Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Friday, 4 October 2024

Saint Mary The Virgin Church, Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire, England. Designed By George Frederick Bodley.

Saint Mary The Virgin Church,
Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire, England.
Photo: Wayne Austin FlickR Page
Date: 30 March 2008 (original upload date).
Source: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Rood Screen.
Saint Mary The Virgin Church,
Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire, England.
Designed by George Frederick Bodley.
© Copyright David Dixon
and licensed for reuse under this
Illustration: GEOGRAPH

The Web-Site of Saint Mary The Virgin Church can be found HERE

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

The Church of Saint Mary The Virgin, Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire, England, is an Anglican Church and is Grade I Listed, by English Heritage, as a building of outstanding architectural or historic interest.

The Blessed Virgin Mary and The Child Jesus.
Saint Mary The Virgin Church,
Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire, England.
Designed by George Frederick Bodley.
© Copyright David Dixon
and licensed for reuse under this
Illustration: GEOGRAPH

The Chapel of Saint Paul, at Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire, was commissioned by Henry Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle in 1864.

It was designed by the architect Thomas Chambers Hine, but not completed and became known as The Pigeon Coop. Henry Pelham-Clinton, 7th Duke of Newcastle, demolished it and commissioned a new Chapel, Dedicated to Saint Mary The Virgin, in 1886. It was designed by George Frederick Bodley and built by R. Franklin, of Diddington, Oxfordshire.

The Stone used in the Interior is Red Runcorn, and, Externally, Steetly Ashlar, with Red Runcorn dressings.

It was completed by 1889 at a cost of £30,000 (£2,961,466 in 2016). It was opened by The Bishop of Southwell on 22 October 1889, but this Ceremony caused alarm in The Protestant Alliance of The Church of England, as reported in The Derby Daily Telegraph on 6 November 1889.

The Committee and Members of The Protestant Alliance have forwarded a Memorial to The Archbishop of Canterbury, inviting His Grace’s attention to the reports published in The Press regarding the Services conducted at The Benediction, or Dedication, of the new Church at Clumber on the 22nd of October - Services “authorised and conducted” by The Bishop of Southwell, The Bishop of the Diocese, and described as “a function which far exceeded that of Cardiff in Grandeur of Ritual and Dignity of Ceremonial”.

These reports, it is pointed out, state that the Church at Clumber was decorated with a Crucifix over The Rood Screen, with images of The Virgin and of Saint John, with a Baldachino over The “High Altar,” and a Crucifix on The Retable, with a Tabernacle for The Reserved Sacrament, having a Silver Lamp suspended in front of it, and with other Popish emblems.

The Service of The Holy Communion was conducted, according to these reports, with the formalities observed in The Roman Catholic Service of The Sacrifice of The Mass - formalities condemned by The Courts of Law - and it is further reported that no person whatever Communicated with the Celebrant.

The Procession into the Church was headed by a Crucifer, bearing a large Crucifix, and a Thurifer, bearing a Censer containing Incense.

Two handsome Banners were carried aloft, the first being that of The Blessed Sacrament and the second that of The Virgin Mary, on which were inscribed the remarkable words, “S. Maria Mater Dei”.

It is further reported that about fifty “Priests” took part in the Procession; that The Bishop of Lincoln walked in this Procession, dressed in a Cope of Cloth of Gold; that he was followed by The Bishop of Southwell, wearing a gorgeous Cope, on the back of which was depicted in brilliant colours a representation of The Madonna and Child - The Madonna Crowned, The Child Uncrowned.

The Memorialists urge that the use of the idolatrous Rites and Ceremonies of The Church of Rome tend to alienate the affections of people from The Church of England, and, if not checked and prevented, must eventually lead to an agitation for the dis-establishment and dis-endowment of The National Church.

An appeal is made to The Archbishop to use his influence to check and prevent the introduction and the use of such superstitious Services and illegal practices.

The Church, on a Cruciform Plan, has a Central Tower, which contains one Bell and a 175 ft-high Spire, which rises out of an Octagonal Corona. It is in The Second Pointed Style. The Interior Nave is plain, but The Chancel is decorated with carvings. The Stained-Glass is by Charles Eamer Kempe.

Saint Mary The Virgin Church,
Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire, England.
Designed by George Frederick Bodley.
© Copyright David Dixon
and licensed for reuse under this
Illustration: GEOGRAPH

Saint Mary The Virgin Church,
Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire.
Designed by George Frederick Bodley.
© Copyright David Dixon
and licensed for reuse under this
Illustration: GEOGRAPH

Saint Mary The Virgin Church,
Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire.
Designed by George Frederick Bodley.
The Stained-Glass is by Charles Eamer Kempe.
© Copyright David Dixon
and licensed for re-use under this
Illustration: GEOGRAPH

The Nave.
Saint Mary The Virgin Church,
Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire.

The Chancel and Choir,
Saint Mary The Virgin Church,
Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire.

The Choir,
Saint Mary The Virgin Church,
Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire.

Stained-Glass Window.
Saint Mary The Virgin Church,
Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire.

George Frederick Bodley
English Architect and Poet.
Photo: Circa 1900.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

George Frederick Bodley (14 March 1827 – 21 October 1907) was an English Gothic Revival Architect. He was a pupil of Sir George Gilbert Scott, and worked in partnership with Thomas Garner for much of his career.

Bodley was articled to the architect Sir George Gilbert Scott, a relative by marriage, under whose influence he became imbued with the spirit of The Gothic Revival, and he became known as the chief exponent of 14th-Century English Gothic, and the leading Ecclesiastical architect in England.

He is regarded as the leader of the resurgence of interest in English and Northern European Late-Mediæval design. Noted for his pioneering design work in The Queen Anne Revival.

From 1869, he worked in a twenty-eight year partnership with Thomas Garner, designing Collegiate Buildings in Oxford and Cambridge, Country Houses and Churches throughout the British Isles.

One Cathedral was completed to his design: Saint David's Cathedral, HobartTasmaniaAustralia (first design, 1865; revised 1891; building completed 1936).

In 1906, Bodley designed, with his pupil Henry Vaughan, the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.. He also provided a design for Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, but it was not used.

As well as Vaughan, Bodley and Garner’s pupils included the Garden Designer, Inigo Thomas, who specialised in formal Gardens with geometrical plans in 17th- and 18th-Century Styles, which suited the houses that Bodley and Garner renovated for wealthy clients.

In 1874, Bodley Founded WATTS AND CO, London, with Garner and George Gilbert Scott, Jr. His Secular Work included the London School Board offices, and, in collaboration with Garner, the new buildings at Magdalen College, Oxford, and Hewell Grange, Worcestershire (for Lord Windsor).

The following Text is from the Worksop Priory of Our Lady and Saint Cuthbert. The Web-Site is available HERE


The Anglo-Catholic Revival

The Reverend George Appleton became Vicar of Worksop in 1847 and recognised the great importance of the surviving buildings.

He encouraged people to take an interest in its history, and eventually raised the money to restore the Nave.

Pillars, Windows, Roofs and Doors, were restored in Romanesque Style.

A new High Altar and Reredos, by Gilbert Scott, was placed at the East End of the Nave, under a new Stained-Glass Window (parts of this were re-used in the North Transept in the 1930s).

At this time, a new more dignified style of Worship, which later came to be known as “Anglo-Catholic”, was introduced.

This was enthusiastically supported later in the Century by the 7th Duke of Newcastle, who, as well as being Patron of the Living, was also Churchwarden.

With his close friend, Canon D’Arcy, an ambitious project to replace the long-demolished Choir was begun. Plans for an impressive Gothic Choir by Sir Harold Brakspear were accepted and work began.

First, the Lady Chapel was restored in 1922 as a Memorial to the men of the Parish who died in The Great War. Then, in the 1930s, the Transepts and the base of the Central Tower were rebuilt. But, in 1939, war intervened and the project was put on hold and then abandoned.

Inheriting a half-completed building, Fr. Peter Boulton took up the challenge, and, with the support of the people and a generous legacy from Mr. Ellis, a local timber merchant, the present Central Tower and Choir, designed by Laurence King, were completed in 1974.

This process of restoration, of both the buildings and Catholic Worship and Spirituality, has continued to the present day.

Today, the Town of Worksop may be in decline, but Worksop Priory is known throughout the World for its distinctive architecture and the Faith it enshrines.

Thursday, 3 October 2024

Sacred Heart Church, Kőszeg, Hungary.

Sacred Heart Church, Kőszeg, Hungary.
The building is considered to be a fine example of 
Gothic Revival Architecture.
Caption and Illustration: TUMBLR

Sacred Heart Church,
Kőszeg, Hungary.
Photo: 16 July 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Gr3mi
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

The building is considered to be a fine example of Gothic Revival Architecture. It was designed by Viennese architect Ludwig Schöne and was built between 1892 and 1894, in place of the old Korona Hotel, on the main square.

It is a Church with three Naves, a Transept, and a Polygonal Sacrarium.

It has a fifty-sevem metres high Tower and two Pinnacles. The Bell plays a melody from Händel’s Oratorio “Saul”.

The carved Wooden Altars were made in Vienna and in Tirol. Many of the Stained-Glass Windows were donated to the Church by local families; they show pictures of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and Hungarian Saints, such as St. Stephen, Blessed Gisella, St. Emeric, St. Ladislaus, St. Elizabeth and St. Margaret.

Several pieces of Mediæval and Baroque Furniture and Goldsmith’s Work were taken to this Church from the older Saint James Church, including two Chalices made in 1421 and 1486.

The Organ was made in 1894 by the Rieger Brothers.

Chauffeur Perkins Gets Carried Away Again With Dreams Of Grandeur.


Zephyrinus somehow knew it was not a good idea
to let Chauffeur Perkins choose the new mode of transport required to take Zephyrinus to The Divine Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.

Liturgical Worship. (Part Four).

All Illustrations previously published on Zephyrinus’ Blog.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

In a special manner does she exercise her Divine Commission by means of Sacramentals and Preaching.

The Sacramentals are all the observances and Holy things used by The Church in her Worship, and especially at Mass, as, for instance, the Ceremonies, Rites, Objects, and Prayers, etc.

Preaching is often attached to the acts of Worship; indeed, The Mass is a Catechism, whereby, in the course of the year, The Church inculcates her dogmatic truths and moral precepts by investing them with the visible beauty of Ceremonies and Chant.

“In instructing the people in the Divine truths and raising them to spiritual and interior joys”, said Pope Pius XI, “the splendours of the Liturgy are more efficacious than documents of the Ecclesiastical Magisterium and even more important”.

We should cultivate in our minds a deep respect for the Missal. It contains the very expression of The Church’s Prayer, and is the framework of her most august Rites of Consecration and Communion.

It shares with the Sacred Species the right to be placed upon the Altar. In the light of the Sacred Text contained in the Missal, the Altar becomes each day before our eyes a corner of Palestine, where we celebrate with Jesus the events of His life: His coming (Advent); His birth (Christmas); His Preaching (Lent); His suffering and death (Passion); His Resurrection (Easter); His Ascension and the coming of The Holy Ghost (Pentecost). 

Whereby, we receive those special Graces which Holy Communion infuses into our Souls.

Thus, in the Liturgy, the whole Mystical Body of Christ lives again the life of The Master, in imitating His virtues and examples. 

The Missal is thus the sure guide by which The Church, charged with the care of Souls, traces herself in us, with a maternal solicitude, and we should follow it in order to attain unto God, through Jesus Christ Our Lord.

This completes the Article on Liturgical Worship.

The Impressive Ceremonies Of The Mass.


The Text for this Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, TAN DIRECTION

By: John Paul Sonnen.

Mass is the highest act of Religion and the highest Prayer. It is the renewal and continuation of The Sacrifice of Christ on Calvary. For Catholics, it is one of the most significant and important parts of their lives. It is Christ’s redeeming Death on The Cross continued and re-presented.

To help us understand and appreciate The Mass, The Church has wisely ornamented it over the Centuries with Ceremonies and Symbols, Actions and Gestures, movements that tell a story to teach and reveal The Sacred Mysteries.

These Signs and Actions have developed organically through the Centuries, and they help us to Pray better. From a young age, Catholics learn when to sit and stand, bow and strike their breast. The Liturgy is a teaching tool to help both Priests and Lay People to have a deep and fervent reverence reflective of ontological and metaphysical reality.

Man is made up of body and Soul. The body and senses help the Soul and mind Pray and Worship better. These Signs and Symbols and Ceremonies impress The Faithful and touch their hearts, fixing lasting thoughts and teaching truths.

The Liturgy is like a Diamond or Gem that is mounted by a jeweller to protect it and bring out its beauty. The Ceremonies and Prayers of The Mass are like the mounting and setting to the Diamond — they bring out the beauty of The Sacrifice.

Sacrifice, since it is the highest act in religion, is most beautiful and beneficial to souls. In order that we may understand its great beauty and nobility, it is given to us mounted in an exquisite ceremonial.

Speaking of the impressive ceremonies of Mass, the Council of Trent states, “Since by reason of his nature man is so constituted that without exterior aid he can not easily rise to the contemplation of divine things, the Church, as a devoted mother, has therefore introduced into her liturgy certain usages, as, for example, that some portions of the Mass should be recited in a low tone, others in a loud tone of voice.”

Pontifical Mass of Cardinal Arinze,
Corpus Christi Church, Maiden Lane, London.

It continues, “In like manner, certain ceremonies, for instance the blessings, the use of lights, incense, vestments and many things of that nature, she employs by Apostolic custom and tradition, in order both to manifest thereby the majesty of the great sacrifice, as well as to animate the minds of the faithful by these visible signs of religion and piety, to the consideration of the sublime mysteries hidden within this sacrifice” (Council of Trent, Sess. 22, c. 5).

This brings to mind a famous quote by Fr. Fredrick Faber, who wrote so well on the Blessed Eucharist. He wrote, “It [the Mass] is the most beautiful thing this side of heaven. . . . It came forth out of the grand mind of the Church and lifted us out of earth and out of self.”

Consequently, through the generosity of the Church and pastoral solicitude of the Roman Pontiffs, present and future generations of the faithful should have free and large access to the fullness of the liturgical forms in the Latin Church.

After all, the Holy Spirit has created the Mass as an appropriate expression of the glorification that the whole Mystical Body of Christ owes constantly to the Holy Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Providentially, therefore, and with a gesture of loving largesse after the example of the heavenly Father, the vicar of Christ Benedict XVI, in his munificence, granted motu proprio, of his own initiative, a decree that threw open once again the doors of the liturgical treasury of the Latin Church.

This decree Summorum Pontificum appealed to the wisdom and charity of the bishops to understand and implement his disposition, which was meant as a sign of reconciliation inside and outside the Church, promulgated in 2007.

In this intent, the decree has borne great fruit and received praise and recognition worldwide, making the beautiful ceremonies of the Roman rite available to all.

In the words of liturgical scholar Msgr. R. Michael Schmitz, “The liturgical richness of the Extraordinary Form of the Latin Rite shows in many ways that the sacramental mysteries instituted by Christ are a beginning of the eternal freedom and a glimpse of the glory of Heaven.”

He continues, “Hence, in these lands of shadow and sinfulness where human frailty finds a path to the light with great difficulty, Holy Mother Church, under the direction of continuous inspiration from above, has organically developed forms and details to guide our steps to a divine worship that guarantees our contact with the Godhead and at the same time elevates our soul and body to a genuine piety nourished by the grace of Christ.”

The Church has invited her priests and lay faithful to love and cherish the liturgy. The clergy especially must have a profound knowledge of the mysteries of which they are called to be the faithful ministers.

Illustration: WIKIPEDIA

The laity, too, are called to deepen their knowledge about the theological and ceremonial meanings behind the sacred rites, glowing so brilliantly in the classical Roman rite.

Thus have many approved authors at different times and under various aspects taught and explained the liturgical expressions with great expertise. Among the more important was Msgr. George J. Moorman, who passed away in 1979. A native of Indiana, he was priest for more than seventy years.

Msgr. Moorman wrote an easy-to-read book in 1920 on the Mass called The Latin Mass Explained, republished by TAN Books in 2007. It explains the parts of the Mass with great care and attention, with special focus on the beauty and explanation of the acts and ceremonies of the rite. This book reveals the what, why, and how of the Traditional Latin Mass.

The book helps many understand for the first time the awesome dignity of the Mass with the rich spiritual significance of every element at the altar.

Today, knowledge of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman rite has spread and assisted in checking the lack of general liturgical formation among many Catholics of all ages. This prompted Pope Benedict to say in his motu proprio: “The use of the old Missal presupposes a certain degree of liturgical formation and some knowledge of the Latin language.”

Neither of these is found very often. While many Catholics have a deep respect and are very much impressed with the Latin Mass, few have books on hand to teach them about what they already admire.

“It is known, in fact, that The Latin Liturgy of The Church 
in its various forms, in each Century of The Christian Era, 
has been a spur to The Spiritual Life of many Saints, has reinforced many peoples in The Virtue of Religion, 
and fecundated their Piety.”
—Pope Benedict XVI.

The republication of this fine book by Msgr. Moorman, a liturgical scholar with long practical experience, is not only most timely but also fills a gap which has been felt for a long time. It has since become a part of the liturgical revival which Pope Benedict so ardently hoped for when he explained the Latin Mass was “never juridically abrogated” and is to be considered as an extraordinary expression of that same “Lex Orandi,” and must be given due honour for its venerable and ancient use.

Thus we have the extraordinary outpouring of grace and liturgical awe that is felt by so many who see and experience this ancient way of spirituality, forever set to inspire the liturgical life of the universal Church. What poetry, what pathos, what sublimity in the teachings of our classical liturgy! Let us hope and pray the tidal force of young Catholic families loyal to the See of Peter continues in this direction, a meteoric force for good in the Church and the World.

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