-day Turkey), was promoted by Emperor Diocletian to the First Ranks in the army.

When the Emperor had published at Nicomedia his first Edict against the Christians, Saint George reproached him for his cruelty. Immediately, Saint George was cast into prison and subjected to such atrocious torments that the Eastern Church calls him The Great Martyr. He was beheaded in 303 A.D.

This Patron of armies is Venerated by Greeks and Latins. Rome possesses a Sanctuary erected in his honour, where The Station is held on The Thursday after Ash Wednesday.

England chose him for her Patron in the 13th-Century. Therefore, in this Country, his Feast is a Double of The First-Class with an Octave. He is one of The Fourteen Auxiliary Saints.

Mass: Protexisti.

Saint George killing the Dragon.
Artist: Bernat Martorell (1390–1452).
Date: 1434-1435.
Source: AA.VV.,El llibre d'or de l'art català,
Edicions Primera Plana, Barcelona, 1997.
Author: Bernat Martorell (1390–1452).
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia -the free encyclopædia.

Saint George, was a Soldier in the Roman army and was later Venerated as a Christian Martyr. His father was Gerontius, a Greek Christian, from Cappadocia, and an Official in the Roman army; his mother, Polychronia, was a Christian, from Lydda. Saint George became an Officer in the Roman army in The Guard of the Emperor Diocletian, who ordered his death for failing to repudiate his Christian Faith.

In hagiography, Saint George is one of the most Venerated Saints in The Catholic Church (Latin and Eastern), Anglican, Orthodox, East Syrian, and Miaphysite Churches. He is immortalised in the myth of Saint George and the Dragon and is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. His Memorial, Saint George's Day, is traditionally celebrated on the Julian date of 23 April (currently the 6th of May according to the Gregorian Calendar), and he is regarded as one of the most prominent Military Saints.

Many Patronages of Saint George exist around the World, including Countries and Cities, as well as The Scout Movement, in addition to a wide range of professions, organisations, and disease sufferers.

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Spring Has Sprung In England. “Consider The Bluebells: Even Solomon, In All His Glory, Was Not Arrayed Such As These”. (With Apologies To The Lilies.)

English: Hyacinthoides non-scripta (Common Bluebell),
Ashridge Forest, Hertfordshire, England.
Photo prise à Ashridge Forest, dans l'Hertfordshire (Royaume-Unis).
Photo: 28 April 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: MichaelMaggs
(Wikimedia Commons)

A rich bed of Bluebells
(Hyacinthoides non-scripta),
Little Chittenden Wood, Four Elms, Kent, Great Britain.
Photo: 16 May 2010.
Source: From
(Wikimedia Commons)

A Bluebell Wood.
Photo: 26 April 2012.
Uploaded by Magnus Manske
Author: Tony Hisgett, Birmingham, England.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Soter And Saint Caius. Popes And Martyrs. Feast Day 22 April.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Soter and Saint Caius.
   Popes and Martyrs.
   Feast Day 22 April.


White Vestments.

Pope Soter.
This Illustration is from The Lives and Times of the Popes
by Chevalier Artaud de Montor, New York:
The Catholic Publication Society of America, 1911.
It was originally published in 1842.
Date: 6 June 2013.
Author: Artaud de Montor (1772–1849).
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Martyrdom of Pope Caius (San Gaggio).
By Lorenzo Monaco (Lorenzo di Giovanni), circa 1394.
Originally part of the Altarpiece
of the Church of San Gaggio in Florence.
Date: January 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Polylerus
(Wikimedia Commons)

Pope Soter succeeded Pope Anicetus in 161 A.D., and was Martyred ten years later under Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Pope Caius, whose Relics are kept in the Sanctuary of Saint Sylvester, at Rome, governed The Church a Century later and was put to death in 296 A.D.

Like all the Sovereign Pontiffs of the first Centuries, they united their sacrifice to that of Christ and "in Him bore much fruit" (Epistle). "God then avenged the blood of His servants and invited them to The Marriage Feast of The Lamb" (Epistle), to associate them in His Triumph and Happiness (Gospel, Offertory, Communion).

Let us honour the Blessed Martyrs Soter and Caius in order that, in Heaven, their powerful intercession may obtain for us Divine Protection (Collect).

Mass: Sancti tui.
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