Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Friday 19 June 2020

Saint Gervase And Saint Protase. Martyrs. Feast Day, Today, 19 June.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Gervase And Saint Protase.
   Feast Day 19 June.


Red Vestments.

Saints Gervasius and Protasius.
Detail from The Apparition to Saint Ambrose.
Artist: Philippe de Champaigne (1602–1674).
Date: 1658.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Sons of Saint Vitalis and Saint Valeria, these two Saints were Martyred under Emperor Nero at Milan (1st-Century A.D.). Saint Gervase was beaten to death, and Saint Protase, after having been scourged, was beheaded.

Saint Ambrose discovered their bodies in 368 A.D.

Their names are included in The Litany of The Saints.

Mass: Loquétur Dominus.
Collects: Of The Mass: Salus Autem, but the names of the Saints are omitted in The Secret.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Saints Gervasius and Protasius (also Saints Gervase and Protase, Gervasis and Prothasis, and, in French, Gervais and Protais) are Venerated as Christian Martyrs, probably of the 2nd-Century A.D.

They are The Patron Saints of Milan and of Hay Makers, and are invoked for the discovery of thieves. Their Feast Day in The Latin Rite of The Catholic Church is 19 June, the day marking The Translation of their Relics.

In The Eastern Orthodox Church and in The Eastern Rites of The Catholic Church, their Feast takes place on 14 October (O.S.)/24 October (N.S.), the Traditional day of their death. In Christian iconography their emblems are The Scourge, The Club and The Sword.

Feast Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus. The Friday After The Octave Of Corpus Christi.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
or, where indicated, from
Abbot Guéranger's “The Liturgical Year”.

Feast of The Sacred Heart of Jesus.
   Friday after The Octave of Corpus Christi.

Double of The First Class
   with Privileged Octave of The Third Order.

White Vestments.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus
with Saint Ignatius of Loyola and Saint Louis Gonzaga (circa 1770).
Artist: José de Páez, Mexico, 1727-1790.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Annum Sacrum.

“Annum Sacrum” (meaning “Holy Year”) is an Encyclical by Pope Leo XIII on The Consecration of the entire World to The Sacred Heart of Jesus. It was delivered in Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome on 25 May 1899, the twenty-second year of his Pontificate.

The Consecration in the Encyclical entered new Theological territory by Consecrating non-Christians. The Encyclical, and the Consecration, were influenced by two Letters written to the Pope by Sister Mary of The Divine Heart, who stated that, in visions of Jesus Christ, she had been told to request the Consecration.

The Encyclical includes the Prayer of Consecration to The Sacred Heart, composed by Leo XIII.

English: Coat-of-Arms of Pope Leo XIII.
Français: Armoiries du pape Léon XIII : D'azur au cyprès de sinople planté sur une plaine de même accompagné au francs quartier d'une comête d'or et en pointe de deux flaurs de lys d'argent, à la fasce d'argent brochant sur le tout.
Date: 11 August 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Odejea
(Wikimedia Commons)

Protestantism, in the 16th-Century, and Jansenism, in the 17th-Century, had attempted to spoil one of the essential Dogmas of Christianity, namely, the love of God for all men.

It became necessary that the Spirit of Love, which directs The Church, should, by some new means, counteract the spreading heresy, in order that The Spouse of Christ, far from seeing her love for Jesus diminish, should feel it always increasing.

This was made manifest in Catholic Worship, which is the sure rule of our Faith, by the institution of The Feast of The Sacred Heart.

Yet, in Early-Middle-Ages, The Doctors of The Church, and The Saints, used to see, in The Wound of Jesus's Side, The Source of All Graces. Saint Bonaventure invites us "to enter this Wound and to dwell in the quiet of this Heart" (Third Nocturn).

English: Saint John Eudes, 1673.
Nederlands: Portret Jean Eudes ca. 1673 - publiek domein, ouderdom.
Source: Transferred from nl.wikipedia
Author: Original uploader was Besednjak at nl.wikipedia
(Wikimedia Commons)

Jean Eudes (14 November 1601 - 19 August 1680) was a French Missionary, Founder of The Congregation of Jesus and Mary and of The Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of The Refuge, and author of The Propers for Mass and The Divine Office of The Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

The two Benedictine Virgins, Saint Gertrude and Saint Mechtilde, in the 13th-Century, had a clear vision of the grandeur of the devotion to The Sacred Heart. Saint John the Evangelist, appearing to Saint Gertrude, announced to her that "the meaning of the blessed beating of The Heart of Jesus, which he had heard whilst his head rested on His breast, was reserved for the latter times, when the World, grown old and cold in Divine Love, would require to have its fervour renewed by means of this Mystery of Burning Love".

English: Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
contemplating The Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Italiano: Santa Margherita Maria Alacoque Contempla il Sacro Cuore di Gesù.
Polski: Św. Małgorzata Maria Alacoque adoruje Najświętsze Serce Jezusa.
Artist: Giaquito Corrado.
Date: 1765.
(Wikimedia Commons)

This Heart, say these two Saints, is an Altar on which Christ offers Himself to The Father as a perfect and most acceptable victim. It is a golden censer from which rise, towards The Father, as many clouds of incense as there are kinds of men for whom Christ suffered.

In this Heart, the praise and thanks we give to God and all our good works are ennobled and become acceptable to The Father.

But, in order to make this Worship public and recognised, Providence first raised up Saint John Eudes, who, in 1670, composed an Office and a Mass of The Sacred Heart for the so-called Congregation of The Eudists.

Providence then chose one of the spiritual daughters of Saint Francis of Sales, Saint Margaret-Mary Alacoque, to whom Jesus showed His Heart at Paray-le-Monial, on 16 June 1675, The Sunday after Corpus Christi, and asked her to institute a Feast of The Sacred Heart on The Friday following The Octave of Corpus Christi.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus, (Sacro cuore di Jesu), painting on the Altar in the Northern Side Chapel of Il Gesu, in Rome, circa 1767, by Pompeo Batoni.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Lastly, God employed, for the propagation of this Devotion, Blessed Claude de la Colombiere. He belonged to The Company of Jesus, "the whole of which inherited his zeal in the propagation of the Devotion to The Sacred Heart" [the quoted portion is from Dom Guéranger's "The Liturgical Year, Volume 10, Book 1: The Feast of The Sacred Heart"].

[Dom Guéranger writes, in the above tome, on The Feast of The Sacred Heart of Jesus: "A new ray of light shines today in the Heaven of Holy Church, and its light brings warmth. The Divine Master given to us by our Redeemer, that is, the Paraclete Spirit, who has come down into this world, continues His teachings to us in the Sacred Liturgy. The earliest of these, His Divine Teachings, was the Mystery of the Trinity; and we have worshipped the Blessed Three: We have been taught Whom God is, we know Him in His own nature, we have been admitted, by faith, into the sanctuary of the infinite Essence.

Image of Prosper Guéranger by Claude-Ferdinand Gaillard (1874).
Date: 2007-05-07 (original upload date).
Source: Transferred from en.wikipedia
Author: Original uploader was Ikanreed at en.wikipedia
(Wikimedia Commons)

"Then, this Spirit, the mighty wind of Pentecost, opened to our Souls new aspects of the truth, which it is His mission to make the World remember; and His revelation left us prostrate before The Sacred Host, The Memorial which God, Himself, has left us of all His wonderful works.

"Today, It is The Sacred Heart of The Word Made Flesh that this Holy Spirit puts before us, that we may know and love and adore It."]

In 1765, Pope Clement XIII, gave his approbation to The Feast and The Office of The Sacred Heart, and, in 1856, Blessed Pope Pius IX (Pio Nono), extended it to The Universal Church. In 1929, Pope Pius XI composed a new Mass and Office for this Feast and gave it a Privileged Octave of The Third Order.

The Solemnity of The Sacred Heart sums up all the phases of The Life of Jesus, recalled in The Liturgy from Advent to The Feast of Corpus Christi.

It constitutes an admirable Triptych, giving us, in abridgement, all The Mysteries (Joyous, Sorrowful and Glorious) of The Saviour's Life devoted to The Love of God and Men. This Feast is, indeed, placed on a height from which may be contemplated the redeeming labours of The Saviour on Earth and The Glorious Victories He will, by the working of The Holy Ghost, achieve in Souls until the end of the World.

Pope Leo XIII in 1880.
Source: 1880 book on Pope Leo XIII.
Author: Karl Benzinger.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Pope Leo XIII wrote the Encyclical, "Annum Sacrum", on the Consecration of the entire World to The Sacred Heart of Jesus. It was delivered in Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome on 25 May 1899.

Coming after The Feasts of Christ, this Feast completes them, concentrating them in one object, which is materially Jesus's Heart of Flesh, and formally the unbounded charity symbolised by this Heart. This Solemnity, therefore, does not relate to a particular Mystery of The Saviour's Life, but embraces them all; indeed, the Devotion to The Sacred Heart Celebrates all the favours we have received from Divine Charity during the year (Collect), and all the marvellous things that Jesus has done for us (Introit, Tract, Alleluia).

It is The Feast of The Love of God for Men, a love which has made Jesus come down on Earth for all by His Incarnation (Epistle), which has raised Him on The Cross for the Redemption of all and which brings Him down every day on our Altars by Transubstantiation, in order to make us benefit by the merits of His Death on Calvary.

English: Mary of The Divine Heart.
Deutsch: Schwester Maria Droste zu Vischering.
Español: Beata María del Divino Corazón.
Portrait of Blessed Sister Mary of The Divine Heart, Countess of Droste zu Vischering, Mother Superior of The Good Shepherd Convent in Porto, Portugal
Date: Circa 1890.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Blessed Mary of The Divine Heart (1863 - 1899).

Born Maria Droste zu Vischering, she was a German Roman Catholic Nun, who was best known for influencing Pope Leo XIII's Consecration of the World to The Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Pope Leo XII called this Consecration "the greatest act of my Pontificate".

These three Mysteries, which manifest to us The Divine Charity in a more special way, sum up the spirit of The Feast of The Sacred Heart. It is "His love which forced Him to put on a mortal body" (Hymn at Matins). It is "His love which forced Him to put on a mortal body" [Hymn at Matins].

It is His love which willed that The Sacred Heart should be pierced on The Cross (Gospel and Communion), in order that, from the wound, should flow a spring (Preface) we might draw from, joyfully (Versicle at Second Vespers), whose Water cleanses us from our sins in Baptism and whose Blood nourishes our Souls in The Eucharist.

And, as The Eucharist is the continuation of The Incarnation and The Sacrifice of Calvary, Jesus asked that The Feast should be placed immediately after The Octave of Corpus Christi.

As these manifestations of Christ's Love only show the more the ingratitude of men, who only answer by coldness and indifference (Offertory), this Solemnity has a character of reparation (Collect) demanded of us by The Wounded Heart of Jesus and by His Immolation in The Crib, on The Cross and on The Altar.

Let us learn from The Heart of Jesus, Whose gentle and humble Love turns no-one away, and in it we shall find rest for our Souls (Alleluia).

The King Of Love Made Himself The Victim of His Own Sacrifice.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is arrayed in Sacerdotal Vestments because, in The Mystery of The Incarnation, He was anointed Priest by the anointing of The Divinity, Itself. He is, therefore, The Pontiff, The Mediator, between God and man, The King of All Hearts. 

Of this, the Centurion bears witness, who exclaims: "He is really The Son of God." The Sacred Heart of Jesus is represented on His Cross, for it is out of love for us that He made Himself The Victim of His Sacrifice.

He is, thereby, our Deliverer, our King of Love by right of conquest. Of this, Mary Magdalen and Longinus bear witness, holding in their hands The Nails, which attached Christ to The Cross, The Chalice of The Blood, which He shed, and The Spear, with which His Heart was pierced.

Therefore, raised as on a Throne, covered with The Purple of His Blood, He is Crowned as Pontiff, as well as Victim, with a Diadem of The Royalty of Love, by which He reigns over all men and He holds out His Arms to draw them to Him, and to offer them to God in union with His Sacrifice. 

Saint Juliana Falconieri (1270-1340). Virgin. Feast Day, Today, 19 June.

Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Juliana Falconieri.
   Feast Day 19 June.


White Vestments.

Born at Florence, Italy, in 1270, of the illustrious family of Falconieri, Juliana, from childhood, gave such signs of Holiness that her uncle, Saint Alexis Falconieri, declared to her mother that she had given birth to an Angel. Never in the course of her life did she raise her eyes to look at a man's face, and to hear sin spoken of made her tremble (Introit).

At the age of fifteen, she Solemnly Consecrated her Virginity to God (Epistle, Gospel).

"O, Juliana, only longing for the nuptials of The Heavenly Lamb, you leave your paternal roof and conduct a Choir of Virgins. You sigh night and day for the sorrows of your Spouse, nailed to The Cross, and you shed tears at the feet of The Mother of God, whose heart is pierced by Seven Swords." [Hymn at First Vespers.]

English: The Basilica Santissima Annunziata, Florence, Italy.
Saint Juliana Falconieri's major Shrine is in this Basilica.
Italiano: Basilica della santissima annunziata.
Photo: 3 June 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: sailko
(Wikimedia Commons)

Having Founded The Order of Mantellate [Editor: They were called Mantellate on account of the short Mantle they wore], she was asked by Saint Philip Beniti to take charge of the whole Order of Servites, which honours in a special manner The Sorrows of The Virgin.

On two days a week her only food was The Bread of Angels. At the age of seventy, not being able to retain any food, she lamented the impossibility of receiving Holy Communion. She asked that at least The Blessed Sacrament should be held near her heart and The Sacred Bread miraculously disappeared, leaving an impression in the shape of a Host representing the image of Jesus crucified (Collect). She then breathed her last and was joyfully conducted to The Throne of The Divine King (Gradual). It was 19 June 1341.

Let us beseech The Holy Ghost to grant that we may, like Saint Juliana, be nourished and strengthened in our agony by The Body of Christ, Which will be our viaticum to The Heavenly Home (Collect).

Mass: Dilexísti.
Commemoration: Saint Gervase and Saint Protase. Martyrs.

Red Cloud, Nebraska, United States of America.
This 1883 Church is Listed in The National Register of Historic Places
Photo: 4 September 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Ammodramus
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Juliana Falconieri, O.S.M., (1270 – 19 June 19, 1341) was the Italian Foundress of The Religious Sisters of The Third Order of Servites (or The Servite Tertiaries).

The Servite Order was approved by Pope Martin V in 1420. Pope Benedict XIII recognised the devotion long paid to her and granted The Servites permission to Celebrate The Feast of The Blessed Juliana. Pope Clement XII Canonised her in 1737, and extended the Celebration of her Feast Day, 19 June, to The Entire Church. Saint Juliana is usually represented in The Habit of her Order, with a Host upon her breast. Truly, a most excellent Saint.

Saint Juliana Falconieri was Beatified on 26 July 1678, in Rome, The Papal States, by His Holiness Pope Innocent XI.

She was Canonised on 16 June 1737, in Rome, The Papal States, by His Holiness Pope Clement XII.

Her major Shrine is in the Basilica of The Santissima Annunziata, Florence, Italy.

Thursday 18 June 2020

“Our Vera” (1917 - 2020). R.I.P. The Forces' Sweetheart.

“Our Vera”.
Dame Vera Lynn (R.I.P.)

Saint Mark And Saint Marcellianus. Martyrs. Feast Day, Today, 18 June.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Mark And Saint Marcellianus.
   Feast Day 18 June.


Red Vestments.

Saint Mark and Saint Marcellianus.

Brothers by birth, Mark and Marcellianus were brothers especially because they generously shed their blood for the sake of Christ (Alleluia). Persecuted for their Faith, like The Prophets and The Apostles (Gospel), they were arrested under Emperor Diocletian and were nailed by the feet to a post, where they remained hanging.

The Holy Ghost, Who filled their hearts with The Holy Love of God and the hope of an Eternal Reward, sustained them in their torments (Epistle) and protected them in their tribulations (Introit). "Never", they exclaimed, "have we enjoyed such delights as those we feel in suffering for Jesus Christ."

After a day and night of suffering, they were pierced with arrows, in 286 A.D., and their Souls, "delivered like the sparrow from the bird-catcher's net" (Offertory), entered for ever "into The Kingdom which had been prepared for them from the beginning of the World" (Communion).

On this day, The Anniversary of The Heavenly Birth of these two Holy Martyrs, let us ask God, through their Intercession, to deliver us from all the ills that threaten us (Collect).

Mass: (In Paschaltide): Sancti tui.
Mass: (Out of Paschaltide): Salus autem.
Rest of The Mass is Proper to The Feast.

Elisabeth Schwarzkopf Sings “Four Last Songs”: “Spring”; “September”; “Going To Sleep”; “In The Glow Of Evening”. Composer: Richard Strauss.

Elisabeth Schwarzkopf sings “Four Last Songs”:
“Going To Sleep”;
“In The Glow Of Evening”.
Composer: Richard Strauss.
Available on YouTube at

Saint Ephrem. Deacon. Confessor. Doctor Of The Church. Feast Day 18 June.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Ephrem.
   Deacon. Confessor.
   Doctor of The Church.
   Feast Day 18 June.


White Vestments.

English: Roumanian Icon of Saint Ephrem-the-Syrian.
Français: Photo d'une icône roumaine de St Ephrem le Syrien (diacre et
docteur de l'Eglise dit "La Harpe de l'Esprit" ou encore "La cithare de Marie"), icône écrite par une sœur orthodoxe près d'Oradea en avril 2005,
prise de vue par Geoffroy Blanc (le propriétaire de l'icône).
Date: 7 June 2006 (original upload date).
Source: Transferred from fr.wikipedia
Transferred to Commons by User:Bloody-libu using CommonsHelper
Author: Original uploader was Troubageoff at fr.wikipedia
(Wikimedia Commons)

Newly-excavated Church of Saint Jacob (`Idto d-Mor Y`aqub),
in Nisibis, Turkey, where Saint Ephrem taught and ministered.
Photograph by Gareth Hughes
Photo: 12 April 1999.
Source: Own work assumed (based on Copyright claims).
Author: Garzo assumed (based on Copyright claims).
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Ephrem was born in Nisibis, Mesopotamia, and was one of the Lights of The Church (Gospel). His father, a pagan priest, cast him out of his home. He then went as a Hermit in the desert and was Ordained Deacon of Edessa (Communion).

Led by The Holy Ghost to Caesarea, in Cappadocia, he there met Saint Basil. In order to refute the numerous errors which were being spread by the prayers and canticles of the Heretics, he wrote poems and Christian Hymns, celebrating the Mysteries of The Lives of Christ, The Blessed Virgin Mary, and The Saints. That is why he is called "The Harp of The Holy Ghost". He always had a great devotion to Our Lady.

He died at Edessa in 375 A.D., under the Emperor Valens. Pope Benedict XV proclaimed him a Doctor of The Universal Church (Collect).

Let us ask God, through the intercession of Saint Ephrem, to defend His Church against the snares of error and wickedness (Collect).

Mass: In médio.
Commemoration: Saint Mark and Saint Marcellianus. Martyrs.

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Hospital Stops Abortions After Every Single Doctor Signs Pledge Refusing to Do Them. You See. It Can Be Done !!!

Illustration: LIFE NEWS

Please note: This Article is a Re-Post from 2016.

This Article can be read in full at LIFE NEWS


A hospital in Poland has stopped doing ABORTIONS, after every single Physician there signed a pledge refusing to do them.

This good news is a lesson for The United States and other Countries where ABORTION is legal — that getting Doctors to stand up for Life and The Hippocratic Oath is a method of protecting Women and unborn Children.

Vespers Of The Sacred Heart. If Anyone Is Considering Singing Vespers This Coming Friday (Feast Of The Most Sacred Heart Of Jesus), Perhaps You’ll Find This Video Useful.

Vespers of The Sacred Heart.
Available on YouTube at

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,

Each year, The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP), in Los Angeles, hosts The Sacred Music Symposium, which — in five short years — has gained a reputation as the pre-eminent Conference for Choirmasters, Singers, and Organists, who take Church Music seriously. 

It includes Solemn Masses and nightly Vespers,
sung by Catholic Musicians from all over the World.

The Victoria “Requiem”. By: The Tallis Scholars. Director Of Music: Peter Phillips.

“The Mass Of The Foundation Of The Trinitarian Order”.
Artist: Juan Carreño de Miranda.
Illustration: LOUVRE

“Requiem Officium Defunctorum”.
Sung by: The Tallis Scholars.
Director Of Music: Peter Phillips.
Composer: Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611).
Available on YouTube at

A Little Levity To Lighten Your Day . . .

“Now Is The Winter Of Our Discount Tent”.

(With apologies to Mr. Shakespeare).

Illustration: ANDREW SKURKA
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