Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Thursday, 3 October 2024

Saint Teresa Of The Child Jesus (Saint Thérèse Of Lisieux) (“The Little Flower”) 1873 - 1897. Feast Day 3 October. “After My Death, I Will Let Fall A Shower Of Roses From Heaven”.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Teresa of The Child Jesus
   (Saint Thérèse Of Lisieux).
   “The Little Flower”.
   Feast Day 3 October.


White Vestments.


Saint Teresa of The Child Jesus
(Saint Thérèse Of Lisieux)
(The Little Flower)


English: Amber Flush Rose -
Bagatelle Rose Garden (Paris, France).
Français: Rose Amber Flush -
Roseraie de Bagatelle (Paris, France).
Photo: 1 June 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Georges Seguin (Okki)
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Thérèse Of Lisieux
("The Little Flower").
Available on YouTube


Mary-Frances-Teresa Martin was born at Alençon, France, on 2 January 1873. She was brought up in a most-Christian family, and educated by The Benedictine Nuns at Lisieux. Whilst still a child, she felt drawn towards The Cloister, and, at the age of fifteen, after much petition, was allowed to enter The Carmelite Convent in that Town. At the age of twenty-four, she slept peacefully in The Peace of The Lord.

The life of this young Saint is not distinguished by any heroic or very great deed. She simply served God with a constant and assiduous fidelity in little things.

To her, The Words of Our Lord are applied by The Church: "Unless you become as little children, you shall not enter The Kingdom of Heaven."

Saint Teresa of The Child Jesus,
(Saint Thérèse Of Lisieux),
("The Little Flower")
(Wikipedia Commons)


“I do not intend to remain inactive in Heaven,” this Saint said on her death-bed. “I wish to go on working for The Church and for Souls.” “After my death, I will let fall a Shower of Roses.” “It is Our Lord Who is calling me to Heaven and the hope of being able to love Him as I have so much desired to do, and the thought that I shall be able to make Him loved by a number of Souls, who will praise Him eternally.”

Apostolic Virgin ! Such is the Title which seems best to characterise Saint Teresa of The Child Jesus. Like her Seraphic Patron and Mother, she desired to make The Salvation of Souls the object of her life in The Cloister, and, thus, her whole life was a “sacrifice of love, a holocaust to merciful love”.

When she left Carmel for Heaven, she repeated her intention of continuing to be an Apostle in Eternity, as she had been here on Earth.“I feel that my Mission is soon to begin,” she said.“My Mission to make others love The Good God as I love Him . . . to teach my Little Way to Souls.

English: Birthplace and family home of Sainte Thérèse.
Français: Maison natale de Sainte Thérèse
et des bienheureux Louis et Zélie Martin, ses parents.
Photo: 25 June 2009.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)


“I wish to spend my Heaven in doing good upon Earth. Nor is this impossible, since, from the very heart of the Beatific Vision, The Angels keep watch over us. No, there can be no rest for me until the end of the World. But, when the Angel shall have said: “Time is no more !”, then I shall rest, then I shall be able to rejoice, because the number of The Elect will be complete”. (Autobiography).

The humble “Little Flower” was: 
Beatified by Pope Pius XI in 1923, twenty-six years after her death; 
Canonised in 1925; 
and, in 1927, proclaimed Patroness of All Catholic Missions.

Let us offer the Holy Sacrifice, in thanksgiving, for all the Graces bestowed on this Saint, and let us receive Our Lord in Holy Communion in order to partake, through Him, in the Virtues which adorned her life.

Mass: Veni de Libano.

Saint Marie-Azélie “Zélie” Martin, née Guérin (1831-1877).
Wife of Saint Louis Martin
and Mother of Saint Thérèse de Lisieux.
Date: Circa 1875.
Author: Unknown Photographer.
(Wikimedia Commons)


The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux (Born Marie-Françoise-Thérèse Martin, 2 January 1873 – 30 September 1897), or Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, O.C.D., was a French Discalced Carmelite Nun. She is popularly known as “The Little Flower of Jesus” or simply, “The Little Flower”.

Thérèse has been a highly influential model of Sanctity for Roman Catholics, and for others, because of the “. . . simplicity and practicality of her approach to The Spiritual Life”.

Together with Saint Francis of Assisi, she is one of the most popular Saints in the history of The Church. Pope Saint Pius X called her “the greatest Saint of modern times”.

Thérèse felt an early call to Religious Life, and, overcoming various obstacles, in 1888, at the early age of fifteen, she became a Nun and joined two of her elder sisters in the Cloistered Carmelite Community of Lisieux, Normandy.

After nine years as a Carmelite Religious, having fulfilled various Offices, such as Sacristan and Assistant to the Novice Mistress, and having spent her last eighteen months in Carmel in a Night of Faith, she died of tuberculosis at the age of twenty-four.

Saint Louis Martin (1823-1894).
Husband of Saint Zélie Martin
and Father of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux.
Photo: Circa 1875.
Author: Unknown Photographer.
(Wikimedia Commons)


The impact of The Story of a Soul, a collection of her autobiographical Manuscripts, printed and distributed a year after her death to an initially very limited audience, was great, and she rapidly became one of the most popular Saints of the 20th-Century.

Pope Pius XI made her the “Star of his Pontificate”. She was Beatified in 1923, and Canonised in 1925. Thérèse was declared Co-Patron of The Missions, with Saint Francis Xavier, in 1927, and named Co-Patron of France, with Joan of Arc, in 1944.

On 19 October 1997, Pope Saint John Paul II declared her the thirty-third Doctor of The Church, the youngest person, and at that time only the third woman, to be so honoured. Devotion to Thérèse has developed around the World.

Saint Thérèse lived a hidden life and “wanted to be unknown”, yet became popular after her death through her Spiritual autobiography. She also left Letters, poems, Religious plays, Prayers, and her last conversations were recorded by her sisters. Paintings and photographs – mostly the work of her sister, Céline, – further led to her being recognised by millions of men and women.

English: Les Buissonnets. The Martin family house in Lisieux,
to which they moved in November 1877, following the death
of Madame Martin. Thérèse lived here from 16 November 1877
to 9 April 1888, the day she entered Carmel.
Français: Maison familiale des Martin (Lisieux)
où Sainte Thérèse passa son enfance.
Photo: August 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Grentidez
(Wikimedia Commons)


Thérèse said on her death-bed: “I only love simplicity. I have a horror of pretence”. She spoke out against some of the claims made concerning The Lives of Saints, written in her day. “We should not say improbable things, or things we do not know. We must see their real, and not their imagined, lives”.

The depth of her Spirituality, of which she said: “My Way is all Confidence and Love”, has inspired many Believers.

In the face of her littleness, she trusted in God to be her Sanctity. She wanted to go to Heaven by an entirely new “little way”. “I wanted to find an elevator that would raise me to Jesus”. The elevator, she wrote, would be The Arms of Jesus lifting her in all her littleness.

Thérèse is well-known throughout the World, with The Basilica of Lisieux being the second-largest place of Pilgrimage in France, after Lourdes.

English: The Monastery that Saint Thérèse entered was not an old-established House with a great Tradition. In 1838, two Nuns from The Poitiers Carmel were sent out to Found The House of Lisieux. One of them, Mother Geneviève of Saint Teresa, was living when Saint Thérèse entered. The Second Wing, containing Cells and Rooms in which she was to live and die, had been standing only ten years. "What she found was a Community of very aged Nuns, some odd and cranky, some sick and troubled, some lukewarm and complacent. Almost all of The Sisters came from The Petty Bourgeois and Artisan Class. The Prioress and Novice Mistress were of Old Norman Nobility. Probably, the Martin sisters, alone, represented the new Class of The Rising Bourgeoisie."
Français: Carmel de Lisieux.
Date: Circa 1900.
Source: Carte postale
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)


Wednesday, 2 October 2024

The Annual Holy Rosary Crusade Of Reparation. London, October 2022.

The Annual Holy Rosary Crusade Of Reparation.
London 2022.
Available on YouTube

Please note: The following Article refers to 2022. The 2024 Holy Rosary of Reparation will be held in October 2024.

For further information, contact The Latin Mass Society of England and Wales HERE

or E-Mail

or telephone Francis Carey 01494 729223 or
Mathias Menezes 020 8764 0262 or 07950 384515.

The following Text is from FR. Z's BLOG

A friend in London sent this video of the Procession with The Rosary, Rosary Crusade of Reparation.

He wrote:

It’s held each year on the Saturday after The Feast of The Holy Rosary, and the March starts at Westminster Cathedral, London, and ends at the Brompton Oratory Church.

Covid stopped it in 2020, and, in 2021, due to severe restrictions, it was much smaller and entirely held outdoors. In effect, 2022 was its comeback to its glory after a two year hiatus.

The Crusade was started in 1984 by a good Jesuit, Fr. Hugh Thwaites SJ, who was himself a convert from Anglicanism HERE

[Editor: As Fr. Hugh Thwaites SJ (R.I.P.) states in the Article referred to HERE 

“We cannot with impunity disobey The Mother of God.”]

In 2022, the Guest Speaker was the Provost of The London Oratory, Fr. Julian Large CO, and, despite a National Rail strike, attracted a considerable number of Faithful.

The Procession made its way through the busiest and most exclusive shopping district of Knightsbridge, passing shops that sell fashion items beyond the reach of many of the ordinary Catholics clutching their Rosaries, hemmed within two plastic ropes held by volunteer wardens.

However, many of the visiting Arab population, who make up the majority of buyers at these shops, stopped to take photos or respectfully stood by to see the Procession go past.

Some, however, impatiently revved the engines of their Bugatti Veyrons or their Ferrari Purosangues, above the endless “Aves”.

It’s the only day of the year that Catholics get to stop the traffic in London, and show public witness to The Faith. And it certainly feels wonderful to be in their midst.

Thank you for publishing it, Father, for the greater edification of The Faithful.

Masses In Kent At: Tenterden; Ramsgate; Chislehurst. And Leigh-on-Sea, Essex.

Illustration by

Zephyrinus is delighted to publicise
Masses which are Celebrated in Kent on a regular Weekly basis on Sundays and on Feast Days and Holy Days of Obligation during the Week.

Also, in Essex (Leigh-on-Sea) on
The First Sunday of every Month.

There is a vibrant and happy group
who attend these Masses
and meet, after Mass (in Kent),
for lovely Lunches in various hostelries.

Do come and join us.
You will all be most welcome.

Besides Glorifying God in an Edifying,
Holy, and Traditional manner, you will see
the wonderful Kent and Essex countrysides
changing throughout the Seasons,
which, in itself, Glorifies God.




Masses are Celebrated
at the Church of Saint Andrew,
47, Ashford Road,
Tenterden, Kent TN30 6LL,
at 1200 hrs,

and on Feast Days and Holy Days of Obligation.



Zephyrinus is grateful to Tony V at PRAY TELL UNCHAINED
for providing information on Masses in Ramsgate, Kent.

The Ramsgate Web-Site is

Mass at Saint Augustine’s,
Ramsgate, Kent.

Saint Augustine’s Shrine,
Ramsgate, Kent.

Times of Masses.


Saint Augustine’s Church,
Saint Augustine’s Road,
Kent CT11 9PA.

Telephone: 01843 592 071.

Masses at
1200 hrs on every Sunday
0930 hrs on Fridays.



Saint Ethelbert and Saint Gertrude Church,
Ramsgate, Kent.

Saint Ethelbert and Saint Gertrude Church,
72, Hereson Road,
Kent CT11 7DS.

Mass at
0930 hrs every Wednesday.



Saint Mary’s Church,
Chislehurst, Kent.


Saint Mary’s Church
28 Crown Lane,
Kent BR7 5PL.


Telephone: 020 8467 3215.

Mass at
1100 hrs every Sunday
1930 hrs every Friday.



Our Lady of Lourdes and Saint Joseph Church,


Our Lady of Lourdes and Saint Joseph Church,
161, Leigh Road,
Essex SS9 1J.

Telephone: 01702 478078.


Mass at
1600 hrs on The First Sunday of every Month.
Followed by Solemn Vespers
and Benediction.

“The Mass Of The Foundation Of The Trinitarian Order”.
Artist: Juan Carreño de Miranda.
Illustration: LOUVRE



Available (in U.K.) from

Available (in U.S.A.) from

Available (in Ireland) from

Attribution of Floral Background:

The Library Of The Popes.

The Library Of The Popes.
Available on YouTube at

The Holy Guardian Angels. Feast Day 2 October.

Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

The Holy Guardian Angels.
   Feast Day 2 October.


White Vestments.

English: Archangel Michael
by Jacopo Vignali. 17th-Century.
Italiano: Jacopo Vignali,
San Michele Arcangelo
libera le anime del Purgatorio, (17th-Century).
Source: Giovanni Piccirillo (a cura di),
La Chiesa dei Santi Michele e Gaetano,
Becocci Editore, Firenze, 2006.
Author: sailko
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Holy Guardian Angels.
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

This Feast, Solemnised by the Spaniards in the 16th-Century, was extended to the whole Church by Pope Paul V in 1608.

Pope Clement X, in 1670, appointed it to be kept on the first free day after The Feast of Saint Michael, namely 2 October.

The Angels, already in Glory, have for their mission to adore The Divinity (Introit, Offertory, Communion). Wherefore, in the Preface, The Church makes us ask God to permit our voices to join with theirs in praising God. [“I have seen the Seraphim,” says Isaias, “they stood near The Sublime Throne, where Jehovah was seated: Their faces veiled, they cried out to one another: Holy, holy, holy, is The Lord God of Hosts, the whole Earth is full of His Glory.” (Isaias vi, 1-3.)]

But, as their name indicates, the Angels are also Messengers of Divine Commands (Offertory). The Holy Fathers teach that they (the Angels) preside over all Created Things, and Saint Paul declares “that their mission is to serve the future heirs of Salvation”.

“Guardian Angel”.
By Pietro da Cortona (1656).
Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Rome.
Source/Photographer: Web Gallery of Art
(Wikimedia Commons)

This is why they are called Guardian Angels (Collect). It is generally thought that Kingdoms, Provinces, Families, Dioceses, Churches, Religious Communities, each have their Protecting Angel.

[In some Countries, they Celebrate The Feast of The Angel of The Nation. Saint Francis de Sales says that the Bishop, as such, has another Guardian Angel. Ezechiel says that The Angel of The Temple of Jerusalem had a writing case hanging down from his girdle (Ezech. 11). These Angels of The Churches, adds Saint Basil, write down our irreverences.]

English: Statue of a Guardian Angel
in The Parish Church of Saint Oswald,
Oberdrauburg, Austria.
Deutsch: Pfarrkirche St Oswald,
Oberdrauburg, Osterreiche: Schutzengel.
Photo: July 2008.
Author: JJ55
(Wikimedia Commons)

That there is one Guardian Angel for each Just Man, there can be no doubt, and The Church applies to the Souls, that are under The New Law, what is written about the people under The Old Law: “I shall send My Angel to march before you, to guard you on the way and to bring you into the land which I have prepared for you” (Epistle). [Saint Bernard of Clairvaux: Sixth Lesson at Matins.]

Our Guardian Angel has, for his mission, to protect us and defend us, in order that, under his protection, safe from the snares of the enemies of our Souls and from all adversities, we may reach The Promised Land of Eternal Life (Collect, Secret, Postcommunion).

This faithful companion deserves our gratitude and the Veneration due to one who already enjoys The Beatific Vision (Gospel).

It is to encourage us, to the habitual practice of this Devotion, that The Church instituted The Feast of The Guardian Angels.

Mass: Benedícite Dóminum.
Creed: Is said.

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

“Ecce Virgo”. “Behold The Virgin”. Sung By: The Norbertines Of Saint Michael’s Abbey, California. The Month Of October Is Dedicated To The Blessed Virgin Mary.

“Ecce Virgo”.
“Behold The Virgin”.
Sung by: 
The Norbertines of Saint Michael’s Abbey, California.
Available on YouTube

The Saint Michael’s Abbey Web-Site can be found HERE

Church Of Sainte Etienne du Mont, Paris. Artist: Émile-Antoine-François Herson. Date: 1864.

Sainte Etienne du Mont, Paris.
Date: 1864.
Collection: Walters Art Museum.
Credit Line: Commissioned by William T. Walters, 1864.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text from Wikipedia, the free encyclopædia.

Saint-Étienne-du-Mont is a Church in Paris, France, on the Montagne Sainte-Geneviève in the 5th arrondissement, near the Panthéon

It contains the Shrine of Saint Geneviève, the Patron Saint of Paris. The Church also contains the tombs of Blaise Pascal and Jean Racine. Jean-Paul Marat is buried in the Church’s cemetery.

English: The stoning of Saint Stephen. Sculpted by Gabriel-Jules Thomas, 1863. Lunette of the Great West Door of the Church of Saint-Etienne du Mont (“Saint Stephen in the Mountain”), in Paris.
Français: La lapidation de Saint-Étienne par Gabriel-Jules Thomas, 1863. Lunette du portail de l’église Saint-Étienne-du-Mont, à Paris.

The sculpted Tympanum, “The Stoning of Saint Stephen”, is the work of French sculptor Gabriel-Jules Thomas.

Renowned Organist, Composer, and improviser, Maurice Duruflé, held the Post of Titular Organist at Saint-Étienne-du-Mont from 1929 until his death in 1986.

Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986). Requiem Op. 9. (1947, Organ Solo Version 1961). IV. Sanctus.


Maurice Duruflé: “Requiem”.
Op. 9 - IV. Sanctus.
Available on YouTube

Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986).
Requiem Op. 9 (1947, Organ solo version 1961).
IV. Sanctus.
Wiener Singakademie.
Pier Damiano Peretti, Organ.
Heinz Ferlesch, Conductor.
Courtesy of
Cover: St. Etienne Du Mont, Paris (circa 1880).

High Mass At A Fishing Village On The Zuyder Zee, Holland.

High Mass at a fishing village on the Zuyder Zee, Holland.
Artist: George Clausen (1852–1944).
Date: 1876.
Collection: Nottingham Museums
Source/Photographer: Bonhams, Lot 64 (as reference)
(Wikimedia Commons)

Liturgical Worship (Part Three).

All Illustrations previously published on Zephyrinus’ Blog.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

These Priests are the official intermediaries between Heaven and Earth. By means of the Liturgy, we unite ourselves with the sacerdotal Prayer of The Church, and, together with her, day by day, in the same Rites, the same formulas, even by the same Chant, render to Our Lord a Worship worthy of The Most High.

In the Missal do we mostly find these Prayers of The Church, hence it is an indispensable book for officially, infallibly, and collectively, rendering to The Most Holy Trinity, through Jesus and His Church, that plenitude of glory due to God.

Holy Mass is thus the chief act of Catholic Worship. It is also its central function, as the Altar is the central object in our Churches. All the grandest functions of the Liturgy, Ordinations, Consecrations, Benedictions, Professions, take place during the Celebration of The Mystery of The Altar.

According to Saint Thomas, all the Sacraments are like The Holy Eucharist, being either a participation in this sacrifice, or else means whereby the Soul is prepared for it. Exposition and Benediction of The Blessed Sacrament are, as it were, a continuance of it.

We should, therefore, be quite wrong were we to separate such acts of piety as our Communions and our Adoration, from The Act of Sacrifice; let us accustom ourselves to keep this connection practically in mind by Communicating with the Priest during Holy Mass, and by considering Our Lord present in the Tabernacle as The Saving Victim.

The Liturgy has also for its aim the sanctification of mankind. It is the most fruitful source of Divine Graces which, spreading from The Father through Christ into the Mystical Members of His Body, assure to them The Divine Life of Grace.

“The active participation in the Most Holy Mysteries and in the public and solemn Prayer of The Church”, said Pope Saint Pius X, “is the first and indispensable source of the true Christian Spirit”.

By the Holy Sacrifice of The Mass and the Sacraments, which constitute the very essence of the Liturgy, does The Church sanctify Souls.


October. The Month Of The Most Holy Rosary.

The Blessed Virgin Mary.
Illustration: WALLPAPER CAVE

The Blessed Virgin Mary
is Crowned Queen of Heaven
by Her Beloved Son.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,

Encyclical Letter
(The Month Of October)
Of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII.

At the coming of the month of October, dedicated and consecrated as it is to The Blessed Virgin of The Rosary, we recall with satisfaction the instant exhortations which, in preceding years, We addressed to you, venerable brethren, desiring, as We did, that the Faithful, urged by your authority and by your zeal, should redouble their piety towards The August Mother of God, The Mighty Helper of Christians, and should Pray to her throughout the month, invoking her by that Most Holy Rite of The Rosary which The Church, especially in the passage of difficult times, has ever used for the accomplishment of all desires.

Given at Rome, Saint Peter’s,
22 September, 1891,
in the fourteenth year of Our Pontificate.


English: The Vision of Saint Dominic.
French: L’apparition de la Vierge et de l’Enfant Jésus
à saint Dominique.
Artist: Bernardo Cavallino (1616–1656).
Date: 1640-1645.
Source/Photographer: The AMICA Library
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Remigius. Bishop And Confessor. Feast Day, Today, 1 October.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Remigius.
   Feast Day 1 October.


White Vestments.

The Baptism of Clovis by Saint Remigius.
Date: Circa 1500.
Current location: National Gallery of Art,
Washington D.C., United States of America.
Credit line: Samuel H. Kress Collection.
Source/Photographer: National Gallery of Art,
(Wikimedia Commons)

"At Reims, in Gaul," says The Roman Martyrology, "The Feast of Saint Remigius, Bishop and Confessor, who converted the Frankish Nation to The Faith of Jesus Christ, by Baptising their King, Clovis."

Saint Remigius died 13 January 533 A.D., and his Relics were Solemnly Translated 1 October.

Mass: Státuit.

Saint Remigius Baptises Clovis,
King of The Franks.

The following Text is from Wikipedia.

Saint Remigius, Remy or Remi, (French: Saint Rémi or Saint Rémy; Italian: Remigio; Spanish: Remigio; Occitan: Romieg; Polish: Remigiusz; Breton: Remig and Lithuanian: Remigijus), was Bishop of Reims and Apostle of The Franks (circa 437 A.D. – 13 January 533 A.D.).

On 24 December 496 A.D., he Baptised Clovis I, King of The Franks. This Baptism, leading to the conversion of the entire Frankish people to Nicene Christianity, was a momentous success for The Catholic Church and a seminal event in European history.

Monday, 30 September 2024

“Gabriel's Oboe”. The Film Score From “The Mission”. Conducted By The Composer: Ennio Morricone. And “Nella Fantasia”. Sung By: Sarah Brightman. Prepare To Be Moved. Greatly.

“Gabriel’s Oboe”.
The film score from “The Mission”.
Conducted by the Composer: Ennio Morricone.
And “Nella Fantasia”.
Sung by: Sarah Brightman.

Blast From The Past: “Amazed”. Sung by: Lonestar.

Sung by: Lonestar.
Available on YouTube at

“Stabat Mater Dolorosa”. Composer: Giovanni Battista Pergolesi.

“Stabat Mater Dolorosa”.
Composer: Giavanni Battista Pergolesi.
Available on YouTube at

Purported portrait of Pergolesi.
Presented by his biographer, Florimo,
to The Naples Conservatory.
Artist: Domenico Antonio Vaccaro (1678–1745).
Date: Early 18th-Century.
Museo Storico Musicale del Conservatorio Di Musica,
San Pietro A Majella, Naples, Italy.
This File: 26 March 2017.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Giovanni Battista Draghi (4 January 1710 – 17 March 1736), often referred to as Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, was an Italian Baroque composer, violinist, and organist.

His best-known works include his Stabat Mater and the opera La serva padrona (The Maid Turned Mistress).

His compositions include operas and sacred music. He died of tuberculosis at the age of twenty-six.
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