Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Monday 24 August 2020

“Glück, Das Mir Verblieb”. “Marietta’s Lied”. From Corngold’s “Die Tote Stadt”. Sung By Elisabeth Schwarzkopf.

Date: Nicht bekannt. ca.1948 bis 1958.
Source: Stiftung Fotodokumentation Kanton Luzern.
Author: Max Albert Wyss.
(Wikimedia Commons)

"Glück, Das Mir Verblieb".
"Marietta's Lied".
From Corngold's "Die Tote Stadt".
Sung By Elisabeth Schwarzkopf.
Available on YouTube at

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Dame Olga Maria Elisabeth Friederike Schwarzkopf, DBE (9 December 1915 – 3 August 2006) was a German Soprano. She was among the foremost singers of Lieder, and was renowned for her performances of Viennese Operetta, as well as the Operas of MozartWagner and Richard StraussAfter retiring from The Stage, she was a Voice Teacher Internationally. She is considered one of the greatest Sopranos of the 20th-Century.

"Glück, das mir verblieb" (German for "Joy, that remained near to me") is a Duet from the 1920 Opera Die tote Stadt (The Dead City) composed by Erich Wolfgang Korngold to a Libretto by his father, Julius Korngold, as Paul Schott.

It is written for a Soprano and Tenor. Also called "The Lute Song", it appears in Act 1, approx. twenty-five minutes into the Opera. For performances as a Concert Aria, a Soprano will sing both parts.

"The Dead City" in the Opera's Title is BrugesBelgium, identified in the opera with Marie, the dead wife of Paul. At the start of Act 1, Paul confides in a friend the extraordinary news that he has seen Marie, or her double, in the Town and that he has invited her to the house.

She arrives, and Paul addresses her as Marie, but she corrects him: She is Marietta, a dancer from Lille. He is enchanted by her, especially when she accepts his request for a song, "Glück, das mir verblieb".

The words tell of the joy of love, but there is a sadness in it, also, because its theme is the transitory nature of life. Their voices combine in the Verse which extols the power of love to remain constant in a fleeting World.

Glück, das mir verblieb,
rück zu mir, mein treues Lieb.
Abend sinkt im Hag
bist mir Licht und Tag.
Bange pochet Herz an Herz
Hoffnung schwingt sich himmelwärts.

Wie wahr, ein traurig Lied.
Das Lied vom treuen Lieb,
das sterben muss.

Ich kenne das Lied.
Ich hört es oft in jungen,
in schöneren Tagen.
Es hat noch eine Strophe —
weiß ich sie noch ?

Naht auch Sorge trüb,
rück zu mir, mein treues Lieb.
Neig dein blaß Gesicht
Sterben trennt uns nicht.
Mußt du einmal von mir gehn,
glaub, es gibt ein Auferstehn. 

Joy, that near to me remains,
Come to me, my true love.
Night sinks into the grove
You are my light and day.
Anxiously beats heart on heart
Hope itself soars heavenward.

How true, a sad song.
The song of true love,
that must die.

I know the song.
I heard it often in younger,
in better days.
It has yet another verse —
Do I know it still ?

Though sorrow becomes dark,
Come to me, my true love.
Lean (to me) your pale face
Death will not separate us.
If you must leave me one day,
Believe, there is an afterlife.

"Glück, Das Mir Verblieb".
"Marietta's Lied".
From Corngold's "Die Tote Stadt".
Sung By Elisabeth Schwarzkopf.
Available on YouTube at

Saint Bartholomew. Apostle. Feast Day 24 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Bartholomew.
   Feast Day 24 August.

Double of The Second-Class.

Red Vestments.

Saint Bartholomew.
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

English: Saint Bartholomew the Apostle.
By Pierre Le Gros the Younger.
Nave of the Basilica of Saint John Lateran, Rome.
Français: Saint Barthélemy par Pierre Le Gros le Jeune.
Photo: 7 September 2006.
Source: Own work.
Author: Jastrow
(Wikimedia Commons)

Bartholomew, or, the son of Tholomy, is, according to common opinion, the Disciple whom Saint Philip brought to Our Lord , under the name of Nathanael, and whom The Master praised on account of his innocence and the simplicity of his heart.

[Philip met Nathanael and said to him: “The one of whom Moses has written in The Law, and whom The Prophets have announced, we have found: It is Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph”. And Nathanael said to him: “Can anything good come from Nazareth” ? Philip said to him: “Come and see” Jesus saw Nathanael coming towards him and said of him: “That is a true Israelite, in whom there is no guile”. Nathanael said to Him: “Whence knowest thou me” ? Jesus answered: “Before Philip called thee, when thou wast under the Fig Tree, I saw thee”. Nathanael replied: “Rabbi. Thou art The Son of God. Thou art The King of Israel". John i, 45-49.]

The site of the Apostle's Martyrdom.
Date: Pre-1913.
Source: Bachmann, Walter (1913).
"Kirchen und moscheen in Armenien und Kurdistan",
Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, pp. 119-123
Author: Bachmann, Walter.
(Wikimedia Commons)

For the Gospel of Saint John, never mentioning Saint Bartholomew among The Apostles, says that Philip and Nathanael came together to Jesus, and that he was among the Disciples to whom The Saviour appeared after The Resurrection on the shore of The Sea of Galilee. The other Gospels never use the name of Nathanael, but, after Philip, they always mention Bartholomew.

Born at Cana, in Galilee, he was placed by Jesus among The Twelve (Gospel) and he was a witness of the principal actions of Jesus upon the Earth. "The first gift vouchsafed to The Church by The Holy Ghost," says Saint Paul, "is the Grace of The Apostleship" (Epistle).

English: Church of Saint Bartholomew, Gyöngyös, Hungary.
Français: Eglise baroque Szent Bertalan de Gyöngyös.
Magyar: Szent Bertalan nagytemplom.
Română: Biserica barocă Szent Bertalan /
Sfântul Bartolomeu din Gyöngyös.
Photo: February 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Venusz
(Wikimedia Commons)

He Preached The Faith in Arabia Felix: According to certain Traditions, he was flayed alive. He is thus represented in the beautiful White Marble statue, by Cibo, in Milan Cathedral, Italy.

His Relics are Venerated at Rome, in the Church of Saint Bartholomew, on an island formed by The River Tiber. His name is mentioned in The Canon of The Mass among The Apostles.

Let us joyfully Celebrate The Feast of Saint Bartholomew, who, in Heaven, Praises God, among The Glorious Choir of The Apostles (Alleluia), and let us ask God to grant to His Church to love what he believed and to Preach what he himself taught (Collect).

Every Parish Priest Celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.

First Vespers (23 August): The Common of Apostles.
Commemoration: Saint Philip Benizi.
Antiphon: Hic vir.
Versicle: Justum.

Mass: Mihi autem.
Preface: Of The Apostles.

Second Vespers: The Common of Apostles.
Commemoration: Saint Louis.
Antiphon at The Magnificat: Similábo.
Versicle: Amávit.

Sunday 23 August 2020

Vigil Of Saint Bartholomew. Apostle. 23 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Vigil Of Saint Bartholomew.
   23 August.

Violet Vestments.

Saint Bartholomew.
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

English: Saint Bartholomew the Apostle.
By Pierre Le Gros the Younger.
Nave of the Basilica of Saint John Lateran, Rome.
Français: Saint Barthélemy par Pierre Le Gros le Jeune.
Photo: 7 September 2006.
Source: Own work.
Author: Jastrow
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Feasts of The Apostles are spread throughout The Liturgical Cycle, as if to show that The Apostles are The Foundation on which the whole Church rests.

Saint Bartholomew is the sixth in The List of The Twelve Apostles, as given by The Evangelists.

Like the other Apostles, he learned the secrets of The Divine Law and made them known to the World, confirming them by his Martyrdom (Gospel). On this day, The Liturgy prepares us for his Feast of tomorrow (Collect).

Mass: Ego autem.

Saint Philip Benizi. Confessor. Whose Feast Day Is Today, 23 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Philip Benizi.
   Feast Day 23 August.


White Vestments.

Saint Philip Benizi.

Saint Philip Benizi.
Available on YouTube at

We honour on this day a Saint to whom The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared, to announce to him that he was to enter The Order of Servites, whose object is to honour The Sorrows, through which The Virgin attained the Glory that we have rejoiced in (Editor: The Assumption) during the last eight days.

Born at Florence, Italy, of the illustrious family of Benizi, Saint Philip gave signs from the cradle of his future holiness. The Order of The Servants of The Virgin Mary, called The Servites, had been instituted fifteen years before. The little Convent was not far from his town. There, while hearing Mass on The Thursday in Easter Week, Saint Philip was struck by the words of the Epistle, addressed by The Holy Ghost to Philip The Deacon.

As he bore that name, he applied to himself the Scriptural Text, and, feeling himself invited by The Holy Ghost to enter that Order, he left everything to purchase the Imperishable Treasure of Heaven (Gospel). Entering as a Lay Brother, he was, later on, Ordained a Priest, and became General of The Servites.

English: Statue of Saint Philip Benizi
on The Charles Bridge, Prague, The Czech Republic.
Čeština: Sousoší Svatého Filipa Benicia na Karlově mostě.
Date: 31 July 2006 (original upload date).
Source: Originally from cs.wikipedia; description page is/was here
Author: Zp, slightly cropped by Diligent
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Cardinals, assembled at Viterbo, wished to Elect him Pope, but, out of humility (Collect), he refused the honour and hid himself in the mountains. There, he flourished like the Palm Tree and grew like the Cedar of Libanus (Introit). God then called him to evangelise Italy, France, and Germany. On his return, he was confirmed in his Office for life.

He tried to calm the animosity which existed between the Guelfs, partisans of the Pope, and the Ghibellines, partisans of the Emperor, and ran serious danger to which the Epistle alludes.

He was seized by a burning fever on Assumption Day, and died at Todi, in 1285, on The Day of The Octave, contemplating The Crucifix.

Let us ask God to grant us the humility of Saint Philip Benizi, so that, despising, as he did, the riches of the World, we may always seek the riches of Heaven (Collect).

Mass: Justus.
Commemoration: The Vigil of Saint Bartholomew, from The Collects of The Mass: Ego autem, of which the Gospel is read at the end of Mass.

Saint Philip Benizi.
One of the 140 Saints on The Colonnade
of Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome. Statue created 1671.
The statue is part of a group of sixteen that were installed between August 1670 and March 1673. It was made immediately after the statues of Saint Cajetan and Saint Philip Neri, and simultaneously with Saint Anthony of Padua and Saint Charles Borromeo. Sculptor - Lazzaro Morelli.
The Saint, in the Habit of The Servite Order, holds a Crucifix in his Left hand. At his feet, is the Papal Tiara that he shunned. Philip Benizi, a Florentine physician, became the fifth Superior-General of The Order of Servites. The story is that he tried to become a Lay Brother by pretending to be illiterate, but was found out and told that he could only remain in The Order if he were Ordained.
When a Cardinal named him as a possible Papal candidate, Philip was so distressed by the idea that he hid in a cave until the Papal Election was over.

Saturday 22 August 2020

Saint Timothy. Saint Hippolytus. Saint Symphorian. Martyrs. Feast Day 22 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew's Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Timothy. Saint Hippolytus.
Saint Symphorian.
   Feast Day 22 August.


Red Vestments.

English: Martyrdom of Saint-Symphorian.
Français: Le Martyre de Saint-Symphorien.
Artist: Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1780–1867).
Date: 1824-1834.
Current location: Cathédrale Saint-Lazare d'Autun, Autun, France.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Timothy of Antioch came to Rome in 310 A.D. and was Martyred in 311 A.D. He was cruelly beaten and quicklime was sprinkled over his torn flesh. At last, he was beheaded.

Also on 22 August, at Ostia, Italy, Hippolytus, Bishop of Porto, was thrown into a hole filled with water and received The Crown of Martyrdom about 225 A.D.

Again on 22 August, about 180 A.D., under the reign of Emperor Aurelian, Symphorian, who was still a young man, was beheaded at Autun. While he went to execution, his mother said to him: "My son, my son, remember Eternal Life; look up to Heaven and see The One Who reigns there; life is not taken from thee, it is exchanged for a better one."

Mass: Salus autem.

Prayer Of Saint Bernard Of Clairvaux To The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother Of God.

The Blessed Virgin Mary is Crowned Queen of Heaven by Her Beloved Son.

This Article, published on The Feast Day of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
(20 August), is taken from, and can be read in full at,

Your Mercy tastes sweeter to the miserable, and we
embrace your Mercy with more affection, reflect on it
more often, and invoke it more frequently.

For it is your Mercy that gained a Cure
for the whole World and obtained Salvation for all.

Who then can search out the length and breadth
of your Mercy, O, Blessed Woman, or its height or depth ?

Its length is such that it comes to the aid
of all who call upon it, up until the last day.

Its breadth fills the terrestrial sphere,
so that the whole Earth is full of your Mercy.

Its height is such that it contrives
to bring about the renewal of the Heavenly City.

And its depth gains redemption for those
who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.

May your piety, you, who found
favour with God, be known to the World;

May it, through your Holy Prayers,
obtain pardon for the guilty,
health for the sick, 
strength for the faint-hearted,
consolation for the afflicted,
and help and deliverance in danger.

On this day of Solemnity and Joy, O, Merciful Queen,
may your Son, Our Lord, shower the gifts of His Grace
on your servants, who call upon
The Most Sweet Name of Mary with Praise.

The Immaculate Heart Of The Blessed Virgin Mary. Feast Day 22 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

The Immaculate Heart of The Blessed Virgin Mary.
   Feast Day 22 August.

Double of The Second-Class.

White Vestments.

The Blessed Virgin Mary.
Illustration: WALLPAPER CAVE

The Blessed Virgin Mary is Crowned Queen of Heaven by Her Beloved Son.

“Regina Cæli”
(Queen of Heaven).
By Marco Frisina.
Available on YouTube at

According to a Tradition, sanctioned by authority, it was at Jerusalem, near the room of The Last Supper, at the spot where now stands a Church committed to the care of The Benedictines, that Mary breathed her last (Secret).

And it is at the foot of The Mount of Olives, in a place where, about 1130, a Monastery of The Benedictine Monks of Cluny was built, that her mortal remains were laid and "she was carried up to Heaven" (Alleluia).

The Pilgrimages, made to this tomb, originated The Feast of The Assumption, which was already Solemnised in The East at the end of the 6th-Century A.D. At the beginning of the 7th-Century A.D., The Feast was also Solemnised at Rome, and it spread with The Roman Liturgy over The West. Pope Leo IV instituted The Octave in 847 A.D.

The Virgin and Infant with Angels.
Artist: William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825–1905).
Date: 1900.
Current location: Petit Palais, Paris, France.
Source/Photographer: Art Renewal Centerdescription
Copied from the English Wikipedia to Commons.
(Wikipedia Commons)

"We have accompanied thee with all our Prayers, when thou didst ascend towards thy Son," says Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, "and we have at least followed thee at a distance, O, Blessed Virgin ! May thy goodness make known to the World, the Grace bestowed on thee by God: Obtain by thy Holy Prayers, the forgiveness of the guilty, health for the sick, strength for weak Souls, consolation for the afflicted, help and deliverance for those in peril.

O, Mary, Queen of Clemency, on this joyful Solemnity, may thy humble servants, who praise and invoke thy sweet name, be overwhelmed with Graces by Jesus Christ thy Son, Our Lord, Who is The Sovereign God, Blessed throughout the ages. Amen." [Fifth and Sixth Lessons at Matins.]

Let us honour Mary with special confidence during these Feasts, which Celebrate her Triumph.

Mass: Adeámus.
Commemoration: Saints Timothy, Hippolytus and Symphorian. Martyrs.
Creed. Is said.
Preface: The Blessed Virgin Mary: [Et te in Festivitáte].

The Virgin and Infant of The Lilies.
Artist: William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825–1905).
Date: 1899.
Author: William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825–1905).
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Liturgical worship of "The Most Pure Heart of Mary" was suggested by The Fathers who commented The Canticle of Canticles; it was first joined to that of The Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the 17th-Century, by Saint John Eudes; however, it was only at the beginning of the 19th-Century that Pope Pius VII allowed some places to keep a Feast in its honour, on The Sunday after The Octave of her Assumption.

Blessed Pope Pius IX granted it a Proper Mass and Divine Office (Mass: Omnis Gloria).

In other places, it was kept on the Sunday, or, rather, (since the present Edition of The Roman Missal, made in 1920 in the spirit of Pope Saint Pius X) [Editor: This Text is from the 1945 Edition of The Saint Andrew Daily Missal] on The Saturday after The Feast of The Sacred Heart of Jesus.

“Regina Cæli”
(Queen of Heaven).
By Marco Frisina.
Available on YouTube at

On 8 December 1942 [Editor: The Feast Day of The Immaculate Conception], during the terrible World War, Pope Pius XII Consecrated the whole of mankind to "The Immaculate Heart of Mary"; consequently, he extended The Feast to The Universal Church and gave it a new Mass and Divine Office by Decree of 4 May 1944.

That Feast, of The Immaculate Heart, is fixed, not to a Sunday, but to the very Octave-Day of The Assumption: Mary in Heaven goes on interceding lovingly on our behalf. Her Heart is the symbol of the ardent love, which she fosters first for God and for her Divine Son (Epistle), but also of her maternal care for all human Souls, which Jesus entrusted her when He died (Gospel, Communion).

We exalt the particular Holiness of her Heart (Gradual, Offertory), and we Pray her (Introit, Collects) to obtain "Peace for all Nations, freedom for The Church, conversion for the sinners, and for all Faithful, love for Chastity and the practice of all Virtues" (Decree 4 May 1944).

The Blessed Virgin Mary is Crowned Queen of Heaven by Her Beloved Son.

The following Text is from DRUMCREE PARISH

In the midst of The Second World War, Pope Pius XII made an Act of Consecration of The Church and The Whole World to The Immaculate Heart on 31 October 1942, which was then Solemnly proclaimed on 8 December 1942.

Two years later, by a Decree of 4 May 1944, The Holy Father extended The Feast of The Immaculate Heart of Mary to The Universal Church.

[Editor: Prior to which, 22 August had been "The Octave Day of The Assumption". Greater-Double. White Vestments.]

“Regina Cæli”
(Queen of Heaven).
By Marco Frisina.
Available on YouTube at

Friday 21 August 2020

An Act Of Consecration Of The Human Race To The Most Sacred Heart Of Jesus.

Catholic Holy Card depicting The Sacred Heart of Jesus, circa 1880.
Auguste Martin Collection, University of Dayton Libraries.
Date: 1880.
Source: Turgis.
Author: Turgis.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Act Of Consecration
Of The Human Race
To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus.

Indulgence of 300 days each time.
On The Feast of Christ The King, to be Solemnly Read with
The Litany of The Sacred Heart before The Blessed Sacrament exposed: Then, Seven Years and Seven Quarantines, and a Plenary Indulgence, supposing Confession and Communion.

Most Sweet Jesus, Redeemer of The Human Race, look down upon us humbly prostrate before Thy Altar. We are Thine, and Thine we wish to be; but, to be more surely united with Thee, behold each one of us freely Consecrates himself today to Thy Most Sacred Heart.

Many, indeed, have never known Thee; many, too, despising Thy precepts, have rejected Thee. Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to Thy Sacred Heart.

Be Thou King, Oh, Lord, not only of The Faithful who have
never forsaken Thee, but, also, of the prodigal children who have abandoned Thee; grant that they may quickly return to their Father's house, lest they
die of wretchedness and hunger.

Be Thou King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom discord keeps aloof, and call them back to the harbour of Truth and Unity of Faith, so that, soon, there may be but one flock and one Shepherd.

Be Thou King of all those who are still involved in the darkness of idolatry or of Islamism, and refuse not to draw them all into the light and kingdom of God. Turn Thine eyes of mercy towards the children of that race, once Thy chosen people: Of old, they called down upon themselves The Blood of The Saviour; may It now descend upon them a laver of redemption and of life.

Grant, Oh, Lord, to Thy Church, assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; give peace and order to all Nations, and make the Earth resound from Pole to Pole with one cry: Praise be to The Divine Heart that wrought our Salvation; to It be glory and honour for ever.


Saint Jane Frances Frémiot de Chantal. Widow. Feast Day 21 August.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Jane Frances Fremiot de Chantal.
   Feast Day 21 August.


White Vestments.

English: Saint Jane Frances Frémiot de Chantal, Saint of The Catholic Church.
Deutsch: Johanna Franziska von Chantal, Heilige der Katholischen Kirche.
Français: Jeanne de Chantal
This File: 9 March 2015.
User: Kokodyl
(Wikimedia Commons)

“Long-Suffering Leader”.
The Life of Saint Jane Frémiot de Chantal.
Available on YouTube at

Like Mary, whose Assumption we have been Celebrating for the last seven days, Saint Jane Frances Fremiot de Chantal was a Spouse, a Mother, and a Widow. She was born at Dijon, France, the same Country as Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (Feast Day, yesterday), and received the Baptismal name of Jane, because that day, 23 January 1572, was The Feast Day of Saint John the Almoner.

The name of Frances, which she added at her Confirmation, reminds us of the gentle Saint of Geneva (Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop of Geneva). As in previous times, Benedict and Scholastica, Francis of Assisi and Clare, so Francis de Sales and Jane Frances, corresponding with the designs of Divine Providence, united their pious efforts and enriched The Church by "the Foundation of a new family" (Collect). [Editor: The new family was The Order of The Visitation of Holy Mary.]

English: Saint Francis de Sales giving The Rule for
The Order of The Visitation of Holy Mary
Français: Saint François de Sales donnant
Artist: Noël Hallé (1711-1781).
Date: 18th-Century.
Current location: Église Saint-Louis-en-l'Île, Paris, France.
(Wikimedia Commons)

At the death of her husband, Baron de Chantal (1601), his young Widow Consecrated herself to God by a Vow of Perpetual Chastity.

This strong woman [Editor: Latin: “Mulier Fortis”], spoken of in the Epistle, left everything to acquire at this price the precious Pearl of a Religious Life (Gospel). Her father and four of her six children were still living.

She became the Mother of innumerable Nuns of The Order of The Visitation, now dispersed over the whole World. Filled with The Spirit of Divine Charity (Postcommunion), she constantly repeated to them, like Saint John The Apostle: "Let us love God with our whole heart, and our neighbour as ourselves, for the love of God."

Illustration: AZ QUOTES

She died at Moulins, France, in 1641.

Like Saint Jane Frances Frémiot de Chantal, and by her intercession, let us Pray God, that, knowing our weakness and relying on His strength, we may, by His Grace, overcome all obstacles (Collect).

Mass: Cognóvi.
Commemoration: The Octave of The Assumption.
Preface: Of The Assumption (Et te in Assumptione).

English: Stained-Glass Window in the Church of Saint Philibert, Charlieu, France. It depicts (from Left to Right): Saint Francis de Sales;
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque; Saint Jane Frances Frémiot de Chantal.
Deutsch: Bleiglasfenster in der Kirche Saint-Philibert in Charlieu, Darstellung: Franz von Sales (links), Margareta Maria Alacoque,
Photo: 3 July 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Reinhardhauke
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Saint Jane Frances de Chantal (Jeanne-Françoise Frémiot, Baronne de Chantal, born on 28 January 1572 – 13 December 1641) is a Roman Catholic Saint, who Founded a Religious Order after the death of her husband.

Jane Frances de Chantal was born in Dijon, France, on 28 January 1572, the daughter of the Royalist President of the Parliament of Burgundy. Her mother died when Jane was 18 months old. Her father became the main influence on her education. She developed into a woman of beauty and refinement, lively and cheerful in temperament.

She married the Baron de Chantal when she was twenty-one years old and then lived in the feudal Castle of Bourbilly. Baron de Chantal was accidentally killed by an Arquebus, while out shooting in 1601. Left a Widow at twenty-eight years old, with four children, the broken-hearted Baroness took a vow of Chastity. Her mother, step mother, sister, first two children, and now her husband, had died. Chantal gained a reputation as an excellent manager of the estates of her husband, as well as of her difficult father-in-law, while also providing alms and nursing care to needy neighbours.

English: Stained-Glass Window in The Parish Church of Saint John the Baptist, Dammartin-en-Goële, France, It depicts Saint Francis de Sales introducing Saint Jane Frances Frémiot de Chantal to Saint Vincent de Paul.
Deutsch: Katholische Pfarrkirche Saint-Jean-Baptiste (Johannes der Täufer) in Dammartin-en-Goële, Frankreich, Bleiglasfenster, Darstellung: Franz von Sales stellt Johanna Franziska von Chantal dem hl. Vinzenz von Paul vor.
Photo: 4 April 2013.
Source: Own work.
Author: GFreihalter
(Wikimedia Commons)

During Lent in 1604, the pious Baroness met Saint Francis de Sales, the Bishop of Geneva, who was Preaching at the Sainte Chapelle in Dijon. They became close friends and de Sales became her Spiritual Director. She wanted to become a Nun, but he persuaded her to defer this decision.

Later, with his support, and that of her father and brother (the Archbishop of Bourges), and after providing for her children, Chantal left for Annecy, to start The Congregation of The Visitation, which was Canonically established at Annecy on Trinity Sunday, 6 June 1610.

The Order accepted women who were rejected by other Orders because of poor health or age. During its first eight years, the new Order also was unusual in its public outreach, in contrast to most female Religious who remained Cloistered and adopted strict ascetic practices.

The usual opposition to women in active ministry arose and Francis de Sales was obliged to make it a Cloistered Community following The Rule of Saint Augustine. He wrote his Treatise on "The Love of God" for them. When people criticised her for accepting women of poor health and old age, Chantal said, "What do you want me to do ? I like sick people; I'm on their side."

Her reputation for Sanctity and sound management resulted in many visits by (and donations from) aristocratic women. The Order had thirteen Houses by the time Saint Francis de Sales died, and eighty-six Houses before Chantal died at The Visitation Convent in Moulins, France, aged sixty-nine. Saint Vincent de Paul served as her Spiritual Director after Saint Francis de Sales' death. Her favourite Devotions involved The Sacred Heart of Jesus and The Heart of Mary.

The Church of Saint Jane Frances de Chantal,
Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America.
Photo: 27 April 2013.
Source: Own work.
Author: Farragutful
(Wikimedia Commons)

She was buried in the Annecy Convent, next to Saint Francis de Sales. The Order had 164 Houses by 1767, when she was Canonised. Saint Jane Frances de Chantal outlived her son (who died fighting the Huguenots and the English on The Île de Ré during the Century's Religious Wars) and two of her three daughters, but left extensive correspondence. Her grand-daughter also became a famous writer, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de Sévigné.

She was Beatified on 21 November 1751 by Pope Benedict XIV, and Canonised on 16 July 1767 by Pope Clement XIII.

Saint Jane Frances's Feast Day was included in The General Roman Calendar in 1769, two years after she was Canonised. She wrote some exemplary Letters of Spiritual Direction.

19th-Century print of The Coat-of-Arms of The Order of The Visitation,
Founded in 1610 by Saint Francis de Sales
and Saint Joan Frances Frémiot de Chantal.
Author: Saint Francis de Sales.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Order of The Visitation of Holy Mary (Latin: Ordo Visitationis Beatissimæ Mariæ Virginis, V.H.M.), or, The Visitation Order, is an Enclosed Roman Catholic Religious Order for Women. Members of The Order are also known as The Salesian Sisters (not to be confused with The Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco) or, more commonly, as The Visitandines, or, Visitation Sisters.

The Order of The Visitation was Founded in 1610 by Saint Francis de Sales and Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, in Annecy, Haute-Savoie, France. At first, the Founder had not a Religious Order in mind; he wished to form a Congregation without External Vows, where The Cloister should be observed only during The Year of Novitiate, after which The Sisters should be free to go out by turns to visit The Sick and The Poor. The Order was given the name of The Visitation of Holy Mary with the intention that The Sisters would follow the example of The Virgin Mary and her joyful visit to her kinswoman Elizabeth, (known as "The Visitation" in The Roman Catholic Church).

Sermon: Saint Jane Frances de Chantal.
Available on YouTube at

Saint Francis de Sales invited Saint Jane Frances de Chantal to join him in establishing a new type of Religious Life, one open to older women and those of delicate constitution, that would stress the hidden inner virtues of humility, obedience, poverty, even-tempered Charity, and patience, and founded on the example of Mary in her journey of mercy to her cousin Elizabeth.

The Order was established to welcome those not able to practice austerities required in other Orders. Instead of Chanting The Canonical Office in the middle of the night, The Sisters recited The Little Office of The Blessed Virgin at half-past eight in the evening. There was no Perpetual Abstinence nor prolonged Fast.

The Order of The Visitation of Mary was Canonically Erected in 1618 by Pope Paul V, who granted it all the privileges enjoyed by the other Orders. A Papal Bull of Pope Urban VIII Solemnly Approved it in 1626.
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