Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Saint Stanislaus. Bishop And Martyr. Patron Saint Of Poland. Feast Day 7 May.

Roman Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.

Italic Text is taken from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Stanislaus.
Bishop and Martyr.
Feast Day 7 May.

Red Vestments.

File:Stanisław Samostrzelnik, Św Stanisław.jpg

Saint Stanislaus of Szczepanów.

Artist: Stanisław Samostrzelnik (1485–1541).
Date: 1530 - 1535.
Current location: National Library of Poland.
(Wikimedia Commons)

File:Flag of Poland (with coat of arms).svg

English: State flag of Poland with Coat of Arms, symbolic version. Based on Image:Flag of Poland.svg and Image:Herb Polski.svg. Note: the Coat of Arms used here is not the official, accurate version. The official one is still not available in vector format.
Polski: Flaga Polski z godłem, wersja symboliczna. Oparta na Image:Flag of Poland.svg i Image:Herb Polski.svg. Uwaga: godło użyte w tej grafice nie jest oficjalne. Oficjalna wersja godła nie jest jeszcze dostępna w formacie wektorowym, stąd zamieszczono poniżej dodatkową wersję tej grafiki w formacie PNG, w której użyto poprawnego wizerunku godła.
Date: 26 June 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Aotearoa, Wanted.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Stanislaus, born in Poland, was made Bishop of Cracow in 1072. He became an object of hatred to King Boleslas II, whom he reproached for his tyranny and dissolute life.

One day, whilst the Saint was saying Mass, the King rushed at him and slew him (Collect). This was in 1079. Saint Stanislaus is the Patron Saint of Poland.

Mass: Protexisti.

File:Stanisław Samostrzelnik, Św Stanisław.jpg

Stanislaus of Szczepanów, or Stanisław Szczepanowski, (July 26, 1030 – April 11, 1079) was a Bishop of Kraków, known chiefly for having been Martyred by the Polish king, Bolesław II the Bold. Stanislaus is venerated in the Roman Catholic Church as Saint Stanislaus the Martyr (as distinct from Stanislaus Kostka).

According to tradition, Stanisław was born at Szczepanów, a village in Lesser Poland, the only son of the noble and pious Wielisław and Bogna. He was educated at a Cathedral school in Gniezno (then the capital of Poland) and later, according to different sources, in Paris or Liège. On his return to Poland, Stanisław was ordained a Priest by Lambert II Suła, Bishop of Kraków.

After the Bishop's death (1072), Stanisław was elected his successor, but accepted the Office only at the explicit command of Pope Alexander II. Stanisław was one of the earliest native Polish Bishops. He also became a Ducal Advisor and had some influence on Polish politics.

Stanisław's major accomplishments included bringing Papal Legates to Poland, and re-establishment of a Metropolitan See in Gniezno. The latter was a pre-condition for Duke Bolesław's coronation as King, which took place in 1076. Stanisław then encouraged King Bolesław to establish Benedictine Monasteries to aid in the Christianisation of Poland.

New Swiss Guards Swear Oath Of Allegiance To Protect Pope Francis.

The Text in this Article, unless otherwise stated, is taken from CNA CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCY

Swearing in of the Swiss Guard at the Vatican on May 6, 2014. Credit: Daniel Ibáñez/CNA.

The "Swearing-In" of the Swiss Guard
at the Vatican on 6 May 2014.
Photo: Daniel Ibáñez/CNA.

Vatican City, May 6, 2014 / 11:21 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Thirty young men joined the ranks of the Swiss Guards today, taking an Oath of Allegiance to Pope Francis and promising to serve the Church by protecting him and all of his successors.

Addressing the new Guards, the day before their traditional Swearing-In on 6 May, the Pope explained that the event commemorates their predecessors, who “offered their lives to defend the Church.”

“Your dedication,” he noted, “confirms that their courage and loyalty have borne fruit.”

In the San Damaso courtyard of the Apostolic Palace, Tuesday, 6 May 2014, the new Members of the Pontifical Swiss Guard made their commitment, like hundreds before them, on the Anniversary of the Sack of Rome.

Swiss Guard,
posted at Saint Peter's Basilica,
Vatican, Italy.
Photo: 29 August 2013.
Source: Own work.
Author: Lobozpics.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Occurring 6 May 1527, the attack marks the most significant and deadliest event in the history of the Guard. During the battle, one hundred and forty-seven Members lost their lives, while fighting the army of the Holy Roman Empire, in defence of Pope Clement VII, who was able to escape through a secret passageway leading from the Vatican to Castel Sant’Angelo, which sits on the Tiber River, Rome.

In his comments to the Guards, Pope Francis observed how society today is different than it was then, “But man's heart, his capacity to be loyal and courageous . . . has remained the same.”

“Serving in the Swiss Guard means living an experience that involves a meeting of time and space in a very particular way,” he said. “With your special service, you are called upon to offer serene and joyful Christian witness to whomever arrives in the Vatican to visit St. Peter's Basilica and to meet the Pope.”

“Live your days intensely ! Be firm in your Faith and generous in your Charity towards the people you meet.”

File:Rgt Gardes-suisses.png

English: Regimental flag of the Swiss Guards
(French Regiment, Marseilles, France, 1899).
Deutsch: Ordonnanzfahne eines französischen Regiments der Gardeschweizer. - 
Entnommen und überarbeitet aus: „LES UNIFORMES ET
Marseille 1899. 
(Drapeau d'Ordonnance du régiment des Gardes-suisses.
Source: Own work.
Author: Steinbeisser.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Remarking on how the colours of the Swiss Guard uniform – which also celebrates its 100-year Anniversary this year – are known throughout the world, the Pope reflected that they “stand for dedication, seriousness and security. They are identified with singular service and a glorious past.”

“However, behind every uniform, there is a real person: With a family and a homeland, with a personality and sensibility, with wishes and plans in life,” the Pontiff went on to say, emphasising that, although the uniform attracts attention, “it is not the uniform, but rather he who wears it, who must be noted for his kindness, his spirit of welcome, for his charitable attitude towards all.”

“Consider this also in your relations between yourselves, according importance, also in your community life, to sharing both joyful moments and those that are more difficult,” the Pope said, stressing the importance of doing so “without ignoring those among you who are in difficulty.”

File:Tuileries Henri Motte.jpg

Massacre of the Swiss Guards during the storming of the Tuileries.
Artist: Henri-Paul Motte (1846–1922).
Date: 1892.
Source/Photographer: Bibliothèque nationale de France
(Wikimedia Commons)

For those who are in difficulty “and who are at times in need of a smile and a gesture of encouragement and friendship,” the Pope encouraged them to “avoid that negative distance that divides companions and, in the lives of all people in the world, can give rise to disdain, marginalisation and racism.”

Present at the Guards' Swearing-In was a number of Vatican dignitaries, the new Swiss Ambassador to the Holy See, Pierre-Yves Fux, and Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu, who is the Substitute for General Affairs of the Secretariat of State.

During the ceremony, each new Guard placed a hand on the Official Flag of the Swiss Guard, and, with the other hand, raised three fingers as a symbol of the Holy Trinity.


Banner of the Pontifical Swiss Guard.
Español: Versión de la Bandera de la Guardia Suiza Vaticana,
durante el pontificado de Francisco
y la comandancia de Daniel Rudolf Anrig, en base a:
English: Flag Version of the Vatican Swiss Guard,
during the Pontificate of Pope Francis
and under the command of Daniel Rudolf Anrig,
Date: 7 August 2013.
Source: Own work.
Author: Sarumo74.
(Wikimedia Commons)

In addition to protecting the Pope, members of the Pontifical Swiss Guard are often called on to answer tourists’ questions, perform ceremonial duties and to assist at Vatican events.

Speaking to CNA, during a 5 May Press Conference detailing the preparations for the event, the Commander of the Swiss Guard, Colonel Daniel Anrig, explained that maintaining the tradition of new Guards making their Oaths on the Anniversary of the Sack of Rome reminds them of their mission.

“The Swiss Guards had to protect Pope Clement VII and most of the Swiss Guards lost their lives,” he noted. “That’s the reason we are remembering the day,” and, “to also promise again to do the same in this way. To do the same as the soldiers have done in 1527.”

Making an Oath for the Pope “means to give him everything, meaning also your life when need be,” the Commander continued, “so it’s a commitment, it’s a strong commitment to do everything for the Holy Father.”


The following Text is taken from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Swiss Guards are the Swiss soldiers who have served as guards at foreign European Courts since the Late-15th-Century. In addition to small Household and Palace Units, Swiss Mercenary Regiments have served as Regular Troops in various armies; notably, those of France, Spain and Naples (see Swiss Mercenaries). Currently, the name "Swiss Guard" generally refers to the Pontifical Swiss Guard of the Holy See, stationed at the Vatican, in Rome, Italy.

The Swiss were famous Mercenaries for hundreds of years. Since Switzerland was a poor country, young men often sought their fortunes abroad, having a reputation for discipline and loyalty, and employing revolutionary battle tactics. They were considered the most powerful Troops of the 15th-Century, until their methods were refined by the Landsknechte in the Early-16th-Century.

The earliest such Unit was the Swiss Hundred Guard (Cent Suisses) at the French Court (1497 – 1830). This small force was complemented in 1567 by a Swiss Guards Regiment. The Papal Swiss Guard (now located in Vatican City), was founded in 1506 and is the only extant Swiss Guard. In the 18th- and Early-19th-Centuries, several other Swiss Guard Units existed for periods in various European Courts.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Belmont Abbey. Latin Mass Society Conference For Training Our Clergy To Celebrate Mass In The Forma Extraordinaria (Usus Antiquior).

has an excellent Report on the most successful Conference, last week, at Belmont Abbey, Hereford, England, for the training of Clergy and Servers in the Latin Mass (Forma Extraordinaria) (Usus Antiquior).


In addition, the Chairman of The Latin Mass Society of England and Wales, Joseph Shaw, has a wonderful set of photographs of the Training Conference at PRIEST TRAINING AT BELMONT ABBEY

Those Priests, Seminarians and Servers, who wish to Register for the next Training Conference for The Latin Mass, should contact THE LATIN MASS SOCIETY OF ENGLAND AND WALES

UK Rules Exclude Pro-Life Medical Professionals From Diploma.

The Text in this Article is taken from CNA CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCY

UK rules exclude pro-life medical professionals from diploma

LONDON, ENGLAND, May 4 (CNA/EWTN News) .- U.K. requirements that medical professionals seeking a specialist diploma must be willing to prescribe contraception and abortion-causing drugs have sparked objections from those excluded due to their moral beliefs.

“These rules exclude professionals who are unwilling to prescribe contraceptives and abortifacients on moral and conscientious grounds from specializing in an important area of clinical practice,” Victoria Weissman, a Catholic final year medical student in Britain, told CNA May 1.

“These are rules of exclusion based on discrimination, and restrict the rights both of health care professionals and of society in general,” she said, adding that the rules discriminate against her “on the grounds of my moral and conscientious objection.”

She said that the rules also discriminate against the “many women” she has encountered who might benefit and appreciate discussing these issues with “a practitioner who shared their understanding of the meaning and responsibility of their sexuality and fertility and who valued the dignity of every human life.”

In February, the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists re-published the guidelines for its specialist diplomas in sexual and reproductive health and for the standards of full membership in the faculty, the British newspaper The Telegraph reports.

The faculty said the completion of the program’s full syllabus is necessary for the qualification and this includes “a willingness to prescribe all forms of hormonal contraception, including emergency contraception, regardless of personal beliefs.”

Weissman said that the diploma is important for general practitioners or nurses involved in “any aspect of reproductive health” and it is “essential” for specialization.

She said that more than 70 percent of British medical graduates become general practitioners and reproductive health constitutes “a large part” of their caseload.

The diploma guidelines update said that clinicians with moral or religious reservations about “any contraceptive methods” will be unable to fulfill its syllabus requirement and will be ineligible for the diploma. It said that nurses and midwives have the right to conscientious objection only in cases of participation in abortion and in artificial conception procedures.

The faculty said that the policy is an updated version that now refers to nurses but is “otherwise unchanged” from existing policy.

Weissman repeated her objections to the policy.

“Sexual and reproductive health care is about much more than preventing and taking away new life,” she said.

Weissman explained that abortifacient drugs prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg, a new human embryo, “essentially resulting in miscarriage, termination of pregnancy, abortion.”

“They act once conception has happened, once life exists… they prevent this life from developing, from thriving, from surviving.”

These drugs “cause us to break both the Fifth Commandment and the Hippocratic Oath,” she objected.

She added that Catholics object to contraception on the grounds that it disrupts of conjugal love and places obstacles between the couples and God’s will for them.

Weisman said that disregarding her beliefs would mean she is “endangering the immoral souls of those I treat as well as myself” and also “helping to further an attitude in society that does not respect the dignity of each human life, regardless of its stage in life.”

She said the Catholic faith helps contribute to U.K. medicine. It helps medical practitioners to “see in each individual the image and likeness of God” and to “care for people regardless of their situation, their age, color or creed.” These practitioners’ conscientious objections also help uphold medical moral standards.

Weissman suggested that accommodations be arranged for objecting medical professionals to allow them to complete the diploma.

The rules have also drawn concern from Dr. Peter Saunders, chief executive of the Christian Medical Fellowship.

“It bars pro-life doctors from specializing in sexual and reproductive health and also makes it much more difficult for non-specialists to get jobs in family planning or reproductive health,” he said, according to the Telegraph.

In an April 29 blog post, Saunders suggested that the new policy may constitute illegal discrimination against those who hold certain religious and moral beliefs.

“I expect that some serious questions will be asked in parliament and elsewhere about this matter in the coming days,” he said, “and I would not be surprised if some government ministers got very angry as a result, or if a doctor, or a group of doctors and nurses, contemplated bringing a legal case against the College.”


One really must ask oneself what kind of country we are now living in.

The only thing we can do, as Catholics, is to Pray.

And Pray often.

Monday 5 May 2014

Pope Saint Pius V (1504 - 1572). Pope And Confessor. Feast Day 5 May.

Roman Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.

Italic Text is taken from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Pius V.
Pope and Confessor.
Feast Day 5 May.

White Vestments.

El Greco 050.jpg

Deutsch: Porträt des Papst Pius V.
English: Pope Saint Pius V.
Artist: El Greco (1541–1614).
Date: Circa 1600 - 1610.
Current location: Private collection, Paris.
Source: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei.
DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202. Distributed by
DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.
Permission: [1].
(Wikimedia Commons)

Pius, born at Bosco, in Lombardy, Italy, entered at the age of fourteen into the Order of Preachers (The Dominicans).

As Bishop, Cardinal and Pope (Introit, Epistle, Communion), he put to profit the talents entrusted to him by God (Gospel).

His Pontificate, although short, was one of the most glorious of the 16th-Century. Protestantism had proclaimed the Reformation and Islam threatened the West. To remedy the ills, under which Christendom groaned, Pope Saint Pius V enforced obedience to the Decrees of the Council of Trent, published a new edition of the Missal and Breviary and obtained, by the Prayers he asked for, the glorious victory won by the Christian forces at Lepanto in 1571.

He instituted, on that occasion, the Feast of Our Lady of Victories, which became, later on, the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary.

He died on 5 May 1572, reciting the Hymn of Paschaltide.

Mass: Státuit.

El Greco 050.jpg

Pope Saint Pius V (17 January 1504 – 1 May 1572), born Antonio Ghislieri (from 1518 called Michele Ghislieri, O.P.), was Pope from 8 January 1566 to his death in 1572. He is venerated as a Saint of the Roman Catholic Church. He is chiefly notable for his role in the Council of Trent, the Counter-Reformation, and the standardisation of the Roman Rite within the Latin Church

Pius V declared Thomas Aquinas a Doctor of the Church and patronised prominent sacred music composer Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.

As a Cardinal, Ghislieri gained a reputation for putting orthodoxy before personalities, prosecuting eight French Bishops for Heresy. He also stood firm against nepotism, rebuking his predecessor, Pope Pius IV, to his face, when he wanted to make a 13-year old member of his family a Cardinal and subsidise a nephew from the Papal Treasury.

In affairs of State, Pius V excommunicated Queen Elizabeth I of England for schism and persecution of English Catholics during her reign. He also arranged the formation of the Holy League, an alliance of Catholic States. Although outnumbered, the Holy League famously defeated the Ottoman Empire, which had threatened to overrun Europe, at the Battle of Lepanto. Pius V attributed the victory to the intercession of The Blessed Virgin Mary and instituted the feast of Our Lady of Victory.

The Romanesque Old Cathedral, Salamanca, Spain. "O Rex Gloriae". Sebastián De Vivanco (1551 – 1622).

The Article, on Sebastian de Vivanco, can be found on the Atrium Musicologicum Blog

Illustrations and Captions from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,

unless otherwise stated.

File:Cathedral of Salamanca Romanesque.jpg

"Torre del Gallo" of the Romanesque
Old Cathedral of Salamanca, Spain.
Photo: 15 October 2006.
Source: Flickr.
Author: chicadelatele.
Reviewer: FlickreviewR.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Sebastian de Vivanco's
"O Rex Gloriae".
can be heard on YouTube at

Sebastián de Vivanco (Ávila, 1551 – Salamanca, October 26, 1622) was a Spanish Priest and composer of the Renaissance.

Vivanco was born in Ávila, like Tomás Luis de Victoria; however, the exact date of his birth is unknown. It is hypothesized that he was born a few years after Victoria and that they both knew each other as children and sang together at the chapel of the Cathedral of Ávila. During the time that Vivanco sang in the chorus, the maestri di cappella were Gerónimo de Espinar, Bernardino de Ribera (1559) and Juan Navarro Hispalensis (1563). This last composer had the most profound influence on Vivanco. After 1566, with the change in his voice, Vivanco commenced studies as a Priest, as Victoria had done.

Around 1576, while still a Sub-Deacon, he was named maestro di cappella at the Cathedral of Lérida, but shortly thereafter, on July 4, 1576, he was dismissed from this position. Upon his return to Castille, in February 1577, he was named maestro di cappella at the Cathedral of Segovia, a position of higher prestige and pay than the previous ones. He moved there with his mother and remained there for the following ten years. During this period he became a Deacon and then, in 1581, was ordained as a Priest.

In 1588, he returned to his native city, Ávila, in order to take charge of the Cathedral Chapel. He remained here until 1602, when he took possession of the position of maestro di cappella at the Cathedral of Salamanca. This was his last position and the most important to his musical contributions. His three publications were printed during his time in this city. On February 19, 1603, he became professor of music at the University of Salamanca, and on March 4 of the same year, he received the degree of Master of Arts honoris causa. Vivanco was occupied with his position in the Cathedral of the university until his death, on October 26, 1622.

File:Retablo Catedral Vieja Salamanca.JPG

English: The Apse,
Old Cathedral of Salamanca, Spain.
Espanol: Retablo Catedral Vieja Salamanca.
Photo: 19 August 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: Conde negro.
(Wikimedia Commons)

File:Cat vieja y nueva salamanca.jpg

English: The Old Cathedral of Salamanca, Spain.
Espanol: Torres de las dos catedrales de Salamanca.
En primer plano, la Catedral Vieja..
Photo: 21 March 2007.
Author: rahego.
(Wikimedia Commons)

File:Catedral Vieja. Nave central.jpg

English: The Nave.
Old Cathedral of Salamanca, Spain.
Español: Espectacular muestra del arte protogótico español 
con influencia afrancesada.
Photo: February 2011.
Source: Own work.
Author: José Luis Filpo Cabana.
(Wikimedia Commons)


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