Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

The Great O Antiphons.

“O Sapientia”.
The first of The Great O Antiphons.
Available on YouTube at

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia, unless stated otherwise.

The “O Antiphons”, also known as “The Great Os”, are Magnificat Antiphons used at Vespers of the last seven days of Advent in Western Christian Tradition. They are also used as the Alleluia Verses on the same days in the Catholic Mass.

They are referred to as “The O Antiphons” because the Title of each one begins with the Vocative Particle “O”. Each Antiphon is a name of Christ, one of His Attributes mentioned in Scripture.

They are:

17 December: O Sapientia (O Wisdom);
18 December: O Adonai (O Lord);
19 December: O Radix Jesse (O Root of Jesse);
20 December: O Clavis David (O Key of David);
21 December: O Oriens (O Day Spring);
22 December: O Rex Gentium (O King of The Nations);
23 December: O Emmanuel (O With Us is God).

The Great “O” Antiphons.
Plainsong with accompaniment.
Caroline sings The Great “O” Antiphons
(accompanied by Richard).
“O Emmanuel” is sung by CONSORT SW1.
Available on YouTube

In the Roman Catholic Tradition, The O Antiphons are sung or recited at Vespers from 17 December to 23 December, inclusive. Some Anglican Churches (e.g. the Church of England) also use them, either in the same way as modern Roman Catholics, or according to a Mediæval English usage.

The following Text and Illustrations are from 

The Anglo-Saxon “O Antiphons”:
“O Clavis David”.
Secrets and Songs.

Christ in Majesty, The Virgin and Saint Peter
(BL Stowe 944, f. 6, circa 1030).

We are now in the last days of Advent, the Season of 
The O Antiphons. These ancient Antiphons, sung at Vespers in the week before Christmas, still attract a remarkable amount of attention today - and, twelve hundred years ago, they attracted one Anglo-Saxon poet, who turned them into a series of short poems in English.

For the next few days, I want to post the Old English poetic versions of The O Antiphons, which are much more than translations of the Latin Texts: They are exquisite poetic meditations on the rich imagery of the Antiphons, responding to them in subtle and creative ways.

In translating them, here, I’ve been astonished anew by 
their beauty and interest, and I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as I do.

They survive in a Manuscript, known as The Exeter Book, an anthology of English poetry on all kinds of themes and in all kinds of forms: Elegies; Saints’ Lives; Riddles; Wisdom Poetry; Philosophical Reflections; Laments; and many poems which resist classification.

The O Antiphons are the first poems in the collection, and they were probably composed some time earlier than the date of the 10th-Century Manuscript, perhaps around 800 A.D. They are anonymous, though once attributed by scholars to Cynewulf, and they long suffered from being lumped together with the poems which follow them in the Manuscript (which also concern Christ, so you will sometimes find them being called “Christ I” or “Christ A”). However, they deserve to be treated, and appreciated, separately and on their own terms, as a collection of individual poems linked by their common source in The O Antiphons.

Last year [Editor: 2017], I Posted one of them 
(O Oriens/O Earendel), but, this year [Editor: 2018], I’ll post my Translations of The Antiphons for the next five days. In the Manuscript, there are twelve Antiphons in total, some of which correspond to The Greater Antiphons, but the form of the collection as a whole is unique.

The first three Antiphons (O Sapientia, O Adonai, O Radix Jesse) do not appear, but this may be because the first few leaves of the Manuscript are lost. The last four, however, are there: O Clavis David; O Oriens; O Rex Gentium; and, 
O Emmanuel, as well as an additional eighth Antiphon used on 23 December in Mediæval English (and still in Traditional Anglican) usage, O Virgo Virginum.

English practice, therefore, had the Antiphons one day ahead. (The order in which they will appear here isn't that of the Manuscript, as the Antiphons are not in the order in which they are used Liturgically; today's Antiphon comprises lines 18-49 of the poem, which can be found complete HERE.)

So this is "O Clavis David". Here's the Antiphon, for comparison:

O Clavis David, et sceptrum domus Israel;
qui aperis, et nemo claudit;
claudis, et nemo aperit:
veni, et educ vinctum de domo carceris,
sedentem in tenebris, et umbra mortis.

(O Key of David and Sceptre of The House of Israel;
Who opens, and no one can shut,
shuts, and no one can open:
come, and lead the captives from the prison house,
those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death.)

Eala, þu reccend ond þu riht cyning,
se þe locan healdeð, lif ontyneð,
eadga... upwegas, oþrum forwyrneð
wlitigan wilsiþes, gif his weorc ne deag.

Huru we for þearfe þas word sprecað,
ond m... ...giað þone þe mon gescop
þæt he ne ...ete... ...ceose weorðan
cearfulra þing, þe we in carcerne
sittað sorgende, sunnan wenað,
hwonne us liffrea leoht ontyne,
weorðe ussum mode to mundboran,
ond þæt tydre gewitt tire bewinde,
gedo usic þæs wyrðe, þe he to wuldre forlet,
þa we heanlice hweorfan sceoldan
to þis enge lond, eðle bescyrede.

Forþon secgan mæg, se ðe soð spriceð,
þæt he ahredde, þa forhwyrfed wæs,
frumcyn fira. Wæs seo fæmne geong,
mægð manes leas, þe he him to meder geceas;
þæt wæs geworden butan weres frigum,
þæt þurh bearnes gebyrd bryd eacen wearð.
Nænig efenlic þam, ær ne siþþan,
in worlde gewearð wifes gearnung;
þæt degol wæs, dryhtnes geryne.

Eal giofu gæstlic grundsceat geondspreot;
þær wisna fela wearð inlihted
lare longsume þurh lifes fruman
þe ær under hoðman biholen lægon,
witgena woðsong, þa se waldend cwom,
se þe reorda gehwæs ryne gemiclað
ðara þe geneahhe noman scyppendes
þurh horscne had hergan willað.

O Thou Ruler and Righteous King,
Who guards the locks, Who opens life
and the blessed way on high, and to others denies
the bright longed-for path, if their deeds have not earned it;
truly, we speak these words in need,
and entreat that He who made mankind . . .
[this next line is damaged]
. . . of sorrowful things, for we in prison

sit sorrowing, hoping for the sun,
for when The Lord of Life will open light to us,
become for us a source of strength in spirit,
and enfold our feeble knowledge in splendour,
and make us worthy, that He may admit us to glory,
who have had to come, wretchedly,
into this constraining World, cut off from our homeland.

Therefore may he who speaks the truth say
that He saved us, who had been led astray,
the Race of Men. It was a young girl,
a maiden free from sin, whom He chose as His Mother;
that was accomplished without the love of a man,
that the girl gave birth to a baby, became pregnant.
Nothing equal to this, before or since,
has ever in the World been a woman’s reward;
that was a secret, The Lord’s Mystery.

Spiritual Grace spread across the ground of all the Earth;
there many things were given light,
long-standing lore, through The Lord of Life,
which before had lain hidden in shadow,
the resounding song of the Prophets, when The Ruler came,
He who magnifies the secret of every speech
of those who earnestly desire to praise the name
of The Creator in eager manner.

This poem takes its main inspiration from the final line of the Antiphon: 'Those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death'. Its interest is in light and darkness, and in the language of secrecy and hidden things - especially geryne, 'mystery'. (Not to make the Advent Lyrics all about Tolkien - since tomorrow is 'O Earendel' - but I particularly noted the line þæt degol wæs, dryhtnes geryne, 'that was a secret, the Lord's mystery', because degol is the origin of the name Déagol, who was secretly murdered by Sméagol.)

The Key of David is to unlock not only the road to Heaven, but the secrets concealed on Earth. He will give us strength in mode, 'mind, spirit', and tydre gewitt tire bewinde, 'enfold our frail wits in splendour', as if limited human understanding is to be entirely wrapped and wound within limitless divine wisdom. Another Old English poem (Exodus), counselling on the interpretation of the scriptures, uses comparable language in its metaphor of the keys of the spirit:

Gif onlucan wile lifes wealhstod,
beorht in breostum, banhuses weard,
ginfæsten god gæstes cægon,
run bið gerecenod, ræd forð gæð.

If the interpreter of life, the guardian of the body, bright in heart, wishes to unlock ample benefits with the keys of the spirit, the mystery is explained and wisdom comes forth.

Our poet seems to imagine The Key of David working in a similar way.

What is unlocked by The Key is 'light', and in describing mankind as sunnan wenað, 'hoping for the sun', this lyric makes use of the Son/sun wordplay I mentioned recently - probably the earliest surviving example of the device in English poetry. This poem is about the opening of hidden knowledge, and appropriately for a poem, this opening is connected specifically to poetry itself, the bringing to light the truth of the witgena woðsong, 'the prophets' resounding song'.

As King David is both Prophet and Psalm-Singer, this takes us back to the opening of the Antiphon. The final lines promise that reorda gehwæs ryne, 'the secret of every utterance' will be magnified, and this utterance, the poem itself, is surely included. Thus we, in reading the poem, are encouraged to finish in union with poets and Prophets, as 'those who earnestly desire to praise the name of The Creator'.

Rejoicing in The Heavenly City (Stowe 944, f. 7).
The images in this Post are from The New Minster Liber Vitae, perhaps my favourite Anglo-Saxon Manuscript, which was made in Winchester, circa 1030. The massive Keys, in the pictures, above, belong to Saint Peter.

The Great O Antiphons. 17 December.

English: Madonna and Child.
Deutsch: Sixtinische Madonna, Szene: Maria mit 
Christuskind, Hl. Papst Sixtus II. und Hl. Barbara.
Artist: Raphael (1483 - 1520).
Current location: Gemäldegalerie, Dresden, Germany.
Source/Photographer: The Yorck Project:
10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei.
DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202.
Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.
Permission: [1]
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text and Illustrations from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

O Sapientia.

The Boundless desire for The Coming of Christ, which is a feature of the whole of Advent, is expressed in The Liturgy with an impatience which grows greater, the closer we come to Christmas and, so to speak, to the World's end.

"The Lord comes from far" (First Vespers, First Sunday of Advent).

"The Lord will come" (Introit, Second Sunday of Advent).

"The Lord is nigh" (Introit. Third Sunday in Advent).

O Sapientia.

This gradation will be emphasised throughout the whole Season, ever more and more.

Thus, on 17 December, begin The Greater Antiphons, which, from their initial letters, are called "The O Antiphons", and which form an impassioned appeal to The Messias, whose prerogatives and glorious Titles they make known to us.

Dom Guéranger [Editor: He who was the author of "The Liturgical Year"] affirms that those Antiphons contain the "whole marrow" of The Advent Liturgy.

On account of their number, Honorius of Autun connects them with The Seven Gifts of The Holy Ghost, with which Our Lord was filled.

“O Sapientia”.
The Great O Antiphon for 17 December,
sung by The Dominican Student Brothers,
Blackfriars, Oxford, England.
Available on YouTube at

17 December: Ecclesiasticus xxiv. 5; Wisdom viii. 1

O Sapientia.

Quae ex ore Altissimi prodiisti,
attingens a fine usque ad finem,
fortiter suaviterque disponens omnia:
veni ad docendum nos viam prudentiae.

O Wisdom.

Who camest out of the mouth of The Most High,
reaching from end to end and ordering all things
mightily and sweetly:
Come and teach us the way of prudence.

“Rorate Cæli”.
Gregorian Chant for Advent.
Available on YouTube

Versicle: Rorate.

“Rorate cæli desuper, et nubes pluant justium . . .”

“Ye Heavens, drop down from above,
and let the clouds rain down The Just One.”

The Commencement Of “The Great O Antiphons”. Which Begins, Today, 17 December.

Text is from “The Liturgical Year”,
by Abbot Guéranger, O.S.B.

Volume 1.


The Church enters today on the seven days which precede The Vigil of Christmas, and which are known in The Liturgy under the name of The Greater Ferias.

The Ordinary of The Advent Office becomes more Solemn; The Antiphons of The Psalms, both for Lauds and The Hours of The Day, are Proper, and allude expressly to The Great Coming.

Every day, at Vespers, is sung a Solemn Antiphon, consisting of a fervent Prayer to The Messias, Whom it addresses by one of The Titles given Him in The Sacred Scriptures.

In The Roman Church, there are seven of these Antiphons, one for each of The Greater Ferias. They are commonly called The “Os of Advent”, because they all begin with that interjection, “O”.

In other Churches, during The Middle Ages, two more Antiphons were added to these seven; one to Our Blessed Lady, “O Virgo Virginum”; and the other to The Angel Gabriel, “O Gabriel”; or to Saint Thomas the Apostle, whose Feast comes during The Greater Ferias; it began “O Thoma Didyme”. [It is more modern than “O Gabriel”; but, dating from the 13th-Century, it was almost universally substituted for it.]

There were even Churches where twelve Great Antiphons were sung; that is, besides the nine we have just mentioned, “O Rex Pacifice” to Our Lord, “O Mundi Domina” to Our Lady, and “O Hierusalem” to The City of The People of God.

The Canonical Hour Of Vespers has been selected as the most appropriate time for this Solemn Supplication to Our Saviour, because, as The Church sings on one of her Hymns, it was in the evening of the World (“vergente mundi vespere”) that The Messias came amongst us.

The Antiphons are sung at “The Magnificat”, to show us that The Saviour, Whom we expect, is to come to us by Mary. They are sung twice, once before and once after The Canticle, as on Double Feasts, and this to show their great Solemnity.

In some Churches, it was formerly the practice to sing them thrice; that is, before the Canticle, before the Gloria Patri, and after the “Sicut erat”. Lastly, these admirable Antiphons, which contain the whole pith of The Advent Liturgy, are accompanied by a Chant replete with melodious gravity, and by Ceremonies of great expressiveness, though, in these latter, there is no uniform practice followed.

Let us enter into the spirit of The Church; let us reflect on the great day which is coming; that, thus, we may take our share in these, the last and most earnest, solicitations of The Church, imploring her Spouse to come, to which He at length yields.

Monday, 16 December 2024

The Great “O” Antiphons. Either 16 December (English Usage) Or 17 December (Roman Usage).

Text and Illustration: 

The Great “O” Antiphons.
Plainsong with accompaniment.
Caroline sings The Great “O” Antiphons 
(accompanied by Richard).
“O Emmanuel” is sung by CONSORT SW1.
Available on YouTube

In the final days of Advent preparations for the Celebration of The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, special Antiphons are provided to be sung before and after the Magnificat at Vespers each evening. 

These Antiphons, known as the Great “O” Antiphons (for the beginning word of each) begin on 16 December (in English usage from ancient times) or 17 December (in Roman usage) and continue until 23 December. 

The first seven Antiphons are petitions to The Saviour, using some of His Scriptural Titles – Old Testament prophetic images and New Testament description – and the eighth Antiphon (in English usage) is addressed to The Blessed Virgin Mary, The Mother of God.

The authorship and origin of the Antiphons is unknown, but they were introduced into the Roman Liturgy by the 8th-Century A.D. Some historians believe that they were familiar to Boethius (who died in 525 A.D.), as evidenced by a passage in his “De Consolatione Philosophiæ”.

In Monasteries in The Middle Ages, the “O” Antiphons were distributed among the Monks as part of their duties and were sung in order of Rank: The Abbot sang “O Sapientia”, the Prior “O Adonai”, etc.

The first metrical version of the Antiphons appeared in Cologne in 1710, and John Mason Neale’s translation in the “Hymnal Noted” of 1851 was the first English version. The Advent Hymn, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”, is a paraphrase based on this translation.

O Sapientia – O Wisdom, which camest out of the mouth of The Most High, and reachest from one end to another, mightily, and sweetly ordering all things: come and teach us the way of prudence. (16/17 December).

Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word 
that proceeds from the mouth of God [Mt. 4:4]. 
O Lord, how manifold are Thy works ! In wisdom Thou hast made them all [Ps. 104:24]. Thy word is a lantern to my feet and a light upon my path [Ps. 119:105].

O Adonai – O Adonai, and Leader of the house of Israel, who appearedst in the Bush to Moses in a flame of fire, and gavest him the law of Sinai: come and deliver us with an outstretched arm. (17/18 December).

And the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire 
out of the midst of a bush; and he looked, and lo, the 
bush was burning, yet it was not consumed . . . [Ex. 3:2]. 
Behold your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God; He will come and save you [Is. 35:4].

O Radix Jesse – O Root of Jesse, which standest for an ensign of the people, at whom Kings shall shut their mouths, to whom the Gentiles shall seek; Come and deliver us, and tarry not. (18/19 December).

In that day The Root of Jesse shall stand as an ensign 
to the peoples; Him shall the nations seek, and His 
dwellings shall be glorious [Is. 11:10]. The Root of Jesse 
shall come, He Who rises to rule the Gentiles; in Him 
shall the Gentiles hope” [Rm. 15:12].

O Clavis David – O Key of David, and Sceptre of The House of Israel; that openest, and no man shutteth, and shuttest, and no man openeth: Come and bring the prisoner out of the prison-house, and him that sitteth in darkness, and the shadow of death. (19/20 December).

And I will place on His shoulder the key of The House of David; He shall open, and none shall shut; and He shall shut, and none shall open [Is. 22:22]. The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind [Lk. 4:18].

O Oriens – O Day-Spring, Brightness of light everlasting and Sun of righteousness: Come and enlighten him that sitteth in darkness, and the shadow of death. (20/21 December).

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of deep darkness, on them 
has light shined [Is. 9:2]. To give knowledge of salvation 
to His people by the remission of their sins, through the 
tender mercy of our God, with which the Day Spring 
from On High has visited us [Lk. 1:78].

O Rex Gentium – O King of the Nations, and their Desire, the Cornerstone, Who makest both one: come and save mankind, whom Thou formedest of clay. (21/22 December).

Lift up your heads, O ye gates ! And be lifted up, ye everlasting doors ! And The King of Glory shall come in [Ps. 24:7]. And they put over His head the accusation written against Him: “This is Jesus, The King of the Jews” [Mt. 27:37]. The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone [Ps. 118:22]. Therefore, thus says The Lord God, “Behold, I am laying in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation . . .” [Is.28:16] . . . having been built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ, Himself, being The 
Chief Cornerstone [Eph. 2:20].

O Emmanuel – O Emmanuel, our King and Law-Giver, the Desire of all Nations, and their Salvation: Come and save us, O Lord our God. (22/23 December).

Therefore the Lord, Himself, will give you a sign. Behold, a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel [Is. 7:14]. So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the Prophet, saying: “Behold, the Virgin shall be with Child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us” [Mt. 1:22, 23].

O Virgo Virginum – O Virgin of Virgins, how shall this be ? For neither before thee was any like thee, nor shall there be after. Daughters of Jerusalem, why marvel ye at me ? The thing which ye behold is a Divine Mystery. (23 December).

Then Mary said to the Angel: “How can this be, since I know not a man ?” [Lk. 1:34] Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion ! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem ! Lo, your King comes to you . . .[Zech. 9:9]. Then Jesus, when He had found a young donkey, sat on it; as it is written: “Fear not, Daughter of Zion; Behold your King is coming . . .” [Jn. 12:14, 15].

Imperial Abbey Of Ottobeuren. Reichskloster Ottobeuren. Bavaria, Germany.

English: Imperial Abbey of Ottobeuren. The façade of the Basilica, designed by Johann Michael Fischer, has been
hailed as the pinnacle of Bavarian Baroque Architecture.
Deutsch: Reichskloster Ottobeuren.
Fassade der spätbarocken Basilika in Ottobeuren.
Erbaut von 1737-1766 von Simpert Kramer
(bis 1748) und Johann Michael Fischer.
Русский: Оттобойрен.
Photo: 19. Mai 2004 / erste Veröffentlichung
in Wikimedia Commons: 11. Juli 2005.
Source: Own work.
Author: Simon Brixel Wbrix
(Wikimedia Commons)

Wappen Kloster Ottobeuren.svg

English: Coat-of-Arms of Ottobeuren Abbey.
Deutsch: Wappen Kloster Ottobeuren.
Date: 16 April 2011.
Derivative work: OwenBlacker.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Organ of Ottobeuren Abbey.
Gillian Weir.
Available on YouTube

The High Altar,
Bavaria, Germany.
Photo: 18 April 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Mattana
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia,
unless stated otherwise.

Ottobeuren is a Benedictine Abbey, located in Ottobeuren, near Memmingen, in the Bavarian AllgäuGermany.

For part of its history, Ottobeuren Abbey was one of the forty-or-so, self-ruling, Imperial Abbeys of the Holy Roman Empire, and, as such, was a virtually Independent State.

It was Founded in 764 A.D., by Blessed Toto, and Dedicated to Saint Alexander The Martyr. Of its early history, little is known beyond the fact that Toto, its first Abbot, died about 815 A.D., and that Saint Ulrich was its Abbot in 972 A.D.

English: The Rococo Interior
Ottobeuren Abbey, Bavaria, Germany.
Español: Basílica, Ottobeuren, Alemania.
Photo: 21 June 2019.
Source: Own work.
Author: Diego Delso (1974–)
(Wikimedia Commons)

In the 11th-Century, its discipline was on the decline, until Abbot Adalhalm (1082–1094) introduced the Hirsau Reform. The same Abbot began a restoration of the decaying buildings, which was completed, along with the addition of a Convent for noble Ladies, by his successor, Abbot Rupert I (1102–1145). Under the Rule of the latter, the newly-founded Marienberg Abbey was recruited with Monks from Ottobeuren Abbey. His successor, Abbot Isengrim (1145–1180), wrote “Annales Minores” and “Annales Majores”.

Blessed Conrad of Ottobeuren was Abbot, from 1193 until his death in 1227, and was described by the Benedictines as a “lover of the Brethren and of the Poor”.

In 1153, and again in 1217, the Abbey was consumed by fire. In the 14th-Century and 15th-Century, it declined so completely that, at the accession of Abbot Johann Schedler (1416–1443), only six or seven Monks were left, and its annual revenues did not exceed forty-six Silver Marks.

Altar of The Holy Cross,
Ottobeuren Abbey, Bavaria, Germany.
Photo: 17 April 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Mattana
(Wikimedia Commons)

Under Abbot Leonard Wiedemann (1508–1546), it again began to flourish: He erected a printing establishment and a Common House of Studies for the Swabian Benedictines. The latter, however, was soon closed, owing to the ravages of the Thirty Years' War.

Ottobeuren became an Imperial Abbey in 1299, but lost this status after the Prince-Bishop of Augsburg had become Vogt of the Abbey. These Rights were renounced after a Court Case at the Reichskammergericht in 1624. In 1710, The Abbey regained its status as an Imperial Abbey, but did not become a Member of the Swabian Circle.

Altar of Saint Benedict and Saint Scholastica
Ottobeuren Abbey, Bavaria, Germany.
Photo: 17 April 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Mattana
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Baroque Pulpit,
Bavaria, Germany.
Photo: 18 April 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Mattana
(Wikimedia Commons)

The most flourishing period, in the history of Ottobeuren Abbey, began with the accession of Abbot Rupert Ness (1710 – 1740) and lasted until its secularisation in 1802. From 1711 - 1725, Abbot Rupert erected the present Monastery, the architectural grandeur of which has merited for it the name of “the Swabian Escorial”.

In 1737, he also began the building of the present Church, completed by his successor, Anselm Erb, in 1766. In the zenith of its glory, Ottobeuren Abbey fell prey to the greediness of the Bavarian Government. In 1803, Ottobeuren became part of Bavaria. At that time, the Territory had about 12,000 inhabitants and an area of some 165 sq km (64 sq miles).

Basilica of Ottobeuren Abbey.
Photo: 21 May 2007.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

In 1834, King Louis I of Bavaria restored it as a Benedictine Priory, dependent on Saint Stephen's Abbey, Augsburg. It was granted the status of an Independent Abbey in 1918.

As of 1910, the Community consisted of five Fathers, sixteen Lay Brothers, and one Lay Novice, who had, under their charge,the Parish of Ottobeuren, a District School, and an Industrial School for Poor Boys.

English: The Holy Ghost Organ,
Ottobeuren Basilica, Bavaria, Germany.
Deutsch: Chorgestühl mit Heilig-Geist-Orgel,
Basilika Ottobeuren.
Photo: 3 March 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Johannes Böckh and Thomas Mirtsch.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Ottobeuren has been a Member of the Bavarian Congregation of the Benedictine Confederation, since 1893.

Ottobeuren Abbey has one of the richest music programmes in Bavaria, with concerts every Saturday. Most concerts feature one or more of the Abbey’s famous Organs.

The old Organ, the masterpiece of French Organ-Builder, Karl Joseph Riepp (1710–1775), is actually a double Organ; it is one of the most treasured historic Organs in Europe.

It was the main instrument for 200 years, until 1957, when a third Organ was added by G. F. Steinmeyer and Co, renovated and augmented in 2002 by Johannes Klais, making 100 stops available on five manuals (or keyboards).

The Web-Site of Ottobeuren Abbey can be found HERE

Saint Eusebius. Bishop. Martyr. Whose Feast Day Is, Today, 16 December.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Eusebius.
   Feast Day 16 December.


Red Vestments.

English: The Virgin Mary in Glory, with Archangel Gabriel,
Saint Eusebius of Vercelli, Saint Sebastian, and Saint Roch.
Deutsch: Maria in Gloria mit Erzengel Gabriel
und Hl. Eusebius, Hl. Sebastian und Hl. Rochus.
Artist: Sebastiano Ricci (1659–1734).
Date: 1724.
Current location: Università degli Studi, Milan, Italy.
Source: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei.
DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202.
Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.
Author: Sebastiano Ricci (1659–1734).
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Eusebius was born in Sardinia in the 4th-Century A.D., at a time when Arianism was bent on undermining The Dogma of The Divinity of Christ. Having become Bishop of Vercelli, in Italy, he seconded the efforts of Pope Liberius and of his successor, Saint Damasus, whose Feast was Celebrated a few days ago. The Arians, in their irritation, obtained his exile after making him suffer much ill-treatment. He died in 371 A.D.

The Mass describes the numerous Persecutions he underwent at the hands of these heretics. Constant in the midst of trials, as the Epistle relates, he encouraged The Clergy and people of Vercelli by the Letters he wrote to them.

The Church confers on him the Title of Martyr, although he did not have to shed his blood, on account of his sufferings generously undergone and his intrepidity before death (Gospel).

Let us confess, with Saint Eusebius, The Divinity of The Messias, Whose advent we are awaiting.

Mass: Sacerdótes Dei.
Commemoration: Of The Feria.

“The Mass Of The Foundation Of The Trinitarian Order”.
Artist: Juan Carreño de Miranda.
Illustration: LOUVRE



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Sunday, 15 December 2024

Divine Holy Mass. Third Sunday Of Advent. Rose Vestments. Church Of Saint-Eugène-Sainte-Cécile, Paris.

Divine Holy Mass. 
Third Sunday Of Advent. 
Rose Vestments.
Church of Saint-Eugène-Sainte-Cécile, Paris.
Sunday, 15 December 2024.
Available on YouTube
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