Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Friday 10 July 2020

The Seven Martyred Brothers. And Saint Rufina And Saint Secunda, Virgins And Martyrs. Feast Day, Today, 10 July.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

The Seven Martyred Brothers,
   and Saint Rufina and Saint Secunda,
   Virgins And Martyrs.
   Feast Day 10 July.


Red Vestments.

The Seven Brothers
(Seven Sons of Saint Felicitas of Rome).
Date: 14th-Century.
Author: Richard de Montbaston et collaborateurs.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Church, Celebrating today the triumph of The Seven Sons of Saint Felicitas (Feast Day 23 November), who were Martyred under their mother's eyes, praises this courageous woman (Epistle, who, by exhorting them to die, "was herself victorious in all of them" [Sixth Lesson at Matins: Sermon of Saint Augustine].

She extended her maternity to the Souls of her children by making them accomplish the will of God (Gospel, Communion). They died in 150 A.D., under the Emperor Antoninus.

A Century later, Rufina and Secunda, sisters by birth, became doubly so by mixing their blood at the same execution, rather than lose the Virginity they had Consecrated to Jesus, their Spouse. They were Martyred at Rome, under the Emperors Valerian and Gallienus, in 257 A.D.

Mass: Laudáte, púeri.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Saint Felicitas (also known as Felicity) is said to have been a rich and pious Christian widow, who had seven sons. She devoted herself to charitable work and converted many to the Christian Faith by her example.

This aroused the wrath of pagan priests, who lodged a complaint against her with Emperor Marcus Aurelius. These priests asserted the fire of the gods and demanded sacrifice from Felicitas and her children. The Emperor acquiesced to their demand and Felicitas was brought before Publius, the Prefect of Rome. Taking Felicitas aside, he used various pleas and threats in an unsuccessful attempt to get her to worship the pagan gods. He was equally unsuccessful with her seven sons, who followed their mother's example.

Before the Prefect Publius, they adhered firmly to their religion, and were delivered over to four judges, who condemned them to various modes of death. The division of the Martyrs among four judges corresponds to the four places of their burial. She implored God only that she be not killed before her sons, so that she might be able to encourage them during their torture and death, in order that they would not deny Christ.

According to God's Providence, it so happened. With joy, this wonderful mother accompanied her sons, one by one, until she had witnessed the death of all seven sons. We are not entirely sure as to how each of them died, but it is said that Januarius, the eldest, was scourged to death; Felix and Philip were beaten with clubs until they expired; Silvanus was thrown headlong down a precipice; and the three youngest, Alexander, Vitalis and Martialis were beheaded.

After each execution, she was given the chance to denounce her Faith. She refused to act against her conscience and so she, too, suffered Martyrdom. Certain communities around the United States still celebrate San Marziale (Saint Martialis/Saint Marshall) with a San Marziale Festival, typically held on 10 July or near that date. Celebrations have been held in Philadelphia and Kulpmont, Pennsylvania, United States of America.

She was buried in the Catacomb of Maximus, on the Via Salaria, beside Saint Silvanus. It is said that she died eight times. Once with each of her sons, and finally her own.

Wednesday 8 July 2020

5 February 1953. Gooseberry Eyes. Coconut Mushrooms. Pear Drops. Jelly Babies. Now Available. Piggy-Banks Emptied. Swarms Of Youngsters Heading For The Local Sweet-Shop.

Date: 16 September 2007.
Author: St0rmz
(Wikimedia Commons)

This Article first appeared on 15 May 2008 in THE SALISBURY JOURNAL

For children all over Britain, 5 February 1953 was an important day.

Piggy-Banks were emptied and swarms of youngsters headed for their local Sweet-Shop.

The Government had ended Sweet Rationing, which had been introduced during The Second World War (1939-1945), and the sugar rush was on.

It wasn't the first time that Sweets had come off Ration - the first attempt to de-Ration in 1949 had been derailed after four months, when demand outstripped supply.

Super Shrimps.

 Super Shrimps.

But, four years later, with promises from the Government that sugar stocks were sufficient to cope with any feeding frenzy at the Sweet Shop, confectionery was back on the shelves and dentists were back in business.

For years, Pocket Money was mis-spent at the “Pick’n’Mix” counter, where shop assistants filled paper bags, at our direction, with Penny Chews, Shrimps, Black Jacks and Fruit Salads (a Farthing each, or, four for a Penny), Liquorice Pipes and Sherbet Fountains, as we “eked out” Sixpence, over as many Sweets as possible.

William Brown, Richmal Crompton’s immortal “Enfant Terrible”, better known as “Just William”, understood.

“In the matter of Sweets, William frankly upheld the superiority of quantity over quality”, we are told in “William Goes To The Pictures”, when, armed with a Shilling, he decides to spend half of it on Sweets.

Coconut Mushrooms.

“He wandered now to his favourite confectioner and stood outside the window for five minutes, torn between the rival attractions of Gooseberry Eyes and Marble Balls.

“Both were sold at four Ounces for 2d [Editor: Two Pennies].

“William never purchased more expensive luxuries”.

Gooseberry Eyes, it turned out, were the sort of Sweets, not unlike Sherbet Lemons, that grow sticky over time and collect fluff from the insides of Blazer pockets, where they eventually ended up, paper-bag-less.

I'm not convinced that Gooseberry Eyes existed - not in the way I know that Aniseed Balls, Cough Candy Twists, Pineapple Cubes and Chewing Nuts did.

A packet of Black Jacks.
Date: 26 June 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: DineshAdv
(Wikimedia Commons)

And what about the White Candy Sticks, with red tips, that used to be sold in packs of ten as Sweet Cigarettes, and “smoked” by kids, copying their parents ?

Or, Sherbet Crystals, that you dipped your wet finger into and sucked like a Lollipop ?

Or, Gobstoppers, so huge they made your mouth bulge like a hamster ?

Etched forever on my memory they might be, but, for a time, it seems these very important symbols of my childhood had disappeared, along with Ounces and Pennies in £. s. d. [Editor: Pounds, Shillings, and Pence] form.

Flying Saucers.

Flying Saucers.

But now they are back - Sweets in Jars, that is, not Ounces or Pre-Decimal currency - and young and old, alike, are preparing to ruin their teeth in an orgy of sucking and chewing, that brings back memories, for some, and creates them, for others.

Old-fashioned Sweets like Clove Balls, Bulls’ Eyes, Humbugs, Acid Drops, and Lemon Bon-Bons, have acquired a certain trendy kudos, and there are any number of sites, on the Web, where you can buy “Retro” Sweets.

But that’s not as good as nipping into your local Sweet Shop, and buying a little of what you fancy off the shelves.

Shops, like Pothecary’s, in Fisherton Street, Salisbury, as well as some Newsagents and Village Stores, keep a small selection of Sweets in Jars behind the Counter, but, for a Sweetie Emporium, you will have to travel to Tisbury, Porton or Ringwood.

Sour Strawberry Bites.

Go into Jenny and Greg's “Chocolate Box”, in Ringwood, or “Sweets Galore”, in Tisbury, and it’s like stepping back in time.

Sue Bracken has just opened “Sweets Galore”, her second Shop, in Tisbury’s High Street. Her first is in a Shopping Centre in Swindon.

“But I didn't want a Shopping Centre, again, and I picked a Village because Village-Life is old-fashioned”, says Sue, whose sister lives in Tisbury.

“You see lots of Sweet Shops, up North, but not many in The South”.


She opted for Sweets with a nostalgic twist, because, she points out: “You can get Mars Bars anywhere in the Country, but Sweets is a different matter”.

In “My Favourite Things”, attached to The Pet and Aquatic Centre, in Porton, there are ranks of Sweets in Jars at the entrance to the Shop.

Liquorice Allsorts.

One of the directors, Gareth Allen, said: “People wanted old-fashioned Sweets - that’s what they were asking for”.

So, modern confectionery was swept aside and Jars of Coconut Mushrooms, Tom Thumb Drops, Liquorice Comfits, Jelly Babies, restored to the shelves.

When it comes to getting your “five a day”, I doubt if the Government had Rhubarb and Custard, Pear Drops, Sherbet Lemons, Strawberry Bon-Bons, and Fruit Salads in mind, but memories are made of this.

Saint Elizabeth. Feast Day 8 July. Queen Of Portugal. Widow. (1271 - 1336).

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Elizabeth.
   Queen of Portugal.
   Feast Day 8 July.


White Vestments.

Saint Elizabeth of Portugal
(Santa Isabel de Portugal),
Date: Circa 1635.
Current location: Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain.
Author: Francisco de Zurbarán (1598–1664).
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: Flag of Portugal, created by Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro
(1857-1929), officially adopted by The Portuguese Government on 30 June 1911.
Deutsch: Flagge Portugals, entworfen von Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro
(1857-1929), offiziell von der portugiesischen Regierung
am 30. Juni 1911 als Staatsflagge angenommen (in
Verwendung bereits seit ungefähr November 1910).
Date: 1901.
Author: Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (1910; generic design);
Vítor Luís Rodrigues; António Martins-Tuválkin
(2004; this specific vector set: see sources).
Permission: The original of this set was contracted by
the Portuguese Presidential Office in June 2004 to
Vítor Luís Rodrigues and António Martins-Tuválkin.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Church exhorts us, today, to praise God for The Holy Works of Blessed Elizabeth [Invitatory of Matins]. A daughter of Peter II, King of Aragon, she inherited the name and virtues of her Great-Aunt, Saint Elizabeth of Hungary.

Her father, seeing her Holiness, used to say that she would surpass all other women of Royal Race (Epistle, Communion). She married Denis I, King of Portugal.

She had received the prerogative of re-establishing Peace, where there had been divisions, and of mitigating the fury of War (Collect). When she became a widow, she took The Habit of The Third Order of Saint Francis, distributed her riches and acquired, at this price, The Precious Pearl and The Hidden Treasure of Life Everlasting (Gospel).

She died at Estremos, Portugal, in 1336, and her body has remained incorrupt.

Mass: Cognóvi.

Photo: 10 February 2014.
Source: Own work.
Author: Jbribeiro1
Attribution: © José Luiz Bernardes Ribeiro / CC-BY-SA-3.0
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Elizabeth of Aragon, more commonly known as Elizabeth of Portugal, (Third Order of Saint Francis, T.O.S.F.) (1271 – 1336); "Elisabet" in Catalan, "Isabel" in Aragonese, Portuguese, and Spanish, was Queen Consort of Portugal, a Tertiary of The Franciscan Order and is Venerated as a Saint of The Roman Catholic Church.

Elizabeth showed an early enthusiasm for her Faith. She said the full Divine Office, daily, Fasted, and did other Penance, as well as attended twice-daily Choral Masses. Religious fervour was common in her family, as she could count several members of her family who were already Venerated as Saints. The most notable example is her Great-Aunt, Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, (Third Order of Saint Francis, T.O.S.F.), after whom she was named.

Tuesday 7 July 2020

Saint Cyril And Saint Methodius. Bishops And Confessors. Feast Day 7 July.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius.
   Bishops and Confessors.
   Feast Day 7 July.


White Vestments.

English: "Saints Cyril and Methodius holding The Cyrillic Alphabet,",
a mural by Bulgarian iconographer Z. Zograf, 1848,
Troyan Monastery, Bulgaria.
Deutsch: Die beiden Hl. Kyrill und Method.
Artist: Zahari Zograf (1810–1853).
Date: 1848.
Current location: Troyan Monastery, Bulgaria.
File: Cyril-methodius-small.jpg
(Wikimedia Commons)

Still filled with a Holy Love for her Apostles, whose Octave she has concluded, The Church Celebrates today The Feast of Saint Cyril and of Saint Methodius, "who both promised, under oath, to persevere in The Faith of Blessed Peter and of The Roman Pontiffs," [Fifth Lesson at Matins] and brought innumerable recruits, to Peter, from among the Bulgarians, Moravians and Bohemians [Hymn at First Vespers].

Brothers by blood,, they were born in the 9th-Century A.D., at Salonica, Greece, and distinguished themselves by their progress in The Sciences at Constantinople.

Anointed Bishops, by Pope Adrian II (Introit, Epistle, Alleluia), they converted The Slavonic Nations (Collect). To them is attributed The Slav Alphabet; into which tongue they translated The Scriptures and celebrated The Sacred Rites.

Saint Cyril died in 869 A.D., and was buried at Rome, near the Relics of Saint Clement, which he had brought from Chersonesus, Crimea. Saint Methodius died in 885 A.D.

Mass: Sacerdótes tui.

English: The Basilica of The Assumption of Mary,
and Saint Cyrillus and Saint Methodius,
Velehrad, Czech Republic.
Date: 20 December 2005.
Source: Originally from cs.wikipedia; description page is/was HERE
Author: Original uploader was Cibtom at cs.wikipedia.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Monday 6 July 2020

Press Release – Pro-Life Victory. Major Attempt To Hijack Domestic Abuse Bill With Extreme ABORTION Amendments Fails. Diane Johnson MP Withdraws Her Amendment When Obvious The ABORTION Lobby Would Be Defeated. Deo Gratias For The Little Ones.

Illustration: RIGHT TO LIFE

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, RIGHT TO LIFE

An attempt to hijack the U.K. Government’s flagship Domestic Abuse Bill with two extreme ABORTION proposals has failed, in a major Pro-Life victory.

The Speaker of The House, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, announced this afternoon that Amendment New Clause 29, which would have introduced ABORTION for ANY REASON up to twenty-eight weeks, would NOT be selected for debate.

Diana Johnson MP then, this evening, announced that she would be withdrawing Amendment New Clause 28 which would have allowed both medical and surgical ABORTIONS to take place in any location if a woman is in an abusive relationship.

Illustration: RIGHT TO LIFE

If Diana Johnson had pushed the Amendment to a vote and lost, this would have been the FIRST TIME that a PRO-ABORTION Amendment or Bill had been defeated in a vote in U.K. history.

It appears that the ABORTION LOBBY realised that it was very likely that Diana Johnson’s Amendment was going to be defeated and encouraged the Labour MP to instead withdraw the Amendment.

A large number of MPs in the Debate this evening spoke out against these attempts to hijack the Domestic Abuse Bill with extreme ABORTION Amendments. This included stirring speeches from Fiona Bruce MP and Carla Lockhart MP, along with a number of MPs who don’t agree with the Pro-Life position on ABORTION, but made it clear that the Amendment was poorly drafted and would have had serious negative consequences for women in domestic abuse scenarios.

Illustration: RIGHT TO LIFE

Amendment New Clause 28 would have allowed both medical and surgical ABORTIONS to take place in ANY LOCATION if a woman is in an abusive relationship. This Amendment went far beyond the temporary measures that allow ‘DIY’ home telemedicine ABORTIONS, by making both medical and surgical ABORTIONS legal outside of a hospital or place approved by The Secretary of State. Current temporary measures allowing the home use of ABORTION pills are limited to nine weeks and six days’ gestation for safety reasons. There was no similar time limit outlined in this Amendment.

Amendment New Clause 29 would have made extreme changes to ABORTION legislation by repealing Sections 58 and 59 of The Offences Against The Person Act. This would have left England and Wales with no ABORTION law through to twenty-eight weeks.

Illustration: RIGHT TO LIFE

Almost all current legal safeguards on ABORTION would have been removed, up until when a child is capable of being born alive, with a ceiling of twenty-eight weeks. This would have introduced ABORTION on demand, for ANY REASON (including sex-selective ABORTION) up to twenty-eight weeks. The change would have been the most extreme change to ABORTION legislation since 1967 and would have left England and Wales with one of the most extreme ABORTION laws in the World.

The failed proposals were radically out of step with the opinions of women on ABORTION. Polling from Savanta ComRes on whether time limits for ABORTION should be increased shows that only 1% of women wanted the time limit to be extended; in contrast, 70% of women favour a reduction in time limits.

The polling also showed that 77% of women agree that doctors should be required to verify in person that a patient seeking an ABORTION is not under pressure from a third party to undergo the ABORTION, and 91% of women agree that gender-selective ABORTION should be explicitly banned by the law.

Saint Maria Goretti. Feast Day 6 July. Festividad de Santa Maria Goretti. Lễ Kính Thánh Maria Goretti. Sancta Maria Goretti, Ora Pro Nobis.

English: The only known photograph of Maria Goretti, dated 1902.
Deutsch: Hl. Maria Goretti mit ihrer Familie, 1902.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Maria Teresa Goretti (16 October 1890 – 6 July 1902) is an Italian Virgin-Martyr of The Catholic Church, and one of the youngest Saints to be Canonised.[1]

She was born to a farming family. Her father died when she was nine, and her family had to share a house with another family, the Serenellis. Maria took over household duties while her mother, brothers, and sister, worked in the fields.

Festividad de Santa Maria Goretti.
Available on YouTube at

Feast Day of Saint Maria Goretti.
Vietnamese Daily Mass.
Available on YouTube at

One afternoon, Alessandro, the Serenellis' twenty-year-old son, made sexual advances to her. When she refused to submit to him, he stabbed her fourteen times. She was taken to the hospital but she died forgiving him. He was arrested, convicted, and jailed.

During imprisonment, he repented. After twenty-seven years, he was released from prison and visited her mother to beg forgiveness, which she granted.

Saint Maria Goretti.
The Fourteen Flowers of Pardon.
Available on YouTube at

He later became a Lay Brother in a Monastery, dying in 1970.

Maria Goretti was Beatified in 1947, and Canonised in 1950. She is especially Venerated in The Congregation of The Passion (Passionists).

“Whoever Is A True Child Of Mary Cannot Ever Be Lost”. “Ave Maria”. Live-Streaming From The Transalpine Redemptorists.

The Blessed Virgin Mary.
Illustration: WALLPAPER CAVE

The Blessed Virgin Mary is Crowned Queen of Heaven by Her Beloved Son.

Live Streaming from The Transalpine Redemptorists.
Devotion to The Blessed Virgin Mary.
“Whoever is a true Child of Mary cannot ever be lost”.
“Ave Maria”.
Available on YouTube at

The Octave-Day Of Saint Peter And Saint Paul. Apostles. 6 July.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

The Octave-Day Of Saints Peter And Paul.
   6 July.


Red Vestments.

Saint Peter and Saint Paul.

Saint Peter and Saint Paul.
The Patron Saints of Rome.
Available on YouTube at

Today concludes, by a special Mass, the concert of praise offered during eight days by The Church to The Apostles Peter and Paul, whose names are eternal (Introit, Epistle).

Mass: Sapiéntiam.
Creed: Is said.
Preface: Of The Apostles.

Saint Peter and Saint Paul.
Available on YouTube at

English: Cologne Cathedral
(Cathedral of Saint Peter), Germany.
Latin: Ecclesia Cathedralis Sanctorum Petri.
Deutsch: Hohe Domkirche Sankt Petrus. (Kölner Dom).
Photo: 6 September 2004.
Source: From de.wp
Author: Thomas Robbin
(Wikimedia Commons)

Cologne Cathedral
(Cathedral of Saint Peter), Germany.
Photo: 6 September 2010.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: Architectural detail on The Great West Front,
Cologne Cathedral (Cathedral of Saint Peter), Germany.
Português: Detalhe de catedral em Colônia.
Photo: 7 May 2016.
Author: Eduard Militaru.
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: Basilica of Saint Paul-without-the-Walls, Rome.
Deutsch: Rom. Sankt Paul vor den Mauern.
Italiano: Statua di San Paolo di fronte alla facciata
Photo: 22 May 2007.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: Basilica of Saint Paul-outside-the-Walls, Rome.
Deutsch: Rom. Sankt Paul vor den Mauern.
Photo: 19 March 2005.
Source: Own work.
Attribution: This photograph was taken by Dnalor_01 and released
under the license(s) stated below. You are free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit the author, the Source (Wikimedia Commons)
and the license (CC-BY-SA 3.0) close to the image.
Author: Dnalor 01
(Wikimedia Commons)

Sunday 5 July 2020

Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria. Confessor. Feast Day, Today, 5 July.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria.
   Feast Day 5 July.


White Vestments.

English: Portrait of Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria.
Español: Pintura de San Antonio Maria Zaccaria.
Date: Unknown.
Source: Archivo personal.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Anthony Mary was born, in 1502, of a noble family at Cremona, Italy. Penetrating of mind, added to integrity of life, raised him above his school fellows. Having won his Degree, of Doctor of Medicine, at Padua, he understood, by a warning from God, that he was called to heal Spiritual, rather than bodily, diseases.

Like the young man in the Gospel, he had from childhood observed The Commandments; he left everything to follow Jesus (Gospel). He Founded The Order of Clerks Regular, whose Members are called Barnabites [Editor: So named after the companion of Saint Paul.] Saint Anthony Mary gave them Saint Paul as model and protector. He was, like the great Apostle, filled with super-eminent knowledge of Christ (Collect).

Wherefore, the Introit, Gradual, Alleluia, and Communion, apply to him the very words of The Apostle, and the Epistle is that in which The Doctor of the Gentiles gives to his disciple, Timothy, the counsels that guided him in his teaching.

Consoled by a Heavenly vision of The Apostles, he died a Holy Death, at the age of thirty-six, in 1539.

Mass: Sermo meus.
Commemoration: The Octave of The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.
Credo: Is said.
Preface: Of The Apostles.

English: The Church of Saint Barnabas and Saint Paul, Milan, Italy,
where Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria's remains are enshrined.
Italiano: Milano - Chiesa dei Ss. Barnaba e Paolo.
Photo: August 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: MarkusMark
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

While in Milan, he laid the foundations of three Religious Orders: one for men (The Clerics Regular of Saint Paul, commonly known as The Barnabites); a female branch of un-cloistered Nuns, The Angelic Sisters of Saint Paul; and a Lay Congregation for married people, The Laity of Saint Paul, originally called The Married of Saint Paul, and sometimes referred to in North America as The Oblates of Saint Paul.

"The Congregation of The Regular Clerks of Saint Paul" was Canonically sanctioned by Pope Clement VII in 1533. The Barnabites' main devotions were the teachings of Saint Paul and emphasis on love for The Eucharist and Christ Crucified.

The Order was named after the companion of Saint Paul. Since The Order criticised what they saw as abuses in The Roman Catholic Church, Zaccaria soon gained a number of enemies, and, as The Order's Founder, he was twice investigated for Heresy, in 1534 and 1537. He was acquitted both times. In 1536, he stepped down as General of The Order and went to Vicenza, Italy, where he reformed two Convents and Founded The Order's second House.

On 15 January 1535, Pope Paul III approved The Angelic Sisters with the Bull, "Debitum pastoralis officii".

After his death, a number of cures were attributed to the intercession of Anthony Mary Zaccaria. Twenty-seven years after his death, his body was found to be incorrupt. His mortal remains are now enshrined at the Church of Saint Barnabas, Milan, Italy. He was Canonised by Pope Leo XIII on 27 May 1897. His Feast Day is Celebrated on 5 July. He is a Patron Saint of Physicians.

Saturday 4 July 2020

Within The Octave Of The Holy Apostles Saint Peter And Saint Paul. 4 July.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Within The Octave Of The Holy Apostles
   Saint Peter And Saint Paul.
   4 July.


Red Vestments.

Saint Peter and Saint Paul.

“The Veneration of Saint Peter and Saint Paul is rooted in the very foundation of Catholicism; it can not become weakened, either in the people or in Souls, without great harm to Catholicism, itself.” [“The Liturgical Year”. By Dom Guéranger: The Fifth Day in The Octave of The Holy Apostles.]

Let us honour Saint Peter and Pray for The Holy Father, his successor. Let us obey the Pope, seeing in him the necessary intermediary between our Souls and God.

Mass: Mihi autem.
Creed: The Creed is said.
Preface: Of The Apostles.
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