Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Thursday 10 July 2014

The Seven Martyred Brothers And Saint Rufina And Saint Secunda, Virgins And Martyrs. Feast Day 10 July.

which states the Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal
(unless otherwise stated) with the kind permission of St. Bonaventure Press.

The Seven Martyred Brothers
      And Saint Rufina And Saint Secunda,
      Virgins And Martyrs.
Feast Day 10 July.


Red Vestments.

The Seven Brothers (Seven Sons of Saint Felicitas of Rome).
Date: 14th-Century.
Author: Richard de Montbaston et collaborateurs.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Church, celebrating today the triumph of The Seven Sons of Saint Felicitas (Feast Day 23 November), who were Martyred under their mother's eyes, praises this courageous woman (Epistle, who, by exhorting them to die, "was herself victorious in all of them" [Sixth Lesson at Matins: Sermon of Saint Augustine].

She extended her maternity to the Souls of her children by making them accomplish the will of God (Gospel, Communion). They died in 150 A.D., under the Emperor Antoninus.

A Century later, Rufina and Secunda, sisters by birth, became doubly so by mixing their blood at the same execution, rather than lose the Virginity they had Consecrated to Jesus, their Spouse. They were Martyred at Rome, under the Emperors Valerian and Gallienus, in 257 A.D.

Mass: Laudate, pueri.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclpaedia.

Saint Felicitas (also known as Felicity) is said to have been a rich and pious Christian widow, who had seven sons. She devoted herself to charitable work and converted many to the Christian Faith by her example.

This aroused the wrath of pagan priests, who lodged a complaint against her with Emperor Marcus Aurelius. These priests asserted the fire of the gods and demanded sacrifice from Felicitas and her children. The Emperor acquiesced to their demand and Felicitas was brought before Publius, the Prefect of Rome. Taking Felicitas aside, he used various pleas and threats in an unsuccessful attempt to get her to worship the pagan gods. He was equally unsuccessful with her seven sons, who followed their mother's example.

Before the Prefect Publius, they adhered firmly to their religion, and were delivered over to four judges, who condemned them to various modes of death. The division of the Martyrs among four judges corresponds to the four places of their burial. She implored God only that she be not killed before her sons, so that she might be able to encourage them during their torture and death, in order that they would not deny Christ.

According to God's Providence, it so happened. With joy, this wonderful mother accompanied her sons, one by one, until she had witnessed the death of all seven sons. We are not entirely sure as to how each of them died, but it is said that Januarius, the eldest, was scourged to death; Felix and Philip were beaten with clubs until they expired; Silvanus was thrown headlong down a precipice; and the three youngest, Alexander, Vitalis and Martialis were beheaded.

After each execution, she was given the chance to denounce her Faith. She refused to act against her conscience and so she, too, suffered Martyrdom. Certain communities around the United States still celebrate San Marziale (Saint Martialis/Saint Marshall) with a San Marziale Festival, typically held on 10 July or near that date. Celebrations have been held in Philadelphia and Kulpmont, Pennsylvania, United States of America.

She was buried in the Catacomb of Maximus, on the Via Salaria, beside Saint Silvanus. It is said that she died eight times. Once with each of her sons, and finally her own.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

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Pope Benedict XV (Giacomo Paolo Giovanni Battista Della Chiesa). Papacy From 1914-1922. (Part Three.)

Text and Illustrations from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

English: Pope Benedict XV, circa 1915.
Français: Photo de Benoît XV prise vers 1915.
Photo: Circa 1915.
Source: Library of Congress.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Pope Benedict XV's Pontificate was dominated by World War I, which he termed, along with its turbulent aftermath, "the suicide of Europe." Benedict's first Encyclical extended a heartfelt plea for an end to hostilities. His early call for a Christmas Truce, in 1914, was ignored.

The war and its consequences were Benedict's main focus during the early years of his Pontificate. He declared the neutrality of the Holy See and attempted, from that perspective, to mediate peace in 1916 and 1917. Both sides rejected his initiatives.

The national antagonisms between the warring parties were accentuated by religious differences before the war, with France, Italy and Belgium being largely Catholic. Vatican relations with Great Britain were good, while neither Prussia nor Imperial Germany had any official relations with the Vatican. In Protestant circles of Germany, the notion was popular that the Roman Catholic Pope was neutral on paper only, strongly favouring the Allies, instead.

Pope Benedict XV appointed Eugenio Pacelli (future Pope Pius XII) as Papal Nuncio to Bavaria on 23 April 1917, Consecrating him as Titular Bishop of Sardis, and immediately Elevating him to Archbishop in the Sistine Chapel, on 13 May 1917, the very day Our Lady of Fatima is believed to have first appeared to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal.
Available on YouTube at

Pope Benedict XV was said to have prompted Austria–Hungary to go to war in order to weaken the German war machine. Allegedly, however, the Papal Nuncio in Paris explained in a meeting of the Institut Catholique, "to fight against France is to fight against God," and the Pope was said to have exclaimed that he was sorry not to be a Frenchman. The Belgian Cardinal, Désiré-Joseph Mercier, known as a brave patriot during German occupation, but also famous for his anti-German propaganda, was said to have been favoured by Benedict XV for his enmity to the German cause. (After the war, Benedict also allegedly praised the Treaty of Versailles, which humiliated the Germans.)

These allegations were rejected by the Vatican’s Cardinal Secretary of State, Pietro Gasparri, who wrote on 4 March 1916 that the Holy See is completely impartial and does not favour the allied side. This was even more important, so Gasparri noted, after the diplomatic representatives of Germany and Austria–Hungary to the Vatican were expelled from Rome by Italian authorities. However, considering all this, German Protestants rejected any "Papal Peace", stating it as insulting. French politician Georges Clemenceau, a fierce anti-Clerical, claimed to regard the Vatican initiative as anti-French. Benedict made many unsuccessful attempts to negotiate peace, but these pleas for a negotiated peace made him unpopular, even in Catholic countries like Italy, among many supporters of the war who were determined to accept nothing less than total victory.

On 1 August 1917, Benedict issued a Seven Point Peace Plan stating that (1) "the moral force of right . . . be substituted for the material force of arms," (2) there must be "simultaneous and reciprocal diminution of armaments," (3) a mechanism for "international arbitration" must be established," (4) "true liberty and common rights over the sea" should exist, (5) there should be a "renunciation of war indemnities," (6) occupied territories should be evacuated, and (7) there should be "an examination . . . of rival claims."

The Call to Fatima:
Request of Pope Benedict XV to Our Lady.
Available on YouTube at

Great Britain reacted favourably, but United States President, Woodrow Wilson, rejected the Plan. Bulgaria and Austria-Hungary were also favourable, but Germany replied ambiguously. Pope Benedict XV also called for outlawing Conscription, a call he repeated in 1921. Some of the proposals eventually were included in Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points Call For Peace, in January 1918.

In Europe, each side saw him as biased in favour of the other and was unwilling to accept the terms he proposed. Still, although unsuccessful, his diplomatic efforts during the war are attributed to an increase of Papal prestige and served as a model in the 20th-Century to the peace efforts of Pope Pius XII before, and during, World War II, the policies of Pope Paul VI during the Vietnam War, and the position of Pope Saint John Paul II before, and during, the War in Iraq.

Almost from the beginning of the war, November 1914, Pope Benedict negotiated with the warring parties about an exchange of wounded, and other Prisoners of War, who were unable to continue fighting. Tens of thousands of such prisoners were exchanged through the intervention of Pope Benedict XV. On 15 January 1915, the Pope proposed an Exchange of Civilians from the Occupied Zones, which resulted in 20,000 persons being sent to unoccupied Southern France in one month.


Saint Joan of Arc Church,
Mobile, Alabama,
United States of America.

In 1916, the Pope managed to hammer out an agreement between both sides, by which 29,000 prisoners, with lung disease from the gas attacks, could be sent into Switzerland. In May 1918, he also reached agreement that prisoners on both sides, with at least 18 months of captivity and four children at home, would also be sent to neutral Switzerland.

He succeeded, in 1915, in reaching an agreement by which the warring parties promised not to let Prisoners of War (POWs) work on Sundays and holidays. Several individuals on both sides were spared the death penalty after his intervention. Hostages were exchanged and corpses repatriated. The Pope founded the Opera dei Prigionieri to assist in distributing information on prisoners. By the end of the war, some 600,000 items of correspondence were processed. Almost a third of it concerned Missing Persons. Some 40,000 people had asked for help in the repatriation of sick POWs and 50,000 letters were sent from families to their loved ones who were POWs.

Both during and after the war, Benedict was primarily concerned about the fate of the children, about which he even issued an Encyclical. In 1916, he appealed to the people and Clergy of the United States to help him feed the starving children in German-occupied Belgium. His aid to children was not limited to Belgium, but extended to children in Lithuania, Poland, Lebanon, Montenegro, Syria and Russia. Pope Benedict was particularly appalled at the new military invention of aerial warfare and protested several times against it, to no avail.

Photo of Joan of Arc's Beatification Ceremony
Saint Peter's Basilica,
The Vatican, 1909.

In May 1915 and June 1915, the Ottoman Empire waged a campaign against the Armenian Christian minorities, which, by some contemporary accounts, looked like genocide, or even a holocaust, in Anatolia. The Vatican attempted to get Germany and Austria–Hungary involved in protesting to its Turkish ally. The Pope sent a personal letter to the Sultan, who was also Caliph of Islam. It had no success, “as over a million Armenians died, either killed outright by the Turks, or as a result of maltreatment or from starvation."

At the time, however, the anti-Vatican resentment, combined with Italian diplomatic moves to isolate the Vatican, in light of the unresolved Roman Question, contributed to the exclusion of the Vatican from the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 (although it was also part of a historical pattern of political and diplomatic marginalisation of the Papacy, after the loss of the Papal States). Despite this, he wrote an Encyclical pleading for international reconciliation, Pacem, Dei Munus Pulcherrimum. There is a statue, in Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome, of the Pontiff absorbed in Prayer, kneeling on a tomb which commemorates a fallen soldier of the war, which he described as a "useless massacre."

After the war, Benedict focused the Vatican's activities on overcoming famine and misery in Europe and establishing contacts and relations with the many new States, which were created because of the demise of Imperial Russia, Austria–Hungary and Germany. Large food shipments and information about, as well as contacts with, Prisoners of War were to be the first steps for a better understanding of the Papacy in Europe.

Archbishop della Chiesa
on a Pastoral visit in 1910.
Date: 7 September 2008 (original upload date).
Source: Transferred from en.wikipedia.
(Original text : Pro Familia).
Author: Pro Familia Milano. Original uploader
(Wikimedia Commons)

Regarding the Versailles Peace Conference, the Vatican believed that the economic conditions imposed on Germany were too harsh and threatened the European economic stability, as a whole. Cardinal Gasparri believed that the peace conditions and the humiliation of the Germans would likely result in another war, as soon as Germany would be militarily in a position to start one.


Tuesday 8 July 2014

Saint Elizabeth. Queen Of Portugal. Widow. (1271 - 1336). Feast Day 8 July.

which states the Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal
(unless otherwise stated) with the kind permission of St. Bonaventure Press.

Saint Elizabeth.
Queen of Portugal.
Feast Day 8 July.


White Vestments.

Saint Elizabeth of Portugal
(Santa Isabel de Portugal),
Circa 1635.
Current location: Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain.
Author: Francisco de Zurbarán (1598–1664).
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Church exhorts us, today, to praise God for the Holy Works of Blessed Elizabeth [Invitatory of Matins]. A daughter of Peter II, King of Aragon, she inherited the name and virtues of her Great-Aunt, Saint Elizabeth of Hungary.

Her father, seeing her Holiness, used to say that she would surpass all other women of Royal race (Epistle, Communion). She married Denis I, King of Portugal.

She had received the prerogative of re-establishing peace, where there had been divisions, and of mitigating the fury of war (Collect). When she became a widow, she Took the Habit of the Third Order of Saint Francis, distributed her riches and acquired, at this price, the precious pearl and the hidden treasure of Life Everlasting (Gospel).

She died at Estremos, Portugal, in 1336, and her body has remained incorrupt.

Mass: Cognovi.

Photo: 10 February 2014.
Source: Own work.
Author: Jbribeiro1.
Attribution: © José Luiz Bernardes Ribeiro / CC-BY-SA-3.0.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Elizabeth of Aragon, more commonly known as Elizabeth of Portugal, (Third Order of Saint Francis, T.O.S.F.) (1271 – 1336); "Elisabet" in Catalan, "Isabel" in Aragonese, Portuguese and Spanish), was Queen Consort of Portugal, a Tertiary of the Franciscan Order and is Venerated as a Saint of the Roman Catholic Church.

Elizabeth showed an early enthusiasm for her Faith. She said the full Divine Office, daily, Fasted, and did other Penance, as well as attended twice-daily Choral Masses. Religious fervour was common in her family, as she could count several members of her family who were already Venerated as Saints. The most notable example is her Great-Aunt, Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, (Third Order of Saint Francis, T.O.S.F.), after whom she was named.

Grace After Meals. Benedictiones Mensae. Post Prandium.


Minnesota State photograph,
Date: 1918.
Source: Photograph by Eric Enstrom,
published in the United States in 1918
(and therefore public domain).
Author: Eric Enstrom.
(Wikimedia Commons)



Agimus tibi gratias, omnipotens Deus,
pro universis beneficiis tuis:
Qui vivis et regnas in secula seculorum.


We give Thee thanks, Almighty God,
for all Thy benefits, Who livest and reignest,
World without end.


English: Grace before the Meal,
Deutsch: Das Tischgebet.
Berlin, Germany.
Author: Fritz von Uhde (1848–1911).
(Wikimedia Commons)

Monday 7 July 2014

Saint Cyril And Saint Methodius. Bishops And Confessors. Feast Day 7 July.

which states that Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
1952 Edition, with the kind permission of St. Bonaventure Press.

Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius.
Bishops and Confessors.
Feast Day 7 July.


White Vestments.

Deutsch: Die beiden Hl. Kyrill und Method.
English: Saints Cyril and Methodius.
Artist: Zahari Zograf (1810–1853)
Date: 1848.
Current location: Deutsch: Kloster Trojan; English: Troyan Monastery, Bulgaria.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Still filled with a Holy Love for her Apostles, whose Octave she has concluded, the Church celebrates today the Feast of Saint Cyril and of Saint Methodius, "who both promised, under oath, to persevere in the Faith of Blessed Peter and of the Roman Pontiffs," [Fifth Lesson at Matins] and brought innumerable recruits, to Peter, from among the Bulgarians, Moravians and Bohemians [Hymn at First Vespers].

Brothers by blood,, they were born, in the 9th-Century, at Salonica, Greece, and distinguished themselves by their progress in the sciences at Constantinople.

Anointed Bishops, by Pope Adrian II (Introit, Epistle, Alleluia), they converted the Slavonic nations (Collect). To them is attributed the Slav alphabet; into which tongue they translated the Scriptures and celebrated the Sacred Rites.

Saint Cyril died in 869 A.D., and was buried at Rome, near the Relics of Saint Clement, which he had brought from Chersonesus, Crimea.

Saint Methodius died in 885 A.D.

Mass: Sacerdotes tui.

English: The Basilica of Assumption of Mary and Saint Cyrillus and Saint Methodius
in Velehrad, Czech Republic.
Date: 20 December 2005.
Source: Originally from cs.wikipedia; description page is/was here.
Author: Original uploader was Cibtom at cs.wikipedia
(Wikimedia Commons)

Grace Before Meals. Benedictiones Mensae. Ante Prandium.

Minnesota State photograph,
Date: 1918.
Source: Photograph by Eric Enstrom,
published in the United States in 1918
(and therefore public domain).
Author: Eric Enstrom.
(Wikimedia Commons)



Benedic, Domine, nos et haec tua dona,
quae de tua largitate summus sumpturi.
Per Christum Dominum nostrum.

Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts,
which we are about to receive through Thy bounty.
Through Christ Our Lord.

English: Grace before the Meal,
Deutsch: Das Tischgebet.
Berlin, Germany.
Author: Fritz von Uhde (1848–1911).
(Wikimedia Commons)

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