Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Monday, 7 October 2024

Saint Mark. Pope And Confessor. Whose Feast Day Is, Today, 7 October.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Mark.
   Feast Day 7 October.


White Vestments.

Pope Saint Mark (336 A.D.).
(“Pope's Photo Gallery”).
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia,
unless otherwise stated.

Pope Mark (Latin: Marcus) was Head of The Catholic Church from 18 January 336 A.D. to 7 October 336 A.D.

Little is known of his early life. According to “The Liber Pontificalis”, he was a Roman, and his father's name was Priscus. Some evidence suggests that the Early Lists of Bishops and Martyrs, known as “The Depositio Episcoporum and Depositio Martyrum”, were begun during his Pontificate.

Per “The Liber Pontificalis”, Pope Mark issued a Constitution investing The Bishop of Ostia with a Pallium and confirming his power to Consecrate newly-elected Popes. Also per “The Liber Pontificalis”, Pope Mark is credited with the Foundation of The Basilica of San Marco, in Rome, and a Cemetery Church over the Catacomb of Balbina, just outside the City, on lands obtained as a donation from Emperor Constantine.

Mark died of natural causes and was buried in the Catacomb of Balbina. In 1048, his remains were removed to the Town of Velletri, and, from 1145, were relocated to The Basilica of San Marco, in Rome, where they are kept in an urn under the Altar. His Feast Day is Celebrated on 7 October.

The following Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.

Mark, a Roman, occupied The Holy See for eight months during the Reign of Emperor Constantine the Great.

He succeeded Pope Saint Sylvester I and continued, with great zeal, the organisation of The Church that had been commenced by his predecessor thanks to the long era of peace inaugurated by the Emperor. He died in 336 A.D.

Mass: Sacerdótes.

Feast Day Of The Most Holy Rosary Of The Blessed Virgin Mary. 7 October.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Most Holy Rosary of The Blessed Virgin Mary.
   Feast Day 7 October.

Double of The Second-Class.

White Vestments.

The Blessed Virgin Mary
is Crowned in Heaven by her Beloved Son.

The Mysteries of The Holy Rosary:
Joyful Mysteries;
Sorrowful Mysteries;
Glorious Mysteries.
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

It was the custom in The Middle Ages, as formerly among the Romans, for noble personages to wear Crowns of Flowers, called "Chaplets". These Crowns were offered to persons of distinction, as a Feudal Due.

The Blessed Virgin, as Queen of Heaven, and of Souls, has a right to the same homage. Therefore, The Church asks us to recognise the Title of Mary as Queen of The Holy Rosary, and she exhorts us to to offer to her, as Daughter of The Father, Mother of The Son, and Spouse of The Holy Ghost, a Triple Chaplet, or Three Crowns of Roses, of which she shows us all the beauties in today's Office, and to which she has given the name of "Rosary".

The Collect reminds us that the recitation of The Rosary is a mental Prayer, in which we meditate on The Mysteries of The Life, Death, and Resurrection, of Jesus; with these, Mary was intimately associated.

The Gospel, which gives us the chief part of the Angelic Salutation, shows us that The Rosary is a vocal Prayer. The PaterCredo, and Gloria, which are recited with the Ave Marias, are also found in The Mass or in The Divine Office.

The Rosary, as a private Devotion, consists therefore of elements taken from The Liturgical Cycle, and The Feast of The Rosary forms part of The Cycle.

This Prayer has, in the course of the Centuries, obtained many Graces for Christendom. The Feast of Our Lady of The Rosary was instituted to Commemorate the Victory of Lepanto (Sunday, 7 October 1571), when, thanks to the recitation of The Rosary, the forces of Islam, which threatened to invade Europe, were broken. Pope Gregory XIII, in 1573, prescribed this Feast, replacing very significantly The Feast of Our Lady of Victory, for certain Churches; it was extended to the Catholic World by Pope Clement XI, in thanksgiving for another triumph over the same foes in Hungary in 1716, under the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles VI.

The Feast of The Most Holy Rosary is a summary of The Liturgical Year, as we meditate on The Mysteries, and also of The Breviary, as we recite one hundred and fifty Ave Marias, corresponding to one hundred and fifty Psalms, ending with Gloria Patri.

It shows, in an admirable Triptych, the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious events in the lives of Jesus and Mary, which are recalled in succession in The Catholic Calendar.

In The Christmas Cycle, the Soul, plunged in an atmosphere of Joy, meditates on The Five Joyful Mysteries, on Wednesdays and Fridays of Ember Week in Winter, on Christmas Day, on 2 February (The Purification of The Blessed Virgin Mary) and on The Sunday in The Octave of The Epiphany.

Again, she Contemplates, during The Season of The Passion, The Five Sorrowful Mysteries, on Holy Thursday and Good Friday.

Lastly, she sympathises, amid the Joys of The Paschal Season and Pentecost, with The Five Glorious Mysteries at The Feasts of Easter, Ascension, Pentecost and The Assumption of The Virgin. There is a Plenary Indulgence, similar to that of the Portiuncula, to be gained on The Day of this Feast by all The Faithful, who visit a Church where the Arch-Confraternity of The Rosary is established.

Pope Leo XIII, moved by the sorrowful trials under which The Church groans, raised the Feast to one of The Second Class with a new Mass and Office.

Mass: Gaudeámus omnes in Dómino.
Commemoration: At Low Mass of Saint Mark and Saints Sergius and Companions.
Creed: Is said.
Preface: The Blessed Virgin Mary: Et te in Festivitáte.

Signature of Pope Leo XIII, who raised The Feast of 
The Most Holy Rosary Of The Blessed Virgin Mary 
to one of The Second Class with a new Mass and Office.
This File: 15 February 2007.
User: Julo
(Wikimedia Commons)



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Attribution of Floral Background:

Feast Of The Most Holy Rosary. 7 October.

English: The Madonna giving The Holy Rosary to Saint Dominic. This year marks the 810th Anniversary
of the Revelation of The Holy Rosary, by Our Lady Mary,
to Saint Dominic, in 1214.
Deutsch: Rosenkranz madonna, Szene: Maria mit Hl. Dominikus, zwei Engeln sowie Medaillons mit Darstellung zu Szenen aus dem Leben Jesu und der Passion.
Artist: Guido Reni (1575–1642).
Date: 1596-1598.
Current location: Basilica di San Luca, Bologna.
Source: The Yorck Project:
10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei.
DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202
Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text from “The Liturgical Year”.
   By: Abbot Guéranger, O.S.B.
      Volume 14.
      Time After Pentecost.
      Book V.

[Editor: This Text is taken from “The Liturgical Year”, by Abbot Guéranger O.S.B., dated circa 1889. The Feast was subsequently moved by Pope Saint Pius X to 7 October. Previously, it was the First Sunday of October].

It is customary with men of the World to balance their account at the end of the year, and ascertain their profits. The Church is now preparing to do the same.

We shall soon see her Solemnly numbering her Elect, taking an inventory of her Holy Relics, visiting the tombs of those who sleep in The Lord, and counting the Sanctuaries, both new and old, that have been Consecrated to her Divine Spouse.

But today’s reckoning is a more Solemn one, the profits more considerable: She opens her balance-sheet with the gain accruing to Our Lady from the Mysteries which compose the cycle:

Christmas; The Cross; the Triumph of Jesus. These produce the Holiness of us all; but before and above all, the Holiness of Mary.

The Diadem which The Church thus offers first to the august Sovereign of the World, is rightly composed of the triple crown of these Sanctifying Mysteries, the causes of her joy, of her sorrow, and of her glory.

The Joyful Mysteries recall the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Birth of Jesus, Mary’s Purification, and the Finding of Our Lord in the Temple.

The Sorrowful Mysteries bring before us the Agony of Our Blessed Lord, His being Scourged, and Crowned with Thorns, the Carrying of The Cross, and the Crucifixion.

While, in the Glorious Mysteries, we contemplate the Resurrection and Ascension of Our Saviour, Pentecost, and the Assumption and Coronation of The Mother of God.

Such is Mary’s Rosary; a new and fruitful vine, which began to blossom at Gabriel’s salutation, and whose fragrant garlands form a link between Earth and Heaven.

In its present form, the Rosary was made known to the World by Saint Dominic at the time of the struggles with the Albigensians, that social war of such ill-omen for The Church.

The Rosary was then of more avail than armed forces against the power of Satan; it is now The Church’s last resource.

It would seem that, the ancient forms of social Prayer being no longer relished by the people, The Holy Spirit has willed by this easy and ready summary of the Liturgy to maintain in the isolated devotion of these unhappy times, the essential of that life of Prayer, Faith, and Christian Virtue, which the public celebration of the Divine Office formerly kept up among the Nations.

Before the 13th-Century, popular piety was already familiar with what was called the Psalter of the Laity, that is, the Angelical Salutation repeated one hundred and fifty times; it was the distribution of these Hail Mary’s into decades, each devoted to the consideration of a particular Mystery, that constituted the Rosary.

Such was the Divine expedient, simple as the eternal Wisdom that conceived it, and far-reaching in its effects; for while it led wandering man to the Queen of Mercy, it obviated ignorance which is the food of heresy, and taught him to find once more “the paths consecrated by The Blood of The Man-God, and by the tears of His Mother”. [Pope Leo XIII, Epist encycl. Magnæ Dei Matris, de Rosario Mariali. 8 Sept 1892].

Thus speaks the great Pontiff who, in the universal sorrow of these days, has again pointed out the means of salvation more than once experienced by our fathers. Pope Leo XIII, in his encyclicals, has consecrated the present month to this devotion so dear to Heaven; he has honoured Our Lady in her Litanies with a new title, “Queen of The Most Holy Rosary” [Litteræ “Salutaris” 24 Dec 1883];  and he has given the final development to the Solemnity of this day, by raising it to the Rank of a Second-Class Feast, and by enriching it with a proper Office explaining its permanent object [Decret. 11 Sept 1887, 5 Aug 1888].

Besides all this, the Feast is a memorial of glorious victories, which do honour to the Christian name.

Soliman II, the greatest of the Sultans, taking advantage of the confusion caused in The West by Luther, had filled the 16th-Century with terror by his exploits.

He left to his son, Selim II, the prospect of being able at length to carry out the ambition of his race: To subjugate Rome and Vienna, the Pope and the Emperor, to the power of the Crescent.

The Turkish fleet had already mastered the greater part of the Mediterranean, and was threatening Italy, when, on 7 October 1571, it came into action, in the Gulf of Lepanto, with the pontifical galleys supported by the fleets of Spain and Venice.

It was Sunday; throughout the World the Confraternities of the Rosary were engaged in their work of intercession. Supernaturally enlightened, Pope Saint Pius V watched from the Vatican the battle undertaken by the leader he had chosen, Don John of Austria, against the three hundred vessels of Islam.

The illustrious Pontiff, whose life’s work was now completed, did not survive to celebrate the anniversary of the triumph; but he perpetuated the memory of it by an annual Commemoration of Our Lady of Victory.

His successor, Pope Gregory XIII, altered this title to Our Lady of The Rosary, and appointed The First Sunday of October for the new Feast, authorising its celebration in those Churches which possessed an Altar under that invocation.

A Century and a half later, this limited concession was made general. As Pope Innocent XI, in memory of the deliverance of Vienna by Sobieski, had extended the Feast of The Most Holy Name of Mary to the whole Church; so, in 1716, Pope Clement XI inscribed The Feast of The Rosary on the Universal Calendar, in gratitude for the victory gained by Prince Eugene at Peterwardein, on 5 August, under the auspices of Our Lady of The Snow.

This victory was followed by the raising of the siege of Corfu, and completed a year later by the taking of Belgrade.

The joys experienced, on the other Feasts of The Mother of God, are all gathered up and resumed in this one, for us, for the Angels, and for Our Lady, herself.
Like the Angels, then, let us offer, together with Mary, the homage of our just delight to The Son of God, her Son, her King, and our King.

Attribution of Floral Background:
Designed by macrovector / Freepik

Illustration: Copyright:
Christine McDonald at

Our Lady Of The Rosary. Feast Day 7 October.

Mary, Mother of Grace and of Mercy,
help me against the efforts of my enemies.
Illustration: HOLY CARD HEAVEN

Sunday, 6 October 2024

A Blast From The Past: “Baker Street”. Sung By: Gerry Rafferty.

“Baker Street”.
Sung by: Gerry Rafferty.
Available on YouTube

Saint Bruno. Confessor. Feast Day 6 October. Article By Abbot Guéranger, O.S.B.

Saint Bruno.
Artist: Girolamo Marchesi.
Date: Circa 1525.
Current location: Walters Art Museum, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States of America.
Credit line: Acquired by Henry Walters
with the Massarenti Collection, 1902.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from “The Liturgical Year”,
by Abbot Guéranger, O.S.B.
   Volume 14.
   Time After Pentecost.
   Book V.

Among the divers Religious Families, none is held in higher esteem by The Church than The Carthusian Order; the prescriptions of the “corpus juris” determine that a person may pass from any other Order into The Carthusian Order, without deterioration. And, yet, it is of all the least given to Active Works.

Is not this a new, and not the least convincing, proof that outward zeal, how praiseworthy soever, is not the only, or the principal, thing in God’s sight ?

The Church, in her fidelity, values all things according to the preferences of her Divine Spouse. Now, Our Lord esteems His Elect, not so much by the activity of their works, as by the hidden perfection of their lives; that perfection which is measured by the intensity of The Divine Life, and of which it is said: “Be you therefore perfect, as also your Heavenly Father is perfect”.

Again, it is said of this Divine Life: “You are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God”. The Church, then, considering the solitude and silence of The Carthusian, his abstinence even unto death, his freedom to attend to God through complete disengagement from the senses and from the World — sees therein the guarantee of a perfection which may indeed be met with elsewhere, but here appears to be far more secure.

Hence, though the field of labour is ever widening, though the necessity of warfare and struggle grows ever more urgent, she does not hesitate to shield with the protection of her laws, and to encourage with the greatest favours, all who are called by Grace to The Life of The Desert.

The reason is not far to seek. In an age, when every effort to arrest the World in its headlong downward career seems vain, has not man greater need than ever to fall back upon God ? The enemy is aware of it; and, therefore, the first law he imposes upon his votaries is, to forbid all access to the way of the counsels, and to stifle all life of Adoration, Expiation, and Prayer.

For he well knows that, though a Nation may appear to be on the verge of its doom, there is yet hope for it as long as the best of its sons are prostrate before The Majesty of God.
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